Open World Online (O.w.O)

V1 Chapter 63: Underground Colloseum

  • 1st Person POV (MC)

-Present Time-

Siegfried had defeated several players as their bodies were enveloped by blue light and then dispersed into small blue cubes.

Once it happened, another player came forward onto the stage. Wearing similar clothing yet held no weapon at all. Purely using their fist in battle...

“1... 2... 3... Start!!!” -Announcer NPC-

The new player dashed forward almost catching Siegfried off guard as he reflexively defended himself by clasping his forearms together to make a shield.


The sheer force of those hits made Siegfried move several steps away while enduring it as he retaliated by giving several bursts of power punches.

His opponent dodged each of them by curving their body in a way reminiscent of a slithering snake, making me think about Oreoboros.

As Siegfried continues his barraging attacks, his opponent merely ebbs and flows before retaliating in calculating pin-pointed attacks of their own. Earning a grunt of pain but also a wide grin adorned Siegfried's face in excitement.

Siegfried quickly ducked and managed to perform a sweeping kick that toppled his opponent's form and followed up with a heavy down punch dealing significant enough damage as his opponent flipped returning to their original form with a grin of their own.

The people around shout seeing this intense battle between experienced players. While I continue to watch...

(“If I put a bet, I think... Siegfried would win though it’s getting kind of hard to predict...”)

Since his opponent is a direct counter to Siegfried's methods of attack if only he could use his [Morph] but there’s a lot of people here.

Both have more and more ‘Hurting’ visual effects in the form of black and blue bruises. Siegfried touches his Mithril knuckle dusters together as it glows in golden radiance enveloping his body. Healing his previous injuries but not much to reach full recovery though his HP slowly regenerates.

Seeing this battle, an idea popped into my mind... In case he gets defeated just to make things faster.

Assuming Siegfried's personality, I do not think he would appreciate it if I meddled in this fight using fragments plus... interrupting their fight would be considered an illegal act. So, I quietly and intently in my mind trigger my {Trait} ability creating 5 [Star Fragment] by shouting it in my mind.

I internally commanded them to cast [Greater Invisibility] on themselves as these floating crystals vanished from sight. Then I ordered them to fly towards the Treatment Room.

It was a strange sensation after I closed my eyes in hopes of sharing the senses of my fragments. As if I can vividly imagine 5 drones’ perspectives segmented by panels deep in my mind showing different perspectives as those fragments continue.

(“Okay... My fragments arrived at the room. Though they do not have hands to open it...”)

At the moment, they currently hovering above almost touching the ceiling just to avoid people coming in & out and stumbling into them.

(“Fragments... [Incorporeal]”)

Ushering that command, all of the fragments have cast bar appeared and filled up quite quickly as I ordered them to simply pass through the wall.

It is so weird, through myriads of perspectives I’m seeing a big wall that comes closer and closer as if I’m going to hit it straight on until I simply ‘No Clip’ my way in.


I recognise the interior of the treatment room filled with players who can cast healing magic and many participant players who got defeated. Once I’m in this room, I open my eyes disconnecting my shared senses with the fragments and watch the battle between Siegfried and this monk player.

That monk player moves like a snake, lithe and slithers around before whipping back in a jolt managing to hit particular places of Siegfried’s body while he gives out several calculated bursts of power punches managing to retaliate to hit that monk player.

I cannot hear the fight from this distance but I can imagine how intense the battle is as Siegfried and this player continue with excited grins on their faces amidst the myriads of ‘Hurting’ visual effects.

However, I somewhat sensed a change in the atmosphere between them... like an anticipatory moment knowing that they wanted to end this as quickly as possible.


The monk steps back for several distances before.


They move forward at incredible speed making their image blurred as they almost instantly appear in front of Siegfried. Before Siegfried can react, in quick succession jab three times in several spots.

Siegfried's eyes widened as he stood still, earning raised eyebrows from me wondering what happened. Since he’s quite vulnerable... he would never do that.

