Opposite Morals

Chapter 11

“Any more questions on how to solve for X?”

Nora scans the room after teaching the math lesson. Her eyes lingering on me as her face gets a little red. Then after hearing nothing back, she slams her book close

“Good, very, very good”

Is it just me, or is her voice a lot lower than normal?

As she walks out the room, the quiet classroom can easily hear her mumbles

“She’s dead, she’s FUCKING dead. Looks like another demon will join the underworld tonight”

You know what? I’m positive everything is just fine. Nothing to worry about

“Wow, she’s pissed”

“Is she on her period this month?”

“No, it should be next week”

“Ah, you're right. Probably the principal again then”

As I overhear the ladies talk between themselves, I can’t help but think some VERY private information was just dropped….Na, must just have been the wind!

I put away my classroom supplies then look out the window. A lot happened today, plus I still need to get my feeling in order. From this morning with Sophia. To Aurora terrifying personality. Then there's what happen between Nora and I

I facepalm my head and rub my eyes slowly, a habit I picked up that helps me focus 

First is Sophia, I didn’t have a chance to talk with her after what happened. But…I didn’t dislike it. Even though I wasn't turned on by it, just knowing I did something that helped her makes me want to do it again….Then we have Aurora. She’s one scary fucking tiger. But there was a reason why I got turned on by her. It could have been because I was scared. But, a small part of me is slightly interested in figuring out how her mind ticks. And finally Nora, I think her and I are on the same wavelength. After all, she wants to have a personal connection before going too far with baby making activities. But her anger is on another level….and that excites me a little bit. I have a feeling that a romantic relationship with her could be anything but boring

After rubbing my eyes a little longer, I stand up

“First thing first, let's visit my family's gravestone location and talk with them. Only then can I feel like I can truly take my first, emotional step in this new life I was graciously given”

With a clear head and a weight off my shoulder, I head out the room, ignoring all the heaving breathing as the ladies watch me go. Aurora's eyes especially are staring me down like a predator

With a skip in my step, I walk out the school building and as I look around, the sight of gorgeous women for as far as I can see! Sure, they are wearing men's clothing. But those clothes fail at hiding their wonderful curves. Especially around those hips! DAMN! What I do find interesting is that almost all the women have long hair, while all the….men still generally have theirs short. I wonder why?

As I walk to the nearby activity field, I see a lot of women playing all kinds of sports. Sports like soccer, basketball, baseball, and volleyball. But what I wasn't expecting was American football! Was women's American football a thing in my old life? I never thought of it before. But now that I'm seeing it with my own eyes, I can shockingly say that it is fucking sexy and hot to see a sweating women remove shoulder pads! Okay, I think I understand why women find football guys attractive now! GOD DAMN! Just look at those tone bodies!

After tearing my eyes away from the oasis in front of me, I find a few stalls with…objects on it. You know, you would think I wouldn't be that surprised about the common sense of this new world at this point. But nope, it seems that I just can’t adapt fast enough

“Why…why are they openly selling dildo’s and other such fun toys? We are still at school!...No…actually I have a better question, why are the women openly sharing their pleasure tool with each other with excitement in their eyes?? What the hell do they think they are trading?? Pokémon cards?!??”

“So this is where your stupid self ran off to”

Right now I can think of one person who calls me that….my cruel younger sister Luna

As I turn around I catch her jogging up to me

“Look here, unlike you, I have an after school life. Even though it’s my turn to walk home with you today, you're on your own. But I’m sure you don’t mind. Do me a solid and don't tell mom alright?”

Before I could reply to her, she gives me a bright smile and a middle finger before she jog’s away, back to whence she came...wherever that was

"Well that was rude. What did I do to her? Does the middle finger still have the same meaning in this world? Fuck you? Another thing to look into later"

After shaking my head, I start my walk to the cemetery. As I walk down the roads, I can’t help but marvel on how similar yet different things are. Even though the building structures are typical for a town this size, the stores inside them aren't. When I walk past these stores, I can’t stop myself from window shopping. Right here, on the main road just minutes from school, is a store that specializes in something called a full sexual massage

“Just what the hell is that? Is that like a normal massage but they also give extra attention to the front and back door?”

As I stare through the glass window's, I see a row of women from all ages sitting down and waiting for their turn. On the back walls are a few menus with prices. There is one menu that straight up has SEX as one of the services!! Isn't this a brothel at this point then?! As my eyes linger, I catch a help wanted sign

(Wanted - Males)

“Interesting…I can think of a few reason why they want a man. Not like the SEX part on the menu doesn't give me a massive hint. but what I find fascinating is that all the stores around here have this sign on it”

As I keep walking, I glance into another store. This one sells products for…releasing's one hormones. Why do they want a man for a store like this? Maybe for publicity? I even see females that are a little bit younger than me in there! I must say that I'm shocked with all the options. I never knew it was possible to fill 3 walls full of different kinds of sex toys. They are all different too! A part of me wants to go in and check things out

After spending a few more minutes walking, another store catches my eye

“The Cat’s Meow?”

