Open World Online (O.w.O)

V2 Chapter 87: Set Gear

  • 1st Person POV (MC)

-Present Time-

A new icon appeared in my inventory, highlighted on the border with yellowish-gold, indicating that the item I just got is (Legendary) rare.

A smile forms on my face as I look closer outside the dungeon’s entrance.

Instead of a ring, it seems to be in the shape of a headpiece which isn’t what I was hoping for, as my eyebrows raised...

Clicking on that item icon, a bigger sub-panel appears describing and giving a closer look to the circlet.


[Thousand Mind (Legendary)]

Description: A circlet forged with long-forgotten magical techniques capable of enhancing one’s mental acuity.

When worn, double INT & WIS. Curse: Upon being worn, halves STR & CON. The halved {Status} cannot be less than 1.

Set Effect: (0/3) When all 3 pieces have been worn, enhance the effects of the items and nullify their Curse effect.

Requirement: Mage Class


(“Oho!? Ohohohohoho?????”)

My mouth went from a smile into an ‘O’ after finishing reading this item’s effect.

(“I see... I see. It’s part of a set and to be honest, the halved {Status} doesn’t affect me at all so might as well wear it. But...”)

I glanced at my left and right seeing players still fiddling with their respective system panel while others finally met up with other members to delve into the dungeon.

Not wanting to catch any attention, I stored the circlet in my Safe Inventory for now as I wanted to browse the web about this particular gear set.

Searching for it in Pochi’s Wikia, my curiosity was piqued when a discussion board from days ago mentioned the ‘Thousand Set’ or ‘1K set’ in players' terms.




(“Ahhh... I see, I see...”)

A 1K set is remarkably good for as long as you have the entire set. The ring itself has the same capabilities as the Scholar’s Ring but with a worse drawback. That’s why players simply just get Scholar’s Ring since you have a free slot of headgear and Necklace for something else especially if you already have more than 1 Ring slot.

But I don’t have any gear at the moment, so might as well focus on getting the 1K set. Based on the info given by this discussion, they’re all in the abandoned library dungeon and it’s drop chance.

Time to grind I guess...

At a glance, I have an hour left before shower time so might as well spend them on grinding this dungeon.

-1 Hour Grind-


I let out a soul-releasing sigh after spending multiple times seeing and defeating the same boss over & over again.

(“It's the secret, not-so-secret boss I thought they gave higher chances or things like that.”)

Instead, I got the same headpiece twice in a row. My luck I suppose...


With that, I teleported away from the dungeon and arrived at my Permanent Home...

Peppering kisses to Gaia, I then logged out from the game.

-Exiting O.w.O-


I stretched my body as far as possible earning myself a trembling session before relaxing.

“Ah... Where’s my phone?”

Extending my left hand to the bedside table, I reached out and grabbed my phone still fully charged since I left it there.

Opening it, I quickly check the calendar it shows that tomorrow morning I have an appointment for an X-ray.

(“Ugh... Morning.”)

Ever since I am not working anymore, I always wake up later in the morning. I must say it is a good change...

With a sigh, I set up several alarms from 7:30 to 8:00 in a 5-minute interval then opened ‘Spudify’ and played my playlists...

-After Shower-

I’m standing in front of my fogged-up mirror as I wipe it clean so I can see myself...

(“Hmmm... “)

Is it my delusional brain or my hair pigmentation is darker than usual?

I mean... it is wet so it's darker than normal but usually when intense light such as my bathroom light hits my hair. It would be enough to show a brownish colour in the strands.

At the moment though, even if I hold my hair near the light it stays dark.

(“Okay... Atop of possible constipation and kidney issues now I also possibly have hyperpigmentation.”)


I simply sigh then shrugs as if saying “can’t help it” alongside “It is what it is” and starts to wash my face.




Feeling refreshed and remarkably clean, I went to the kitchen to grab something to eat as I took out leftovers from yesterday and heated them.

(“Hm~ Hm~ Hm~”)

After enjoying my early dinner, I quickly washed the dishes and started the game again.

-Entering O.w.O-

“Gaia & Oreo, I’m back!!”

I greeted Gaia with a myriad of kisses and stroked Oreo’s scaly body.

(“You know... At first, I was a bit unsure about stroking Oreo’s body since I never touched a snake before.”)

My eyes glance down to Oreo’s two heads, their eyes closed gently with forked tongues occasionally out and about.

(“It takes some time and now, I’m quite enjoying it.”)

Gaia lets out appreciative grumbles with Oreo’s jubilant rattle. Showing that they enjoyed this...


Stretching my body once more, I opened the chat system checking if there were any new messages.


My eyebrows raised as I looked at the group chat. It seems Siegfried and Booba left a message.



-Sorry, Mag. Can’t OL do the usual grind? I got training to do for an impromptu match this weekend. :(


-Samesies Mag;-; though not for a match, I’m going to do a scene act today.


-It's okay ^•^ wish you all the best.


Replying to them, I close the chat panel and ponder about it while walking around my home.

Between the massive spire of trees lies several smaller ones that have cyan leaves gently swaying from the breeze.

(“Sometimes it’s nice to take a walk, enjoying the environment you know? I made and arranged these myself. Got to spend some time appreciating it...”)

