Open World Online (O.w.O)

V1 Chapter 51: Necromancer’s Den 5

  • 1st Person POV (MC)

-Present Time-

Scooting over, I gave a wide berth from Siegfried as I did not want to be targeted by AoE {Spell} and its splash damage would hit Siegfried as well.

The Undying! I present thee sacrifices!!!!!!” -Elder Lich-

The staff it held floated in mid-air while the Elder Lich opened their arms wide. I cannot see what {Spell} it is casting so I can only assume it is not a {Spell}.



As soon as it claps it’s hands. The sound of rumbling thunder echoes then all of the sinkholes nearby me and Siegfried emit a dark greenish aura.

In instinct, I back-pedalled similarly to Siegfried too as well towards a sinkhole that has no dark greenish aura.


I feel strong pressure and sharp cold on my left leg as I quickly look down to see what it is.

A corpse’s hand managed to grip my leg.


It’s too quick for me to react as my vision darkened and a single sentence painted in red said...


You Have Died


(“Eh? But uh... I just failed the quest then?”)

Before I got that answer though, the darkened vision brightens into a lavish interior of a mansion and in front of me is the familiar grand staircase.

“Oh! I respawned...”


I heard a tell-tale sound of sci-fi lasers and blue cubes constructing a humanoid figure and then revealing Siegfried.

“Fuck!” -Siegfried-

He cusses and then quickly notices I am beside him.

“That was quick...” -Siegfried-

I chuckled entertained by what happened. It was indeed super quick.

“Shall we discuss?”

I sat as Siegfried started to cook some food. Although I cannot ‘see’ his cooking tools, his movement indicates he’s making something.

“I have a hunch that those sinkholes with dark green aura are the actual safe spots.” -Siegfried-

“Agreed, but I doubt it is ‘simply’ safe. I guess it inflicts DoT if we stay too long. Hey, it is better than instant death. I’ll deploy a {Spell} that can help.”

While talking, I re-summoned my [Star Fragment] and used them simultaneously for casting myriads of buffing {Spell}. Then I tried something else just for the sake of discovering if one of my {Skill} can work to those [Star Fragment].

“<Mana Siphon>”

I target all of my [Star Fragment], once I utter the voice command to activate that {Skill} cyan tendrils connected from those crystals to me and those crystals regain their lustre indicating their MP back to full.

However, it made me feel a bit sleepy after fully restoring all of them as I sat on the stairs.

“Food’s done!” -Siegfried-

He presented a platter of grilled fish with herbs skewered on a stick. Grabbing it and taking a bite, I could taste how delicious it was and a buff icon appeared below my HP {Status}.

It seems based on Siegfried's explanation cuisines from white meat provide bonuses to INT and WIS including MP & HP Regen. Red meat provides bonuses to AGI, STR, DEX, and CON including SP & HP Regen.

While eating, we discuss plans.

For the first time though, I told Siegfried my {Spell} arsenal and {Class Skill}. In turn, Siegfried told me his morphing abilities and {Class Skill}. We agreed to keep our {Racial Trait} detailed explanation to ourselves instead of just giving a nutshell information regarding it.

Just so we get a gist on each other capabilities besides purely observing and deducing...

After all, teammates should know each other better. Help improve teamwork!

“... I don’t want you to be my enemy...” -Siegfried-

“Hm? What did you say?”

I tilt my head, I heard some kind of muttering from him...

“Nothing.” -Siegfried-

Shrugging my shoulders, we continued our conversation regarding the boss battle to make it more efficient.

I agree with Siegfried's ideas and I think I can support it using some {Spell} as I told him.


“Okay! Ready?” -Siegfried-


We stood at the bottom of the grand staircase and chugged down several statuses, elemental resistance, and damage potions.

Arriving at the massive double door, I noticed it was slightly ajar but a wall of white mist covered what was behind making us unable to see further.

It’s clear to me where they got the inspiration from as I nod to Siegfried and he returns the gesture.

Stepping in, a slight breeze hit my skin and face similar feeling when I use [Teleportation].

-Teleported to Boss Arena-

The very same sight of the Boss’ battleground greeted me. With Elder Lich currently hovering above holding its staff and shrouded by malevolent darkness.

Signifying we resumed in Phase 2.

(“Just like the Plan!”)

Siegfried was already in front of me and lowered himself allowing me to climb into his back easily.

“[Double: Lighten]”

Targeting both me and Siegfried we are enshrouded by starlight glimmer as he leaped. Avoiding the newly made sinkholes with ease, his form is already in Speed Morph but he maintains his upper body in Strength Morph.

