Open World Online (O.w.O)

V1 Chapter 45: Gathering Information

  • 1st Person POV (MC)

-Present Time-

After logging out to take a nice refreshing shower an idea courses through my mind regarding tackling this unique Quest!

I can feel my eyebrows wiggle in mischief entertaining my idea.

-Entering O.w.O-

Here is the plan!

I learned a {Spell} [Detect Thoughts] and based on the description I remembered it allows me to read surface thoughts of a target. I can make it stronger by ‘Probing’ deeper into the target, I don’t know how that works. After all, it is very vague and niche {Spell} that no players would even want to put it in their Memory. But! I think it will help in this scenario.

I don’t think it will work on players but it will work against NPCs. Which is good enough already... Although, I don’t know the effects it has due to my forced upcasting. Nevertheless, it doesn’t hurt to try.

Walking into Frontera, I glance at one male NPC who’s looking a bit bewildered in front of a stall selling cheap jewellery made from seashells.

To keep myself hidden, I need to utilize my ability to cast {Spell} silently. Sitting in silence, I simply side-eyed the guy and internally declared the {Spell} in my mind.

(“[Detect Thoughts]”)

The cast bar filled up in a fraction of a second and the magic took effect. I noticed that this {Spell} has a short cooldown which I am glad it did. As it means I can inspect multiple people in quick succession by spamming it.

Hm? I’m hearing a conversation inside my head and I connected that it is his surface thoughts.

“This one or That one?.” -Male NPC-

I see... He is undecided on which accessories. Now, I am wondering about ‘Probing’ deeper means, knowing that I internally apologized for using him as a test subject.

My eyes narrowed to that person and I could hear his words in my head even clearer including the image of the person he was intending to gift the seashell accessories.

“Hmmmm... It’s our anniversary soon, I wanted to give her the most beautiful one but she looks pretty in all of these!” -Male NPC-

Awwwhhh... How romantic of him. Oh, shoot! I need to keep my face as neutral as possible.

(“I see, so that is what they meant by ‘Probing’ deeper. I need to ‘Mean’ it that I want to read their mind same sort of usage when I silently cast {Spell}.”)

How advanced is the brain scan?? I never heard of this technology before, it could mean a revolutionary product, especially in health care!

Shaking my head, I hold my rein on those thoughts. After all, it is just a game and they can just process the NPCs data. It would mean something else if I can use this {Spell} against a player.

Practising it on several townspeople around Frontera, I am ready to put this {Spell} into real work!

I’m going all out! I purchased a uniform that looks Priestly to me as I wore them.

Oooohhh!!! Look at me. Conjuring a mirror, I stare at the reflection of myself. A bit amazed that my disguise is turning out well.

“Here goes nothing!”

I made a fist and clapped my cheeks together as I moved towards the vicinity of the church.

-The Church-

“Good Morning Brother, have you heard?”

“Heard of what exactly?” -Priest NPC-

“I have heard of a foul smell coming from the sewers and the rumours from the townspeople.”

“Ouh?” -Priest NPC-

He had a look of curiosity as I gave a glance at my surroundings. Myriad of players and NPCs, I excluded the players in my screening to check the NPCs' expressions.

“Some say there is a corpse rotting in the sewer to make that smell! How ominous...”

I made a surprised gasp to give flavouring to my acting skill as the priest scrunched his face.

“Ominous news indeed... I do hope it is merely a rumour.” -Priest NPC-

(“[Detect Thoughts]”)

I spammed that {Spell} then cancelled it. Repeating it over and over again. Quickly discerning which one is a clue and red herring. Until I landed my gaze towards a single white-robed NPC praying to one of the six statues.

His thoughts are basically ‘Has an Undead trudged off?’ at that moment, I knew I hit a jackpot as I stared at him with more intent attempting to ‘Probe’ deeper.

(“No, impossible! Many concealing magic have been put up there is no way a leakage will happen. Should I report this to Sir Damian?”) -Priest NPC-

An image of a figure wearing a black tuxedo and a top hat with pure white gloves. His face is covered by a mask as he inspects a corpse etched into my mind due to the ‘Probing’ deeper.

Ohohohoho!??? A next clue, it is exciting indeed. It’s like I’m playing detectives!

Without shame, I approached the praying NPC acting like I was praying beside him before striking up a conversation.

“Hi there brother, I’m looking for Sir Damian. Do you know where he is?”

I stare at this priest with even deeper intent to read all of his knowledge about Sir Damian. At first, he flinched upon me saying that name and he said it with a practised manner as if coming out from a script.

“Ah, you’re looking for the undertaker yes? Deep condolences to your dearly departed loved ones. I believe he must be in the mortuary if he has free time. He is a busy man.” -Suspicious NPC-

(“He probably still in the Cave up north from here with the disciples. I must cover him up!”) -Suspicious NPC-

I can see a cave hidden in Snow clearly in my mind. As I internally grin with the job well done.

Well well well well, what do we have here? His thoughts are contradictory as I play along.

Creating a scenario where I have a dearly departed friend who fought valiantly from a monster attack in a Hamlet. Since I am quite close to him and his family, I take it upon myself to arrange a proper burial. After learning that Sir Damian was the funeral rites man and its undertaker of course I immediately concocted that story out of the blue. Come on! I even faked my grief and sorrows dramatically.

“I see, I shall ask Sir Damian if he’s available. Might I avail you for future reference? Sir...? Pardon me for my rudeness, I haven’t even asked your name.”

