Opposite Morals

Chapter 3

“Wow, you are seriously one handsome dude”

The doctor looks me up and down. I think her cheeks are even more red! Holy shit is she a pervert? You can look but no touch!

“Haha, thank you doctor”

I fidget back and forth. Being called handsome is a really weird feeling, not like these cloths help either

“Hmmm, stop fidgeting! You're making it hard to control myself!”

Not my fault! You gave me these fucking clothing! No, a better question, how is this turning you on??

With that, she quickly walked away and started popping pills. A lot of them. Like, that's half the bottle! Holy shit girl!

I follow her down the hallways and into a big room. Not like the sign that has (lounge) next it doesn't tell me where we are

Once I walked in I saw quite a few beauties sitting down on their phones or reading a book. The blonde lady, who I assume is my mother? Quickly jumps up while the other 4 stay seated, looking uninterested. I think one or two of them looked up at me, but moving their head requires too much energy I guess

“Thank you all for coming here, I’m not going to beat around the bushes. Levi Gold has received brain damage and is currently experiencing memory loss. We are currently not sure on how much or how long it will take for it to return”

Well that grabbed there attention, the other 4 ladies looked up with slight shock


“Wow, really?”

“Huh, didn’t think he could get stupider”

“That’s a little mean Luna, true, but still mean”

They all start mumbling to each other…..I can hear you all! Assholes! And what do you mean stupider??

“Yes, so I would like Levi to visit the hospital once a week for a check up”

“Of course doctor! Anything for my little prince!”

My mother? Moved so fast I think the superhero with the lightning bolt as his logo couldn’t keep up, rushed to me and gave another tight hug

Even though getting hugged by strangers should be a weird feeling, I can’t help but enjoy the warmth it brings me. I can’t remember the last time someone hugged me…especially out of love. Fuck don’t cry pussy! Be a man!

“Thank you for your understanding Mrs. Gold. Right now he needs rest”

I hear her flip some papers over. Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, my vision is currently filled with the valley of desire

“Based on our information, the best way to cure memory loss is having him go back on his normal schedule right away. Let me write up a doctor’s note and explain the situation to his school, please follow me Mrs. Gold”

My mother lets go and with a final look at me, she follows the doctor. Once out of sight I focus on the 4 stranger that have been looking at me like I’m some animal at the zoo

“Huh, you really have memory loss?”

The first female walks up to me and lightly touches my head. Her long, blonde hair tickles my face. When I look into her eyes, I'm a little surprised that they are the same color as mine

“I can’t believe it! It must be true Sophia, he didn’t back away from your touch!”

Another female walked up to me. Her hair is black with purple highlights? Is that real or dyed? I can’t tell. Her eyes are blue too. Once she was close enough, her hand reached out and lightly touched my face. STOP TOUCHING ME!! I may or may not get turned on! I’m a healthy male! What's wrong with these two??

“Right Ruby? When was the last time he allowed that?”

I then hear another voice behind them

“Would you all stop feeling him up? I don’t want to hear you two masturbate in the car!”

I almost could believe what I just heard, masturbate in the car? Are all the women around me fucking perverts?? Is this a side effect of being handsome? Someone, please, tell me if this is true or not!

After hearing what the young lady said, Sophia stopped and took some deep breaths. Her face is slightly red

“Right, sorry about that. Now that you mentioned that, we need to get some refills on those pills. We should be running low about now”

But the other woman, Ruby keeps holding my face, her finger slowly reaching for my mouth…..and….that's it! FUCK THIS SHIT I’M OUT!

I gently slapped her hand away and backed up, I said no touching didn’t I? Well, in my head I did anyways

“Look, ummm, I’m sorry, I hope I didn’t hurt you”

Dad’s number one rule of women, don’t ever hurt a woman unless she's into it. Either mentally or physically. But dad, what about the rule for self defense?? Is there a loophole?

The moment I looked into her eyes, shock was written all over it. What's her problem? Oh fuck, I did slightly hit her hand away…I'm screwed!

But what I really, really, want to know is, why is she licking her fucking lips?? And that smile is freaking me out!

“Ummmm…who is this? This is not Levi, he apologized to us!”

A moment of silence takes over the area, it breaks when the doctor and mother walks back into the room

“Thank you again doctor, all right girls, let's head home. Who wants pizza?”

With no other option, I followed the group of females out of the hospital with even more questions

Now that I had the chance to get a good view of the ladies, I think I was the middle child. I’m not sure on how old I am, but based on my best calculations, Sophia is the oldest, at 20. Then we have Ruby who's 18 or 17, next is the identical twins Luna and Layla. Brown hair and blue eyes. Both are 16. That puts me around late 16? Maybe early 17?  So that means I should be in high school, just like the doctor said

Once we get to the car, I attempted to enter the backseat, but Sophia grabbed my arm

“What are you doing Levi? You don’t even remember this? Your spot is the passenger seat”

“Oh, I'm sorry. Thank you so much”

Dad’s number two rule of women. Always act super grateful and always be kind. That rule has saved my ass more times than I care to admit. Also got me out of trouble a lot

After another moment of silence, Luna’s voices out

“Yeah, I don’t know how to feel about this. Are you sure it's just memory loss at this point?”