The tattoo he has at the moment is also the ‘Wolf’ helping him in terms of speed.

-After some time-

No more new sinkholes were made as the shroud covering Elder Lich faded signifying the end of that mechanic.

Stopping on one spot, Siegfried lowered for a bit letting me down gently as I prepared by spawning [Star Fragment] and commanding them to hover above.

Soon after, multiple sinkholes emit a dark greenish aura while a singular hole doesn’t. Knowing that this was the ‘unsafe’ spot from our previous mishaps, we decided to stay within the vicinity of those dark greenish sinkholes.

As we expected, slowly but surely our HP began to drop and to counteract it. I slammed my staff on the ground and then began casting a {Spell}.

“[Widen: Sanctuary]”

The cast bar appeared with its tell-tale noise and began filling up.

If I remember correctly, this {Spell} is an advanced version of [Chant of Rejuvenation]. Instead of constantly draining MP it will create a lingering AoE that restores HP over time.

Due to my current celestial stance, the visual effects have slightly altered. From the warm green into silvery starlight coalescing around me.

Once the cast bar fills up, the whole surrounding area is covered by wisps of starlight restoring our HP fighting against the constant DoT from those sinkholes.

In the meantime...

Siegfried kept taunting the boss using his {Skill} earning its aggro and being rained down by magic. He expertly dodge some of them but as with the case of magic attack. There are {Spell} that have guaranteed hit, I made sure to heal Siegfried each time the boss used it.



My [Star Fragment] completed their own {Spell} and with it, several platforms made from solidified air like aerogel floating above created a way for Siegfried to attack the hovering boss. I added Triple Meta magic after all since more platform means more area for Siegfried to work with.

Sharing my MP through <Mana Siphon>, I cast [Fly] {Spell} on me to gain speed just so I can catch up to Siegfried’s speed.

Yet the buff comes only for a fraction of a second before vanishing. Even I know the duration of [Fly] is not that short...  The only explanation would be the {Spell} has been dispelled.

(“I see... no flying, hovering, or levitating magic is allowed in this battleground.”)

To give the boss that advantage I suppose...

No matter what Siegfried uses the platform to reach the boss. He already turned his body into a hulking stature including with the help of the bear tattoo on his back.

As long as my [Star Fragment] has MP, those platforms will stay. To keep that, I ordered those fragments to hover up high in the air and maintain <Mana Siphon> to them.

A flash of realization just passed through my mind as I remembered the last sentence of my [Star Fragment] {Trait}

(“If that is true, that means...”)

Maybe I can protect [Star Fragment] easily rather than commanding them to hover above reach.

“Let’s see if it worked.”

In my mind, I intently speak with clear thoughts.

(“All Fragments, [Star Shield]”)

Upon ordering that command Star Fragments A, B, and C suddenly engulfed by a sheen of prismatic colours akin to when I used it.

(“I see, they did say my [Star Fragment] can utilize my {Trait}...”)

(“That means... I can use [Star Burst] without accosting my MP and [Create (Small)] stuff not restricted by day!”)

Is this an oversight from the devs? Because this is incredibly OP.

Shaking my head, I focus on the battlefield at the moment. With the [Star Fragment] safely protected, I can shift my focus on DPSing the boss alongside Siegfried.

“[Triple: Holy Light]”

Three beams of golden radiance burst forth and hit different parts of the Elder Lich eliciting a groan of pain.

Siegfried followed up by transforming both of his hands into pointed and slender shapes like a lance. Glowing in golden light due to the enchantment I gave him, he attacks with such accuracy amidst the chaos that always hits the same place.

Judging by the sounds he made from hitting those spots, I think those are critical hits. He did say the piercing morph has a higher critical chance.

Accept Suffering!” -Elder Lich-

It touches Siegfried’s body as he grunts in pain. From the party list, I can see his HP have dropped significantly simply from that touch.

“[Maximize: Highness Heal]!!”

Surrounded by glimmering starlight, Siegfried recovered all of his HP. That touch is not a {Spell}, my eyes glanced at the boss’ {Status} and HP bar.

Added below there is a new addition named <Death Touch> which I assumed was what the boss did.

Nevertheless, Siegfried continued his assault while I was supporting him by giving small DPS and whenever the boss managed to injure him using {Spell} or its special {Skill} I would heal him up.

We managed to chip away it’s HP to a quarter before-


The boss’ dark aura returns and with it an explosion of incredible force knocks back Siegfried to one of the sinkholes.

“[Triple: Platform]”

Three platforms appeared cushioning Siegfried’s fall and also preventing him from falling to his death.

