Opposite Morals

Chapter 2

“Doctor Doctor!! He’s actually waking up! Someone get the doctor!”

I hear yelling, or more like a loud call for a doctor. My vision is still too blurry to see anything. As the sound of footsteps quickly rush around, I try to remember what happened today

Let's see. Got up today, read the perverted but unrealistic web novel. Took a shower, got dressed, and went to work. Had a terrible day, then I went to the store on the way home so I could make hamburgers. I remember hearing about the clowning thing going on, then I went to the cemetery and visited my family…then...I...fell asleep? Or did I get hit? Yeah, I’m pretty sure I got hit

As I remember about how I blacked out, an intense headache overtakes me

“Uugh, my head”


Wow, isn't it like rule number one to not yell when someone's in pain? But that yelling did make me wonder. Just where the hell am I?

Through my blurry vision, I attempt to look around, but nothing catches my eyes. Because you know, I have blurry vision. Smart dude. With vision not working out, I use my arms to get an idea of my surrounding

Let's see….We have a soft bed. Nice. Then this cold pole is probably the metal bed frame. Then I assume that beeping noise is that monitor I see in movies

“Sir, stop moving! Oh my gosh! You, Ms., call his family right away!”

Family? Sorry Ms. but no one will answer, I am all alone….I feel tears dropping down my face and getting caught by something

“Are you okay? What hurts?”

I then felt something soft touch my head, then with a quick movement of her hand, something that was wrapped around my head slowly came off. After a few flashes of light, my blurry vision clears up and in front of me lies a lady in her mid 20’s. Her blue hair wrapped up tightly into a bun. My eyesight lingers, it then moves south. Her surprisingly large breast somehow defies gravity. Once I look lower, I see that she is wearing a white miniskirt? I assume that's the nurse outfit? It's a little, no, it’s showing a lot. That’s unexpected

I quickly look away from her legs. My face getting a little warm

“There, you can probably see better now. Please tell me cutie, what hurts?”

Did she just call me…A person so fat you would think I could eat someone whole. A cutie? What in the hell is wrong with her? Not fat shaming her or anything, but I know how I look and trust me, the last thing I’ll be called is cute

Once I got over the little shock of getting called cute, I feel my tears fall down my face

“I'm sorry, I didn’t mean to cry. That's not very manly is it? I do have a bad headache though”

After wiping away my tears. A few abnormal things start to ring in my head. Like, why are my hands so fucking slim?? Like holy shit, it even has one hell of a tan! Damn dude. If my arm wasn't so skinny, I would think I was slow cooking in the moonlight overnight

But that wasn't the only thing that was wrong, once I looked down, I could see something that I haven't been able to see in years. A bump where my man parts are located

Well, hey there little fella…or more like huge fella. What the flying fuck? That bump is way too big to be normal right?

“What are you talking about cutie? You're a man, of course it’s completely normal for you to cry”

I quickly look back and stare at the nurse. Right before she could say anything, another women with a white coat on rushes in

“You said he's awake? How is that possible??”

I watch her stare at me with complete shock. Then after scanning my body that is barely covered, her face gets a little red

“Oh my god, it's a goddamn miracle! We need to examine him. NOW”

She then turned her head down the hallway and called for a few more nurses.

“Excuse me sir, I know that you have a lot of questions, but first please lie back down”

After looking back at the nurse, who is a little to much in my personal space, I comply

“Of course Ms. Anything you say, but-”

your the professional is what I was thinking, I also want to ask why it's normal for a man to cry. However her face got a little bit redder

“You should be very careful with those words cutie. Or someone who can’t control their hormones, or a women who forgot to take their birth control pill would accidentally take your words literally”

With an embarrassed smile, she gently rubs my arm then walks away

Okay. What the fuck is going on with right now? I wanted to ask more but the horrible headache is winning the battle. I decide that right now the best thing to do is to allow the pillow to absorb my head and hopefully reduce the pain

After making a few minor adjustments, I close my eyes. I didn’t feel it at first, but I feel extremely tired. A feeling like you overslept way too much. While I was thinking about that the darkness took over.

Before I realized it, my headache was gone and I felt a lot better. But once I looked left, my breath was taken away. A Blonde beauty was laying her head next to my bed. Breathing slowly, her face looked very relax, but her eyes were a little red

I thought about waking her up, but the blue hair nurse walked back in with a tray full of apples and bananas on it

“Good afternoon cutie. I’m glad to see you are awake already. How are you feeling?”

