Open World Online (O.w.O)

V1 Chapter 58: Battle

  • 1st Person POV (MC)

-Present Time-

This wendigo is probably a mini-boss of some kind. I am sure of it!

It has a large HP pool and...

“GHHHHHH!!!” -Siegfried-

His figure just flung towards the cavern wall creating cracks, craters, and falling icicles as he made impact.

[Star Fragment] C as per order begins to glow in starlight radiance and Siegfried also does the same as his HP being recovered but...

(“That annoying de-buff.”)

Not spending too much thought, I needed to do something as I cast.

“[Divine Judgement]”

In my mind though, I assigned the other Star Fragments a different {Spell} while I was casting this one.

Each of them has a cast bar that reads ‘[Divine Smite]’ and ‘[Holy Light]’. I resorted to using Light {Spell} after one of the Wendigo {Status} is revealed that the creature is an undead {Race}.

A bright golden beam shot off from my [Star Fragment] like a turret as I hurled a big offensive magic gaining its aggro. Keeping it distracted from Siegfried while he’s recovering.


Unsurprisingly, The Wendigo has a few tricks up its sleeve. It can cast Water {Spell} such as [Frost Nova], [Icy Blade], [Frostbite], etc which is a nuisance to deal with for Siegfried. It also has some {Skill} as my eyes glanced to the top right corner of my view.

(“It's already used <Ravenous Hunger> and it’s on cooldown. I can tank a basic attack.”)

That <Ravenous Hunger> gave healing received penalty de-buff resulting in the situation where Siegfried needed some time to be healed by my [Star Fragment] so I’m going to cover for him.

(“Tch... [Cure] doesn’t work, I’ve tried. [Purify] means risking removing our buffs on Siegfried.”)


The fearsome claws swiped at me as my body was covered by prismatic colours.


In this cave opening, the sounds resembling that of a metal hitting metal echoed in the chamber as the claws of Wendigo were abruptly stopped mid-hit on my body. As if I am an unmovable object...

I didn’t feel any impact on my body rather I noticed how heavy my eyelids were, I could feel that if I closed my eyes now I would fall into slumber.

Withstanding that feeling, I dunked down an MP potion as the drowsiness faded away making me more alert and cautiously stepped back. While the Wendigo retracted its claw and started another attack...

*HAAAAAAH* -Wendigo-

The creature inhales and I can see cold mist began to suck into the vortex as I prepared myself for the incoming attack by raising a hexagonal force field creating a barrier hoping that this attack is regarded as a magical attack.

In doing so, a {Skill} appeared underneath Wendigo’s {Status} bar on the right corner of my view.

“I’M BACK! Thanks for the cover!!” -Siegfried-

He dashed beside me as I ordered Star Fragments to gather on top of my head. Judging by the name, it’s going to be a wide attack and probably magical.

In a hurry, I tapped Siegfried’s shoulder and cast...

“[Double: Warp]”

Almost in an instant, my P.O.V. changed from facing The Wendigo’s deer skull as a head. To see its body from the sideline as the Wendigo exhaled that blue mist right in front in a cone shape.

“Whoa... need some time to get used to that.” -Siegfried-

He shakes his head for a quick second or two. Understandable since I needed several times of experiencing this {Spell}.

“Shall we?”

“Heh...” -Siegfried-

The strategy went on as usual, I provided covering fire while Siegfried drew The Wendigo’s ire simultaneously giving off his own DPS.

These Star Fragments are all assigned to use healing and supportive magic as if we are having 3 mini priests.

I guess my experience in multi-tasking helped in this game. As we slowly but surely whittle down The Wendigo.

Until the creature finally released its death throes as its HP dropped to 0 and its body slowly faded leaving behind glimmering orbs in return.

“Fiuf... That was tough”

Siegfried nodded his head in confirmation of my comment as we gathered those orbs. Ignoring the LV Up notification on the system panel.

At a glance, I can tell by defeating The Wendigo I have Levelled UP by 5 so now my LV is LV75...

“Wanna grind up a bit more? Might as well reach LV80 or LV90.” -Siegfried-


With an enthusiastic reply, we set off to grind more inside the Frozen Mountains sub-area ‘Icy Cavern’.

-After the big grind-

“Done and dusted!”

I smiled happily after checking the adventurer’s guild requests panel. In the bottom right corner, I only needed another 100 requests completion to get promoted so it’s a big progress from the prior 500.

Siegfried is currently sitting around like me recovering the spent resources like SP / MP.


Speaking of Siegfried, I almost forgot to give him the thing! Stupid me, it would make the grind a whole lot easier...

“Sieg, I have something for you but don’t get mad okay?”

He tilts his head in confusion as he replies.

“Why would I get mad?” -Siegfried-

“You’ll see... let us return to Saintear first.”

He shrugged and began fiddling in mid-air. Same as what I did when I clicked the ‘Saintear Safe Point’.

In a single blink, the icy cold caverns and its icicles vanished replaced with semblance of civilization. Stone buildings layered with snow, people walking around in their thick winter coats, and players shouting around to recruit party members for a dungeon run.

-Saintear adventurer’s Guild-

Inside the all too familiar building with their clerks adorned in green uniforms. I browsed my Safe Inventory as I took out [Power Knuckle (Unique)] and gave it to Siegfried.

