Open World Online (O.w.O)

V1 Chapter 62: Lowlight, The Lawless City

  • 1st Person POV (MC)

-Present Time-


An electronic buzzing noise echoed in my ear as my worldview immediately changed from My Home accompanied by blue cubes surrounding the edges of my view until it covered everything. It is a familiar sound of teleporting using the Safe Point system.


Once those blue cubes vanished, I was greeted with the familiar sight of walls and a massive gate barring anonymous people from simply coming in.

No guards are defending at the side of the gate rather upon coming closer that wooden gate seemed to be slightly ajar and worn down.

There are several marks adorning this gate. Ranging from small holes, slashes, cracking splinters, and burn marks.

The walls surrounding this city have endured the elements including some remnants of invasion resulting in some parts being crumbled

I can tell this gate has a history of battles and enduring them. I wonder what kind of battle happened in the past...

Glancing to my left and right with no guards, a thought enters my mind.

(“So... Uh... I just enter like this?”)

Not wanting to break the rules, I simply waited outside.

Seconds... Turn into a minute then minutes as I feel a bit impatient seeing several players already passed by without even thinking of ‘rules’.

(“Huh... now that I think about it, majority of players who enter dressed like Rogue class.”)

With a shrug, I decided to slip through the slightly ajar opening of the gate thinking that I had entered.

“Halt! Pay the toll as you have committed crimes against Lowlight.” -Guards NPC-

Her voice was loud as thunder rang in my right ear as I rubbed them.

“What’s the toll?”

“10000 Zenis, pay up or to jail with you.” -Guards NPC-

(“Oh? It’s not that expensive... Hmm... Wait a minute, 10 dollars per entry!?”)

With a resigned huff, I handed her 10k Zenis with a nice *Clunk* and the clinking noise of coins came from the pouch. In closer look, a small grin appeared on her face as she pocketed it into her breastplate.


Noting that in my mind, that behaviour seems suspicious...

Nevertheless, I trudge on to take a deep look at the city while slowly removing the black mist covering my Map System discovering key places like the blacksmithing shop, Alchemy shop, and more.


My eyes glanced at the surroundings, now noticing the buildings were dilapidated, weathered by the elements.

Looking around, the NPCs particularly the citizen NPCs have sombre look on their face as if they do not want to stay in this city any longer.

Some even whispered and murmured occasionally stealing a glance at the incoming players before being noticed and hid between the alleyways.

Even the younger NPCs like kids and teens, hiding away within the alleyways deftly manoeuvre themselves out of sight through the nooks and crannies in that maze.


I finally found a tell-tale building architecture of Adventurer’s Guild which I assume Siegfried will be there knowing how frequently we are to meet up within these buildings.

Entering them and greeted by the familiar reception table I simply bee-line to the cluster of wooden chairs and table to sit and wait.

In the meantime, I’ll freshen up my memories on {Spell} in my players’ journal.




“Mag!!!!” -Siegfried-

I turned my head towards the direction of that voice. Seeing a lanky man with shaggy hair covering his face. On top of his head is a fearsome-looking lion bone carved in such a way that it fits to be worn as a helm giving off the air of intimidation while on his shoulders are roaring metallic lion pauldrons connected by leather belts revealing the majority of his torso. He also wears some kind of cloth made from a lion’s mane that covers his lower parts. He has to hide boots complementing the overall look.

Bright silver knuckle dusters adorned his hands as he waved at me with a happy grin on his face.

All of this, just screams the words ‘Berserker’ and ‘Fist’ weapon when anyone takes a glance at Siegfried. Many berserker-class players have those kinds of aesthetics so it isn’t uncommon.

“Sieg... Well, I’ve never been here before so please. Lead the way!”

“Sure. Right this way!” -Siegfried-

He grinned and made an exaggerated polite bow earning a chuckle from me remembering that I often did that as a joke. I stood up to follow him and walked with him around the city...

Siegfried guided me around the city while telling me about the behaviour of NPCs.

Simply said, most NPCs here except Adventurer’s Guild can be bribed allowing players to get insider information. The Guards NPC will try to extort players and other NPCs alike for any slightest mistake regarding the law.

