Open World Online (O.w.O)

V1 Chapter 59: Changes

  • 1st Person POV

-Present Time-

Waving my hand mid-air and uttered the voice command. A familiar blue panel appeared as I manoeuvre to the Safe Point section and tapped ‘My Home’ Safe Point.

My Point of View instantly changes from the wooden interior of Adventurer’s Guild to an open field decorated by a marble path.

(“Wait a minute... An Open Field!?”)

My eyes sharpened as I looked into my surroundings in more detail. Indeed as I have seen...

My ‘Mini Biomes’ is nowhere to be seen! Okay... Okay... Okay... Calm down for a moment, let’s figure this out step by step.

Moving towards a direction, I remembered this one would be a ‘Mini Biome’ for Lainore Forest yet...

In front of me is just a field of grass, the original look before I altered it to look like Areas I’ve encountered.

Though, it is kind of odd since in my Safe I still receive an increase in alchemical materials. Did it get transported somewhere? Or...

Leading by that train of thought, I extended my right arm to touch this open field as I felt some kind of resistance.


The space around my arm ripples as I get the idea of what’s going on. Soon after, I simply push my whole body through and...

Hahahaha, I guess it’s the new addition!

My ‘Mini Biome’ Lainore Forest is still there just hidden beneath a veil or a disguise. I see now...


Ah... The noise of familiar gallops accompanied by the rustling of leaves reached my ears as I turned around to see Gaia.

“Master!” -Gaia-

I needed to blink a few times to take in what I saw as Gaia’s figure was several times taller than me as if he hit a massive growth spurt.

I would say he is twice larger than a moose but I know that he is a stag, Gaia stood gallantly like a regal creature, and the other thing is his antlers...


It spreads like massive tree branches and each of them has a characteristic on their own. Judging by that, I guess it corresponds to Seasons.

(“He must have a powerful neck to support those massive antlers.”)

A-anyway, I got trailed off from my thoughts...

Back in seeing those antlers, I discerned each of them.

Having bright and wide green leaves swaying by the winds and dispersed incoming sun rays in one section of the antlers signify the Season of Summer.

The other section has blooming cherry blossoms, its beautiful falling petals picked up by the winds to disperse away and attached to the antlers are smaller-sized leaves. It would be the Season of Spring.

Then this one section has distinct shades of red in its maple-like leaves including its blossoms signifies the Season of Autumn.

The last of the section has incredibly small slim leaves and is adorned by drooping bell-shaped white flowers akin to Snowdrops. I guess this one would signify the Season of Winter.

“Gaia! Look at you???”

He leans down akin to a bow and expects something as it connects in my brain what was he expecting?

Raising my hand, I stroke his head just as usual hearing his happy grumble and seeing tail wags.

“I am now an adult.” -Gaia-

His tone of voice is more deep and resonating as he speaks but cannot hide a happy mood underneath all of it as I smile.

Then a panel appeared showing two names ‘Gaia’ and ‘Oreoboros’.

-Pet System-

{Name}: Gaia

Description: A Divine Beast in the form of a stag. In The Age of Myth, they are the ones who are relegated to maintain the seasons of nature.

{Affection Meter}: Max

{Age}: Adult

{Owner}: Magie Magia

{Skill}: <Nature’s Bounty>

Description: All gatherable materials within a Safe Zone where Gaia is present will always have maximum yield and the highest quality.

{Skill}: <Nature’s Blessing>

Description: All gatherable materials within a Safe Zone where Gaia is present will have a shorter cooldown period.

{Skill}: <Nature’s Aid>

Description: Gaia can be summoned outside of the Safe Zone. When outside the Safe Zone, Gaia will be surrounded by four Great Spirit of Seasons in the form of his antlers. Those four Great Spirit of Seasons act as Gaia’s medium for {Spell} allowing him to cast up to the 10th Tier of Water, Fire, Earth, and Wind Elemental {Spell}. His LV corresponds with his Owner's LV. Gaia can be dismissed if he has fallen in battle or up to his owner’s command.

-Pet System-


Ohohho? He is a Divine Beast, is that a rare type of pet? If so then I need to be careful about when and where I summoned him.