“I am Brother John.” -Suspicious NPC-

He spoke with a welcoming smile and practised many times to be smooth.

(“Grei”) -Suspicious NPC-

I see only a glimpse of a moment, where he was but a child staring at two gravestones amidst the rain before my vision returns and I quickly compose myself...

Other contradictory thoughts and words! As I gratefully bowed before leaving the church’s vicinities.

Going to a nearby alley, I changed my gear to the usual dark mage-y attire and held the staff in my hands.

-Frontera’s North Gate-

“Now, time to explore! If he said and through the {Spell} a cave north of here does that mean the Area Snow Field?”

I shrugged my shoulders after talking to myself as I journeyed forth.

-Snow Field-

I already worn my winter coat and the white coating of snow greeted my eyes as I have arrived at the Area.

Hmmm... Using [Invisibility] and [Incorporeal] {Spell}, I avoided those Snow Yetis while looking around for the cave.

Until I found a lonely cave hidden behind glacial spikes, sheets of snow, and trees. After approaching it a panel simply popped up in front of me.


Enter Necromancer’s Den (Solo)

Yes / No


Without further ado, I pressed ‘Yes’ and my whole view instantly changed.

From the white snow-covered trees, icicle spikes, and even the cold temperatures. Now, it is damp and somewhat warm. Behind me, I can hear drops of water from melting icicles. After realizing sconces being attached to the cavern walls illuminate my vision.

I ‘Wowed’ internally as I do not want to alert anyone as technically I’m infiltrating at the moment.

Maintaining [Invisibility], [Incorporeal], and another new addition of [Muffle]. All modified by Extend Meta Magic, I started to explore the nooks and crannies of this cave. Until I find a somewhat safe spot to perch since I’m thinking of ‘Observing’ in different ways.

Confirming that this is adequately isolated, I raise my staff above and intently declare in my mind.

(“[Extend: Mirage Field]”)

A cast bar begins to be filled up while waiting for it. I did a double check on this spot, I am in.

This is one of the branching tunnels of the cave leading to a dead end, I do not see any signs of this area being used which is why it is the perfect spot.

Once the cast bar fills up, I can sort of see a shift in the air and blurry vision for a split second before it returns to normal. Gaining the buff [Greater Invisibility], I sat on the ground and began casting something else in my mind.

(“[Extend: Arcane Eye]”)

Like a snap of a finger, a translucent eyeball made from crystals appeared out of nowhere and accompanied by its emergence is a panel that shows me what it is seeing.

Utilising what I know of this {Spell} like in Fields of Sorrow. I simply controlled it away from me so it could start exploring this cave.

Making myself comfortable near the walls, I manoeuvre Arcane Eye as I get the gist of this cave.

It’s fairly a simple one at least the ones I can see. From the entrance, there is a single branch from the main path and that’s where I am. Continuing forward, there will be two branches containing boxes filled with preserved foods and near the wall’s edges where frost still lingers to keep it cold.

(“I guess that’s their supply hmm...”)

Commanding Arcane Eye, it moves forward as I notice the main path is descending into a spiral and it is in the form of a staircase now with sconces to light up the way.

After several minutes, I finally see something different than a spiralling staircase. As I arrived at a chamber.

It reminds me of a church’s altar, a place of worship including those long benches used for worshippers to sit and listen to the preacher.

Hmmm... I find it strange to believe, that Necromancers are mages so in my logic they aren’t supposed to be a believer or person of faith.

Nevertheless, Arcane Eye is at the side walls trying to make itself not seen even though it has [Invisibility].

I caught something in the corner of Arcane Eye’s vision. A group of black-robed figures walk from one of the many hallways to the benches as they sit.

One figure is adorned with more lavish decoration in their robe carrying some sort of object resting on a pillow.

Judging by the reaction of others, I think that object holds some kind of power and reverence. Commanding Arcane Eye to take a closer look, I engraved the object into my memory.

In fact! I can simply just screenshot it.

By making a gesture of my fingers mimicking that of a camera. The system recognizes it as a ‘Screenshot’ it’s one of the quick action type of thing rather than manually needed to navigate the entire system.

Once that is done, Arcane Eye witnessed the group of robed figures doing some kind of praying to that object or in this case their ‘Holy’ symbol. Albeit in a closer look, that symbol doesn’t look very ‘Holy’ to me.

It depicts a skull with a myriad of skeletal hands embracing it. Even from looking at it, I felt an ominous aura.

How creepy...

It seems I’m going to witness a ceremony too!

Myriad of undead; from zombies, skeletons, ghosts, etc began walking or floating to the object as if in trance and corresponding to it. They began to be absorbed into the thing.

Witnessing that phenomenon, the believers raised their hands in prayer to the symbol and began to worship it fervently. The ominous object slowly glows in eerie greenish black light condensing into one large sphere with it as its centre.

Soon after it expanded like a portal and beyond it, the silhouette of a shaded figure that looked like a humanoid emerged. Then before I could look at it closer, its eyes glowed in striking green as my Arcane Eye simply vanished including my panel.


“Wait a minute... the duration was still active so it ended abruptly? Did... did ‘It’ destroy the eye?”

The gears in my mind turned as I concluded that whatever ‘That’ probably knew Arcane Eye’s location and managed to break it apart from that distance. My spying has been blown!

Immediately, I came out from the cave and pressed the button ‘Yes’ when the prompt asked me ‘Leave Necromancer’s Den?’

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