“Oh!? What’s this?” -Siegfried-

“It is another gift! Sorry if it is incredibly late. your tournament, though I haven’t asked but how was it?”

Upon asking that, his lips curved into a wide grin trying hard to contain excitement yet failed.

“I got 3rd place! Couldn’t believe it.” -Siegfried-

There he told the tale of his opponents and battles as we sat on the adventurer’s all too comfortable couch.


“Ahhh... Sorry.” -Siegfried-

He sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck, it is always fascinating to see someone talking about their passion.

“You don’t need to apologize, in fact, I quite liked the topic.”

Getting curious, I asked him regarding one of his opponents the one who has 2nd rank. A guy from his gym since in his explanation, he was amazed by that guy’s technique.

As soon as I asked that, Siegfried rubbed his chin in a gesture of thinking and a smile crept upon his face as he began to talk once more.

“Oh shit...” -Siegfried-

“Hm? What’s wrong?”

I raised my eyebrows questioningly upon hearing Siegfried stop himself.

“I haven’t told you. Thank you for the gift! It’s... Haha, nostalgic.” -Siegfried-

He equipped the knuckle duster, it glints whenever sunlight pierces through the windows in the adventurer’s guild.

“Hmmm...” -Siegfried-

He seemed to be in deep thought while clenching and unclenching his fist before facing me.

“I haven’t given you any gifts in return... You know what?” -Siegfried-

Tilting my head to his musings, I let him continue.

“I’ll give you a gift in return! Be prepared!!!!” -Siegfried-

He had a mischievous grin spread so wide on his face.

(“Oof... What is he thinking? I hope it is not 8 hours of continuous combat.”)

“Anyway, it’s already 2 AM for me so I needed to hit the bed or else coach will be angry.” -Siegfried-

He waved and then tapped something in mid-air as his character was promptly enveloped by blue light and dispersed into blue cubes. A signature sight of logging out...

In my region, it’s still only midnight and since I am uhm... Unemployed I can afford to stay a wee bit longer.

Might as well check my newest upgrade for my {Trait} since I’m LV90!!!

Safe to say I have been ignoring these red exclamation marks on the system.

Let’s see here...


Congratulations!! You have reached the LV threshold.

  • Upgrade!! {Trait}: [Words of Power IV] -> [Words of Power V]
  • Upgrade!! {Trait}: [Creation (Small)] -> [Creation (Medium)]
  • Upgrade!! {Trait}: [Primordial Body IV (Aspect of Creation)] -> [Primordial Body V (Aspect of Creation)]


Without further ado, I clicked on each of these to open up another sub-panel describing what they do.


  • {Trait}: [Primordial Body V (Aspect of Creation)]

Effect: Your body doesn’t age. You do not need to eat, sleep, drink, and breathe. You are immune to poison and diseases.  You can speak, listen, and write all languages. You have immunity to environmental and terrain effects.

INT and WIS {Status} effects can now be stacked against one another.

Greatly decrease damage taken from magical sources. You have a greater chance to resist hostile magical effects.

Greatly increased damage taken from physical sources.

Requirement: Primordial Race (Aspect of Creation) Level: 75

  • {Trait}: [Words of Power V]

Effects: Changes the way {Spell} works and you can influence a {Spell} cast. {Spell} cast this way ignore restrictions. {Spell} you cast will be upcasted to the utmost limit of your known elemental {Trait}. {Spell} can be silently cast. {Spell} are now benefited from both INT and WIS {Status}.

Requirement: Primordial Race (Aspect of Creation) Level: 75

  • {Trait}: Creation (Medium)

Effects: (5/day) You can create a certain amount of medium-sized or lower objects or living things. The amount depends on your INT and WIS (5).

Requirement: Primordial Race (Aspect of Creation) Level: 75



Immediately, I noticed the change in the amount of ‘things’ I can create for [Creation].

Tapping in mid-air another panel appeared displaying my {Trait} abilities and manoeuvre to [Star Fragment].

(“Ahhh... It increased too! Now I can summon 5 of them.”)

It’s very generalised but I can safely assume the threshold is around 100 points each in INT and WIS. As of now, I have 500-ish points dipped in INT and WIS after assigning them all.

Now then...

My eyes glanced to other {Trait}, it seems INT and WIS {Status} for me can now be stacked in regards to MP and even {Spell}.

If it says what it means, then my {Spell} effectiveness would be the same as a dedicated priest or dedicated mage rather than half of their strength.

My lips curved into a satisfied smile, before having a deep thought.


I rubbed my chin in a gesture of thought and then a flash of idea sprung forth in my mind like a light bulb.

Opening my <Crafting – All> {Skill} panel, I swiped until I got the Artisanship branch of crafting. I believe I recently got a crafting recipe for ‘Training Dummy’.

Ah! There it is...

Since I am already in ‘Auto’ mode, I can simply click on how many ‘Training Dummy’ I want to make and the required materials.

The mats are easy... only needing Wood and Stones from any Area will do. Though the crafting time is around 8 hours.


I stood up and sighed then began stretching my body. Might as well check My Home to see any changes before logging off.

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