Opposite Morals

Chapter 24




“This…seriously…feels amazing!”

I currently have a very relaxed smile on my face as I jog down the wet streets. Rain pouring all around me with the sound of thunder in the distance. The sky has a dark overcast that makes the world look darker. A nice and refreshing cold breeze hits me every so often

“I don’t get why people hate rain. It’s relaxing, makes you cold, waters the plants, and it masks your tears whenever you're crying”

I ran without a set of directions, letting my mind wander and as my body went on autopilot

“I thought the sun was coming out, but instead it was dark clouds coming in. Today is going to be a good, no, a GREAT day, I can feel it!”

There are only a few things that calms me down to the soul, and one of them is looking at a massive body of water as boats float by. I don’t know why watching the waves move back and fourth is relaxing too, but FUCK it’s relaxing! Another thing is rain. Hearing it slam against the roof, or feeling it hit your body is like mother nature is giving you a free massage. It’s so easy to just get lost in the water…The best part of both, is that it makes people wet! At the beach people wear almost nothing, and when it’s raining, it makes clothes damp, making it possible to see through them, being able to see what’s hidden underneath!

“Now’s a good time to figure out exactly what I wanna talk to Sophia about”

There’s a lot of questions I want to ask. Like why people seem to get very horny around me. I want to know how hormones affect people's psyche. I wonder if it’s like alcohol, where you black out and don’t remember anything, or…Worse that you do and regret your actions. I still need to tell her that I now have a lover…That’s going to be fun. I also want to know exactly what type of relationship she wants too…

As I switched between running and jogging, I stayed on the main roads by habit, running down the main streets. As I glance around, I see shops with the (HELP WANTED) signs. In some of the wider windows, I can see people getting ready to open, some look and send a wave while others faces get red as they watch me run by

“I also need to figure out what job I want to get. Unlike the other books I read, I have no desire to be a prostitute. I also doubt I’ll be able to grab a job where I work whenever I want too…Why can’t I just enjoy sex like a normal person? Instead I need to have romantic feelings involved…Is it a mental thing? I think it’s a little….weird that the one time I did the deed in its entirety, I literally felt nothing…”

A quickly shakes my head, throwing that memory back into the darkness. Once I know that it's gone, I think back to the previous days. There are three jobs that grabbed my attention. I could work in a sex toy store, a massage store, or that weird fantasy restaurant with the animal ears and tails. Each one has very obvious advantages and disadvantages

“I could work in the sex toy store….But…that creeps me the FUCK out! I have no desire to learn about all the sex objects in the world. Though…I am curious on how the sex tool evolved in this world…I feel like I could have some WILD conversations and with…some of the women I'm involved with made it CLEAR that they use them. Could be a way to bridge a conversation with them and gain some brownie points”

The sound of thunder increases as the rain keeps pouring

“Then we have the massage parlor. Learning how to give massages could be nothing but a benefit. If I go by the common porn stories, making a woman melt with my hands is the EASIEST way of getting into their pants and making them fall in love with me. I could use those skills on my family too. I could use my family as practice AND as a way to learn more about them.”

After running for a few more minutes, I start to make my way back towards my house

“Finally we have the restaurant. I think that job I would enjoy the most out of all of them. But I'm…a little concerned about the outfit they might make me wear….Shiver…If they say I must wear a skirt…would I? I might even have to wear those animal ears and tails. Would they make me wear other cosplay outfits too? The best part though would be learning more about cooking, gaining experience with talking to the gorgeous women in this world, and forcing myself to battle my social anxiety that's border line scopophobia. I made such a massive blunder in class on my first day back...Thanks to that, I now have the white tiger on my ass and in a weird way, got Nora as my lover”

The sight of my house comes into view as I finishes this thought

“But first, let's take a shower…wait…I’m soaked…And unlike before, I can't just get naked in the front hall. Well I COULD….but who knows what would happen if I do that”

With a small laugh, I enter the house, do my greeting into the nothingness, and take off my soaked shoes. I take a quick glance around the dark house

“Well…No one is awake yet…I should be fine…Probably, as long as I'm fast”

I quickly shed all my clothes as I walk up the stairs and enter the bathroom, grabbing a towel from the nearby closet. By the time I’m finished and walk out of the bathroom, I can hear someone in my kitchen. I quickly put on my school uniform and headed downstairs.

In the kitchen is my adorable and perfect oldest sister. She is currently wearing her boxers and a very loose white T-shirt. Maybe it’s not the sexiest outfit, but FUCK does she look good in it. It reminds me of when a woman steals her boyfriend's clothes. As I watch her sway her ass back and forth, she hums away, making little bento boxes. I lean on the door frame and enjoy the beautiful hums.

