Opposite Morals

Chapter 10

Have you ever seen, or got wind of a secret that you wish you never heard or became a part of?


Perhaps, it's just human nature to be curious about things that intrigue us


After all, there’s a reason why the saying “curiosity killed the cat” exists...right?


As I watch this cat fight…no that metaphor would not describe what I see in front of me…

“HAHAHA I can’t believe you never noticed!”

I think a better, more fitting metaphor would be “when the gloves are off, no restraint or mercy is shown”


Because you see…

“Revenge can be so sweet!”

I just had to ask for that fucking pill bottle…


As I look down at my hands, I slowly peel back the label on the pill bottle

“Nora…sister…please put down the chair…..what did you almost do??”

As I peel back the label, more and more words begin to appear. Written in black marker



I glance upwards and saw a new design on the previous solid wood wall. Now I always thought cracked glass railing was cool…but cracked wood?...Not a fan

Especially when you find out…that when a woman is extremely pissed off, she can literally break wood with her bare hands....

….I fully pull the label off, the black marker’s note is fully exposed…

“Wait….You almost did what?!?”

I read the message again, and again in my head, then finally read it out loud…


“Cocaine and methamphetamine. Next time, don’t trick me into taking stimulant and poo-softener laxatives the day of my school board meeting”

I never even thought if cocaine was used in this world. Not only that, it's actually a commonly used drug. Sold over the counters at all drug stores. Who knew that when you mix cocaine and methamphetamine, you get a super, highly effective, incredibly increased compulsive sex drive?”


Apparently, men’s sex drives are a little bit lower in this world. You see, men are usually one pump then done kind. Now, if you know a little bit about biology, women usually can’t just get pregnant with only one, single filling. Not saying that it’s not possible, because it totally is. It's just that in this world, when a woman tries to get pregnant, it's usually a month-long battle going up hills both ways. Who knew hormones could cause that minor side effect?

“Nora, I gave you a low dosage! How many did you take?!!”

Apparently if you have high estrogen, it can cause fertility issues


I stop looking at the bottle and watch two dark skin beauties, both with red hair, both with massive boobies, and I can’t just not think to myself


How wonderful would it be if both of them loved me and we had a three some? I mean at school? In the principal office? During school hours? We have all watched that kind of porn before. And let's be honest, we totally want that to happen to us…well not the getting caught part of it

But alas, I think I need to push that dream away for now. After all…


“Nora….stop!! I'm sorry!”

Nora is fucking terrifying….I am starting to see first hand how women took over the work force…

After watching her literally blow up for a minute, I decided to sit down in a chair and contemplate just how we got to this point. Let's see…..

After we had, in Nora’s eyes, an intense kiss that led her to giving a shower to my beast. We held each other close. Feeling our pounding heart rate became one. Then after a few minutes of bathing in each other’s warmth. She leaned back and stared into my eyes

“This…..I’m so sorry Levi. I don’t know what came over me! I usually have better control than this”

She then tries to get off me, but because she was in a hurry and there was a decently large puddle full of sweat and….other fluids, she slips and lands back on my body, my awaken dragon escaped from it cage in the processes and rubbed against her slightly wet fun box directly

“Mmmmm!?…Ummm…Ms. Nora, I don’t want to sound like a coward, but I don’t want to cross that line”

“MMMMMM…I’m….haaaa….I’m sorry Levi…I didn’t mean to do that”

After looking deep in my eyes, I can’t help but feel my heart pound

This…this feels different then the time I had sex so long ago…

“I can’t move my legs right now, they are completely numb. Is it okay if we stay like this?”

Her soft breath lands on my cheek, causing my body to shudder and once again rub against her moist cave

“MMM…I’m so sorry Ms. Nora. I didn’t mean to move. Your breath just felt really good”

As she keeps staring in my eyes, I could feel her heart beat increase again

“Levi…haaa….can we chat about ourselves?”

She then looks away, her face getting red again

“We may have missed a step, but please believe me when I tell you that I, unlike most females, actually want to know my partner before we experiment”

She then looks at me, her eyes looking so pure and innocent

FUCK that’s hitting my strike zone. DAMN IT CUPID GO AWAY!! SHOO FLY DON’T BOTHER ME!

“Of course Ms. Nora, I feel the same way”

After replying to her, we both smile almost at the same time

“Well, I guess I should tell you the original reason why I asked you to come here in the first place”

She then turns her upper body and leans backwards, reaching for her pill bottle. As she leans, I can’t help but marvel at her stomach. I know she was in shape, but seeing her hidden 6 pack pop as she bends is a sight to see. I also can’t help but be shocked by her flexibility. Is that something that you have to train for? Or, like I thought in Ms. Smith's office, are women just naturally more flexible?

Once she grabs the bottle and pops a pill, she looks back into my ocean eyes

“Hey…is it okay if I hug you again? I really enjoyed it”

And how could I refuse such a welcoming question?

I gently pull her closer, feeling our heart rates become one again

“So, I wanted to tell you that you can ask me any question you may have. I know you forgot some of your memories, and how you acted today made that very obvious”

She then pulls something of the shelf behind me

“You see, normally you act really cold and annoyed”

The sound of something gets open. Then soon after a strong alcohol smell invades my brain

“I do have one question, can I please see that pill bottle?”

Without replying back, she hands me the bottle and a alcohol wipe

“Sure, in the process can you clean it off?”

