Open World Online (O.w.O)

V2 Chapter 78: PKers

  • 1st Person POV (MC)

-Present Time-

Pushing away some leaves, I finally landed my sight on where that green dot would be.

At first, it looks like an unassuming cluster of ferns but the highlight around the plant's shape says otherwise...

Using my hands, I pushed the leaves out until I could see what was beneath them. Surrounded by leaves like a bird’s nest, are... berries but are those cherries?

They have the shapes of hearts, and glossy surfaces, and come in pairs. Getting more and more curious I plucked several of these berries.

Due to my {Skill}, I get lots of berries in one pluck of differing qualities including their seeds.


Ohhhh! They are essentially, a better version of Vitality Herb aptly named Vitality Berry, how creative...

However, this means there’ll be another version of Stamina and Mana Herb too...

Then following this logic there’ll be different ones at Post-Rebirth Snow Field, Deep Forest, etc. Although I cannot see myself, I’m sure my eyes twinkled and a wide smile adorned my face.


A couple of bushes away rattle as I whipped my head towards it and assumed a combat stance readying myself to fight.

(“Is it Gore Rabbit? Or...”)

(“No... It’s too far away from the ‘main’ grass fields. So most likely not then what it is?”)


A high-pitched whistle came from the bushes akin to an arrow unleashed from its bow. My ears perked up to that sound as I turned my body towards the source of that sound.


Before I can utter a {Spell} to conjure a [Shield], I immediately feel a sudden pressure on my right leg and accompanied by that, a harsh screech akin to metal hitting metal as I quickly look down.

An arrow landed weakly on top of the soil deflected by my [Aegis]. Though doing so, the barrier has shattered as bits and pieces simply float around the wound's visual effects.

The realization began to seep in but before I could process it... suddenly an onset of drowsiness hits full brunt including a dull ache pulsing from my feet.


My eyes got woozy and my head grew several tons heavier...

I blinked several times hoping to whisk the feeling away but to no avail as I leaned on one of the trees as leverage to keep standing up...

(“Shit! I’m... going... To... Sleep... Soon...”)


A flash of starlight entered my vision and that feeling of intense drowsiness vanished instantly.

At this moment, my mind is as clear as day and I processed what’s going on...

(“I’ve been attacked, PKers!!?? But... why do I feel Deja Vu with this?”)

Never mind, let’s focus!!!

Like a trap being triggered, I immediately set up everything.

Surrounded by 6 [Fragments] like an orbiting planet where I’m the sun. My weapon begins to unfurl creating an armillary sphere where Astral Orb in its centre resides exuding starlight as it glows.

“[Astral Vision]”

Waving my hand, I send out pulses of glimmering starlight. It hits several players enveloping them in faint highlights. As a result, I can see them all through the thick vines and leaves of the forest.

There are five of them each having their silhouette highlighted in silvery glimmering starlight. This magic revealed the location of targeted entities within a radius but also increased their ‘Hitbox’.


That loud whistle again! As another arrow being shot...

“[Maximize: Shield]”


In an instant, a blue force field deflected the incoming arrow as it flung far away towards a random bush indicating how powerful the shot was...

“Tch! Of course, you found us out.” -Player 1-

My head whipped towards that disgruntled noise. Appearing from the side of a tree and revealing himself, is a male human with height around 170-180 cm-ish. His body is built for agility and heavyset of muscles on the arms & shoulders.

Difficult to judge his facial characteristics in this distance... though he’s carrying an odd bow. Does it look more mechanical? Like a compound bow but in this game, usually it’s more mediaeval or fantasy theme.

That weapon whirring with particular noise upon approaching me. Earning a confirming hum from this figure...

“You’re not human after all. Should’ve known by now...” -Player 1-


My eyes widened when I heard that voice!

“Why are you here??? I thought we were done last time?!”

He didn’t answer, instead gave a nod to somewhere on his side.

Immediately I’m eyeing one silhouette close to him. While also paying some attention to the other 3 that are slowly coming closer to form a barricade formation.

Knowing this, I enact my emergency plan...

(“Fragments... cast [Accelerate] on yourselves and fly up high then spread apart to create a hexagon. After that, follow me always.”)

Ordering them mentally to do so, 6 Fragments suddenly jettisoned upward like a rocket towards the skies pushing through the forest’s canopy before splitting in six directions similar to an open net...

“[Link: Dimensional Lock and Gravitational Lock]” -Player 2-


As soon as I heard that keyword, I was too late to react, I felt a sudden change in the air. It is as if everything has been stilled, paused for a quick second or two and then returned to normal.

I remembered that Meta Magic, allows players to cast both {Spell} at the same time with a steep cost of MP.

It happened so fast that I cannot discern who cast it. I have my suspicion though, most likely the player hiding near him.

