Open World Online (O.w.O)

V2 Chapter 80: Precaution

  • 1st Person POV (MC)

-Present Time-

I extended my left hand with full intention to wield my weapon. That knotted ball began to float towards my left hand as it gently rested above my palm and began to unfurl.

“[All There Is To See]”

In my mind after closing my eyes, I pictured that specific archer player.

The echo of clicks and clangs of my weapon resonated in my ear then the blackness of my closed eyes changed into a clear view as if I opened my eyes.

I knew deep in my head that I was still closing my eyes yet I was seeing something in the distance as it came closer.

It is a landscape filled with petrified trees and roaming little red-skinned creatures with bat-like fiery wings in the sky.

Immediately, I recognised this place as Tainted Wasteland as his figure appeared right at the centre of this presented view. Nearby him is the mage PKer...

(“Hmmm?? It seems the others aren’t here. I need to be wary of them too. For now though...”)

It seems they are looking for their next victim... Well, since I managed to ‘See’ him then possibly I’m able to use [Path of Ruination] but I am in a Safe Zone so probably it will not work.

With that, I opened my eyes effectively stopping my spying on him. I am not worried that I will lose sight of him since I know in the back of my mind, that if I intently want to do that again I will be able to. I can also end this effect much like how I ended {Spell} effects early. Ahhh... The wonders of technology I suppose.

Ruffling Gaia’s soft fuzzy fur, I bid him and Oreo farewell asking them to guard the place as usual before leaving...

I am already prepared beforehand after all...

-Beginner’s Challenge-

The sights of newly Rebirth Players hunting down oversized and recoloured slimes or Gore Rabbits greeted my view as I turned sideways exploring the corner places where large trees are growing.

This lush and thick foliage allowed me to be somewhat hidden as I found a place to sit down so I could begin my petty revenge.

Closing my eyes, I focus on the intent that I want to spy on that archer without uttering the keyword lest I risk using one of the 3 charges for the day.

I heard the tell-tale noise of clings and clangs from my weapon as my blackness of a vision changed into that view once more.

(“Oh... He’s still in Tainted Wasteland. Well then... Nyehehehehe, [Path of Ruination]!!!”)

  • Perspective change to 3rd Person POV

“Did you find her?” -Player 1-

The archer asked in urgency towards a mage figure beside him who was currently probing the air with myriads of magical visual effects enveloping him.

(“Shit... The Guild Master told us this was a high-priority target and that we get rewards if we succeeded. Can’t believe she’s this hard to find.”) -Player 1-

He grunts... while the mage is casting identification magic with massive range as he’s searching for the target.

“No, she hidden herself well.” -Player 2-

Many identifications, searching, and/or foresight {Spell} exist but there’s also a counter to them too. Most likely their target excelled in using concealing magic enhanced by {Skill} or {Class}.


An ominous cracking noise suddenly echoes as the mage whips his head so quickly towards the source. Which was right beside him...

“!!??” -Player 2-

“Ghhhkkkk--!!!” -Player 1-

The archer kneeled on the ground, sweat beading from his forehead and face grimacing holding back pain. 

*Crackle* *Crackle*

It’s like glass at the edge of breaking as his upper body suddenly cracked producing fissures and visual effects everywhere as if his body became a channel to outer space.

It’s all happening far too quickly as the mage immediately locks in around him.

(“An Attack? Where?”)

Calmly, he began to cast...

“[Link: Anti-Life Barrier, Prismatic Barrier, and Projectile Barrier]”

Three layers of dome-like shell emerged from nothing one with the colour of striking green, blue, and red. Each has its functions as he is confident none can get passed through except being attacked in melee. The mage’s expression goes pallor for some time indicating his MP situation.

“C-chief??” -Player 2-

At least the archer’s pained expression has faded as he slowly stands up protected by a triple layer of barriers.

“Fuckkk! Y-yeah, I’m okay for now.” -Player 1-

He cursed... It felt like someone stabbed a knife right into his chest and twisted. Then sensation of painful burns spread throughout his whole body accompanied it before finally fades.

