Opposite Morals

Chapter 23


I look at this black hair with a hint of purple highlights, crazy chick, rocking a gothic mix with bad girl outfit as she creeps closer to me, swaying her hips in the processes. Do all women walk like that?! Is it a genetic thing? 


…What the hell is going on with this FUCKING world. It has been only 3 FUCKING days since I woken up in this wonderful land full of sex crazed, aggressive perverts. Yet in those 3 days, I have been sexually involved with four girls, got involved with the police, and had to deal with not one, but now two psychos!

What the hell am I supposed to do?! The last thing I need right now is to get involved with another woman! Not until I talk to Nora at least…But she's my sister…Haaaaa

“Hit me…”

I watch her face get redder as she leans her grapefruit size balls of desire near me, her free arm slowly reaching towards my face. Look, I totally get that people like S&M shit. Hell, I even lean a tiny bit into it, but I'm not emotionally prepared! Especially with her!!! She wants to be hit now, but what's her limit?? Choking? A FUCK ton of toys shoved inside her?!? Fuck…in this world it may even be me who gets some of that receiving action! She already made it very apparent that she likes shoving foot long dildos up her ejection chute!!

“Before you continue doing…whatever you're currently doing…Do you really think now is the time for this?!? Literally the whole family is in the next room!!”

“Because they are in the other room, now is the best time for this”

She gently puts her hand on my throat, before pushing me against the kitchen counter as we keep talking

“If…You don’t start acting like a women…I’ll make you”

She lets go of my throat and runs her hand down to my chest, before going lower, to the door of the dragon cave. She attempts to lockpick it. Even though I know I shouldn't, I slap her hand away again, with my reward being her…Stupidity loud moan. I then hear Layla’s voice from the other room

“Is everything okay in there? I thought I heard something”


“YEAH!...It’s just Ruby being annoyed that she needs to wait for the pizza to finish! Apparently taking three slices wasn't enough!” Then with a whisper I quickly talk to Ruby. “Seriously! Now’s not the time for this!”

“MMMMMMmmmmm….There we go….You are starting to get that look in your eyes…Full of annoyance….You better hurry and use your body against me….Who knows what would happen….Haaaa….If someone else walks in…Or I make another loud noise”

She then grabs my hand, forcing it on her wonderfully round ass as it fills my entire hand perfectly

“You worked out and got those sexy muscles…You better learn how to use them…And fast”

She licks her lips slowly, sending a warm breath my way in the process…You have got to be kidding me! She wants me to do what?!?...Wait…I…Have an annoyed look?...Now that I think about it…I’m….not really…THAT…scared of her…What the fuck?

I look deep into her eyes as these thoughts come to me. Why am I not that scared of her? Sure, I’m VERY uncomfortable…But that's it. Hell, the thought of Sophia or Mother walking in scares me more than her and what's she’s doing to me…What's different between her and FUCKING Aurora?!?! They are very similar…yet different

“You better hurry….10…9…8…”

She starts to count down and my thoughts wander…This demon just had to bother me while I cook. She just had to lose control of herself and ruin my moment of happiness….All for what? So she could get her ass spanked?!....Why does that actually sound kind of hot…?

A vision quickly forms in my head as I imagine pulling Ruby over the counter and slapping her ass hard as she moans out my name….FUCK that’s totally a turn on! DRAGON GO BACK TO SLEEP BITCH!!


With no more time to think, I quickly squeeze my hand, digging my nails into her butt as her mouth starts to say zero

“...Look here Ruby…This will be the first and last time I do this right now alright? I don’t even know why I’m protecting you or doing this...”

With a sigh I think back to dads 10 rules…Don’t leave a women unsatisfied…I have a feeling…That rule…Rule 6….Of all the rules…Are going to cause me a LOT OF FUCKING HEADACHES IN THE FUTURE!!

With an annoyed sigh leaking out, I look into Ruby’s blue eyes as it reflects my face

“You better not make a sound alright? The last thing I need is drama. You're lucky that the superhero or whoever that is, is currently blowing up a city or something…If not the family could easily hear you”

I do another tight grip as I speak this, her eyes get a little wider out of extreme shock as a happy smile forms on her lips

“...Now hit me Levi…Make me crumble in your arms…”

….Wow I had no idea that hearing that from a gothic girl could feel so FUCKING weird and yet…Powerful…DAMN IT RUBY!! Think before you speak!! I’m going to start thinking weirdly if you keep talking like that!

I lift my hand up and bring my hand back down, lightly smacking her ass, testing the water’s as they say. Guess I’m doing an alright job because her face warps into pleasure as a small amount of droll leaks from her mouth


I lift my hand back and and swing harder, put more force behind it, attempting to finish...whatever the hell I'm doing quickly


Her hand that never left her pants since she put it in there, moves faster and faster, the pizza smell mix with her sweat and vagina fluid….Make my stomach turn…It…does not smell pleasant…not…at…all

Each time I slammed her ass with my hand, I slightly increase the force, her sexual moans get slightly louder in the processes…Till they were getting a bit too loud for comfort

“Ruby…that’s like the 9th hit...We really need to stop this okay? I'm going to do one final hit alright? You better cover your mouth or something”

She quickly nods after thinking for a moment...Before…WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!!?

She quickly grabs my free hand, shoving it into her mouth, biting down on my fingers as her tongue licks it like it's a candy cane. I attempted to pull my hand out, but she bits down harder, refusing to let me go as a slight sharp pain runs down my arm

“The hell Ruby! I said cover your mouth! Not to use my hand to muffle it!”