My eyes dart to the other side seeing the monk send out a powerful force using both of their hands akin to ‘Kamehameha’ pose directly to Siegfried’s chest.

In an instant, his body was knocked back at hit the railings before being engulfed by blue cubes and dispersed signifying his defeat. However, he still has a grin before mouthing ‘GG’ at the end.

Seeing that, I closed my eyes and actively thought about my fragments as the familiar CCTV screens appeared within the darkness.

(“Ah! I see him.”)

Siegfried currently sitting cross-legged and leaning against one of the walls as he taps something in the air.

Even from here, I hear the distinct *PING* from the chat system but I ignore it for now as I command all star fragments to simultaneously cast [Maximize: Highness Heal] targeting Siegfried.

Due to [Greater Invisibility] my fragments were still not visible from sight and Siegfried suddenly glowed in silvery gossamer light resulting in his HP being restored to full even if he has the de-buff.

After disconnecting from them. I wave my hand and with intent in my mind, those fragments vanished. Then I check the Chat system...


(Siegfried Calenus)

-Aaaaggghhh... That’s embarrassing, I lost.

-Whoa! Did you heal me?


-I saw you lost! What the heck is that?

-Yep! ^•^

(Siegfried Calenus)

-Thanks for the heals.

-I think it’s Monk class {Skill}, kinda surprised to get [Paralysed].


-No worries

-So, what are we going to do after this?

(Siegfried Calenus)

-Reach LV100 ASAP!!! That player has gone Rebirth.

-I want to get more {Skill}!!! :)


-*Thumbs Up*


Standing up from my seat, I met up with Siegfried at the entrance to the underground colosseum as we exited using the same door.

“So, what kind of hostiles I can expect here?”

“Well... Hmm... Fiends if I remember from Adventurer’s handbook.” -Siegfried-

(“Fiends? Hmmm... Then I think they would be weak to light element damage.”)

“Well! Shall we?”

I swirl my hand a few times before making an exaggerated bow asking for Siegfried to lead the way.

“Gehehehe.. we shall.” -Siegfried-

With a spring on his steps even after being defeated in the underground Colosseum

While Siegfried leads the way out from Lowlight bribing guards left and right.

I talked about the battle as he enthusiastically analysed what had just happened.

It seems some monks can deal magic damage in the form of {Skill} sort of similar to Mage {Spell} though in this case, they aren’t that subclass rather it’s the more physical version. Utilising [Status Effect] and the myriad of stances to chain a combo.

It’s good to know what other classes can do so that you can counter them.

-Tainted Wasteland (LV50-100)-

“Here we are!” -Siegfried-

He put his hands on his hip taking in the sight.


My eyes stare at the scenery, it’s not a desert rather it’s like vast flat plains with several massive mesas and smaller rock formations jutted above 4 to 8 metres. The ground has webs-like cracks and is so dry the winds cause dust to be picked up.

Looking around, no greeneries are in sight instead the trees here are either scorched black by fire or completely bleached white which reminds me of petrification.

(“What an ominous sight...”)

I can hear the sounds of rustling winds and toppled rocks from here on as we travel further into the Tainted Wasteland.

Within this place, I heard shouts as my eyes zoomed in on the source of those voices.

“[Divine Smite]!!” -Paladin Player-

“[Assassinate]” -Assassin Player-

“[Blizzard]” -Elementalist Player-

Players are shouting about their {Skill} and {Spell} fighting against a group of red-skinned gargoyles above like a random encounter.

Siegfried takes a moment to stare at the monster as I unlock their information.

(“I see... they are imps.”)

We ignored them and marched on, scanning around to gauge stronger enemies as we’re LV90 after all! We needed LV90-100 enemies to defeat for EXPs and adventurer’s guild requests too...

“There... maybe we should explore that?” -Siegfried-

He points his index finger in a direction towards a ruined structure. My eyes widened for a second seeing what Siegfried pointed out.

It’s a castle surrounded by fortified stone walls albeit has crumbled due to time and damage. There’s even a giant rock settled between the rubble walls like a siege weapon hurled that thing to destroy this castle’s defence.

