Open World Online (O.w.O)

V2 Chapter 79: PKed

  • 1st Person POV (MC)

-Present Time-

My vision returned after I was flashed by ‘You Died’ words for a while. Revealing the familiar ceiling of my home and a timer on the helm’s visor indicating that I am indeed killed by the rumoured non-human PKers.

(“Welp... that’s that. I didn’t expect one of the PKers was him.”)

Shrugging, I took off the helmet and left it at the bedside table charging.

I picked up my phone in exchange for browsing. While letting my mind wander.

I mean... there’s nothing valuable that I would’ve lost. My equipment can be ground again in Ancient Ruins Dungeon, my weapon cannot be dropped so it will stay with me, then potions I can just re-craft them again.

However, I cannot help but think about what mistakes I made and what I should have done during that encounter.

(“... I should’ve immediately used other classes {Spell} like [Silentium] rather than trying to hide my non-human race, they already knew after all... but how?”)

My mind pondered about the time when their weapon whirrs to life upon coming closer to me.

(“It might be one of the effects of that weapon? Haaa... the next step after that I should’ve ordered my fragments to cast binding magic on all of them after I located their positions. Haaaa... Panic often causes mistakes I suppose.”)

It made me remember a MOBA game where I panicked and instantly pressed the ‘Flicker’ or ‘Blink’ ability planting my hero to a wall and dying anyway.

(“ Haaa... I won’t do that again. At least, I have learned that I’m unaffected by those restrictions type of magic.”)

I sighed while leaning my back on my sofa a bit relieved knowing that.

Besides I have several things I am curious about especially about that rogue player {Skill} <Execute> and what kind of weapons they are using...


Browsing on Pochi Mochi’s Wikia, I see several lists regarding rogue {Skill} and their classes. I sorted through all of them until I reached one who has the keyword ‘Execute’.

(“I see... Hm. Hm. Hm. Hm.”)

In conclusion, {Skill} came from an Assassin rebirth class named ‘Executioner’ that focuses on killing targets. It is ranked low in PVE settings and ranked highest in PVP.

That {Skill} has a high cooldown, many restrictions for which part of the body to target, and will deal no damage if hitting barrier magic like [Shield] or player armour/clothing. But! If it connects with exposed skin then it will deal an extremely high amount of physical damage plus a percentage of the target’s max HP to boot.


One thing for sure, my [Aegis] isn’t considered as barrier, armour, or clothing since that {Skill} worked. Which is dangerous...

(“Now that raises the question... previously [Sigil] didn’t trigger when my [Aegis] is active. Has that patch also done something? AUGGGHHH, why the devs didn’t put patch notes or something?”)

Sighing, I air out the frustration as the next thing I’m looking for, is information about the unique weaponry that they’re wearing.

So far I haven’t found any relevant information about it, though the discussions and the majority of players who died from ‘similar’ sort of PKers have screenshotted those weapons including the faces of him and his teammates.

Is it a coincidence that his group met me? or they targeted me from the beginning? Hmmm...

Safe to say... I think they are the PKers group of the rumours that Booba was saying, though I doubt they are the only ones since I’m seeing other groups that have that weaponry in the forum’s screenshot.

Now it made me wonder if they also aimed at pre-Rebirth non-human players...




(“No... there is no report regarding their groups in the Pre-Rebirth area harassing pre-rebirth non-human players. So it’s only Rebirth non-human players... I see...”)

(“You know what? maybe I can ‘spy’ with my artefact? It has no range limit after all.”)

I hummed to myself before realising the promise I made with Siegfried and Booba.

“Oh yeah, I need to tell Siegfried and Booba that I got PKed. Uh... How to do that exactly?”

I entered my room and examined the helmet a bit more before wearing it. The visor is inert, giving me the view of seeing through stained glass as it lights up slightly and displays...

Big red words of ‘You Died’ seemingly mock me as I just blink a few times letting it slide off...

But after waiting it fades, leaving the inert visor once more. I guess there’s no way to contact them unless I get their contact info IRL that would be creepy though to ask them about it.


I feel super guilty not saying anything but what can I do about it? Might as well take the day to rest I suppose...


Realizing and immediately listing what I need on top of what I already know on my phone. I quickly changed my homely PJs to outerwear.

It’s a soft brown zipped-up jacket, my comfiest and most used winter wear. I patched up the holes with many cutesy prints after all it’s been with me for a decade paired it with a nice scarf and gloves. My outfit is done!

Hmmm... the weather said it’s going to be 3 degrees Celsius but it doesn’t feel that way though? It’s cold yes, but not to the point of my joints freezing and me shivering rather it’s like a comfortable breeze.

Well! It’s a good thing then because I’m going to carry several bags on this trip. I clenched my measly muscles and laughed internally as I went forward on a nice walk.

(“Come to think of it, it has been a while since I’m outside... maybe I can take a little longer walks to enjoy moments like this.”)


Carrying lots of stuff, particularly hygiene products, I take a look once more at my financial situation on my phone.

Since playing this game and the productivity of my M&M potion factory I have been gaining profits enough to use it for ordering some food delivery maybe new clothes or so too!

(“That RMT system is an amazing thing.”)

As I continued my slow pace of walking until finally arrived at the front door of my apartment.

Upon opening it, a wave of warm air brushed my face and I let the bags down to the kitchen counter to sit on the sofa before putting them away. Sighing in relief after, the bag’s handle started to dig through my skin.

While doing that, my mind wandered for a bit...

(“I mean... usually at this hour, I just finished my work and currently walking home but I’m not working anymore so uhhh what to do? I can’t play O.w.O due to penalty...”)

Time to lay on the bed and scroll MeTube as I make myself comfortable. Since I have been looking at many O.W.O. contents, the algorithm has changed to display those.




