Opposite Morals

Chapter 5

Once writing down a few more questions, I decided that learning about the history of this world would answer most of the important questions I have.

After some time searching the web, I had over 15 tabs open. Some were JED talks, explaining the high sex drive of women, relationships, and other topics that I found interesting.

Like this one for example, “How to make everyone happy in a polygamy relationship”. Or this topic, “Why men should always carry weapons”.

“Should men carry weapons? Are they talking about pepper spray? Taser?”

I took another look at the bright pink and purple room, did I catch any of those sorts of things? To be honest, I’m fucking terrified to keep searching my room. What would I find next? A massive dildo? Maybe even anal beads for all I know. My past self was a little too invested in things getting shoved inside him.

With a shiver running down my spine, I looked back at the computer screen and organized the tabs

“Okay, first thing first, what's the general history of this…world?”

I think back to what usually causes the most important and drastic changes in history


War never changes

“How were those fought? Did men fight them or did women?”

I asked myself this question out loud. Thinking about the major wars in my past world to narrow down my search

After a few videos, I learned that this world had most of the same wars, but with slight differences at first

The first major change was during the Viking era

Apparently, when the Viking were traveling around the world, showing everyone who's boss, a good amount of them were females. In this timeline, the unstoppable Viking army mostly wiped out the military forces of whoever they were attacking. But unlike in my timeline, where a good chunk of survivors were fully destroyed, they left the civilians alone.

“Which is really weird. During that point in time, people did whatever they could to survive. The viewpoints of morals were completely different”

I give myself a small facepalm, rubbing my eyes in the processes

“There’s a reason why the conquerors fully destroyed the family roots. The last thing you wanted was a poison to fester and grow. What changed this timeline?”

The survivors, mostly women, got encouraged watching the rival female warrior’s take down even the strongest men. So, with that inspiration and being extremely pissed off. They then made their own fighting force and fought back

Of fucking course they did! If someone killed my man, or my family, it didn’t matter if I was a woman or not, I would seek revenge and wipe them off the map!

“Damn, so if I understand this right, near the end of the Viking era, a lot of the fighting men were wiped from existence. The female warriors and survivors then prayed upon the weaker men”

But that happened so long ago, how did that minor change make the world as it is today?

A few more videos later, and I think I fully understand the quote "Sometimes our work feels small and insignificant, but remember a small ripple can gain momentum and build a current that is insurmountable."

“Okay, back to my document to get my thoughts straight”

So, after the Viking era, women had a stronger presence than my past timeline. Generation after generation, the stronger women warriors, who survived the past wars, spread their superior genetics. What's fascinating is that the military they had, had the same….reward system that was commonplace back then

…Raping the weak, plundering whatever or whoever they wanted…

Which makes sense, during and after fighting, your body has a shit ton of hormones going out of control in your body. So fucking the shit out of your partner is a logical outcome

There’s a reason why people like to dominate others, or they enjoy getting dominated

“Man, just thinking about it is turning me on a bit. Having your lover come to you and forcefully throw you on the bed or shoving you against a wall, looking you right in the eyes and saying “I want you deep inside me, and I will have your massive dick inside me now!”

Damn that's hot as fuck! Anytime girl!

"Focus Levi, focus"

I shake my head back and forth, going back to my word document

Before you realize it, a very common theme shows. Women who have higher estrogen, progesterone, or testosterone are having more sex than those who don’t

Which means those women will have children who will also have higher levels of those hormones

They prayed upon the men who are slowly getting weaker throughout history

In other words

The men who had massive muscles, or were “manly” slowly died off. While the weaker, more “feminine” men survived

The weaker men couldn't defend themselves. Becoming pray to the women

“I guess that makes sense? If I think about my past life, that's kind of what happen but with reverse genders”

That's literally evolution in a nutshell. The ones who adapt survive, the ones who don't become history. Victory takes it all and they are the one's who decide right from wrong

I glance out my window, looking at all the buildings and technology

“After a certain point, being physically stronger becomes less important. Technology and other devices make jobs that require strength easier. We invent weapons where even a child can take down a grown man with only a flick of their finger”

I watch a crane move a massive piece of metal, probably weighing a few tons. A women slowly guides it in the correct place before using a drill to fasten it in place

“At some point in history, men lost more and more power, becoming the weaker gender”

So that explains why women have traditional male morals. They literally over took the male rules, while accidently forcing the traditional female roles to the males. Then that just leaves the question of why men are so rare. What cause that to happen? 

I go back to the web…and one thing kept showing up again and again in the search bar. A lot of articles talking about "The Suicidal Iron Will"

Well, that just sound's fun and not fucking depressing at all!

