Opposite Morals

Chapter 4

Once they heard that sexual moan, the rest of the family took a quick look at her.

“Ruby, do you really need to relieve yourself now? That can wait till your in your room”

Mother says out with a sigh

Wait. This type of thing is normal?! That can’t be true at all!

“Really? You know how rare it is for Levi to join us and you do that!”

Sophia facepalms her head once she saw how red Ruby’s face was

“Sorry, the stupid pills aren't acting quick enough”

Pill this, pill that. What the hell are these pills? Is this family all drug addicts?

With more desire to go to my room, I quickly polish off my plate and stand up

“Excuse me, I’m full. Thank you so much for the wonderful food. If it is possible, can you please tell me which room is mine?”

You would think I'll get used to it at this point, but the complete shock on their faces is a little funny. Especially Layla, you could shove a giant….cucumber in her mouth it was so wide open

“Of course little prince, just head up stairs and go to the door on the far right, you can’t miss it”

That's interesting, I wonder to myself. What a weird coincidences that happens to be the room I always use. With a grateful nod, I quickly rush out of the kitchen

“I’m really concerned with him. He’s being way to friendly with us”

Once I left the kitchen, I overhear them all talking

“Right? I hope he’s just that way with us. I’m afraid that if he's like that with everyone else…”

Why is being nice such a bad thing?

“Oh my god! I can’t bring my friends over then! They will all think he's into them!”

"Tell me about it! Right now he's easily the hottest guy around. If he starts being friendly and kind, then we may need to fight off all the sluts out there!"

"Your right sweetie, we should have a talk with him. But right now lets enjoy it while we can"

"Ugh, really? He's really stupid you know? Why do you all even care about him? All he cares about is himself"

And that's my cue to get the hell out of dodge. I avoid all the random crap that covers the halls and rush upstairs.

Now if this was a Where's Waldo picture book, even a baby could find him.

I do a double take at my door.

“You know what, I’m not going to question why my door happens to be metal, or that it has a finger reader on the door knob, or, for that matter, that it has 2 sets of locks!”

I glance at the other doors, hoping, praying for some sort of answer, but nope. They are just normal wooden doors with normal door knobs

With more fear than anything else at this point, I walk to my door and put my finger on the thumb reader, after a moment the door unlocks and swings open

I quickly walk inside and close the door behind me. Finally, some alone time to get my thoughts straight

I take a deep breath. But instead of smelling the usual….white stuff that comes out of men during maximum pleasure, the smell of flowers, mint, strawberries, and who know what other wonderful flowers over takes my nostrils

“Wow, what a wonderful smell, a bit girly, but no complaints here”

I bring my hand over and turn on the lights…..what the fuck is this?

Pink, pink, and oh, look, a purple accent wall! WHAT THE HELL HAPPEN TO MY ROOM?

Shock, no, horror overtook me. My room! It was perfect before! I take another quick glance around, my single wide bed is now a double, the room is extremely clean, like, dude I could eat off the floor! Is that my reflection I see on the wood?

I look back at the bed. Purple and blue bed sheets with unicorns and butterflies as the design

After taking a moment to look at the extremely fluffy bed sheets, A shiver runs though my spine

I slowly look towards the closet

“Please, god, or whoever is listening, please tell me that I have normal clothes

With shaking hands, I slowly open the closet…and tears of sorrow quickly fall

I take out one of the underwear's, a smooth, silky thong that is nice and cool to the touch. Not just one, but ALL the underwear is this way! Oh, look! This one even has a flower design on it

I try to wipe the tears, but they just keep falling, I then grab the pants. Oh, the pants. I take them out and attempt to stretch them

“Thank you above that they are not tights!! Or any more of these stretching jeans! But the color, why is it also pink?!!? I didn't know pink denim was even a thing!!”

As I keep digging through the clothes, I find some knee and thigh long skirts. Some tight shirts and very low V cuts.

What is the point for these V cuts? Showing off my boobies? Who wants to see male boobs?

I then look back at the skirts

“Why do I have skirts? Is that a hole or cubby for the dragon?”

I look down at my bulge then look back at the skirt. I'm no scientist, but I think that it's not...big enough

I keep searching the closet till I find the school outfits. One that has pants.....Why are they tights? The other outfit has a skirt with it

With more shock than horror at this point, I put everything back. I can only take so much emotional damage today. I then wander to my computer, ignoring all the cute notes that cover it. Well I try to but this one is too eye catching

(The love of my life is playing on September 18 at 4pm!)

The love of my life? Fuck it! I really hope I have a notepad or a diary with anything on it

I turn the computer on and just my luck, it requires a password

“Okay, okay, I can figure this out. Let's see. Hint. yes please….”

(The name of my true love)

“Name of my true love? Who the fuck is that?”

Let's think about this, I could try putting in my family's names? Maybe one of them is a singer or something?