The longer I watch her, the more I see my original mother shadow overlap her as she continues to work. My mother was a beauty. She had long brown hair and shiny brown eyes. A little more on the tan side, but could still easily get a sunburn. She had some massive knockers and was generally on the smaller side. Dad easily over towered her. If there was one bad side to her, it was her temper. She was a feisty little midget. Beat dads ass more times that I care to admit. She reminds me of a certain goddess from an anime in my past world, but instead of brown hair, hers was black.

Huh now that I think about it more…Luna and Layla…Look a lot like her. From their enormous mammary glands, to their hair color…Hell, even their body sizes are a lot like her. Both of them are on the smaller size after all. Then we have their general face structure. Mother’s face was more round while theirs are more oval shaped…But…Even their skin color is slightly tan…There’s….no way…right?...I think I need to look into dads lovers sooner than I thought now…Yay~

With a sigh, I gently rub my eyes before looking back into the kitchen. I keep staring at Sophia, every so often I catch a glint of her face, a warm, content smile on her lips with all her attention on what she's doing…



With that sudden change in my emotions, I pay more attention to her humming…But something…is really odd about it…I know this hum…I think? It’s not my original mothers hum…but it's eerily similar…Like…stupidly close to it…

“Your up early, good morning Levi”

With my thoughts preoccupied, I didn’t realized that Sophia turned around

“Good morning Sophia. I just learned something today”

I look her up and down, when I said she made that outfit sexy, I FUCKING MEANT IT! How is this possible?? It’s just shorts and a T-shirt!

“Oh? What's that little bro?”

She wipes her hands on a towel before walking towards me

“That you can make the most boring and simplest clothing look absolutely priceless. I don’t think it’s possible for you to look bad in anything!”

Her face immediately turns bright red as I finish speaking

“And your embarrassed face is now making your beauty go up a notch”

Her eyes get a little sharp as I keep talking

“Keep talking like that, and I might eat you up again already”

….Fuck me that sounds stupidly sexy…It was my turn for their face to get bright red. I quickly look away as she keeps walking closer

“Hahaha, and to counter what you said. Imagine if I wore boy’s clothes! Me, all dressed up in pink? With a skirt? With stockings on and having a low cut shirt? I would look like a clown!”

While she keeps laughing, I can’t help but think that if she wore my current clothes that are still in my closet...The one's that survived the purge at least…I wouldn’t be able to stop myself and take her to bed….OKAY WHAT THE FUCK??? SHE’S MY SISTER!!! What the hell is going on with me?! Since yesterday, my thoughts have been getting a tad bit off!!!

With that sudden realization, I feel my stomach slightly turn. Ever since what happened between my current mother and I yesterday, It was very clear that I am willing to cross some “personal” taboos to make them all happy. Even though I still feel disgusted with putting my dragon into ANY of their lower caves of happiness and pleasure, I can stomach blowjobs and minor things of the sort. I wouldn't be seeking them out, but if they come to me and if it makes them happy….

I quickly shake my head, trying to burn the image of Sophia in “male” clothing and my recent thoughts into ashes. While I was doing that Sophia walked straight into my personal bubble, wrapping her arms around me as she brings my head into her chest

“But first, I need my physical affection from the one I love the most in this world”

“Jerk…Your attacking below the belt…..okay cupid…you can shoot me with ONE arrow right now”

As I speak quietly to myself, I slowly wrap my arms around her, returning the hug. At first I gently held her, but after a moment, I added more and more strength. The warmth she brings me is just more than physical, it’s emotional…I can’t help but feel my loneliness die a little bit…maybe even my cold heart, thawed just a little too. I wonder if this warmth comes from the fact that she's my sister, or because I love her…all I know is that I never want to let her go

Perhaps she could read my mind, or we had some form of connection on a spiritual level, but instead of letting me go like a normal human being, she hugged me tighter, refusing to let me go. We both say nothing, we don’t loosen our grips and look at each other. Instead we continue to hug each other as tight as possible, hearing each other heart beats and the rain pouring on the roof and windows filling the silence between us

“Okay Sophia, even though I would want nothing more than to keep holding you, I have some questions that I need answers to”

While talking to her, I slowly loosen my grip, separating her from me. As her face got into view, it was extremely red, her eyes were a little diluted and her breathing was a little erotic

“Of course, sit down and enjoy breakfast while I take a shower and a pill to calm my hormones and emotions. Your face tells me that this is serious”

She puts her hand on my face, staring deep into my blue eyes before planting a small kiss on my forehead


...She bolts up stairs, the sound of the water running is soon heard afterwards. I grab the over-easy eggs and go into the family room, polishing the plate in minutes. The eggs weren't...great....The eggs had WAY to much salt and almost no pepper. The yokes were almost completely solid too...But...

I wipe my tears as they keep falling, making my shirt soaked...They were the tastiest, most delicious eggs I have ever had in a long, long time...They tasted just like my original mothers…

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