“Haaah... Thanks, that was close.” -Siegfried-

Without a moment wasted, Siegfried recovered by performing an amazing acrobatic feat and quickly leapt to my side. The usual formation with Siegfried in front while I am at the back anticipating what the boss is going to do...

Oh.... My God, answer my call! Bestow me... your miracle.” -Elder Lich-

Raising its staff above for us to see. It shone in sickly eerie green and a large pulse similar to when I use [Detect Life] waved engulfing the battleground.

My [Sanctuary] promptly cancelled as the field of wisps of starlight vanished. Including the platforms...

I did not let my eyes leave the boss as another buff was added to its {Status}.

“Aaaahhh... The Undying. Thank you.” -Elder Lich-

The auras covering those sinkholes faded instead...


It’s a scratching noise coming from the sinkholes and Siegfried declared with confidence.

“Adds Phase, Figures...” -Siegfried-

Something clicked in my mind as I have played other MMORPG games prior. Of course, there would be an add phase within a dungeon like this!

Crawling from those sinkholes are numerous ghouls in differing forms. Aside from the usual Flame Skull mini-boss summoned, these have fleshy wings growing from their back. Some have reddish skin and bulging veins that beat with sickening squelching sounds.

Since they were freshly spawned and a new enemy. Me and Siegfried haven’t figured out their {Status}. I do not want to take any chances though...

“Siegfried, can you keep them occupied? I am going to cast a powerful {Spell}.”

I made sure to say it slowly to let it sink on as Siegfried gave me a firm nod in return.

“<Mana Siphon>”

The wisps that connected me and Star Fragments fade. In my head, I commanded all of them to cast [Triple: Magic Boost] targeting me.

My body is engulfed by the intense array of starlight as I see the buff appear below my HP bar with the number 9 to boot. Those crystals shatter after using all of their MP and vanish.

“<Vancian> [Star Shield] [Triple: Magic Boost]”

Protected by the ol’ reliable prismatic coat. I added more as the stack of the buff rises to 12 and with that ready, I can begin!


Stabbing my staff to the ground and raising my hands above as a massive flex.

“[Widen: Magnus Exorcismus]!!”

I can feel warmth radiating from me and granules of golden light began to emerge from the ground coalescing around me in a spiral.

I saw this in a MeTube video called ‘Solo Bishop Farming’ so I am pretty sure it will work as intended.

The ghouls seemed to notice what was going on as their heads turned uncannily towards me. I knew casting this {Spell} would generate a lot of aggro but I didn’t expect all of them would immediately react like this.

“Ha... Ha... This is gonna be a wild ride.” -Siegfried-

He gave a wild grin after punching his hands together resulting in his forearms expanding into bulkier stature. The tattoo of a bear glowed intensely and soon after an apparition of that bear emerged from his back and stood beside him.


Siegfried roared, his voice bellowing in this battleground harmoniously with the roar of his apparition bear.

All of the ghouls who currently madly dashing at me abruptly stopped and twisted their necks to such a degree that it looked like it was painful straight towards Siegfried.

(“An AoE taunt. How fascinating!”)

[Magnus Exorcismus] cast bar still filling up slowly in the meantime, I continuously produced Star Fragments and used up their MP to cast [Triple: Magic Boost]. From 12 stacks to 21 to 30 to 39 and so forth.

I am pretty sure it will be a massive overkill but I need to be sure to clean it all in one go as I continue to keep producing [Star Fragment].

Siegfried and his spirit bear companion endure the ghoul's constant attack including their paralysing venom.

“A little bit more Sieg!”

The golden granules surrounding me glow brighter and the swirls intensified. Amidst the sound of my [Star Fragment] breaking and simultaneously created to fuel [Magic Boost].

“Got it!!!” -Siegfried-

He bobbed and weaved, side-step, a quick jab to follow up any gaps when the ghouls attacked, all in unison with his spirit bear. Dispatching some ghouls on their own, nevertheless though this many ghouls they are bound to hit Siegfried.

Leaving one Star Fragment behind, I used it to cast recovery {Spell} for Siegfried while the other two are being... For a lack of better word ‘Sacrificed’.

Ah... It seems I hit the limit. The buff icon indicating [Magic Boost] stacks have reached 99 and subsequent ‘Sacrifice’ of Star Fragments did not raise it further as I dedicate the rest to cast recovery {Spell} at Siegfried.

It is as if there are 3 Pocket Priest Players assisting him at this point. I am sure Siegfried will be alright as my cast bar is coming to an end.

“Sieg! Fall back!!!!!”

