Open World Online (O.w.O)

V2 Chapter 86: Abandoned Library 2

  • 1st Person POV (MC)

-Present Time-

I shall assist him then...

“[Link: Vulnerability, Weaken, and Frailty]”

Visual effects covered the boss after I finished my magic. Noticing this, Nokia began to scoot closer almost cornering herself to the bookshelves.

Once she’s in position, I see that the feline Cardinal make a gesture. Clasping his hands together in a prayer


As he shouted that in his praying gesture, golden granules coalesce around Nokia forming into a silhouette of a humanoid angel with wings made from pure light. Its furls embracing the dwarf guardian corresponding to that, I hear a soft angelic choir resounding throughout the chamber before the angel vanishes...

(“Geez, what a fancy effect.”)

A realization hits my mind [Fingers of the Mountain] has branching capabilities like [Chain Lightning] it will hit Nokia too.

I assume... [Assumptio] further minimizes damage taken that’s why he cast it. In the meantime, I’ll help DPS.

This is a boss battle or a secret boss kind of thing so once the golem’s been defeated we’re done with the dungeon...

“<Celestial Intersection>”

I cannot see the results of using that {Skill} but I know it’s in effect.

“[Solar Prominence]”

As those words left my lips, wisps of flame congealed into a miniature sun floating right above my head.

Adding more ‘Flair’ to this, I point my left hand towards the golem. The miniature sun emits several flares like juts of fire as it moves and condenses into a spear-shaped golden flame.

Splitting into multiple spears before shooting towards the boss dealing adequate damage as its HP slowly dwindled.

The upside of this magic is that I can repeat them again and again by flicking my left hand without the need to utter the keyword so I maintain a constant DPS for a duration of course, I then need to refresh it.


Deafening thunder and a flash of lightning spark from Pikapi's five fingertips as he shouted loudly and with manic laughter.


It connects to the boss as a hefty amount of its HP simply vanishes. Unfortunately, Nokia took the damage but not too much since she has stacks and stacks of defensive buffs.

“[Highness Heal]!” -69420-

“...” -Scroll Golem-


One book begins to float and starts to flip its pages wildly...

“[Lightning Bolt]” -Pikapi-

I too flicked my left index finger to the floating book releasing more sunlight spears. Yet they are all blocked by some kind of invisible barrier resulting in the quick dispersal of those projectiles.


My eyes glanced at the top right corner of my view right above the boss’ name as a bar with the title ‘Aqua Crash’ appeared and filled up.

(“What does that do?”)

I can look it up in my artefact but I doubt I’ll have the time before that bar’s done.

“Everyone! Spread out!!!!” -69420-

The feline Cardinal shouted, his words echoed in the chamber as I followed his order.


Remembering the visual positions of other members, I displaced myself to another corner and noticed atop other players’ heads.

There’s an animation of a circle getting bigger outward in a loop as if asking for players to move away.

(“Most likely, I have one too.”)

Looking to the top right corner of my view, the same animation also appeared indicating we need to give each other a wide berth.

Once the bar is full, the constantly flipping book closes and...


Tons of water suddenly downpour and my robe’s soaked through. It is as if I’m underneath a waterfall as I feel that water pressure though not enough to crush me.

Quickly glancing to my left view, I see the HP of the party. Mine’s and the others unharmed but Nokia took significant damage!

“Noks, Turn off <Devotion>!!!” -69420-

She nods and the tethers connecting us to her disperse as 69420 spam cast [Highness Heal] to top her back.

Pikapi and I continue dishing DPS slowly bringing the boss down as it purely focuses on Nokia barraging her with multiple elemental bolts.

“...” -Scroll Golem-

My eyes slightly widened, anticipating what surprise this boss going to have as it changed its behaviour.

Now two books floated above its head and began flipping their pages unbelievably fast as a bar appeared atop the boss’ {Status} titled ‘Flagrant Fire’.

As soon as that appears, I see another animation being played on top of the feline Cardinal. It is a circle but instead of getting bigger, it’s getting smaller turning into a dot.



My P.O.V quickly displaced as I teleported near him and Pikapi followed from behind.

“Thanks!” -69420-

“No probs.”


I felt a rush of hot wind blowing through my face and a red light before it disappeared as I checked the teammate's HP.

It seems I am unscathed, while 69420 and Pikapi took half.

Before I instinctively wanted to cast a healing magic. The feline Cardinal quickly clasped his hands...

“[Maximize: Coluceo Heal]”

It is a fast casting {Spell} requiring only a fraction of a second to activate as all of us are engulfed in soft golden glimmer restoring our HP equivalent to the use of [Highness Heal] due to meta magic.

Since I didn’t take any damage, it didn’t work but the visuals still took effect.

Flicking my left hand, I unleashed several sunlight spears directly at the boss as Pikapi followed suit in his characteristic thunder-based magic.

While 69420 focuses on maintaining Nokia’s HP and also watching over what mechanics the boss unleashed.


So far we’re playing between ‘Aqua Crash’ and ‘Flagrant Fire’...


Once the boss dropped to half of its HP, it began to do something. It’s expanding its hands apart like opening for an embrace as...


Several bookshelves begin to shake uncontrollably spilling out more books as they sprawled open with pages torn. Before long, it floats and began to be sucked into the boss as it’s HP...

Is HP restoring?

(“Okay, that’s bad.”)

Other health bars appeared at the bottom of the boss’ HP. Indicated as ‘Magicked Bookshelves’.