She then puts the tray down next to me. She sits down and pulls out a clipboard. Writing down a few things on it

“I feel a lot better now. My headache is gone. But I have a few, no, a lot of questions. What happened to me”

The nurse then takes a paper and flips it over, she then proceeds to write down more information

“A week ago, you were walking through the cemetery. I was informed that it was a shortcuts you usually take to avoid the main roads”

She keeps writing stuff down

“On the way home, the well known female clowning group attempted to…convince you into having a relationship with one of the members. While trying to escape, you slipped and…smashed your handsome head on one of the graves”

What….? I was coming home from school?? She does know that I’m 18’s right?

“Sorry, but a lot of this isn't adding up….I was coming home from school? This was last week? How long have I been hospitalized?”

After writing a few more things, she stopped

“Oh dear, it's just like the doctor said. Your memory is scrambled”

I felt movement to my left. The blonde-haired lady slowly wakes up and rubs her eyes. Then after looking at me, intense joy overtakes her face

“Levi! My baby!”

She then attacks me, giving me a tight huge

“My little boy. My son. I’m so sorry! I should have had one of your sisters pick you up! I kept telling them that you're too attractive to walk home alone!”

“Mrs. Gold, is it possible to have you call the whole family over? I’m afraid the doctor needs to talk to all of you”

After getting almost strangled, the women lets go of me and stands up, pulling her phone out in the processes

“Of course Ms. Olivia”

Okay, who was that? Why is her last name the same as mine? What sisters? The only one I had passed away in the car accident. I'm not joking, what in hell is going on!?!?!

“Hey cutie, can you move your arms?...Do you want me to feed you?”

I look over at the nurse…I guess her name is Olivia?

When I took a look at her, her face was extremely red and her green eyes kept swimming around. I shake my head and slowly grab the plate of food. Now that she mentioned it. I'm starving

With disappointment on her face, she gets up and exits the room, giving me a wave and a smile as she goes

Now that I’m alone, I can finally think things over more. I slowly nibble on the sliced up apple

Nom Nom Nom

These apples are surprisingly really good. Okay, if I take what Olivia said, my memories are scrambled? I think they got the wrong guy. But how do I explain these arms and…that monster between my legs? I think the best option would be to wait till after the doctor talks to me and my….family?

After finishing up all the apples and bananas I start to feel out my body. I have a 6 pack? Holy shit that's fucking awesome! Lets see what else, my hair is a little bit longer than I remember and I have some nice muscles on my arms and legs. I think I have a runner's body right now

After feeling myself up, I bring my hand to the little dragon between my legs. And holy shit this is almost scary. Even though it’s soft, It feels longer than my hand? How big will it be when it’s hard?

Before I could explore anymore, I heard footsteps coming down the hallway. I quickly take my hands out from under my hospital gown right before the doctor came in

“Hey there handsome. I’m super happy to see that your awake and from the reports…You have some minor brain damage”

Brain damage? Well that's just wonderful to hear. I look at the doctor with a slight horror showing

“Oh sweetie pie, its okay. Even though I say brain damage, it’s all in the area of the brain where memory is stored. Based on what we can see, your side effects are just some memory loss. But that should recover in time”

She then walks to my side and put her hands on my forehead

“Let’s see, your temperature is normal”

As she writes things down on her clipboard, my eyes gravitate to her shirt. It is slightly open, allowing a clear view into the gold mine.

I quickly look away embarrass. Why is she so comfortable showing me that? If I was some pervert, I would have been able to see everything!

When I turned around, the doctor was slowly eyeing me up. Her eyes sight lingering on my wonderful bulge. I start to feel her breath on the side of my check as it increases

“Wow, oh, I'm so sorry mister. I didn't have time to take my birth control so my hormones are a little out of control right now. Right when I heard that you woke up after a week, I rushed here. I hope you didn't mind that I got some eye candy from your package down there”

What is with the fucking women in this hospital not shy about taking their birth control?? Something is really not right with either this place, or with the nurse and doctor

After taking one more longing look at me, she turns away and drops off some clothes that were in the dresser next to the bed

“Your lack of concern that I just checked you out is concerning, pun intended. Please change and follow me afterwards. Your family is waiting for you in the lounge.”

After saying that, I watch her walk out and close the door. I stare at the clothes for a minute before taking them

I don’t know what's going on, but I won't get any answers sitting here. Lets see, the underwear is umm….thin. Like, isn't this a thong?? Um. okay….the socks are normal and so is the shirt. But these pants…

As I lift them up, they stretch when I pull them. I think these are called tight jeans? Isn't this what women normally wear?? There aren't any  pockets either! I know men did wear these things for awhile, but that was just a fad back when I was in high school…..

Without any other option, I put on the uncomfortable clothes and slowly walk into the hallway. Trying to ignore the underwear that is failing to hold the dragon. The tight pants are also making it hard to walk. In fact, how do women walk in these things?? They are rubbing all the wrong places!

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