Open World Online (O.w.O)

V1 Chapter 52: Aftermath

  • 1st Person POV (MC)

-Present Time-

“Is it gone?”

With uncertainty, I asked Siegfried while focusing my ears to hear the background boss music.


Then the swirling intense winds that surrounded this place dispersed including heavy clouds above allowing sunlight to pierce through.


Right at that, a panel appeared before me and presumably, Siegfried as he stared at something in mid-air.


Congratulations!! You have completed the [Unique Quest: Dark Tidings 2]

Report to the Headmaster of Life and Death Tower for rewards


With the boss BGM gone and this view, I take a screenshot by making a ‘Camera’ gesture to capture this view.

It is a breathtaking view, acres of green forest coupled with blue ones that surrounded The City of Magic, Astera. Here, I can also see the humongous green trees of Lainore Forest in the corner.

Seeing what I did, Siegfried also followed along by taking a screenshot much further back. I hoped I didn’t get in his ‘Camera’ Just to be safe I scooted over to the left.

“Alright! Done~ Shall we return?”

He nods, waving his right hand in mid-air. It seems his body has morphed back to the usual lanky build.

-Returning to Astera-

Arriving at the city gates, I see how much damage has been done to the place.

Those clean roads are now covered with rubbles, marks of magic, undead corpses, and many more.

Civilian NPCs thankfully hiding in their respective homes that were untouched. Meanwhile, Guard NPCs still patrol the area.

Players sat on the floor resting their legs recuperating their lost SP, HP, and MP. It must be a big ordeal...

“It looks like Astera wasn’t destroyed.” -Siegfried-

He commented as we walked side by side towards the direction of Mages Tower.

“I am glad, it’s a good outcome. I cannot imagine if Astera was destroyed!”

Where would I go for my advancement quest? This place is incredibly important to be destroyed just like that...


We arrived at the gates and the stationed Guard NPCs allowed us through rather easily. One stared at me catching my attention before saying.

“Headmaster of Life and Death Tower is looking for you.” -Guard NPC-

“I understand, thank you.”

Without further ado, we marched onwards. Navigating through The Mages’ Garden until we see the unique one belonging to the L&D tower.

Upon arrival though...

I see an old man pacing himself left and right radiating a sense of worry.


Approaching him, I asked questioningly as he noticed my arrival.

His face beamed with joy and I felt a warm embrace but also a particular scent wafting to my nose. The smell of an old man and old parchments

“I thought you didn’t succeed once I felt the God of Undeath's presence.” -Headmaster-

Letting go of hugging me, he cleared his throat and straightened his back returning the dignity of a tower’s Headmaster.

“*Ehem* The clergy of Dark shall reward you for the efforts. Come in, I am sure you have much to tell as do we.” -Headmaster-

The Headmaster entered the tower and his figure promptly vanished akin to [Teleportation].

I glance at Siegfried while making a face of my own trying to send the message ‘What now?’ as he raises his shoulders with his hand open as if saying ‘I do not know just follow along I guess?’.

Entering the interior of the tower and subsequently teleported to somewhere as per usual.

Siegfried and I were greeted by a room with a large circular table where some figures sat in an orderly manner with the Headmaster already taking one seat for himself.

He gestures by waving an open hand to two of the seats beside him. Catching on to that, I gingerly sat including Siegfried as well.

In this table, there are two hooded figures occupied by shadows and grayscale colours. I can assume they are the Clergy of the Dark. Though...

I must say their silhouette resemble characters in fighting video games that you haven’t unlocked. That is until.

“I believe introductions are in order.” -Headmaster-

His way of speech became more dignified and professional as he waved his hand to the hooded figure beside him.

The game slowly reveals the person.

A human male with short and trimmed hair, including a well-shaved beard. He wore massive heavy metal armour dyed in black colour with silver highlights. There is a motif in his armour depicting a sword and a scale, surrounding it is a circle with more elaborate drawings. It’s too small for me to see in this distance but it does look like a cycle of life.

He has a stern expression on his face looking at me and Siegfried as if assessing something.

“He’s Brother Griff, a Paladin of Dark.” -Headmaster-

(“Oh! A Paladin, if I remember it’s one of the advanced classes of Knight.”)

