Open World Online (O.w.O)

V2 Chapter 85: Abandoned Library 1

  • 1st Person POV (MC)

-Present Time-

This chamber is dark but since I always have True Sight on, my eyes adjust quickly as I begin to see silhouettes of objects and then hues of colour.

Remembering the Archmage, a human, I cast a {Spell}.


Upon uttering that word as soon as it leaves my lips. In a fraction of a second, the cast bar appears and fills up in doing so, My floating artefact suddenly lights up like a lamp giving off a silvery luminescence providing us with adequate lighting.

“Whoaaa... That’s freaking tall.” -Pikapi-

I internally snorted after seeing their names, labelled by the floating tag on their heads.


My eyes stare far in the distance following Pikapi’s gaze after assigning [Guidance] to the Archmage and Cardinal since they need the ring more than the Guardian.

We are in a long-abandoned ‘Library’ with bookshelves reaching as high as the ceiling and littered everywhere creating a maze on its own.

In front of us, there’s a branching path leading to left or right with bookshelves as walls.

“Uhmmmm... So, where should we start?”

I asked the group where they stared at each other then shrugging their shoulders.

“When there are enemies, that means it’s the correct path!” -Nokia-

She points to the left, taking the lead as Pikapi and 69420 nods as they cast many buffs.

“[Tier 10: Mystical Amplification]” -Pikapi-

“[Extend: Oremus de Gaudio]” -69420-

Seeing them casting those buffs, I also contribute by using my class signature {Spell}.

“[Link: Constellation Earth, Constellation Light, Constellation Water, and Constellation Fire]”

Nokia has the Earth constellation which provides damage reduction, 69420 has Light which gives him increased healing and also receives, Pikapi has Fire increasing his damage output, and I have Water which improves my MP Regen and max MP.

“<Mana Siphon>”

I targeted the Archmage and Cardinal as blue tethers connected them to me.

They look quite impressed it makes my heart feel a bit proud...

Nokia kept on the lookout and after we finished, she slammed her massive shield down on the ground.

(“Its quite hilarious to see her dwarven build is overshadowed by how massive her shield is...”)

She declares...


Instantly, 3 glimmering white strings connected between us and her.

If my memory serves me right, this is a Royal Guard {Skill} which essentially transfers any damage from targets she designates to herself.

Both Pikapi and 69420 give a thumbs up to her as a gesture of thanks.

Then we began to march on...

Our formation is simple, Nokia will be at the front line, me and Pikapi will be in the middle. 69420 will be at the back giving support.




It was fairly quiet in our marching as our footsteps echoed in this dungeon that is until...


Hearing impacts in front, similar to a pile of books dislodged from the bookshelves and scattered upon the ground. Nokia’s brandished her shield and unsheathed her diamond-shaped mace ready for battle as Pikapi and 69420 wielded their respective staves.

I stepped to the side wanting to see what was in front...

(“Pile of books?”)

No... No, it’s not.

Those books began to move by flapping their pages like a bird as combat music began to play in the background.

“<Iron Wall>” -Nokia-

She shouted as her voice rang clear, earning the ire of Living Grimoires.

“[Maximize: Chain Lightning]!!!” -Pikapi-

Pikapi uttered the keyword to cast his damaging magic as lightning and sparks coursed from his feet towards his hands then focused on his index finger as he pointed to one of the books.

Following that, I too cast a {Spell}.

“[Penta: Astral Chain]”

After those words leave my lips, I can see spectral coloured chains as if made from constellations constricting around each book preventing them from moving but...

It doesn’t prevent the book from attacking, as it flips its pages at an incredible speed stopping at a page where within it, lies multiple formulae and magical circles. It then lights up in bright red and my eyes, I recognise them in some words as ‘Fireball’.


“<Cover>” -Nokia-

Her figure instantly shifted right in front of Pikapi intentionally putting her in the line of fire as...


An explosion of scarlet red covered my view as Pikapi finished his incantation.


A huge bolt of electricity and thunderous roar echoes throughout the room as it hits one Living Grimoire and then splits into multiple bolts connecting to other Living Grimoires.

Looking at the upper right corner of my P.O.V., I see the HP of Living Grimoires has been reduced by a quarter.

“Damn... these things are tough!” -Pikapi-

“I think these monsters have High magic resistance.” -69420-

“I agree...”

I mean... Pikapi’s class heavily emphasize dealing magic DPS and that {Spell} is a high-tier one so it makes sense.

“Tch! [Piercing: Lightning Strike]”

“[Mass: Vulnerability]”

Their bodies are covered by rainbow colour visual effects before vanishing as the de-buff is added to their {Status}.

These Living Grimoires begin to flip its pages again preparing to attack.


A huge lightning bolt and echoing thunder strike them down from above as Pikapi finishes his chant.

(“Still not enough even with Piercing meta magic. They are resilient through and through...”)

But their health is already in the red, I trust...

“HAAAA!!!! <Sacrifice>”

Nokia stepped forward soon after swinging her mace as the weapon glows in bright red as if overheated.

She then slammed the tip of her mace to one of the chained Grimoires as the reddish light grew brighter engulfing all of the books.

Their floating figures drop to the ground like falling birds before disintegrating signifying their defeat as Living Grimoires {Status} vanished.

“[Benedictio]” -69420-

Pointing is the cross-tipped staff towards Nokia, 69420 chanted the {Spell} as it glows in radiant gold including her silhouette.

In an instant, all of her wounded visual effects are simply gone and her HP is back to full.

“Thanks!” -Nokia-

“No probs.” -69420-

So we matched on, encountering more and more Living Grimoires and new monsters named Arcane Anomaly.

A greyish-wispy globe of light that leaves behind trails as it moves. It attacks with numerous bolt type {Spell} from afar though they are weak compared to Living Grimoires.




