Open World Online (O.w.O)

V1 Chapter 60: Class Advancement

  • 1st Person POV

-Present Time-

Logging into O.w.O, I was greeted with a breathtaking view of a lone golden tree that glistens underneath the sunlight. Its equally golden leaves glimmer and sway from the gentle breeze billowing through them.

At that moment, I immediately thought.

(“I knew it!!! It would be great if there was a spring near the tree. This would be very picturesque!!!”)

I grinned and waved my hand in mid-air uttering the voice command.

Appearing before me is the familiar panel as I navigated to my {Skill} and towards <Crafting – All>.


Like using a smartphone screen, I simply swipe at the Artisanship branch to look for ‘Auto’ recipes that I’ve unlocked. I remembered that I bought a ‘Furniture’ recipe for a pond... Where is it?


Clicking on it, the materials to make one are simple just needed stones & wood with the exception that it would look different based on which Area I got those stones and wood from.

By clicking the stones & woods icon, I can specify which stones & woods and I’ve chosen ones from Lainore Forest.

Conveniently, ‘Auto’ mode displays what the pond will look like and it fits the theme of My Home as I made one. As per usual, I needed to wait for 8 hours.

In the meantime though, I get my Training Dummy in my inventory, re-crafted, and re-stocking my players’ market.

(“Hmmm... Now where should I place the Training Dummy? I guess in the backyard since the front yard is the Tree of Life.”)

Back to climb the stairs, I went in the opposite direction to put the Training Dummy. It is a simple drag-and-drop as the dummy appears.

Staring at it, I have Training Dummy {Status} displayed in the top right corner of my view. Green HP bar, {Skill}, {Spell}, etc.

“[Fire Bolt]”

The cast bar filled up equally fast as a blink of an eye and several motes of fire conjured around me and then shot like bullets to the training dummy.

Inflicting [Burn] de-buff but also I can see the damage I gave in the form of scorch marks and reduced HP bar. Then after leaving 5 seconds or more the Training Dummy HP bar is restored to full though it still gets damaged over time from [Burn]. I can also assign Training Dummy to be an ally or enemy in case of trying to experiment buffs I suppose... at the moment it is going to be an enemy.

(“Well, it works like how a Training Dummy should.”)

Satisfied, I’ll leave it there for later.


I stretched my body after finishing all the household stuff and enjoying the company of Gaia & Oreo.

(“Time to finish my To-do List”)

With that, I waved my hand in mid-air while uttering the command as I navigated to the Safe Point section.


-Astera, City of Magic-

Arriving at the familiar city, I took the chance to ride its public transport heading towards The Towers.

Even if I already used their public transport services often. I’m still amazed just by looking at it.

It’s because I knew what {Spell} had been cast on these carriages. They are all named [Animate Object], I haven’t had a chance to use that {Spell} so I only know the gist of it by analysing just from its name.

I suppose it makes any kind of object move as if it’s ‘Alive’ like a summoned creature...

Nevertheless, I rode the carriage towards the Mage’s Towers. The familiar sight of multiple towers greeted me in the distance including the massive gate that barred entry—only allowing {Spell} casting classes to enter.

Using the familiar path, I manoeuvre myself into the Celestial Tower with ease and entered its gate.

“Ah! I see that you are strong enough to discover the secrets of the celestial bodies.” -Headmaster of Celestial Tower-

A wizened old man immediately recognised me as I too recognised him back. He has a face as if he has seen many things in the past but also the future. I couldn’t describe it very well but he had that sort of feeling once you take a good look at him.

“Come, I shall teach you more.” -Headmaster of C.T-

Upon his saying that, a panel appeared before me.


[Class Quest: Starlight Sea]

Accept: Yes / No


Without wasting time, I pressed ‘Yes’ and the panel vanished.

“Good! Let’s begin...” -Headmaster of C.T-



I stretched my body to its fullest after enduring that long lecture.

Long story short, it was a history lesson regarding how humanoids first discovered secrets of the universe by observing celestial bodies and their cycle harnessing their powers resulting in the birth of Celestial Mages.

Thankfully I picked up some clues here and there within the whole lesson. It seems I need to go to a place called Starlit Sands located between Astera and Higashi to continue my Class Advancement.


I think it’s best to figure out the monsters located in Starlit Sands first.

Adventurer’s Guild here I go!!!

-Astera’s Adventurers Guild-

Flipping the pages from the book titled ‘Adventurers Encyclopaedia’ I was presented with an index on which region I wanted to search.

By using that index, I navigated to the Starlit Sands section and behold!

(“I am impressed as always! They always have hand-drawn pictures of the landscape and of course visual references of the creatures.”)

I see I see...

Starlit Sands have different monsters depending on the day-cycle or night-cycle similar to many Areas in O.w.O though with the addition of monsters adventurers needed to be wary of Hot and Cold temperatures.

Not for me! If they are categorised as environmental effects then I am immune to those things.

(“Wait... that means I do not need my winter gear overall then?”)

Opening the inventory system, I decided to pull out my winter coat so I could sell it later. I also take a gacha box from the C.B.R. event that I haven’t opened.

I guess it’s time to use it as after all I get a costume!

Tapping twice on the box icon it displayed a simple opening animation with confetti sprawling about and the box disappeared replaced by a gear.


[C.B.R Magician Robe (Event Exclusive)]

Description: A regal-looking robe adorned with intricate embroidery pattern. Wearing this seemed to give off the aura of someone who accomplished a massive feat.