“It sounded like living here is hellish.”

I ruefully commented after his explanation as he nodded.

“I’m used to it.” -Siegfried-

He shrugged his shoulders before giving out a small pouch containing clinking coins to one of the Guards NPC. Who gave a grin before pocketing the pouch in their pocket and then allowing Siegfried to go through a gate.

“Where are we going?”

He pauses for a second then waves something in mid-air and taps it.



Siegfried Calenus shared [Quest: Underground Fight Club]

Accept: Yes / No


I raised my eyebrows in both confusion and curiosity as I clicked on Yes. The Quest panel system has a red dot signifying a new addition to it.

“Eh? Uhm... What should I do?”

I asked in uncertainty as Siegfried snorted.

“Just participate and fight, it’s kinda fun.” -Siegfried-

Siegfried performed a shadow punch mid-air with an eager smirk on his face.

While I pulled a surprised face on the quest.

(“I only have 1 STR though!!??”)

In my head, I’m thinking of the box standard fight club where people just hurl punches like an underground street fight especially since the name is similar.

A bead of sweat dropped down on my face thinking about how I fight in that situation. Maybe I can slap someone on the cheek?

“Gehhehehehe!!! Relax, You can participate in different ways not just fighting.” -Siegfried-

He burst out laughing seeing my utter confusion and reaction to the sudden invitation to Fight Club. As I heave a sigh of relief...


We continued our walk while Siegfried was guiding me, I noticed that we went through myriads of hidden passages, several worn & torn houses, and cramped stairs going down. I can even smell the stench of sewage but my nose is trained to endure that at my previous workplace.

Just focusing my mind to keep track of the path is already hard enough, making me think that it is designed to be an urban labyrinth by the Devs.

From the daylight shining down on us, we trekked underground using several stairs leading to a gate adorned by metals.

There are numerous locks and a tiny metal slider at the upper part of the door. As Siegfried is within proximity of that door he gives a strong knock.


The slider opens and I can see the glint of eyes darting right and left in a paranoid way before locking on Siegfried then a masculine hoarse voice echoes...

“Password?” -Bouncer NPC-

“Fuck’em” -Siegfried-

He then stares at me or more like glared in cautionary measure but before he can ask, Siegfried replies.

“This is my companion.” -Siegfried-

Siegfried points his right thumb towards me as the metal slot slides back then I can hear metal rattles behind the door until...


“Enter.” -Bouncer NPC-

Siegfried moves forward and gives a beckoning gesture as I follow suit. From the somewhat big entrance, we go down to a narrow passage lit up by faint candles as Siegfried leads the way.

(“Hm? What’s that sound?”)

My ears picked up something in front, faint sounds of cheering as we came closer and closer. It becomes louder as if thousands of people cheered and clapped.

We arrived at a vast chamber, at my left and right were curved rows and rows of seats made from carved stone where myriads of NPCs were sitting with eager look adorning their face. I can see sections dividing those seats and at the opposite end is a similar passageway where we come in.

The air shivers with excitement as I take a good look at the central spot. There’s a raised rectangular platform in the middle highlighted by spotlights in the form of massive lights attached to the ceilings while the seating spots are illuminated by dim candles similar to what I saw in the narrow passageway.

That platform is a bit grim, I would say... since it has tall metal railings around it and ends with sharp spikes. Either to prevent people from coming in or running out I do not know and want to know.

Within that platform lie two figures as I squint my eyes to focus. From what I can tell, they are players wearing beginner’s tunics though carrying their original weapons to fight. Signified by the icon on top of their figure.

Glancing at Siegfried, I can see how he’s grinning and eager to participate in that platform. He has that excited buzz similar to the spectators around here.

I mean... I get the thrill of PVP but I’m not physically strong and it seems this place is... more favoured to that kind of strength.

“Ah! Another new participant. Come, Come! I’ll show you the way to the participant’s room.” -Recruiter NPC-

Before long, an NPC approached us. He wore a more well-dressed kind of tunic and breeches with a round hat. He greeted Siegfried first then turned his attention to me with his piercing gaze, quickly analysing from top to bottom.