1 attempt, 2 attempts….6 attempts

Okay, so none of my family members is the love of my life apparently. Think man, think

I take a deep sigh and try my hardest to not cringe over the bright and sparkling room, when I focus more on my bed, a piece of paper hangs underneath it

“Oooh lucky me! Lets see…..WHAT THE HELL!”

Look, we all have secrets. As men, we all hide our porn somewhere in our room. Some under the bed, others behind bookshelves. Even the closet is not safe from us. But this. This…

I look down at the paper…no picture. Hands shaking

Why…why….why is it a picture of a man with a massive fucking dick? Oh god....IS HE PUTTING IT IN ANOTHER MANS ASS?!?!?! YOUR GOING TO KILL HIM!!

No….no…..no no no no no

Am…..am I gay?!?!

“I…I can’t”

I just can’t at this point, I flip the paper over and on it is a name

(Rand Ranch - 12 men in the shower. Orgy in the shower)

(Oh yes please!)

You know what….I think I'm too much in shock right now

With a look…no a feeling of complete defeat, I walk to the computer and entered Rand Ranch

…..It worked…..

Fuck me with a chainsaw at this point. Why don’t you…God?

As the computer loads, I get ready for a anything that could appear, expecting the worst of the worst

But nothing of the sort appeared

“Oh. Thank you. Thank you, my past self!”

A blank and boring wallpaper that shows the picture of an ocean, it slowly moves with a wonderful flute music playing thru the speakers

That's interesting, it looks like I have some…similarities with my other self. We both like slow flute music, watching water, and we are both perverts……ew

After clicking on everything and looking though all the folders, I can’t tell if I'm relieved or worried that I haven't seen anymore of my past self…..interest

With nothing on the computer itself, I decided to hop on the internet to see if there's anything of note

“Let’s see…nothing here, nothing there, oh! What about the history?”

I skim through it. Nothing seems out of place. A lot of music videos from a website called FunTube, but other than that, nothing much else

With a final defeated feeling, I look though the bookmarks

“We have favorite songs…A reading list…oh? Some of these titles actually sound interesting, put that on my to do list….OH! Life stuff folder?”

With excitement, I clicked it and press on the FLOC word document

(Today I finally convinced my mother into upgrading my door. I needed privacy and these perverted sisters wouldn't give me any! I don’t blame them, it's not their fault)

Wait what?? I read another entry

(I had a serious talk with my best friend today about one of his lovers. It tore me up inside! Why can’t he see that all the women are slaves to their desires? I am the best thing for him! I would do almost anything I could to make him happy! There's no law saying that I couldn’t be a part of his harem!)

The more I read, the more fucking confused I get.

“Having multiple lovers? Is that normal? And what did I mean women are slaves to their desires? And…”

I look over my shoulder, the picture sending down a cold shiver

“It is apparent that I was into men. Or perhaps I wanted a man to literally be into me….Okay, ew. What the fuck is wrong with me?”

I decided to keep reading

(I did it…I told him how I felt. I knew that he didn’t think of me that way, but I just couldn't stand it. I would always regret it if I never told him how I truly feel about him)

Ouch, sorry to hear that man. But I give you some respect, it takes a lot of balls to do what you did. Not a lot of guys…or girls for that matter, could do what you did

I keep reading…and reading…and reading. Damn this guy wrote a lot!

After spending hours reading everything, I make another word document to clear my thoughts and get things organized

“Okay. So first off I’m gay…or was gay for that matter. It looks like being open about being gay is not normal right now. I wouldn't say you'll get bullied, but you would definitely get some weird stares. My family never knew my past self interests. That does explain why he hated to get touched by them. It sounds like the idea of having a women touched him made him very uncomfortable”

I keep writing out my thoughts

“Another thing I picked up is that women have some sort of increased sex drive. It’s so intense that they need pills to keep their hormones under control. The best part of these pills is that they also work as a type of birth control. I have the feeling that it's like females are always on Viagra. My past self mentioned a few times where he was almost sexually assaulted because he either looked at a female the wrong way, or he was alone and acted a little to friendly, giving them the wrong idea”

The word document quickly gets filled up

“He hated how dirty and blunt women acted too? They showed too much skin and because of their sex drive, the house always smelled weird. The more I look into this, the more I can’t help to think that women act like teenage boys who learned about sex the very first time”

I think back to the car ride. The women who were playing basketball topless. Most of the females wore baggy clothes and pants. A good part of them even had some really nice toned bodies. I would love to have a real relationship with them and have some sweet, sweet hardcore love sex. Now that I think about it, other than that nurse, no other female had a skirt on. 

I think I have a good idea on how I used to be. Or at least enough information right now

I then open another document and start to write down a list

(Look into the history of this…world)

(Why are men so rare?)

(Why do men have lower sex drives?)

(Why do women act like typical men?)

(Look into the women's sex drive. There’s got to be a reason for it)

(Look into the laws of the world. Some may have changed. Like, is polygamy a thing?)

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