Lots of videos; clickbait thumbnails, flashy PVPs, Dungeon Challenges or Guides, and many more flooded my screen as I simply scrolled through them not bothering to watch.

Until I got something that earned a raised eyebrow from me. It’s a video of someone making a tier list of all ‘known’ classes in O.w.O which of course I click and watch.




Heh, the comments are wild. Some defending their class like it’s the end of the world, Hahahaha...

As per usual, Arch Mage the Rebirth class of Elementalist ranked as S Tier or meta Tier due to the DPS output for PVE. While my class, Astromancer ranked lower but not super low thankfully! I mean, Astromancers have [Guidance] buff, she emphasizes that one particularly since it helps grind items.

In PVP settings though, my class nor Arch Mage weren’t even there and the highest one is called Sage, a rebirth class from ‘Abjurers’ that specializes in disabling / restriction magic.

(“Huh... Must be that mage’s class then.”)

Reaching the end of the video, I tapped the like button and moved on to scrolling. Don’t know how long I’ve been doing this as I stare at the clock.

(“Haaa... It’s been an hour.”)

I turned off my phone screen and set it on the bedside table next to the game’s helmet as I sprawled like a starfish on the bed looking at my ceiling.

“Haaaaaaaaaa... Many hours to go.”

I sighed so much that my soul might as well come out of my mouth at this point...

-After a gruelling 24 hours passed by

“FINALLLYYYYYY!! Hehehehehehehehe”

Giggling and cackling like a witch, I excitedly plop myself into the bed and wear the helmet then push that activation button as it whirs to life.

The visor whitens covering my view with pure white...

-Entering O.w.O-

I can hear conversations as the pure white fades revealing a night sky full of stars and a hue of blue, red, purple like galaxies. Then I felt the silken-like softness and fuzzy upon my back...


Immediately, I knew where I was and recognised that sound as I took deep breaths.

“MASTER!!!!” -Gaia-

The familiar sounds of galloping entered my ears and soon, my view of the night sky was blocked by numerous antlers mimicking tree branches.

His superbly cute face lies in the centre of it all as the leaves, flowers, moss, and vines growing on his antlers continuously sway, rustling by the rush of movement Gaia’s did.

“I’m back!!!”

I raised both of my hands to squish his cheeks as I gave him as much affection as possible even peppering kisses all over his face.


I heard that tell-tale noise coming from behind us interrupting our cuddling session as I glanced at Oreo.

They brought the gold ambassadors and it’s added to my Safe Inventory ready to be sold at a later date since I’m planning to hoard them.

“Oreo! Come here. Let me give you some love.”

I made a gesture and they slithered so close towards me letting me give many scratches below their head earning a satisfied rattle from their tail.

(“Goodness me, it’s been only 1 day but I miss these little buggers. I know they are not little anymore but still!”)

Not a moment too soon after finishing our cuddling session. I brought up the chat panel and messaged both Siegfried and Booba about what happened even if they are offline, the chat will still go through so they’ll know sooner or later.

That is when I noticed several things were missing from me. I’m naked in terms of gear but! I’m wearing the costume from the C.B.R. event, my usual recovery potions that I carry are also gone.

I’m glad though that I still have the constant orbiting knotted ball of my weapon like moon to earth. This makes me heave a sigh of relief...

As usual, I re-crafted and sold my potions while staring at the plots of land in my permanent home.

After the expansion of each ‘land’ or ‘section’ in my home, it feels like each place is a bit empty... there are default trees here and there. Previously, the way I spaced them was good but the expansion effect caused this ‘Emptiness’.

An idea flashed through my head as I decided to do something about this...

Opening my left palm with the intent to wield my trusty weapon. It landed on top and began to unfurl creating a myriad of rings or wheels that spun around the central Astral Orb.

Searching for one particular wheel, I found one that’s segmented knowing what this wheel’s function is, I detached and reattached them.

For each piece that I arranged, I can see changes occurring... and begin my plan to overhaul my home.


“Haa... Done and Dusted!!”

I smile elatedly seeing the presence of unique trees with cyan leaves belonging to Astera laid out in the inner circle of my home where previously there was none except the Tree of Life sapling and a small spring.

Following that small spring, I expanded it creating a lake. It’s still hilarious to me that no matter what furniture, they only need Woods and Stones material but the style will change depending on which Area I took the Woods and Stones from.

In this case, Lainore forest materials provide a ‘Fantasy Fey’ aesthetic. Crystal clear waters, several obscenely large water lilies and lotuses having striking colours, and due to my added critters, there are some insects plus aquatic life mixed in.

I connected the Lake using rivers and in bird’s eye view, the river channels create an image of a spider web spreading to all sections of my home. Purely for aesthetics since my golems can simply water the plants using their utility magic.

So now, the inner circle of my home looks like one of those ‘Sacred Groves’ you see in fantasy movies with the Tree of Life in its centre.

Satisfied with my work, I went on to the next order of business. Which is to create potions using Vitality Berries...

My shoulders slumped as I remember.

(“Oh wait... It’s gone too, dang it! I need to gather them again.“)

Hmmmmm... Siegfried and Booba are currently offline so no chance of asking them.

I know it sounds stupid but I’m going to go to Beginner’s Challenge again. This time though! I am going to prepare as much as I can.

As a result, Uh... I think I over-prepared. Since I have around 35 [Sigil] and 7 [Contingency] embedded in me.

These [Sigil] are ‘offensive’ type of magic so uh... If someone managed to get close and hit me then kaboom if they trigger.

The [Contingency] is far different, utilising displacing types of magic and escaping ones too.

(“All right! Just in case... I’m going spy on him!”)

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