“You... You’re a magic caster, do apologise you cannot participate but! Hmm...” -Recruiter NPC-

He rubbed his chin before talking to me while leading us to the participant’s room.

“What’s your specialisation of magic? We might hire you to do something for us. With money of course!” -Recruiter NPC-

(“Well that’s an interesting offer.”)

“I’m quite good at various magic from Offensive, Defensive, and Support. So... what do you need?”

“Well...” -Recruiter NPC-

He thinks for a bit before leading us to somewhere deeper than this underground colosseum into another chamber where many players are around idling, waiting for their turn to participate.

From here I can see them changing their armour into the beginner’s tunic and breeches while still wearing their usual weapons. I guess that’s the house rule to participate in the fight club.

“Change your armour and wait here for your turn.” -Recruiter NPC-

He faced Siegfried as he said that then looked at me. While Siegfried has started to change his gear to the standard beginner’s tunic and breeches.

“As for you, I have a job for a healer if you are capable of using that magic.” -Recruiter NPC-

I nod...

“Great... Follow me.” -Recruiter NPC-

He opened a door leading to a wide room where players were sitting with myriads of ‘Hurting’ visual effects on their bodies. Ranging from minor cuts with deep maroon red, bruises black and blue, even deeper cuts, and many more.

Some NPCs did not wear the usual peasant clothing or well-dressed tunics. They wore different coloured robes and cast healing magic at the injured players. It looks... shady if I want to say. Including some players who have healing {Spell} in their arsenal but not from a Priest Class I can tell by their robes or they might hide themselves... I do not know.

Suffice it to say, those players who are not Priest class but rather an assortment of other advanced classes who have capabilities to cast healing {Spell} but not as OP as an advanced Priest class like Bishop who purely focused on using supportive magic.

(“It is interesting! I learn several new {Spell} from those players just by eavesdropping in this distance.”)

“Here’s the treatment room. If you’re able to heal them please do and we’ll pay you for the job. If not you can do other jobs here.” -Recruiter NPC-

He bowed and then left me to my own devices as I distinctively heard a recognizable *PING*.

Upon checking my Quest System Panel, this quest is completed and I read the rewards.

(“Huh... It seems now I’m allowed to enter this club whenever and I got the icon appeared on my map. This place has several jobs for non-participant players such as being healers, cleaning the seat, and miscellaneous ones for Zenis.”)

It’s strange to get a job in a game but... Eh... I shrugged my shoulders and moved forward to nearby injured players.


As soon as I uttered those keywords, extending my hand to an injured player. That cast bar is filled almost instantly as the {Spell} activates. Showering their wound with silver gossamer rays of light.

Their ‘Hurting’ visual effects begin to slowly recede and fade as the expression of this player relaxes.

“Thanks... Ugh...” -Knight Player-

“What happened?”

I noticed how my healing magic isn’t as strong as it should be but I cannot check players {Status} who aren’t in the party.

“It’s the de-buff for who lost in the fight club. Annoying as fuck!” -Knight Player-

He grunts after being fully healed, he stands and leaves the room with an irritated look on his face. Perhaps a bit salty from defeat... As I continue doing my job, healing other defeated players as they come in from the battle.


My eyes stare at the wall at the end of this room which is a screen that shows the underground Colosseum central platform in a bird’s eye view. I and many other players spectate what’s going on.

Amidst the cheers and screams of enthusiasm from spectators. Two players fight head to head with fists as I recognise the shaggy black hair of Siegfried.

He bobs and weaves before unleashing a barrage of punches refined with techniques from long practice at incredible speed. Stagger his opponents catching them off guard.

I changed my attention to the injured players and continued to cast [Heal]. Once I healed several players and deemed myself enough, I left the room and gained a notification in the System Panel.

It is a statistic regarding how many players I have healed and in return how many Zeni I got as the amount of Zenis I held increased.

(“That’s quite a good haul for healing that many players. My MP Regen tremendously helped to keep going.”)

Stepping out of the treatment room, I went up the stairs leading to the underground colosseum and sat on one of the empty stone seats to watch.

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