Now... If I remember correctly, [Dimensional Lock] is an AoE magic that prevents magical movement like [Warp], [Teleport], or [Blink] with a severe penalty if someone tries to use them within the area. While [Gravitational Lock] forces players to stay on the ground preventing magic such as [Levitation], [Fly], or [Hover]. It also reduces jump/leap distance...

I am surrounded, grounded, and trapped. What should I do?

My mind was racing miles per minute, thinking of plan after plan after plan while I stared in a deadlock waiting for something to happen...

The silence was so quiet that I could hear leaves rustle as I waited and waited while other players began to move even closer than I was comfortable with.


A branch snapped from pressure possibly footstep, and quickly I dashed in the opposite direction towards one of the hiding players who was quite separated from the others, figured it would be easier to handle those multiple players...

Jumping from one of the giant bushes to occupy my vision is a large bulky human wearing thick full metal armour except for the helmet and equipped with strange mechanical like tower shield & sword. Similar theme with the bow that the guy held...

“<Staggering Slash>” -Player 3-



A loud noise resonated as he hit my legs but I ignored the soft pressure and quickly darted to the side looking for an opening.


Another arrow was shot and missed just by an inch as it flew past, sticking into the tree trunk. Preventing me from taking advantage of this knight’s gap...

“The fuck? How?” -Player 3-

He sounded both confused and annoyed.

(“The longer I’m here the more danger I will be in. The best is to escape and monitor them since I know who he is.”)

My mind quickly ordered one of the fragments to cast [Maximize: Lunar Blessing] plus activate their own [Aegis] ability too.

“[Widen: Dispel]” -Player 2-

A wave of energy pulses from his hands and engulfs me but I don’t feel a thing as my buffs didn’t vanish earning a questioning glare from this mage player draped in a lavishly embellished regal blue robe.

Meanwhile, I glanced upward to the faraway fragments as I thought...

(“I cannot let these fragments die, they are the key for me to survive. Especially with an opposing mage.”)

I touched the metallic parts of the knight player. Enacting my countermeasures...

“[Paralysing Touch]”

“[Widen: Counter Spell]!!!” -Player 2-

He unleashed a wave of energy once more and simultaneously with it, a barrage of arrows came over.

Each is deflected by a silvery sphere resembling that of the moon. This is a power-up version of [Lunar Embrace], creating a shield that essentially nullifies damage to a certain threshold, the downside would be when the damage goes over the threshold, it would break. It is weak to burst attacks...

I thought my offensive {Spell} was countered but, seeing the cast bar appearing in the bottom centre of my point of view suggested that it is not. Most likely due to my {Trait}...

(“Wait a minute... Does that mean!? I can use translocation magic then?”)

My mouth itches to announce the keyword of [Teleportation] or [Greater Teleportation] though...

(“No... let's not try it since if I use translocation {Spell} and fails, I will receive heavy setbacks like [Cripple], [Slow], or [Stunned]. I rather not add more to my plate at this point.”)

The cast time is fairly quick as it fills up and...


Harsh sparks of electricity course through my hands and envelop this knight as his bulky body twitches as a whole.

“Wha...?” -Player 2-

“GAAAAHHHHH...” -Player 3-

Taking this gap, I scurry away continuing my supervision of where each player is located.

“[Widen: Cure]!!” -Player 4-

One voice comes from afar, feminine in likeness and a golden glimmer seeps through the knight as the currents of electricity fade.

Though... I am already a few paces away not far enough to escape them even with this gap I made. Curse my AGI {Status}.

“[Primordial Form]!!!”

I can feel my body feels so light as if gravity has been lessened. This sensation is incredibly similar to when I cast [Levitate] or [Hover], akin to riding a plane doing a downward dive.

Unmistakably, I also radiate glimmering starlight similar to my weapon here as I internally cast...

(“[Penta: Earth Wall]”)

My eyes trained to pick which spots where the walls are and I heard loud noise of grating stones and dirt as the magic works even if I’m moving...

“CATCH THEM!!!!” -Player 1-

His voice is far distant as I ordered the fragments to do the same.

(“Fragments, enter [Primordial Form] and Fragment A cast [Extend: Light Speed] to me. B cast [Extend: Slowness], C till F cast [Triple: Summon Lesser Undead]”)

Like a lighthouse in the dark, the fragments brighten up emanating starlight glimmer albeit overshadowed by the literal sun and while it is following me. I can see it, casting those {Spell} without being cancelled due to the Moving Penalty. I choose lesser because it’s the quickest one there’s out of summoning magic.

  • Change POV to 3rd Person

“Fuck, They’re running away. Rogue!!!!” -Player 1-

With a shout of urgency, he nocked his mechanical bow once more and unleashed several shots all at once at the running-away glowing Astromancer.


Some go wide knowing what the {Skill} does and stuck on the suddenly raised earthen wall but the ones that are supposed to hit simply get deflected by some sort of silvery barrier resembling a moon covering that Astromancer.

