Opposite Morals

Chapter 22

You know what is mildly annoying? When people overcomplicate simple things, using multiple words to describe the same thing, and not being clear about things

Why make this so hard to understand? If an looks like an apple, taste like an apple, feels like an apple, and if the seed of it grows into apple tree, THEN IT’S A FUCKING APPLE!!

“So…In other words, you feel a bond form with someone when you both use each other to…relieve yourself?”

I ask mother as we walk into the grocery store

“I mean, that's one way to look at it, my prince”

As she answers me, she grabs the nearby shopping cart

“So…In more simpler words…You just fall in love with each other while sexually relieving each other…Okay? That's…like super normal though?”

I start walking through the aisles, slowly grabbing the things I need as I lightly toss them into the cart

“I mean…Love wouldn't be the right word dear. It’s more like…getting addicted to a sex toy?”

As I throw the cheese in the cart, I look back at my mother with a confused look

“What are you talking about? It’s totally love! People literally get withdrawal symptoms if they aren't with the one they love. You want to be with them, and you keep thinking about them. If that’s not love, then what is?....Wait…Would the pills stop working?”

The more I speak with her, the more….Concern I get as my thought processes digs deeper into this subject. Right now there has been…4 women who I have “helped” relieve themselves...More like 3...The last one just...Used me....Shiver

“Hahahaha…What are you talking about my prince? Of course the pill will still physically work! Why wouldn't they?”

No need to laugh, geez. There’s no such thing as a stupid question, just stupid answers...

“But you said in the car…”

I let my voice drop off. I’m not sure if this type of conversation would be considered…appropriate in a store of all places

“The pills will still physically solve our issues, what I’m talking about is EMOTIONALLY”

SO ITS FUCKING LOVE!!! Baby don’t hurt me, don’t hurt me, no more…Damn that song is still stuck in my head! Fuck you, radio stations, playing that song over and over again. But I still don't get it. How are they different? Unless…it's more like an adrenaline addiction? She did say it was like a drug in the car

“Yeah, nope still not getting it”


Would you STOP looking at me like with concern…please

“Yes the pills would still work, but emotionally we will still desire it. So the pills would…in a way lose its effectiveness a bit. There's a reason why the government recently made laws that cross our freedom a tiny bit. A necessary evil”

Wait what? What laws??

“Sorry, but can you enlighten me? That part of my memory is kind of hazy”

“Oh I'm sorry son. As you may know, the government overhauled the laws a while ago. One of the changes involved the personal relationships between males and females. Once the man forms a lovers relationship, there are severe side effects if it breaks”

“Yeah I remember reading about it, something about both sides getting shunned and other…consequences”

As I grab the pepperoni, I bring the article back into my mind. That article mentioned that if the relationship breaks apart, both sides will get fined, losing their jobs, and even up to jail time, depending on the circumstances

“Have you ever wondered why that’s the case?”

“I thought it was in place to protect the females. So men can't go around and do shitty things?”

“That…not fully correct. It is in place to protect the males, we can’t keep losing them. At this rate you all might truly become history”

I mean, maybe? I guess I could see how it could protect males. I can kind of imagine women forcing men into relationships. It would add another reason to stop women from sexually assaulting others. There are always holes or round-about in laws. There’s no such thing as a perfect law after all…Wait…We can’t keep losing men?...Why did mother word it that way? I might need to do more history research later...

“Your pretty face tells me that you're not understanding it. How about you look into it later alright? It’s….Not a pleasant conversion to have. Just be VERY careful who you get involved with sexually alright? I…Don’t want to lose you too, like we lost your dad”

I stopped in my tacks at those words. Dad…SHIT I completely forgot to question how he died in this world! I looked back at her, about to question her about dads death, but her face…did not look pleasant. She looked…really pissed off

Okay…So questioning about dad may not be the right decision. But on his gravestone it mentioned he was a good person…What's his history?

With that conversation coming to an end, I was able to quickly grab the rest of the things I needed to make dinner. Luckily all the general food good was right at the entrance

(Card denied)

“What? I know I still have money left”

She swipes the card again

(Card denied)

“Okay…How about this card?”

(Card denied)

“Crap, this one too? Guess I’ll just put it on the credit card”

(Card accepted. Thank you for your purchase!)

Mother puts the card back into her wallet as she grabs the bags

“Okay my prince let's go! I can’t believe we forgot the cash in the car!”

With a slight hint of red on here face, she makes a small laugh and quickly walks away from the self checkout, her big ass swinging left to right as her shorts fail at hiding how lovely shaped they are

“What the hell? Are we low on money or something? Now that I think about it, I have no idea what her job even is. How can one person afford to support herself with 5 other children? The house is massive too. Does Sophia or Ruby work?”

As I stare at her, I think back to my metal door with the overcomplicated finger reader. Did my past self somehow force her into buying that? Or guilt trip her? Shit, I hope I wasn't so selfish

I quickly jog up to her as we leave the store

“Hey mom, do we have money trouble?”