Based on party {Status} his HP has gone down by a quarter signifying that was a burst attack but who did it? He questioningly asked himself, the mage did not spot anything in his {Spell} radius after he recovered from his MP exhaustion.

Like a light bulb being turned on, a culprit appeared in the archer’s head. Capabilities of hitting from impossibly long-range, attacks from seemingly nowhere...

The archer looks up, pinpointing if any small crystals are floating about that shine in prismatic colours.

“It is most likely that Astromancer bastard...” -Player 1-

The mage’s eyes widened in surprise and also had an incredulous look on his face hearing what the archer had said.

“There’s no way...” -Player 2-

(“We already PKed that Astromancer and it has been 24 hours since then. How can that person able to quickly find where we are and attack? Spying magic!?”) -Player 2-

Realising this, the mage quickly utters several keywords of {Spell}. Each function detected any divination or spying type of {Spell} as he found nothing.

(“Tch! I better keep up all of this magic at all times. That Astromancer didn’t even drop anything worth except those potions!!”) -Player 2-

His train of thought broke when the archer simply let out an annoyed grunt before realising something happening to his body.

“Why in the hell do I still have these marks?” -Player 1-

Looking down at his body, the fissures are still there a bit muted in colour but linger. As he checks his own {Status}. Multiple de-buffs have been added and worst of all there’s no duration.

“The fuck? I can’t fight like this.” -Player 1-

He’s confused and slightly concerned as he asks Player 2 if he’s able to dispel the de-buff.

“I can try... [Dispel]!!!” -Player 2-

A wave of energy hits the archer yet the mark still lingers unaffected which means a much stronger [Dispel] is probably needed. He quickly brings up the system to double-check the correct keywords to upcast a {Spell} as he finds it and decides on the highest one he can.

“[Tier 10: Dispel]” -Player 2-

A much stronger wave of energy passed through the archer as the mage's expression went pallor again.

“Hufff... Hufff... Huff... Is it gone?” -Player 2-

The mage assessed the archer once more, seeing those fissures leading to outer space remain. Stubborn to not disappear even after being hit with incredibly high upcasted [Dispel].

(“Shit.”) -Player 2-

“HAAAAHHHH!!????” -Player 1-

  • Perspective change to 1st Person POV (MC)


If anyone heard my cackle at this point, they’d probably thought a monster spawned in Beginner’s Challenge. Thankfully I’m too far away from the main Area, I hope... *Cross Fingers*

Haaaa... that satisfies my urge to be petty as I begin chanting {Spell} to find the new alchemy materials and gather them as quickly as possible not wanting to be ambushed by another group of PKers.




“Fiuf... I got a handful of them berries and their seeds. Good enough!”

Without wasting a second, I quickly returned to my permanent home and assigned several golems to plant the new materials.



Recognizing that sound, I opened the system chat and saw who was talking...

-Group Chat-


-Hey? Do you all want Grind?

-Welcome Back Mag!


-I dooooooo!!! Sorry for what happened yesterday huhuhu T°T.

-Feels so bad, that I can’t notify everyone.


-Me, Me, Me!!! Lets goooooooooo...

-Oh no, any missing items? ;-;?


-Yeah... my armour is all gone and some potions but! It’ll be all right, I can grind them or buy them anyway.

-I can still perform normally ^•^


-Mag, tell me if you want gear hunting. I’ll help.


-Me too!


-Thank youuuuuuu T-T.

-Let’s grind LVs first! Same place yes?


-*Thumb Up*


-*Smile Emoji*

-Group Chat-

I’m thankful to myself for eating an early dinner this evening and showering since now I’m able to fully invest in the game.

Let's go!!!

Waving my hand in mid-air and uttered the system’s command, the familiar panel appeared as I swiped my fingers to the left until I managed to find the ‘Safe Point’ tab.

Clicking at ‘Frontera Safe Point’ and pressing confirm, my view immediately shifted from the tranquillity of my home to the hustle and bustle life of Frontera’s.

