Opposite Morals

Chapter 25

"I think I need to teach Sophia how to cook”

I go to the sink and start washing dishes, enjoying the simple, yet mindless chore. There’s something satisfying about watching something get clean. Seeing the before and after picture always sends a little dopamine rush throughout my brain


I rinse off the final plate, putting it on the drying rack next to the sink. As I finish that up, I hear footsteps slowly march down the stairs. Stopping as they get near the entrance

“Oh? You cleaned the dishes? Thanks little bro!”

I turn around to see Sophia soaking wet blonde hair. A towel around her waist as she walks around the house topless….WAIT WHAT?? WHERE'S YOUR CLOTHS?!

“Ummm…Why are you running around the house naked? I'm still a guy with perverted desires”

At this point I think I'm starting to feel less shocked and more exasperated. Sister or not, seeing a beauty showing her naked body around with no signs of shyness keeps making me feel…weird. Not really turned on, but I definitely feel something…primal inside?...

“I just got out of the shower...Why else would I be walking around almost naked? I'm getting my clothes? Besides, what perverted desires? We both know most men are one pump then done for almost a week. Last I remember, I tasted your delicious milkshake yesterday morning”

With that, she walks back into the hallway and downstairs after releasing a laugh...What did she just say?? Milkshake?? HOW CAN A WOMEN SAY THAT LIKE IT'S A JOKE?!!?

“Now that I think about it…The house has a finished basement? Huh, I really need to explore my surroundings...and soon”

I peruse into the family room and lay down on the couch. The room is simple and cozy to be in. It has a giant smart television. If I would guess, it would easy be over 70 inches. There is a coffee table in front of the couch with two rocking recliners to the left and right of it. In front of the coffee table is a slim cushion. This room would be perfect to relax in if there wasn't garbage everywhere and the walls actually had something hanging on it. Right now there's nothing but white paint. I really need to clean this place up. Perhaps this weekend?

These random thoughts cross my mind as I wait for Sophia. After a few long minutes, she comes into the room, staring at me before a wicked smile grows on her lips

“So, what did you want to talk about?”

She walks in my direction before laying down next to me, almost pushing me off the couch. Right before I fell off, I feel her hands and legs wrap around me, catching me. My head squishes perfectly between her hidden valley…WHY?!?!? There are literally 3 other places in the room where she could sit!!

“So...Why are we cuddling? I’m not complaining, just confused at the moment”

“Just seeing what I can get away with!”

I didn't see it, but I can assume that she has a massive smile on her lips

“So, talk Levi. What did you want to talk about?”

I thought about how I wanted to word everything and decided that for her, being blunt and transparent would be the best option

“When your hormones go out of control, does it make you do things you regret or would normally not do?”

“I’m so happy that you want to learn more about women now Levi!”

She hugs me tighter, bring her head to my neck in the processes. The warmth of her body and breath slowly muddling my brain

“The short answer is no, the long answer is yes. Yes it makes us act in ways we normally wouldn't, however it never forces us to act against our will. We are clear headed the whole time. Like now”

She starts showering my neck in light kisses. Making it harder to think straight

“Right now I’m VERY turned on, my hormones are going crazy for you. Usually I would be more reserved and think about my actions. I know very clearly what I’m doing and how us doing this in the open is a bad idea. Who knows what would happen if someone walks in. But I don’t really care, all I want right now is to love you, so I will. Fuck everyone else”

She speaks between each kiss

“When our hormones are going crazy, it’s like our fear or embarrassment disappears. We do what we want, because we want to. Screw social norms, screw what people think”

I feel her hot breath on my neck, her hands slowly rub my chest as she keeps talking

“If we don’t want something, or we are against it, then we wouldn't do it. Simple as that. Let's say you and I are lovers right now. When I get turned on I WANT YOU. Even if there’s another man right next to me whos willing to solve my...issue. I would go to your school and steal you for a few minutes between classes or while your on break. Fuck what other people say. Your mine…within reason of course. I couldn't steal you while your in the middle of a test and so on. There are laws that set boundaries about this. Though, those rules are simple and common sense stuff, no rape, forcing others, and so on. Even if we are a pair, I can’t force you into something you don’t want and vice-versa”

I try to ignore her hand movements as I reword what she said into something I can understand. So if I understand her correctly, when women's hormones go crazy, they are clear headed and do what they want. They lose fear and embarrassment? Is that why Ruby came onto me yesterday? Even though it was VERY risky? Or why Mother easily agreed to my suggestion in the car? Huh…That’s kind of cool and really scary. I can see why some laws were set in place about this

“Okay…Next question, why do people get so horny around me?”

“Oh that's simple, you're a man and you're hot?”

…Oh that makes perfect sense….THAT TELLS ME FUCKING NOTHING!! Even when I’m surrounded by sexy women, I don’t get horny that often!!