Clean it off….why? In fact now that I think about it, why does she have these wipes out?

With confusion, I slowly wipe the bottle and glance around her office

As I look around, I see sports trophies, pictures of her diploma, shelves with different balls on them, and some cleaning supplies. In fact, why are there just not one, or two, but over 10 bottles of alcohol wipes in that pile?

Perhaps seeing my head look around and stopping at the pile of wipes, she nonchalantly drops this truth bomb on me

“As you can see, Levi, I like to be clean right after suppressing my desires”

Then she goes back whipping her hands and fingers…..fingers….fingers….fingers that were…

…OH MY GOD!!!....

With newfound energy, I quickly wipe my hands and the bottle, but in the process, the already weak label pulls back more

“Oops, I didn’t mean to do that”

As I put the label back, the black marker lines take my interest. Then with curiosity, I gently pull it back

“Hey…Ms. Nora…do all bottles have a hidden message under the label? Maybe the companies have some hidden loot box mechanics?”

“What? No, why? Let me see….WHAT THE FUCK!!?”

And that leads to this scene now. As my eyes wander the room, trying to ignore the sounds of things breaking, I wonder when lunch will be over? Probably soon right? I didn't grab anything to eat before I left the house. Do we buy food here, or do we pack our food and fend for ourselves?

I glance at the carnage to my left

I think they forgot about me? Well…I’ll just head back to my class

I silently walk out the door


Thankfully I live by dad's 10 rules. Otherwise I will have to deal with a woman's wrath!

I quickly make my way back to my classroom and into my spot. Once I sat down I pull out my school schedule

“Let's see. Monday is history and math, Tuesday is language arts and writing, Wednesday is science and Visual arts, Thursday is…what the fuck? Sexual pleasure and Blind dates?? Finally Friday is the gym and pick your own adventure?”

What is sexual pleasure, blind dates, and pick your own adventure?!? HOW ARE THOSE SCHOOL CURRICULUM COURSE?!?!

With words escaping me, I flip the paper over, a long…long list of clubs activities are shown

“I’m scared to even look now…let's take a quick glance…we have the normal ones like basketball, baseball, and soccer. Okay…then we have some weirder ones like DnD Dungeon and Dicks…HUH? Let's just keep going...manga hentai…is that where you make it or read them? That could be interesting?....okay let's just go to the bottom of the list…HOW TO MAKE YOUR OWN DILDO?!!? THE STEPS TO MAKE YOUR ASS WIDER?!?!”


I gently take the schedule, and throw it, with amazing force, INTO THE FUCKING GARBAGE!

“Hey, look at the ice prince! His actions are so animated now!”

“He’s so cute! You think he will talk to us?”

“What? You nuts?”

“You didn’t hear?? His new title is "The Awakened Ice Prince!”

Ladies…is it that entertaining to watch me all the time? Wait, don’t answer that. If I saw a beauty act like I just did, I would be stalking her too….I really need to get used to this world…the sooner the better

With a sigh I sit back down as the bell rings for the next class to start. Then after a few minutes, Ms. Nora, with a VERY red and ANGRY face walks in. Once she slams down her notebook, she looks up at the students

“Okay ladies, Let me be real with you. I’m currently REALLY pissed off. So, don’t push my buttons, don’t ask me stupid questions. You know what? Don’t even ask any question. If you have one ASK YOUR CLASSMATE. Okay? Good, now lets learn about some FUCKING history”

She then pulls out her book

“Page 115…NOW”

Once she looked up and saw that no one was moving, I swore her temple made a tiny *crack* sound

Aurora, the fierce tiger she is, then hold up her arm

“Ms. Nora, aren’t we supposed to have math class-”

“I said, don’t ask me any questions!”

But that long blonde hair, white eye tiger didn't take that sitting down

She stands up

And I swear I can hear the eye of the tiger song play in the background

What I don’t understand is why everyone else keeps glancing at me with a worried face

What? You expect me to handle that shit fest? Your nuts! You're the female, you handle it!

I look away, trying to find my inner peace, but then I remember dad's seventh rule as I stare at the clouds. Rule seven of women, If someone relies on you, then you WILL do everything you possibly can to not let them down! The only exceptions are drugs, money, killing, and eating spicy food!

God damn it

With a heavy sigh, I stand up and walk to Ms. Nora and Aurora

“NO! He’s actually leaving!”

“Damn it Aurora! All we had to do was not talk! Now we are losing our prince!”

With heavy footsteps, I walked between them, looked them both in the eyes, and activated Dad’s eight rule of women. When getting involved in a fight, always do the unexpected! Nothing is too dirty or cheap! Go for the balls! VICTORY takes it all!

“Ms. Nora, please calm down, I hate seeing your lovely hazel eyes get full of anger like this. And Aurora, thank you so much for being brave and trying to help the class out. That was really cool”

Then, as the silence overtook the room, I walked back to my table and sat down…that was so uncool

I look away to hide my embarrassed face

That was cool?? Lovely hazel eyes?? WHO FUCKING SAYS THAT?

“Ummm….right….math….yeah we have math class”

“Cool…he…said I was cool? Need to change that mindset”

As I watch the butterflies from my seat, I can’t help but enjoy the fact that math in this world…is just as boring as my original one. It’s peaceful, you know? With the world as it is, just seeing something be normal, something just staying the same can bring peace to the soul.

It's like seeing a familiar face in a crowd of strangers….

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