As I bathe in her beauty, I can’t stop myself from asking that. Once I do, she slightly slips on the dry concrete

“What? Nothing you need to worry about dear”

I don’t know about other people around my age, but I know WAY more about money than people think. I had too, how else was I able to keep my family's home while still going to school? Let's not talk about learning how to pay bills! If my neighbor didn't send me an olive branch, I would have had the IRS or something of the sort up my ass

As we hop in the car, I start to do money calculations in my head, quietly speaking my thoughts out as I get them in order

“First is food, by myself I was paying around $200 a week. Then we have garbage pickup, water, gas, heat….that's not talking about mortgage, thankfully I had my parents life insurance…If I’m right, it was like $3,000 a month…times that by 5….HOLY SHIT”

“Dear, what have you been whispering about?”

“Mom…Be honest with me…How much do you make a month?”

I watch her jerk her head towards me

“What? Why do you want to know that?...Are you worried about money now? Hahaha don’t worry about it!”


She looks forward, MOM THE LIGHTS YELLOW!! SLOW DOWN!!

“I make enough, my prince”

Yeah, sorry but you're talking to someone who's been in the workforce for a long time now...Unless you're a doctor, lawyer, or business owner, I doubt you're making enough…Guess I need to get a job. That should be really easy…I would need to tell mother about that...How would I bring that up? 

Before I realized it, we were already home. As she parks the car, she leans over, kissing me gently on my cheek

“Please keep what happened between us, alright? I don’t want your sister’s to know. Who knows what would happen if they knew”

I look back at her, slight excitement in her eyes as she tells me that…I see…Could she like the thrill of it?...I can see her point…But I feel a little guilty…I really need to talk with Nora tomorrow…

Mother brings the bags into the kitchen, refusing my help the whole time. As she brings in the bags, I put everything away, learning where everything goes in the process. Right when she brings in the last bag, Luna and Sophia slid into the kitchen

"Pizza time! Hurry up and make food looser! I'm starving!"

Luna...Ask me nicely!! 

"I'm so happy to see you both made it home! Do you need any help Levi?"

"Be careful Sophia, or you might catch his stupidity! Who trips on bone dry concrete while running? Just let him finally be a man for once in his life while we watch "The Girls" with mom! Apparently this show has amazing ratings!"

With a small sigh, I shake my head

"Sure Sophia, I would normally love your help, but right now I need to teach this brat a lesson. Next time alright?"

I look at her with affection. I think I'm starting to fully understand why I already have feelings for her. She is so kind....Unlike that bitch

With a lovely smile in return, all three of them go into the family room and turn up the volume. Probably Sophia or mothers idea. Thanks to them, I could hear the show. As I prepare and cook the pizza, I would often poke my head into the room to keep up with the story...After a while...

“GOD DAMN!! That girl’s a psycho!!”

Sophia’s voice echo's into my ear drums as we watch the show

“Right?!? But that’s what makes her so cool and terrifying! You have no idea what will happen when she's on screen!”

Luna replies back, pizza sauce on her lips as she keeps shoving the pizza into her small mouth

“Told you that this show was awesome! Once again, your mother knows best”

I look back into the room as I watch the whole family watch the show. Layla and Ruby recently both got home at the same time. Apparently they are in the same after school club. Both of them also have plates full of pizza. I go back into the kitchen, making another pizza of the night

“Fuck man. This is the third pizza of the night and they are still not slowing down! Did women's appetite increase too? That would be awesome!”

I sing my original mothers favorite tone as I start the fourth pizza

“This….Truly must be heaven. Seeing my family eat together…Watching a show together…This happiness…And the best part is that I have many siblings! If this feel this...warm already, how would I feel when I get to know them all better??”

A massive smile on my face as I make another 4 cheese pizza. As I get ready to put it in, I feel a small earthquake behind me as someone walks into the kitchen

“Sorry, but Layla took the last piece, I’m making another pizza right now. I’ll let you know when it's done”

Without turning around, I bend over, opening the oven as I put in the pizza…Until I feel someone’s hand on my ass, giving it a small squeeze

“What are you doing?!”

I quickly pump my pelvis forward as I slapped the hand away



With a sudden horror feeling creeping inside me, I slowly turn around

“Haaa…Yes...hit me”

In front of my eyes, Is…you know who. Red face, heavy breathing as her eyes are a little diluted

“...Why are you…Horny? Are the pills not working or something?”

However instead of answering me, she brings her hand to my chest, slowly rubbing them as the other hand goes into her pants

“Can you not!?”

With another reaction swing, I slap the hand off me again

“Mmmmm….Haaaa…..Hit me again…”

NO!!! GET AWAY FROM ME DEMON! You remind me of..."her"...Shiver

As I try to get away from her, she moves in front of me, her eyes full of desire as she stares me down

“Levi…Hit me…Hit me again…I need it”


"...Pills...Did you take them?"

I watch her breathing increase as she slowly get's closer and closer

"Haaa....Yeah...But...MMMmmm...It's not enough"

While she invades my personal bubble, I remember the conversation I just had with mother in the store...Pills work on the physical hormones...Not emotionally or mentally...

"Could...She be a pervert? Like a typical male teenager?? Is that why the pills are not as effective on her?? She acted like this in the hospital and the first time I had dinner with everyone too. Now that I think about it, was she trying to put her finger in my mouth during that time?!?" 

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