Requirement: Mage Class (Costume)


Without further ado, I wore the garment and conjured up a mirror to take a good look at myself.


Suffice it to say, I look goooooood...

Unlike the basic mage’s robe, I often saw in Astera’s Towers or Frontera’s Academy. This robe is mostly black with a gloss whenever any source of light shines through it like satin and these embroideries used golden coloured threads giving the ‘Regal’ feeling. It also has a hood attachment if I want to stay anonymous.

Plus! It’s super comfortable~

It feels like I’m wearing loose-fitting pyjamas made from high-quality silk. Perfect for sleeping, I suppose...

Sitting back, I returned to the book and continued to read it.

In the day-cycle, most of the monsters are ambushers such as the Desert Worms, Reaper Vultures, and more.

In night-cycle...

Well, that is odd. In the book, the images of monsters are more... constructed or reanimated kind of thing. I wonder why?


I dug through my mind regarding the history lesson that the Headmaster of Celestial Tower told me.


Starlit Sands were once a fertile land where an ancient civilization existed long ago. The Headmaster assumed it thrived during the Age of Myth. Though unknown on the cause, the ancient civilization was destroyed and the lush land it once was turned into a wasteland desert.

I guess those night-cycle monsters are remnants of that civilization. Based on what the headmaster told me, the knowledge of reading celestial bodies and harnessing them comes from learning what that ancient civilization left behind.

I suppose my class advancement quest means that I need to visit Starlit Sands during the night-cycle...


Time to go!!!

-Starlit Sands (LV50-100)-

It’s currently a day-cycle as I finally arrived at Starlit Sands Area. It’s quite far of a walk needing at least 10-15 minutes passing through Lainore Forest in a straight line.

Hey, at least I am now at the place.

Far from my eyes can see just grains and grains of sand with a bright shining sun above.  Squinting and internally I cast [Far Sight] to myself seeing far in the distance beyond the sands.

I spotted rubbles scattered across, judging by the arch it appears to be a gate of some kind. As the buff from [Far Sight] wears off, I quickly make a camp to create a Comfort Zone and Temporary Respawn Point.

With that! I’m ready to wait.

Entering the tent, I simply lay down on the hammock and closed my eyes until the sun started to set.

-Starlit Sands Night Cycle-

Leaving the tent, I was greeted with a chill temperature brushing my skin and these dunes dulled colour from moonlight.

Of course, I’ll be hearing shouts from players somewhere in the distance announcing their respective {Skill} or {Spell} even their own {Trait}, just like in the day-cycle of Starlit Sands.

Though it’s somewhat tranquil I enjoyed the atmosphere while walking towards any kind of crumbled ruins in the sands.


Unknowingly I let out a fascinated gasp seeing the skies in the desert at night.

This exact sight made me agree with the Quest’s title ‘Starlight Sea’ as this is the image it would invoke upon hearing it.

In the centre of it all, there is a streak of milkish-white colour among the pitch-black darkness of the sky adorned by countless glimmering stars.

I only see this view from pictures in real life. Well, it’s still kind of true in present.

Upon coming closer to the ruins, I saw some players fighting off golems or animated structures. For golems, their stature is the same as summoned ones be it Attacker, Defender, or Supporter golems. I do not see any Utility Golem type nearby.

Each of them is hostile alongside their HP and {Status} after observing them for a while. Since it appears this locale’s spawned Golems are occupied with players I can observe the rubbles for a bit.


It looks... modern? I cannot explain it well but comparing it to builds from Astera, Frontera, and Saintear this one is sleek and adopts a minimalist style.

Far different is what I can say when I saw it.

Oh? That’s interesting...

My hand touched a collection of texts engraved into a ruined rubble before I could look at it in closer detail though something strange happened.

At a glance the collection of texts was ineligible but when I did a double take. The meaning of those texts revealed themselves as if I knew it from the very beginning just not seeing it correctly yet.

Reading the text, I ascertained that it is a simple trivia regarding a constellation telling what it meant and what power it held which I already knew from the book when my class changed to Celestial Mage.

“[Translate]” -Celestial Mage Player-

I heard a female voice beside me who uttered the command of that {Spell}. Assuming she did what I did, she probably ignored all the golems and went straight to the rubble. One of the unique things I noticed is that on her forehead there’s a depiction of the sun and its solar ring indicating that she’s using an offensive version of <Celestial State>.

Though after a quick second as that {Spell} triggered, she left following something toward a direction.

In doing so, I noticed a wisp of glowing silver line flowing in the opposite direction to where she’d be going.

Looking around I assumed it would be a different experience for each player holding <Celestial State> versions. Since it appears I’m following a trail where <Celestial State: Astral> players get.

I’m being led around to several ruins with those texts engraved into them alongside other players who have their Astral State.

Until I reached somewhere in the central part of Starlit Sands with many other Celestial Mage players in different states.

Observing around, I noticed some players simply vanished within blue lights and floating cubes as if they were teleported after tapping in mid-air.

That is until I got a notification from the system upon reaching a certain point in the centre of Starlit Sands.


The dungeon [A Point in Time LV75]?

Enter: Yes / No

Mode: Solo


I see... that explains why players vanished. Without further ado, I tapped on the word ‘Yes’ and in the blink of an eye, my whole view instantly changed.

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