I take a deep breath and look at the time

“It's already 11 o’clock at night?! How long have I been researching?”

With my focus temporary away from the screen, my previous sore and burning eyes become apparent

“Fuck, I haven’t focused on something this intense since…since…my family died. Reading through all those legal documents. Trying to figure out how to have everyone cremated…”

A heavy feeling slowly downs on me, a feeling like I'm drowning in water

“Okay, deep breath. Everything worked out in the end. My neighbor willingly took custody over me and let me live in this house. I was able to get some of their ashes spread over the area where dad proposed to mom too. I…I have no regrets on how everything with them was handled”

A few more long, deep breaths


I think about my new family? I think that would be correct to say. A doting mother, Sophia seems nice. She has been kind to me so far. Then we have Ruby….yeah she low key scares me. What the hell is she thinking? Like my previous self, I understand that a woman's sex drive is higher, but I’m her blood related brother! That stuff must be taboo…right? Let's not even talk about the weird smile she gave me when I slightly hit her hand away…..

A cold shiver runs through me

Okay, I’ll figure her out later, then we have Luna. She’s….well she seems like a jerk. Always calling me stupid. She may have a point, like, with the little information I learned, even I know that being a man is kind of like being a sheep surrounded by fucking wolves! Or, shoving a juicy burger to a starving person and telling them they can’t eat it. And what did my past self do? Walk alone? You know what, yeah, I'm fucking stupid

Then that only leaves Layla. I don’t have a good read on her yet either. She has barely talked with me so far. Even though I read a lot of my diary entries, that only tells one side of the story. Also, reading something and experiencing it first hand makes a big difference

Another thing that's concerning, is that my past self never talked about his family. I don't recall any information about them


I can’t stop my mind from wandering…a slight flame of happiness slowly grows inside me

“If this will be my new family, then does that mean I can...live out my desires?”

I think about my hidden desires that I buried deep within myself

“The food that I cook…my family can truly taste it….I can eat with them too…”

I feel my eyes water slightly, tears forming and coming down my face

“Okay, tomorrow lets see if I can visit where my family’s grave is and get my feelings in order”

I walk to the bed and start to remove my clothes

Now that I think about it, I got used to these fucking pants way to quickly…I forgot that I was wearing them

Once I’m fully naked, I get a very good view of my body from the mirror that is on top of the dresser

“Damn dude. I must say you really kept yourself in shape! Not only that, with my longer hair, I can easily rock the 90’s haircut. Would I look this handsome if I was in shape in my previous life?”

After marveling at this gorgeous body, I grab hold of my fun stick that's between my legs

“I know that I felt you out earlier, but seeing it is a different story! This thing has got to be at least double my original size!”

I look around my room, trying to find a ruler

“Figures there won’t be any here. But this thing would be about 10 inches when fully hard right?”

After giving maybe a little bit too much attention to it, I go to the dresser next to the bed

“In my other life, I put my PJ’s here”

Without thinking to much about it, I open one of the drawers


“What the flying fuck is this?!?”

With shaking hands, I pull out a light blue onesies

“Okay, look god. I can handle onesies, I won’t wear them, but I was slightly expecting it. Hell, even the color was better than what I was expecting, but this…this…”

My eyesight lingers to the...long, black round-ish object that just happens to point upwards. But instead of it pointing out of the clothing, which could be mistaken as a tail, it’s…it’s…


Don’t……don’t tell me


Does this go deep inside my ass once I fully put it on…?




With complete shock and horror, I look at the mirror, seeing my reflection looking back at me

“I think I underestimated how much interest my other self had with anal…..”

with curiosity growing inside me, I start to touch and probe it

It's smooth, and a little soft to the touch. A nice silky and rubbery texture. When I gently squeeze it, the shape slightly conforms to my hand. However once I added more pressure to my grip, I felt a hard rod in the middle of it

I slowly glance backward, my sight going far, far south. A question forming deep within my soul

An answer I’m terrified to learn, but dyeing to know

“Is…is my asshole okay?”

A soft, cold breeze runs past me

You know what, I think I’m done today

I quickly shove the onesie back into the dresser and jump into my bed. A little shocked on how cozy the blankets are. Once my head hit the pillow, I feel myself quickly falling asleep

“Okay, new plan. Tomorrow I will fucking BURN EVERYTHING that I used to own. Clothing, Posters, sex toys, whatever I find! I don’t care how expensive it is, I have ZERO desire to donate it either! I swear on my past self, your secret will BURN from existence! That means the history on the computer too!! NOTHING WILL BE SPARED!!”

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