Players and NPCs alike interact with each other in trades or even simple chit-chat displaying the advanced technology of this game, almost life-like I would say.

Remembering the path, I quickly went to the tell-tale green-tiled building where the adventurer’s conglomerate was.

I entered the adventurer’s guild and began taking easy hunting tasks for Beginner’s Challenge then waited for Siegfried and Booba to arrive.




“Mag!” -Siegfried-

Recognizing that voice, I turned my head to see Siegfried rushing over. I raised my hand in greeting...

“Sieg!!! Sorry again, ha...”

I slapped my hands together and apologized as he plopped himself to the couch then asked...

“What happened?” -Siegfried-

Upon facing that question, I told what had just happened yesterday regarding the ambush, especially with their unique weaponry.

Nodding and drinking all the details, Siegfried simply smiles.

“Well, nevertheless I’m glad that nothing important is lost.” -Siegfried-

He points to the knotted ball floating around me. This sparks an idea in my mind...

“Y-yeah... You know Sieg? it made me curious about what weapons is that. It’s very ‘Modern’ compared to what we usually see. Hmmm... you know what?”

“What?” -Siegfried-

He pursed his lips in curiosity...

“I’ll try something, maybe this could work. Watch...”

With intent, I wanted to wield my weapon as it unfurls creating the armillary sphere without even needing to rest on top of my hands.

By closing my eyes, I focused on the memory of seeing that archer as I heard the clicks and clacks of my weapon.

Then the darkness of my vision changes into his location which is a rather large city with a huge Basilica in its centre.

He seems to have dispelled my [Path of Ruination] probably one of the NPCs there has a dispelling service I mean... it's Saintear after all.

Focusing again, towards the sheathed clockwork bow at his back. I then internally thought and ordered...

(“[All There is to Know]”)

Another click and clack can be heard in front of me as waves of information come to my mind.


It’s not images or Cutscene regarding history rather like an intuition, I just knew in the back of my head what that item’s effects are...

“Mag...???” -Siegfried-

Hearing his slightly panicked voice, I opened my eyes as my artefact continuously floated in place already unfurled and I saw some adventurer’s staff members begin to crowd around us with creased brows and tightened lips garnering unwanted attention.

(“Ah... I forgot.”)

“Sorry, let me just.”

*Clicks* *Clacks*

With thought and intent, my artefact returned to its unsheathed state becoming a knotted ball as the staff's expression relaxed and dispersed.

“Almost forgot ‘Aggression’ rule. Hehehe, but I know what those weapons do.”

Siegfried tilts his head as if telling me to ‘Go on’ with that amused grin he usually has. I leaned closer before whispering not wanting others to eavesdrop.

“You see... my artefact has several special effects and one of them allows me to spy on a target that I ‘knew’ or ‘saw’. In addition, I can also ‘identify’ what they wore or have, though in limited amounts per day of course.”

Siegfried’s amused grin fell and changed into a slightly gaping ‘O’ then I told him what effects the weapon that PKers wielded.

“That’s a specific effect... Racist Weapon Heh!” -Siegfried-

He lets out a dry laugh coupled with a sneering grin.


I too gave out the same dryness. The clockwork's weaponry has two effects.

First, The wielder has a significant increase in damage dealt to non-human players. Second, the wielder is capable of detecting non-human players nearby.

(“No wonder they hit hard. I am already vulnerable to physical damage plus those weapons effects? Of course, my [Aegis] would break so soon...”)

It’s certainly tailored for fighting in PVP. Though from that surge of information, I didn’t ‘feel’ like it was a reward from dungeons rather it was NPC make. I’m sure of it... weirdly enough.

"Nevertheless, we need to be careful on every grinding session.”

Siegfried nods, his mouth straightened looking serious.

“Heyaaaaaa!!!!” -Booba-

The fiendish priest finally appears! Now we can start grinding...

“!!! Yay~ Shall we?”

“Hah...” -Siegfried-

He snorted before slapping his thighs and stood up eager to go as we started to grind.

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