“And this is... Sister Losh, a Bishop of Dark.” -Headmaster-

His hand moved, revealing another figure. A black-haired human woman. With skin pale as the moonlight and a slender figure. Her robe has a similar pattern to the armour of Sir Griff. Confirming they are from the same clergy.

“Uhm... I am Magie Magia, a student of the Celestial Tower and a C-rank Adventurer”

“Siegfried Calenus, C-Rank Adventurer.” -Siegfried-

He introduced himself short and clear as the others nodded acknowledgment.

“I commend you, adventurers, to protect Astera from the God of Undeath. Perhaps can you tell me what’s going on during your battle? Headmaster here told us his version.” -Sister Losh-

I told them from the start, such as the plague or disease that the elven settlement endured the encounter with the ‘Herald of Disease’.

To my solo information gathering in the Frontera’s Church then the discovery of Necromancer’s Den. Where a ritual has been performed, summoning an ‘Avatar’ or The God of Undeath himself.

Leading to the invasion of Astera and our sudden battle with the Elder Lich. Beaten it and promptly return to Astera.

(“I guess he is the Main Figure or the planner in the invasion.”)

-After Telling them-

My eyes glance at the expression of Brother Griff, Headmaster, and Sister Losh. They have a serious look adorned their face.

Not taking the news well I suppose...

I wiggled my eyebrows and widened my eyes to Siegfried trying to catch his attention. Before mouthing off ‘Help Me’.

I don’t know how to break the ice or lighten up the mood.

Instead... He smirked and tried to hold in a laughter that threatened to burst out.

Aish!! If I can cast a {Spell} right now and not get jailed I will!

Before long though, all of them heave out a sigh of relief and their expression softens...

“Nevertheless, a massive threat has been repelled by these adventurers. I believe they deserve the reward that we can give.” -Brother Griff-

All nods while I internally nod too keeping a neutral expression externally.

(“Give me the rewards please!!!”)


The tell-tale notification sound of the system echoed in my ears as a panel abruptly appeared.


Congratulations! You completed the Quest [Dark Tidings 2]


5 Million Zeni

Level Up!! LV59 -> LV65

Acquired {Title}: [Astera’s Savior]

Acquired {Item}: [Tower Emblem (Unique)]

Acquired {Item}: [Church Emblem (Unique)]

Acquired {Item}: [Eerie Torn Parchment (Unique)]


Ohhhhhhh??? Suffice it to say, there was a glint in my eye as I checked what I had in my inventory.

But before I could see in closer detail, I heard the distinct noise of a chair being moved as Brother Griff and Sister Losh stood up.

“We’ll return to Saintear and tell our Saint about this.” -Sister Losh-

“Please do... Astera needed help to recover from this Undead Invasion.” -Headmaster-

“Our Saint, The Ever Merciful will give aid to Astera.” -Brother Griff-

They gave a curt bow towards me and Siegfried then left the tower.

“Student Magie Magia and Adventurer Siegfried Calenus. The Headmasters shall never forget your help.” -Headmaster-

He let out a relieved and joyful smile, marking the end of my Unique Quest.

-Exited The Tower-

We sat on one of the free benches within the Mage’s Garden. Occasionally, I can see Student NPCs hanging out or having a meal while overlooking the gardens.

“Haaaaaaah.... Done.”

I let out a huge sigh whilst stretching my body to the fullest.

“Yeah” -Siegfried-

He’s taken the initiative to lie down on the bench enjoying a cool breeze. As the leaves and flowers within the garden sway ever so slightly.

“Oh!!! Tomorrow is your tournament right?”

I suddenly remembered that today is Sunday, quite hectic with the C.B.R Event and now a Unique Quest.

Checking the time, it is around 10 PM. For Siegfried it’s probably midnight, isn’t he going to sleep?

“Hm? Yeah, but it starts around the afternoon. I can afford to stay up late for a bit.” -Siegfried-

“Oh... then, want to grind for a bit? Might as well reach LV70.”

Siegfried tilts his head before returning the question.

“Don’t you have work?” -Siegfried-

“Ah! Well...”

(“Shoot! What should I say? Ummm... Sorry Sieg!”)

“I have taken a day off on Monday so I too can afford to stay up late. What about you though? Don’t you have a local competition tomorrow?”