“Perhaps, but I prefer this than his usual self so far”

I really have no idea how my…past self? Used to act. Once everyone was in the car, mother drives off

We make a few pit stops along the way. Grabbing some pizza and the ladies went to the drug store. Coming out with a few bags full of drugs….That's not concerning or anything. Why so many? What do you plan on doing with them all? Sell em? To whom??

As we drove to god know where, I keep watching the world pass by, and I have a FUCK ton of more question. Like, oh, I don’t know. WHY ARE THE MEN WEARING FEMININE CLOTHING?? Or, why have I only counted like 10 in total?? And dear god, are they carrying a purse? That better be a swiss army knife kind of thing!

As I keep watching the world, we pass by a park. Not a man in sight, but a lot of sweaty, sexy, and holy shit I will get a boner if I keep looking!! Why are they TOP LESS???

I feel my eyes almost leave their sockets. There, in front of me, are women playing basketball with no shirts on, their lovely balls of joy and happiness just swinging away. Not an ounce of shyness

I may have stared for a little too long, because a few of them turned their heads and looked at me. But instead of showing signs of disgusts like I normally see, they push their chest out and pump their arms, attempting to show their muscles. A few laughs and call whistles come from them

“Ugh, what horny, attention seeking low life's. All you did was stare in their general direction and they get like this”

Sophia’s voices out from the back

“Yeah, but you must admit that having a man actually show interest in you is super hot”

Mother then replies from the driver's seat

“Sure, but good luck with that. You saw the most recent population ratio right? It's now 1 to 3”

What? 1 to 3?? Are men getting rare? SINCE WHEN??

“And that's why you two are getting an earful from me later! You know how rare and fragile men are! And you two let him walk home alone?!?”

Mothers voice raises an octane higher as she glances at Sophia and Ruby

“Get off their asses mother, it's not their fault that Levi refused it every time!”

Layla’s voice defends her older siblings

“And you! MS. you're not off the hook either! You're only a year younger! You could have walked home with him!”

“Oh, shut up mother! You know we have clubs after school!”

Luna’s sharp voice defends Layla

“What did you just say?”

I’m not used to yelling. But I hate it. A lot. Nothing ever gets achieved when people are just screaming at one another. Working on the helpers desk taught me that. Besides, based on what I heard, it’s not their fault. Not really at least. Sounds like my past self really didn’t like relying on them….

“Perfect mother, and gorgeous sisters, please don't yell. I really don’t like it. Besides everything is my fault it sounds like”

Dad’s number three rule of women. Always complement them whenever you get the chance! Great way to calm them down and to gain brownie points

Dad’s number four rule, when in doubt, just blame yourself! Yeah, I don’t like that rule to much father…you kind of look weak and pathetic if you relay on it to much

It could be because I asked, or with what I said, because they all stopped talking and looked away

“That's dangerous Levi, don’t just call anyone gorgeous, unless you want to get…ummm…attacked again”

Sophia let me know after a moment of silence

I couldn't see her face, but I had a gut feeling that it was bright red, the sounds of pill bottles getting open could be heard behind me

After a few more minutes of driving, we pull up to the house….my house….the house were I was alone since I was 8

Before I could ask any questions, the family walked up to the door, pulled out a key, and entered it

I guess this house belongs to them? But I used to live here…

Once we walked inside, the strong smell of fish linger in the air, with junk all around. A mess if I do say so myself. The family ignored the mess and walked into the kitchen. Mother set down the pizza and handed out cardboard plates. Once a few pizza pieces were on mine, I sat down to join the rest of the ladies

Which was a wrong move apparently, because once again, the looks of -what the fuck is this guy doing?- appeared on their faces

“Hey...you're joining us for dinner? That's not like you”

“Oh, my little prince! It has been so long since you joined us!”

I can’t wait to see my room after eating now. I really hope that snooping around my room will help me answer some of these questions. Like what the fuck is going on? How did I used to act? Are these ladies truly my family….family…

My thoughts wonder when I think about my family. God I miss them so much. I used to hate god and everyone else when they first died. But after getting older and realizing that people had much worse lives than I….I started to overcome some of my demons. True I didn't have a family, but I had this house to myself. I had kind neighbors that went out of the way for me. The person who caused their death got punishment. And I landed a really good job right after high school. Life was quit kind to me

But now…before I could think any more, I felt a hand on my thigh

I quickly look left, Ruby’s face is slightly red as her right hand disappeared under the table. I glance around and everyone is currently on their phones paying no attention to anything else.

With my silence, or not doing anything because WHAT THE HELL IS SHE DOING shock on my face, her hand that was at first was motionless, slowly starts to move around

I thought about ignoring it. This could be something that happened often for all I know, but after her breathing got a little to intense and her movements got slightly to perverted for what I considered normal, I gently slapped her hand away

“Mmm, harder”

A soft, sexual moan escapes her lips


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