Hmmm... Hmmm... Hm...

Seeing those {Skill} that he has, can I assume that Gaia would be a spellcaster-type class? Though...

I squint my eyes regarding Gaia {Status}, he is indeed at my LV but his points are spread out, unlike mine. I guess the game assigned these points to him which is good.

Now, what about Oreo?

-Pet System-

{Name}: Oreoboros

Description: a Divine Beast in the form of a snake. In the Age of Myth, they are the ones who maintain the balance between prey and predator in nature.

{Affection Meter}: Max

{Age}: Adult

{Owner}: Magie Magia

{Skill}: <Cycle of Life and Death>

Description: Critters can naturally spawn and de-spawn within a Safe Zone where Oreoboros is present.

{Skill}: <Cycle of Hunter and Prey>

Description: Oreoboros will periodically provide specific Creature materials designated by you.

{Skill}: <Cycle of Heal and Harm>

Description: Oreoboros can be summoned outside of Safe Zone. They can cast up to 10th Tier Light & Dark Elemental {Spell} and are capable of Dual Casting. Their LV corresponds with the Owner's LV. Oreoboros can be dismissed if they are fallen in battle or up to their owner’s command.

-Pet System-

“I see... I see...”

Based on the stat spread, Oreo would be a more vanguard-ish type of summon with {Spell} helping them battle.

Taking a nice walk in the Mini Lainore Forest, I saw several golems doing their daily duties until I heard a rattling noise akin to rattlesnakes. Somehow though... It has a sense of joy in it as if it’s excited.

Then at the corner of my view between the massive trees. They are slithering in a shadowy figure between the leaves before they finally reveal themselves.

A massive serpentine creature with two snake heads. Their scales glimmer underneath the sunlight and instead of equally divided into Black & White on their left & right, these scales are now in the form of swirls.

Each of their heads has a contradictory colour, the white snake’s head has a black dot while the black snake’s head has a white dot. They bowed towards me and said...

“Welcome, Master.” -Oreo-

Their feminine & masculine voice harmonize together. Then each of the heads dropped a creature alongside their tail wagging and rattling in excitement anticipating something.

They look very similar to a hedgehog yet their ‘Quills’ are replaced by golden crystals growing on their backs. Must be the Gold Ambassadors I asked them to hunt.

(“Ah... They want to be complimented for this.”)

“You did very well Oreo! I’m proud.”

The rattling intensified in joy. Before long, those creatures vanished and left behind glimmering orbs in return. Picking those up, I received new items in my inventory.

“And Oreo? I want you to continue hunting these but do not force yourself.”

“We understand. Master, we will heed to your command.” -Oreo-

Continuing my walk, I finally arrived at the centre of My Home.

It is still a magnificent marble temple with staircases leading into it as I climbed them. Per usual, Gaia walked beside me the whole time while my eyes stared into the growing Tree of Life.

(“Is that? Hold on a minute...”)

I backtracked and moved towards the Tree of Life instead.


Although tiny there are budding flowers in between the golden branches of the tree and! It has grown considerably too.

My mind raced thinking about how to enhance the aesthetic of this place. It would be nice to add in a pond and fireflies.

(“I hope you grow well.”)

I stroke the trunk of this tree before returning to My Temple and climbing its staircase.


I let out a weird interested noise as I saw The Pedestal have added a new ‘Wheel’ rotating around it as I approached to take a closer look at what’s engraved on its surface.

Ahhhh... Hahahaha~

It is funny to look at, the engraving is an icon of ‘Incognito Mode’ in a browser. Come to think of it, the effect is hiding my Mini Biomes with grass plains.

I wonder how to deactivate it...

Based on the patterns I can rotate, expand, or retract the wheel and at the moment The Wheel that has an ‘Incognito Mode’ icon lights up akin to using a highlighter.

Maybe if I...

Extending my hands to both sides of the wheel, I held the circumference of the wheel and exerted some pressure as the wheel retracted to become smaller.


Once it has become smaller the ‘Incognito Mode’ icon faded. Indicating it is turned off...

(“Let’s check if it works...”)