With fear growing inside me again, I hear the episode end in the other room. I bring my hand down hard on her bouncy round ass, the shockwave was so strong that she instantly bits down on my hand HARD as she shivers…The pain in my hand feels like a FUCKING dog just CHOMPED on it. My brain slightly short circuits along with the sudden pain. Then the sound of something leaking is heard…her face full of pleasure as her eyes roll upwards as a muffled moan is suppressed

What the fuck…What are you? A demon dog?!!? Let go, dammit!! What's that smell?....Wait…Did she just squirt? Or is she peeing?!

I quickly look down as yellow tinted liquid drips from her school pants


My stomach turns even more as I see this. How do people find pee and shit a turn on I could never understand. I quickly grab a nearby towel and throw it at her as I bring her to a nearby kitchen chair. Once she sits down, she starts to wipe herself as I get another towel to clean up her mess

“You're lucky I like you by default, Ruby….”

Was all I could say and think at a time like this. She just had to be my older sister. Psycho or not, she’s part of my family…and there’s no such thing as a perfect family…I have a feeling that this family is typical and normal….Fuck me…Ha, at this rate, that might literally happen

Thankfully the rest of the family was so intrigued with how the episode ended that they immediately started the next one

“WHAT THE FUCK!! He literally cracked her head in half with his thighs!!!”

“I KNOW!!! Not only that, that hero RAN THOUGH HIM!! The random person just disintegrated!”

“What ever happened to “With great power, comes great responsibility?”

…What the hell happened in that show?!? I miss all of that just so I could slap my crazy ass sister's ass senseless…

“Haaa…are you clear headed now Ruby?”

After a moment of silence, she speaks up

“Not really. We are doing this again soon”


“How about…no…Now get out of my kitchen”

She then raises her eye at me before licking her lips seductively one last time

“Sure sure…I’ll listen…For now”

….What did I learn about this world again? That women's are perverts and have an increased sex drive?...THERE WAS NOTHING ABOUT THEM BEING FUCKING PHYCHOS!!.....Wait…wait wait wait…Yes I did…”The Suicidal Iron Will” or something like that…Lets not even talk about the war’s they had just to get laid…

With that, my afternoon was filled with watching 4 more episodes of this super hero show, cooking a 5th pizza…Mother of god women can eat…Right when the last pizza of the day finished cooking, I head upstairs as the nearby wall clock showed 11:00 PM

“I’m going to bed now y'all. Put the dishes in the sink, I’ll clean em up tomorrow. Good night don't let the bedbugs bite”

“Good night my prince! Let's watch more of this tomorrow! This was nice, watching this as a family”

“Good night big bro”

“Ugh…Night, shit head”

As I walked in my room, I thought I heard a little brat saying something

“Na, must have been a female dog barking or something”

I quickly strip down into my birthday suit and jump into my bed. Grateful that I’m no longer getting attacked by plastic poles, beads, and other horrors that shall not be spoken

“Tomorrow will be…Interesting. Talk with Nora about being lovers, figure out what job I want, talk to Sophia in the morning, and I mean just talk. Hopefully I can catch her before anyone else wakes up, and I need to start cleaning the house here soon…The strong smell of…whatever this is…is just awful. That’s also not talking about all the small stuff I need to research still”

I bring my hand forward, the same hand that I used to spank Ruby with...

"I...Don't get it. I can't believe that I actually hit her...What's going on? A few days ago, the very thought of hitting someone would make me feel uneasy...Yet here I am..."

I stare at it absent mindlessly as my thoughts keep wondering

"It might be because she wanted it. That she has a kink for it...Can't say I don't understand where she's coming from...It...Was a little exciting seeing her face warp in pleasure the stronger I hit her...Especially since we could have gotten caught at any moment..."

Wait...WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST SAY!? I...WAS EXCITED?!? WHEN WAS I EVER INTO THIS KIND OF SHIT?! Sure I watched porn with that kind of slick, but...I never really WANTED to actually do it. The thought of getting caught scared the crap out of me...

With a ton of thought flying in my head, I eventually think back to the family room, watching a show together, sharing our experiences...a warm smiles grows on my face as my heart beats out of happiness as the darkness takes over


…What the fuck is this alarm clock playing?!?


Yeah…how about no to this



“Where do you even get an alarm clock like this?? Seriously! I wish I had this in my past life!”

I quickly hopped up and got some loose clothes on..HA!! I FUCKING WISH I DID!! WHY IS EVERYTHING SO TIGHT!?! With a sigh, I stretch and look back at my alarm clock

“Beep beep I’m a sheep?…Now that I think about it, are some of these things that this alarm clock has been blasting a meme or something? Perhaps part of a song?”

With a newfound curious feeling growing inside me, I walk to the computer and opened the web

“Okay…Let's search Beep Beep I’M…Oh? It’s a song?”

….WHAT THE FUCK!?....How…How did they make a sheep so…You know what? That’s enough internet today…The last thing I want to learn is if I have a new kink

I quickly get off and move to the dresser, opening it up and grabbing a cold, silky, and comfy thong. As I look up, I see myself in the mirror, my body reflecting into my eyes

“If I want to keep this body looking this good, I need to put in the work…Lets see, I think Sophia gets up around 7, if I based that information on the last two mornings…that gives me a half hour…It should be safe for me to go on a quick run. The suns starting to come out and I doubt I’ll get attack…I might need to knock on some wood now…Eh...I’ll be fine…Probably...Nothing like getting that awesome runners high to start my day!”

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