Upon hearing my shout, Siegfried stepped with enough force to leap a few metres away corresponding to the moment he landed beside me. His bear apparition simply vanished and returned as a glowing tattoo on his back.

Golden granules that were surrounding me seeped into the ground and intensely glowed. Exactly when the cast bar is full.


“Did you hear that?” -Siegfried-

I can hear it as I replied with a reassuring nod.

Firstly, it is the sound of church bells and then the beginning of a soft choir as if the angels had designed themselves singers. The whole battleground is then engulfed in swirling rivers of glimmering golden lights accompanied by their singing like an Aurora.

In a snap of a finger when that choir begins, almost all of the ghouls simply... vanish. Their mere existence has been disintegrated into a pile of dust coated in gold.

But I noticed something else as the ones that bear resemblance to what Flame Skull summoned and winged ghouls have turned into ashes. Except...

(“I see [Magnus Exorcismus] will destroy lesser undead...”)

My eyes glanced at the red ghouls.

They persist but...


Not for long, their skin sizzles and bubbles. Before they crumpled to the ground and disintegrated into dust just like the rest.

(“It's either [Magnus Exorcismus] inflict [Turn Undead] or it deals light magic damage over time. Due to my max stacks of [Magic Boost], the light DoT looks like [Turn Undead] at how quick it is to kill them all.”)

Not just that... the newly spawned ghouls crawled out of those sinkholes and instantly perished as well.

“Oooohhh... Spawn Kill. Nice!” -Siegfried-

He raised a thumbs as I replied in turn. Before deciding to turn off my toggle able {Trait} and {Skill}.

“<Vancian> [Star Shield].”


After a minute or two has passed with the constant spawning of ghouls that were quickly killed by [Magnus Exorcismus].

I didn’t hear any constant scratching from them crawling as the dark shroud covering Elder Lich faded.

Reacting to it, I immediately cast some {spells}.

“Aghhhhh!!!!” -Elder Lich-

It was hunched as its staff simply floated without a purpose. Judging from the icon that suddenly appeared below its HP. I think the Elder Lich got [Stunned]...

I smirked since...


I timed it correctly!

Just as that shroud vanished, multiple aerogel platforms appeared cast by my [Star Fragment] and myself.

I already planned this from the start if Elder Lich still hovering after the end of the ads phase. But causing The Boss to be [Stunned] I wonder what we did that made it like that?

Nevertheless... it’s time to burst it down for good!

Siegfried who quickly noticed the appearing platforms, immediately dashed into a blur. Even in my eyes, I can only see his blurry image leaping from platform to platform.

He continues to put an intense assault towards the Elder Lich. While I at the backline use my [Star Fragment] as a pocket mage and simultaneously cast offensive {Spell} to Elder Lich.

The way I dished out [Holy Light] in a barrage looks like I’m becoming a machine gun. It's hilarious, hey~ as long as it works.

After a while, I saw its HP chipped bit by bit. I want to end this fast I shouted to him.


“On it!” -Siegfried-

It seems he already knows what’s next. Good... Good...

Rising my left hand to the stunned Elder Lich, I cast a {Spell}.

“[Widen: Lex Aeterna]”

Another {Spell} that I ‘Learned’ from Bishop Class players. I think these fancy names {Spell} are exclusive for them to use.

The cast time on this one is incredibly quick akin to [Elemental Bolt] with a downside of a long cool-down period.

Siegfried looked up noticing a glimmering ethereal-looking scale appeared on the top as it tipped over the balance. While moving forward to close the gap.

Once it tips over and makes a distinct noise. Several sets of ephemeral swords appeared and subsequently pierced Elder Lich resulting in a de-buff icon appearing below its HP bar.

“[Widen: Weaken]”

Another noise that resembles breaking glass echoes as another de-buff icon appears below The Boss’ HP bar.

With that done, he understood what to do next. Raising his right hand above in mid-air, he muttered something.

That right hand suddenly bulges with huge muscles completely disproportional to his body. Before turning into a massive lance made from flesh and bone.

(“I see... He combined [Morph: Strength] and [Morph: Pierce]. Resulting in that...”)

Morphing his legs, he used one of the platforms as a boost and aimed straight towards the Elder Lich.

“Hng!” -Siegfried-

With a big heave of a grunt, he launches himself and the attack connects.

Without much to say, Siegfried had made a doughnut of that Elder Lich.

Side-eyeing the HP bar of Elder Lich, I can see its HP have been depleted.

“No... NOOOO!!! I shall... return...” -Elder Lich-

Engulfed by golden glimmers from Siegfried's holy enchanted limbs. The Elder Lich perished with a mortal wail...

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