“Shit!!!!!” -Player 1-

He yelled at the mage while dashing forward. The mage tries several counter-machines towards that Astromancer but to no avail. They brushed it as if that is nothing...

“I d-don’t know, my magic doesn’t seem to affect them. It’s odd...” -Player 2-

The mage seems to be pondering... his mind runs a replay on what happened.

(“If my {Spell] does not affect them. Do they have immunity against magic? And when on earth did they manage to cast that protection {Spell} and these earthen walls? You are supposed to stay still while casting, they must have got a {Skill} to do that especially with them glowing like a beacon. Though... one other thing, my <Analyst> {Skill} didn’t pick up any cast bar aside from when they are casting [Earth Wall]...”) -Player 2-

While still stuck on his pondering, the archer player tries to shoot several more arrows towards that mage while picking up his pace upon realizing a sudden increase in that Astromancer’s movement speed.

A sudden slowness envelopes them creating a bigger gap before being dispelled by the Priest player.


“Haaaaaaaa.” -Undead-

Undead rose from the soil, various zombies and skeletons almost like an army obstructing the path between Astromancer and the PKers.

(“Drats, these must be some sort of a {Spell}. How?”) -Player 2-

The mage ran, he raised some AGI {Status} purely for chasing reasons, and he threw out AoE damage {Spell} eliminating several undead.

(“Where? When?”) -Player 2-

Questions rang within the Mage’s mind until he looked up and saw a tiny yet bright crystal floating above the canopy during this chase. Sunlight blinded his view to see them but If his eyes weren’t enhanced by his {Skill}, he would have probably missed it as he discerned several cast bars in total six of them currently casting at different speeds.

“Up there!!! They have devices to remotely cast {Spell}. Priest! Kill those undead!!!” -Player 2-

“Roger that! [Divine Radiance]” -Player 4-

He points upward, as the archer follows suit squinting his eyes to finally see several tiny elongated diamond-shaped crystals. Realization hits him as memories during their first PVP battle in the forest. Where one mage gets attacked from opposite directions, that must be the culprit.


The archer nocked several arrows.

“<Homing Multi-Shot>” -Player 1-

6 arrows flung far in the air as they curved hitting six of the crystals and creating a harsh screech of metal hitting metal similar sort when attacking the Astromancer before falling with a weak thud.

“It’s protected with the same ‘Shield’ as them.” -Player 1-

They continue to chase that Astromancer after being provided with a gap from the priest.

It’s a great chance to see that Astromancer who went far too deep into the forest section of Beginner’s Challenge but they needed to be stopped before getting out from [Dimensional Lock] AoE.

Just in the nick of time, the archer’s cooldown of his {Skill} has returned...


The bow whirred to life and gears embedded inside turned as he loaded arrows into it.

“<Lethal Snipe> and <Arrow Storm>” -Player 1-


A high-pitched whistling noise came from the bow and unleashed streams of arrows with a central one leading the way.

  • Return to 1st Person POV

(“Oh... Noooooo, they noticed my fragments.”)

I continued to dash, hoping to get out from [Dimensional Lock] AoE so I could teleport away after knowing that counter-spell does not work against me.

(“Fragments! Cast [Astral Barrage]”)

Just as I internally ordered that command to them...

Everything is happening far too quickly.


A loud noise of breaking glass as I see my [Lunar Blessing] shattered and in that split second as if waiting for that chance. I ignored that one due to my hurry and thought that I wouldn’t be able to catch up... how wrong I was...

A lithe figure appeared wearing dark-coloured leather armour and a hood to hide their features. I can tell they are human or humanoid in stature at a glimpse.

I heard the pitter-patter of arrows being blocked by my innate prismatic barrier resulting in my <Vancian> stacks drastically reduced until it’s completely out all in a fraction of a second.

(“He figured it out!? My multi-hit weakness.”)

My expression turned sour almost instantly as I commanded.

(“Shit! Fragment F cast [Lunar Blessing]”)

It cancels Fragment F's original cast and begins to cast [Lunar Blessing]. In a snap, I can tell it’s not quick enough...

(“I need to buy time!”)

Meanwhile... The other fragments unleashed a barrage of numerous shooting stars mimicking glimmering rain as it exploded on impact.

“[Praefatio]” -Player 4-

Her voice pierces through numerous visual and audio effects. Resulting in the creation of a dome-shaped golden barrier complete with curving angelic wings that protect anyone within...

“[Extend: Bind]”

I stared and uttered the keyword at the figure who dodges every shooting star like a slithering snake. Chains sprout from the ground to get a hold of him but to no avail, the chains merely pass through...


I pursed my lips, it must be from a {Skill}.

It is far too late as time feels like slowing down. I know my fate and in a desperate attempt, I uttered a keyword as he looms right in front of me.


“<Execute>” -Player 5-

He spoke far quicker and with that one activation keyword, I heard that mechanical whir before a metallic glint as my whole vision darkened something that hadn’t happened for a while...


You Died

Killed by Player


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