The metal gate at the front barred any kind of entry to the castle grounds so we decided to go around checking if there were any openings.

(“Hmmm... I do not recognize this symbol.”)

I noticed several torn and scorched banners bearing the symbol of a blazing grail where on its left and right lies a sword criss-crossing making an ‘X’ shape.

“Mag, I think we can enter here...” -Siegfried-

“Ah! Wait for me.”

I quickened my pace to catch up on where Siegfried was and looked at a hole in the wall. Massive in size and parts of the wall crumbled into the castle ground as we entered the castle grounds.

Similar to what we saw outside, it’s only a wasteland and cracked dirt with scorched trees. But it was once a garden judging by the structures.

“MAGG!!! It’s coming!” -Siegfried-

He yelled as I caught a strong scent of sulphur wafting to my nose and turned my head in the direction.

A massive grotesque creature, size easily reached 6-7 metres with their bulky stout legs lumbering towards us. It moves slowly so I think I can easily keep my distance as I look up and down drinking what I see.

It appeared to be humanoid but it was the only shape I recognised the rest was... horrid that’s what I can say for the rest.

Their face is brutish and rough, and strange spikes have grown all around. Their eyes are just bright red with trails of fire and circle circle-shaped mouths filled with serrated teeth. I cannot tell whether it’s feminine or masculine rather it’s more monstrous.

Their arms are... long and tentacle-like with each having hooks and spikes alongside the surface. It has a bloated stomach where on closer look there are faces mouths open as if screaming in silence.

“GRAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!” -Hell Broodmother-

The creature screamed, trembling the air around it including us. Its inhumane ear-piercing sound made me use my hands to protect my ears as it is still ringing.

As the background battle music begins...

“I think it’s a Field Boss...” -Siegfried-

I nod, after it’s displayed {Status} has the icon and fancy fonts of its name signifying that it’s a boss enemy.

Instinctively, I took a few steps back while Siegfried displayed the usual gesture to taunt the enemy gaining their aggro.

Then he hunched his back, his figure mutates into a bulkier stature. Bone, muscles, and flesh intermingle with the loud crunching noise of bones and squelch. But also the tattoos on Siegfried’s back swirled changing its image into a bear.

“Hngh!” -Siegfried-

With a heavy grunt, he leapt with enough force to create a small crater underneath him as his figure blurred towards the air gaining verticality as Siegfried spins several times to get momentum. Before dive bombing straight to the hell Broodmother.

In the meantime...

“[Maximize: Solar Flare]”

Upon uttering the keywords, a cast bar appeared at the bottom of my view showing my {Spell}.

While it is casting several visual effects started in the form of bright red orbs coalescing around me.



My eyes dart to the creature’s head and Siegfried collides as he performs a dive kick enveloped by radiant light knowing the weapon he wields I’m sure it comes from there.

“GRAAAA!!!!” -Hell Broodmother-

It flails in manic moving its tentacles around as Siegfried gets caught in one.

“Hurk!!!” -Siegfried-


Siegfried flung to one of the castle walls...

Dust billows and sounds of falling rocks ensue as my eyes dart to the top left corner seeing its HP has gone down by a bit even though I am sure that boss has taken a big hit.


The boss emits a strange sound akin to wet cloth being slapped on a hard floor as several amber-coloured egg sacs spout from the stomach of this creature. They slowly emitted an intense glow before cracked open and several worms-like creatures appeared. In doing so, the boss has a {Skill} appeared below them named ‘Foul Birth’.

Those newly spawned worms as big as crocodiles wiggled around as if accustomed themselves to the surroundings and they began to wander before finally noticing me.

(“Oh shit...”)

These worms start to slither at uncommon speed straight at me and I cannot walk since I’m casting a {Spell}. With a slight intent in my mind, my whole body is covered by a prismatic sheen preparing for the hits. Including 5 crystals hovering behind me for just-in-case scenarios.

(“Bring it on!!!”)

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