I stop and look through the window. It looks like a typical restaurant. White walls with wood lining. On the walls are pictures of hand drawn paintings with axes, swords, daggers, and other medieval weapons. A massive wood bar that's under a wooden balcony. The waiters are wearing fantasy outfits. Some have cat and dog ears on their heads, while others have tails hanging from their backside

“Well that looks interesting, I would love to try this place out. Restaurants like these always have surprising delicious dishes”

After staring at the food being brought out, I feel my stomach growl

“Right, food. I haven’t had someone else homemade food in a long time. Too bad I can’t hold any cash on me. Why can’t these tights have some fucking pockets?? This should be a crime! All pants, no, all clothing that goes on under the belt should have pockets! And the worst offenders are pants that have fake ones. Who ever thought that was a good idea deserves the guillotine!”

After eyeing a few more stores, the cemetery comes into view

“At this point I was expecting it to look different, but no. Other than the headstones looking a little bit more worn, it's almost the exact same”

As I walked through the familiar grave stones, I wondered where my previous self fell. I would like to give my thanks to him

“No matter how I look at it, I did yoinked his body. The least I could do is give my thanks on where it happened”

After a few more turns, my feet suddenly stop. Right where my families gravestone was in my old life, is a small grave, full of bright flowers and natural green grass surrounding it

“Well, I was expecting a gravestone here, to be honest. It does make a lot of sense, after all this is a different world…but….”

As I read the gravestone, I can’t help but feel my chest tighten up

-Here lies Gorge Gold-

-Well known for-

-Having a gold tongue-

-Making a harem-

-Being a sex beast-

“Well, this was not how I was expecting on learning about my current dad. I never considered that you already passed on in this world too”

However instead of feeling sad, a warm feeling grew inside me

“But looks like you died a fucking legend! How many women did you sleep with to get known as being a harem maker? Not only that, sex beast? Damn!”

I sat down next to the grave, feeling more relaxed

“Well, dad, I must say your son is fucking impressed! Not only that, but you're also known as having a gold tongue?”

As I lean backwards, I observe the blue sky as clouds float past

“I must admit that I always kind of second guess your 10 rules of women. Whenever mom heard you talk about them, she would come flying in with a frying pan. Yelling “WHAT ARE YOU TEACHING OUR 6 YEAR OLD BOY?!” But it was the advice you kept repeating to me every single day. To the point that I have committed all of it to memory”

After watching the clouds for awhile, I slowly lay down

“Not only that, in my past life you married a perfect women. Mom was such a great mother. You always knew how to make her laugh and smile, even when she was annoyed with your antics. I still remember when she caught you showing me porn on my 8th birthday. “What? I’m teaching him how to be a true man!” was your response”

I feel tears run down my face

“Then before she could react, you jumped at her, giving her a tight hug and a big, loving smile full of happiness. “After all, he has your gorgeous genes running through him, we need to prepare him for the world. Think of the innocent women!”

The previous shower of tears turn into a waterfall

“You were someone to look up to. Thanks to you I know exactly what I want in life. A family that is always happy and together. And in this life”

A massive smile emerges from me

“Not only did you marry one hell of a beautiful woman, it sounds like you had a lot of lovers on the side! Hell, you're known as a sex beast!”

My jolly laugh echo’s over the cemetery

“You are making one hell of a wall for me to overcome!”

I then suddenly jump up and brush of the freshly cut grass

“But I know that even now you are watching over me. This life and my previous one. I pray that my other self is happy, where ever he his”

I then stretch my muscles out, feeling my tightening body relax. I take another loving look at my dads grave

“Okay, thanks for the wonderful talk, dad”

As I lower my eyesight, I keep reading what was written on his gravestone

-But most importantly-

-He was a loving husband-

-A wonderful father-

-And a great man-

“Even after you passed, you always knew how to make me smile and show me the way forward”

I wipe away the leftover tears on my face

“Don’t worry dad, I’ll take over your place and take care of the family you left behind. Just don’t expect me to care for all your lovers. I’m slightly scared to learn just how many you had”

Then with a jump in my step, I walk away, giving a wave

“I hope you don’t mind if I steal a few of them for myself! I'm your son after all! I am the new and improved version! There’s a reason why the original’s become obsolete! Don’t hate me for becoming better than you!”

Right before I left the cemetery, I look back

"Mom, please keep his ass in line up there alright? But knowing you, you'll do it with a bright smile"

I then look upwards at the sky

"Hey, little sister...Princess. I hope you don't mind that you'll need to share me from now on. I now have 4 more sister's to give my affection to. But don't worry, you will always have a place in my heart. Make sure you support mom in kicking dad's ass alright?"

With a final, relaxing deep breath I take my first step out of the cemetery, and my first step to a better, more fulfilling future

"Bye for now everyone, I have, and always will love all of you from the bottom of my heart"

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