“Yeah, that will start in the afternoon. I can afford to wake up in the morning late.” -Siegfried-

He shrugged as we headed towards Lainore Forest.

-Lainore Forest-

This incredibly vast Area contains several sub-places like the Plague Lands.

In this case, though, we entered a sub-place called  ‘Overgrown Land’. Filled with incredibly lush vines, trees, and vibrant colours that often hurt the eyes instead of pleasing.

“These flowers are huge!”

I commented in front of a massive hibiscus flower. The sheer size of it is around four or five of me. Upon approaching it though, the flower wiggles a bit.

“Mag!” -Siegfried-


A cloud of pollen obscures my vision, yet I can breathe normally. Probably due to my poison and disease immunity.

“I’m fine, I’m fine. I’m immune to poison.”

I came out from the pollen cloud with a brand new icon on my {Status} bar below my HP. Looking at it closely, it seems I’ve been [Pollinated] after getting its information all I can say is...


“What do you mean by Oh...?” -Siegfried-

“Uh, prepare to fight I guess?”

“Eh?” -Siegfried-

Then I can hear it from this distance.


Several noises all conglomerating into one dissonance. Ranging from the growls of a hound, the hissing of both snakes and cats and the winged beat of insects and birds.

Monsters within the level range of 60-70 with their eyes flashing in red signifying we have their aggression.

“Oh.” -Siegfried-

“Yep... Oh...”

Reacting instinctively, Siegfried changed its form into the lithe version and his weapon of choice is the bone blades curved like a crescent moon.

While I gripped my staff, preparing for the chaos to come.

The effect of [Pollinated] is that within a wide range radius, I will aggro any monsters giving them a buff called [Frenzied] which explains the monsters' behaviour.



An eruption of invisible power blasted around me. Knocking back several creatures far away and those who have bigger bodies are knocked back only several steps away. Their eyes continued to glint red as they went back up to launch at me.

(“That distance is enough”)

“[Star Shield] <Vancian>”

Quickly, I re-create my [Star Fragment] to act as our pocket priest.

“HRK-!!!!” -Siegfried-

He breaks through the horde of monsters by making a 360 spin like a miniature tornado. Slice and Dice all enemies within his path.

Several creatures are already in melee range as they bite, swipe, and many more different attacks. My good ol’ defence {Trait} protected me but in exchange, my <Vancian> stacks went down really fast.

“[Circle of Death]”

While the cast bar appears and is being filled. A visual effect of a ring made from inky green darkness surrounded me.

It grew bigger while [Star Shield] kept protecting me. Plus I’m multitasking by casting buff {Spell} using [Star Fragment] to ourselves.

Once the cast bar is filled, a wave of dark energy explodes from me engulfing other monsters and vegetation.

In an instant, the vegetation wilts and withers away. While some monsters perished leaving behind glimmering orbs.

“Nice.” -Siegfried-

Culling their numbers gave us breathing room as I turned off my <Vancian> and [Star Shield].

All in all, we continued the strategy of me spamming AoE {Spell} while Siegfried helped using his cleave attacks.


“Haaaaaa... [Clean]”

In a blink, my clothing is dry cleaned, ironed, and fluffed up in comfortable warmth. Removing the [Pollinated] effect.

“Hehehe... We can use this to farm quickly.” -Siegfried-

He had the same intention as what I wanted to say to him.


Back and Fro between the adventurer’s guild and Lainore Forest. We managed to push through our levels to LV70 and decided to finish for the day.

“It has been fun! See you tomorrow Mag!” -Siegfried-

“Yeah! See you too, Oh!!! All the best with the tournament.”

He flexed his thin arm with a big grin before turning around and waving as his avatar vanished. Signifying Siegfried logged out...

(“Now I need to check what I got from the Unique Quest and decide on what gift I need to give Siegfried.”)

Internally, I apologize to him for lying. I do not want to tell him I got fired from my job after I cheered him up.



A slapped my cheeks and gained newfound confidence in return. I’ll prepare a nice gift for him to compensate...

It's already this late better go to sleep. Not wasting any more time, I simply teleported to My Home. Greeted by Gaia and Oreoboros who have their belly full from eating their respective meals in My Mini Biomes.

I bid them farewell and asked them to take care of the house as usual before logging out...

-Exiting O.w.O-

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