“Mag, Sparks!!!” -Nokia-

“On it!!” -Me and Pikapi-

I flicked my left hand pointing towards the shelves as spears made from pure concentrated sunlight formed, launching themselves onto the shelves and effectively incinerating them.

While the lightning Archmage hurls several spears of lightning towards the shelves breaking them apart rather easily.

(“Extremely weak. I guess it's the boss’ adds phase.”)

We managed to prevent the boss from fully regenerating and continue our constant DPS.

“...” -Scroll Golem-

3 books began to float and opened their pages behind the boss as a cast bar appeared aptly named ‘Brittle Earth’.

There’s no animation being played at the top right corner of my view like spread out or group up. Makes me wonder what this does.

Soon after, I see earthen spikes jutting out from the bookshelves flooring of this chamber creating an area that we cannot step in as Nokia needed to readjust her position.

(“Huh... That’s underwhelming.”)

 We continue DPSing the boss until it reaches a sliver of its HP left. It started another mechanic by opening all books resulting in the cast bar ‘Catastrophe’ but...

It is slower than usual... No, it’s extremely slow. It fills me with impending doom, if it gets cast I think it will result in a wipe-out since many games used that trick.

Before I can voice this issue, 69420 shouted.

“Kill this scrap of paper quick!!! [Lex Aeterna].” -69420-

Knowing what he cast, I stopped my attack cancelling my [Solar Prominence] and instead focused on Pikapi...

“[Maximize: Solar Blessing]”

As it is fast cast, a picturesque sun appears on top of the lightning Archmage instead of intense burning light this is warm and endearing. Reminding me of warming one’s hands in front of a bonfire.

That {Spell} is quite similar to Cardinal’s buff or Pikapi’s [Mystical Amplification] though this magic affects any output like damage, stronger de-buff, stronger buff, etc. With a downside of a long Cooldown and increased cost for SP or MP. Since I shared my MP with him, everything is all G!

“Thanks! [Leyline]” -Pikapi-

Upon uttering that keyword and adding a flair of his own by stomping the ground with the back end of his staff. Right below it, a magical circle formed as it spins slowly with sophisticated engraving continuously moving and Pikapi in its centre.

He grinned as wide as possible then excitedly declared.

“[Maximize: Fingers of the Mountain]” -Pikapi-

Aiming his right hand towards the currently busy Scroll Golem, electrical discharge courses through his body and focuses on his fingertips as it sparks.

The cast bar that I’m seeing atop his head appears and it fills up noticeably faster than ever before which makes me think that [Leyline] a {Spell} unique for Archmages have that effect.

(“I mean... I have [Astral Blessing] that somewhat does the same thing but it is mutually exclusive to [Solar Blessing] and [Lunar Blessing]. Haaa... same thing with [Constellation]”)

Either way, I simply waited with bated breath since I could not harm the boss and already refreshed the de-buffs on Scroll Golem.

It’s a game between which cast bar going to fill up first and Pikapi is winning...


An ear-splitting thunder echoed throughout the room as bright lightning simply flashes in an instant as the boss’ HP reached 0.

“[Benedictio]” -69420-

He quickly heals Nokia and the combat music ends signifying we defeated it.

“That was fun!” -Pikapi-


A notification panel appeared before each of us and it said that we had completed the dungeon, it also displayed what loot we got as per usual.

“Awww... shucks. Haaa...” -Pikapi-

He looks sullen all of a sudden.

“Didn’t get it?” -69420-

The feline Cardinal approached him and Pat the Archmages back as Pikapi nodded confirming what 69420 says.

“Hey, Mag? Up for multiple runs?” -Pikapi-

(“Welllllll... I just got the book and it merged with the thing in my inventory, haven’t checked on it yet but that can be done later. I mean... I have a chance to get an accessory!”)

With that, I excitedly say yes as we do several runs again and again.

-1 hour-


He jumped around, excited like electricity while flaunting his right hand.

Thereupon his index finger lies a beautifully carved silver-coloured ring with runic engravings and magical circles that have a faint glow. It is aesthetically pleasing to my eyes...

“Can I ask the item’s name?”

“Ouh! Its [Scholar Ring].” -Pikapi-


(“At least I can watch out for that item if I get one.”)

“Thanks for the party, Mag! Catch ya later.” -Pikapi-

He waved his hands before tapping something in mid-air as their name tag vanished indicating that the party had disbanded.

I waved back as the trio teleported away.


(“I can’t help but feel disappointed I thought they’d help me too till I get the ring, but it is not like that.”)

Bah... whatever, that is why the solo version of the dungeon exists anyway. Plus, there are tons of ‘Soloing Dungeon as a [Class]’ MeTube videos for reference.


I still have 2 hours left before shower time so might as well spend the rest of the time spamming this dungeon.

With that in mind, I hopped into the dungeon once more but this time it was set to ‘Solo’ mode.

-After Completing The Dungeon-


I raised my eyebrows in pleasant surprise as I checked the time. It takes around 15 minutes for me to clear the dungeon.

I know I know it’s not as quick as doing it at a party but still, it’s fast enough...

(“My strats against the dungeon are simple... I summoned a vanguard-type creature preferably undead to serve as a distraction then 7 fragments to orbit around me acting as additional caster or healer to keep that vanguard alive and I used myriads of Archmages {Spell} to deal damage.”)

So far so good!

Keeping up with the momentum, I repeated the process again and again until I completed my seventh run...


(“Ouh? What is this?”)

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