Looking out from My Temple, every Mini Biome I have placed reappeared once more as if a veil had been lifted.

“I see...”

Nodding to myself, I listed in my mind and of course, my players’ journal on what functions The Pedestal have.


Function 1: The speed of the rotating 1st Wheel determines the Day and Night cycle. Expand for faster rotation and Retract for slower rotation

Function 2: The speed of the rotating 2nd Wheel determines the Seasonal cycle. Expand for faster rotation and Retract for slower rotation.

Function 3: Parts of the Wheel signify the location of the ‘Land’ removing it and placing it somewhere will transport the piece of Land to the designated spot.

Function 4: Pieces of Land will be hidden with a default look of grassy plains. Expanding the Wheel turns the function on while retracting the Wheel turns the function off


Huffing in satisfaction, I closed the players’ journal panel and continued to do my daily re-crafting and re-stocking what I sell in the players’ market.

With that done and I got the money, I kissed Gaia goodbyes and then logged out.

-Exiting O.w.O-


I sighed and stretched my body to its fullest until I began to shake like crazy while giving out the squeal of a lifetime.

(“What time is it?”)

Turning my head to the walls at the side, I looked for the clock and checked the time. It shows the time at exactly 1:00 AM.

(“I didn’t feel tired at all though... I feel as fine as ever. Probably still riding the adrenaline of discovering new changes. And! I can’t wait to advance my {Class}!”)

I giggled while curling the blanket to my body as I was suddenly reminded to do all my prep before going to sleep.

Standing up from the bed, I went to the bathroom to start brushing my teeth then finally I could go to sleep.




My eyes blearily open to see my room with sunrays peering through the windows.


I stare at the clock as it says 9:27 AM.

 (“Time to get up!”)

Forcing myself to stand up from the bed, I yawned while scratching my belly as I went to the kitchen to nibble on something for breakfast.

Before I do that though, I picked up my phone to check on my bank account as usual expecting some kind of severance pay from my previous workplace.


Well... What can I say? At this moment, O.w.O is my source of income and it has been going very well if I say so myself.

Players have been liking my potions regarding the pricing and how often I re-stock them. I guess I’ll keep this up for however long since I can make them almost every day.

Nibbling some food, I browse Pochi Mochi Wikia’s just to keep to date on what’s new, especially anything regarding Rebirth. After all, I want to finish this unique quest we have.

“I see...”

(“First thing first, Rebirth can only be done once the player has reached max LV which is LV100. Based on Pochi Mochi, he got a quest once he reached that LV.”)

Based on his sources, each player has their unique ‘Rebirth Quest’ but what he can tell is that there’s a pattern regarding Rebirth Quests.

In Pochi Mochi’s deduction, he said it is related to either {Class} and/or {Race}. With a subtle nod, I’ll keep the information in mind.

(“Second, after Rebirth players will have their LV reset to LV1 with a specific icon appearing on their player tag to indicate they have been through the Rebirth process.”)

Thankfully, Rebirth players retained their {Status}, {Skill}, {Class}, and {Race} including {Trait} as well...

But the downside is that it’s getting harder to LV up so much so that even now Pochi Mochi is still around LV30-ish...

(“I’m pretty sure as a hardcore player, Pochi will grind more than 8 hours/day every day. I have heard a gamer played for 16 hours! Imagine that...”)


My eyes glint upon seeing the screenshots, Pochi Mochi gives on his Wikia regarding new Areas being opened for Rebirth players.

For now, in Saintear there is a sub-area called ‘Celestial Peak’ entailing celestial enemy types like angels and things, which explains how I can purchase Herald of Light Core. That sub-area can only be accessed by Rebirth players.

There’s also Astera’s sub-area aptly named ‘Fairy Forest’ where the colours would be more vibrant and eye-catching. I guess that’s how the Devs incentivise Levelling UP...

My lips curved upward in excitement as I imagined what it would look like to see it in real-time instead of screenshots.

Finish nibbling some food, I cleaned up the plates and began brushing my teeth & washing my face. As I went out of the bathroom feeling refreshed, I started to lay down on a comfy bed put on the helmet then pressed the button.

-Entering O.w.O-

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