Since Siegfried and Booba won’t be online today, I guess I’m going to grind for the gear...

(“Hmmm... It feels like I’m forgetting something.”)

Like an itch I cannot scratch, something is nagging at me as I re-check my inventory just to be sure...


The newly transformed book!

Since I opened the inventory many times the usual fading in and out visuals, indicative of newly added items have gone.


[Skill Book Necromantic Ritual (Legendary)]

 Description: Upon using this skill book, the user will learn <Necromantic Ritual> {Skill}.


Getting more curious, I tapped on the ‘Necromantic Ritual’ word as another panel appeared beside the main one describing to me what the {Skill} does.


{Skill}: <Necromantic Ritual>

Description: This {Skill} can be toggled On/Off. When activated, Significantly reduce maximum HP and double the amount of creatures you can summon. If the creatures are undead, it is tripled instead.


“Ooohhhh... That’s a nice, great addition to my stuff.”

I remarked and quickly double-tap the book icon to use it as the item vanished, replaced by a notification that I’ve learnt that {Skill}.


Swiping to the right, I manoeuvre to the {Skill} tab of the system and see there are empty spots underneath <Vancian>. In total 5 of them including that {Skill}.

There’s a limited amount of (Legendary) {Skill} a player can hold. In this case, I can only hold five at a time.

After assigning them to my {Skill} pool, I take a deep breath and let it all out at once.

“Alright, Gaia... Oreo...”

Gaia the massive stag as he is, tilts his head in a cutesy almost doglike way as I chuckle and give him many head pats.

One of Oreo’s heads was particularly distracted while the others looked at me as I said...

“I’ll be leaving, take care of our home okay?”

Hearing their enthusiastic replies, I nod and promptly teleport away towards Astera.


As per usual, upon arrival, I quickly moved towards the Tower of Knowledge and went downstairs. Passing through the constantly changing stairs and corridors, I finally reached the basement of this place where the dungeon entrance is.

(“Hmmm... instead of fighting the alternate boss of this dungeon. I should’ve fought the original one, maybe that could change the drop loot?”)

I said that to myself in hopes that it would be like that.

With that, I raised my hand and passed the threshold as a familiar notification noise rang in my ears and a panel showed up asking which mode I could choose between ‘Solo’ or ‘Party’. I went ‘Solo’ and upon clicking on it my whole view changed...

From the dusty and spider-webbed basement into endless corridors & mazes made from bookshelves showing that I am indeed inside the dungeon.

“Best time as any to start! *GLUG* *GLUG* *GLUG* [Link: Oremus de Gaudio and Oremus de Fortis]”

A multitude of colourful visual effects surrounded me as I added more buffs.

“[Link: Constellation Fire and Mystical Amplification]

A constellation resembling that of a fire appeared atop my head before vanishing including a hissing noise as my floating weapon’s glow intensifies signifying the buffs are at effect.

(“Okay... Now then, <Necromantic Ritual>”)

Upon intently saying it in my mind...

“HAAAAAAA” -Unknown Voice-


I was startled as I heard a gasp from somewhere close to my ear. Akin to the last breath of a dying person as it echoes while shadowy tendrils envelop me.

(“Eh... I guess it’s the visual and audio effect of the {Skill}.”)

Can’t say that I like it...

Since it gives more summons if I use undead, might as well cast the {Spell}.

I extend my left hand to an empty spot between the endless corridors of bookshelves as I whisper a {Spell} keyword.

A powerful one is listed in my artefact since it has no Tier attached to it.

“[Double: Summon Grand Undead]”

After the cast bar finished, fissures appeared atop the surface of the floor and simultaneously panels appeared before me as I assigned which undead beings I bring forth.

Emerging amidst the inky blackness of those fissures are 6 beings. Humanoid in appearance yet varying in size & shape.

Two of them have bulky stature wearing heavy armour adorned with spikes and rusted chains dragging behind as if they are punished even in death. Their bodies are fully desiccated and decayed as they occasionally groan and moan each time the spikes ‘clipped’ into them. Or should I say jabbed them?

These are called ‘The Tormented’, I mean... looking at their armour I can see how they are tormented. It's a bit dark if I say so myself...

But! Their {Status} spread is amazing, perfect for front liners. Plus, the array of {Skill} both passive and active compliments that role for them.

The other two are slender and ghostlike in appearance akin to wraiths but adorned in lavish old-looking religious robes albeit moth-eaten. They constantly float just above the floor whilst holding a magnificent-looking staff.

While keeping themselves afloat with magic, they mutter and whisper constantly as if stuck in an endless prayer even though their body are looking like living corpses. I guess the name ‘The Accursed’ has some meaning to it...

The last two are short hunched corpse-like creatures with their mouth stitched together preventing them from speaking. While stationary, I can see shadows that seem to be sticking to them like cloaks. Judging from their name ‘The Silenced’ I do wonder what their history is...

Raising my hands, I mentally ‘ordered’ them to be in position.

The Tormented are Knight classes so it’s obvious that they will be in the front. The Accursed are Priest classes so support will be their forte so I assigned them to be in the middle. While The Silenced are Rogue classes, they will be stationed at the side most likely flanking enemies.


Formation done as I am at the furthest back.

Right! Time to get this dungeon run started, I want to be as fast as I possibly can.

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