“Wait.” -Nokia-

She abruptly stops and extends her hand to the side signalling that we need to halt.

“Ehh...??? What’s wrong?” -Pikapi-

He already leaning his head to the side wanting to see what’s causing Nokia to halt the march. Suffice it to say, I follow since I am curious too...


It’s an empty area like a central plaza or some kind... Bookshelves acted like walls curving in a circle.

There are paths to our left, right and front all of them hidden by the complete darkness so I cannot see where it leads.

But! This central plaza is quite fascinating. Normally, the bookshelves have been filled with all sorts of dull-coloured books instead some of the books have shining highlights around their silhouette. The game is saying ‘It is important’.

Without even properly being cautious Pikapi already maneuvered himself towards one of the shining books, picks, and began reading it.

“Oi!!!” -Nokia-

“Relax, I’m just going to take a peek.” -Pikapi-

“Haaa...” -69420-

The Archmage seems to be happy as he flips the pages quickly skims and moves on to the other.

My curiosity was piqued as I too, sneaked out from the marching line and began to browse the books.

(“Huh... I noticed each book has the same contents, the only difference is their cover. Plus, some books with these highlights I cannot move out from the shelves.”)

“Mag... Can you bring the blue ones here? Oh! And take the red ones here to there.” -Pikapi-

A flash of realization appeared in my mind that this was a puzzle room. Pikapi’s trying to colour-sort the bookshelves.

Knowing that, I whispered the keywords...


My mind fully intended to move all red cover books from his side and blue ones from this side. Once the {Spell} activates, the books begin arranging themselves and I also take the initiative to sort out other shelves to their respective colours.

“*Whistle* Nice.” -Pikapi-

He gives me a thousand-watt smile as the last book lodged in place. Nokia and 69420 agreed with Pikapi’s acknowledgement as I rubbed my cheek with my index finger.



“The fuck!?” -Nokia-

She quickly went to the Frontline facing the source of that noise.

I jumped out startled and looked at where the sound came from...

These bookshelves, all of the books in them have fallen with their glowing highlights vanished.

(“It is clear that we did something but it’s doing what?”)

“Pika and Mag! Quick come here.” -69420-

Hearing the Cardinal’s call, me and Pikapi quickly ran towards him as Nokia stood proudly in front.

These fallen books sprawled in a big mess, opening their pages as they lie there unmoving.





The open books flipped its pages so fast as their sounds filled the room.

“Something’s coming!” -Nokia-

She remains steadfast as I refresh my constellation buffs in preparation.

“Yeah... [Link: Oremus de Fortis and Oremus de Gaudio]” -69420-

His cross-shaped staff glowed in golden brilliance as it engulfed us and in the corner of my eyes, numerous buffs had been added.

(“That’s the convenience of Cardinal class I say... If I cast these, it would take 2 to 3 minutes of manually saying the keywords of individual {Spell}.”)

Though due to my {Trait}, I too can cast them. Thankfully, I don’t need to since I have Cardinal in this team and my team! Hehe...

“[Tier 10: Mystical Amplification]” -Pikapi-

His staff sizzles with electricity as if overcharged as he then declared...

“<Magic Mastery>” -Pikapi-

After uttering the activation word, faint magic circles surround him signifying a personal buff


Pages and pages of paper suddenly ripped from their books as it swirled into a vortex in the centre creating a tornado of papers.

It coalesces into a somewhat humanoid shape made from parchments and long appendages as combat music begin to play in the background.

A health bar appears on the right corner of my view and it’s named ‘Scroll Golem’.

Between clustered papers where its head is, two orbs glow akin to eyes as they stare at us.

“...” -Scroll Golem-

Before long, 4 books in the colours of four elements float behind them as the golem moves its limbs pointing them towards us.

All of the books began flipping their pages and magic being cast named ‘Catastrophe’ began filling up.

(“I don’t think I can break a boss’ {Spell} so...”)

“Shit!” -Nokia-


She slammed her shield to the ground and declared.

“<Bulwark>!!!” -Nokia-

“[Maximize: Praefatio]” -69420-

“[Maximize: Lunar Embrace]”

Immediately, we conjured up multiple barriers as the boss’ unleashed its attack.


It's an array of colours so much so that it’s blinding as I didn’t feel anything even though I know that 69420’s barrier has been broken including mine.

What’s left after those blinding colours, are scorched wood, partially frostbitten books, messed up cuts of paper, and even boulders & rocks laid out.

“[Benedictio]!!!” -69420-

He quickly uttered that keyword and Nokia’s red HP returned to green with the bar’s full. Since she has taken all the damage that we would take.

“<Iron Wall>” -Nokia-

Her resounding cries caught the attention of the boss as she quickly manoeuvres to the opposite end of the room with the boss’ gaze locked onto her.

Meanwhile, me and Pikapi are on the boss’ side while 69420 is between us and Nokia.


The boss waves its arms and each paper making its body shine leaving behind runic words afloat as it grows brighter then turns into bolts of elements lunging themselves towards Nokia.

“[Heal]” -69420-

“[Holy Light]” -69420-

The cardinal began DPSing the boss using his simple {Spell} as I followed suit...

“[Astral Barrage]”

Stars glinted around me and began to shoot like shooting stars towards the boss dealing damage too.

“[Piercing: Fingers of the Mountain]” -Pikapi-

Upon shouting those keywords, his hair fizzles with electricity as if he became lightning. It trails down to his fingertips continuously sparking as it juts out hitting several bookshelves like a Tesla globe.

Maybe he is acting or not, but he uses his other hand to hold down his right hand as if charging up a powerful shot. Presumably, it is just his flair for casting I suppose...

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