“Haha, okay okay. Think of it this way, when you see someone VERY attractive, you keep stealing glances at them right? Doesn't matter if they are related to you or not. The more you stare, the more you enjoy their beauty…Then what would happen if that VERY sexy person looks at you with a bright smile? Or doesn't seem to mind that you're checking them out and in fact, gives you the go ahead sign? You'll get excited, happy, flattered, horny, you name it. That feeling will increase a TON if you have a low self image of yourself!”

I…See…Is that why I was told to be careful about being nice to others? I am sending them the wrong message, even when I just ignore them...I know I said something like that before, but I think now I'm starting to actually get it. I am accidentally turning them on...Well fuck. I can’t change that easily. And even if I could, I don't want to. I like being kind to others. I like to think that it builds up good karma…That might be why I am here now. I was always kind to others, never letting my anger out or releasing my negativity on anyone…Shit…The only thing I can think of is to be kind to FUCKING EVERYONE. That way people shouldn't get the wrong idea…Though I should set a boundary. Learning when I'm being KIND and when I'm sending the WRONG message…Need to research that…put that on the list

“Thanks…That makes sense. Okay next question…What exactly…do you want us to be?”

Her previous moving hands and shower of kisses stopped as I ask this question


….anything else? No? That’s it? That’s all you're giving me??...

“Like…lovers? Permanent lovers? Lover lovers??”

“Ha, No. I’m joking, I want marry you, but if I just come out and say that, some men get scared and run away”

…You do realized that you JUST FUCKING SAID THAT RIGHT?!?! Is that what she meant about hormones damping their fear receptors??...

“Why…I’m your brother…Related to you by blood…”

I feel her hug me tighter, her breath…not as warm as it used to be

“...So? I know that in some…states it’s still considered taboo, but in our state it's not. And even if it was, I don’t care”

“Why do you love me so much? Sorry but I don’t remember that part of my past….yet”

She went silent for a bit, before getting on top of me, staring straight into my eyes

“Because I know what you are doing in the dark to help us. How else could we have such leeway with money? I know what you did to save this family back then…Because you are the only thing that kept us together when…That FUCKING BITCH killed dad…You are the only one…who saved me”

…I’M SORRY??!?!?!?!!!...


My eyes get extremely wide as she keeps looking into my pupils

“You think I didn’t notice? How could I not? You change overnight back then. I know Layla and Luna have no idea. Ruby knows the truth about it too. Just so you know”

I have no FUCKING idea what she's talking about! I quickly look away from her eyes full of passion and love

“Look…I really have no idea what your talking about”

“That’s fine, you can keep saying that to me but I still know the truth, and that’s all that matters”

She then kisses my forehead

“Just know that you stole my heart way back then, and that will never change”

I…feel a huge sense of guilt as she keeps staring at me with those eyes. FUCK! Why won’t she believe me when I told her that I have NO FUCKING IDEA what she's talking about!!!! Dad got murdered?!?!? Who killed him??

“And just so you know, since you are trying to use blood as an excuse, we aren't related by blood. You already know that”

Before I had the chance to think or say anything, I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Sophia kisses my cheek before quickly jumping off me

“So, you better be prepared. I WILL make you mine Levi…Even if I have to share you”

She looks back at me, her eyes full of seriousness…And that's when it hit me…Women in this world are fucking terrifying…Not some, but EVERY SINGLE ONE IS…Reading it, getting warned by others, watching things about it, is one thing….BUT experiencing it? Yeah, that's when it FUCKING sticks. I mean seriously, how am I not understanding that they went to war to get some dick…Literally RAPED NONSTOP before the laws were FORCED to changed and other things…They are not like the “Men” from my world…They picked up more than just the social norms…They are more…barbaric? More…Aggressive? It’s something that’s in their genetic code…It's in their culture too...Well it used to be...

…Fuck me…I take back my words…The men in this world…may not be stupid…

My brain was in complete blank mode as we drove to school, the only thing different is that today, I have a small bento box in my hands. I have so many questions about my past now. What the HELL was I doing to solve the money problem? How did I “save” Sophia? I tried to ask her, but she won’t tell me SHIT! She said that we aren't related by blood...How does that work!? Wait...Is that why I...did the things I did with her? I ALWAYS WONDERED WHY THE FUCKING DRAGON WAS AWAKE AT THAT TIME!!

I do my habit of grabbing my head and rubbing my eyes as I watch the peaceful rain from the car window

The only person I can think of asking is Mother about all this, but I have a feeling she also won’t tell me anything! FUCK!

As I keep breathing deeply to calm my ragging thoughts and emotions, I look to my left, Ruby keeps sneaking glances at me as she has a sinister smile on her face. When I look to the backseat, Both Luna and Layla are passed out

“Look’s like I’m not the only one in this family that enjoys the rain”

“You just realized that sugarplum? They pass out every time it rains. It’s actually adorable”

Ruby replies to my murmurs as she keeps driving, going WAY past the speed limit. After a few more minutes of silence, Ruby parks the car and hands me a wooden stick…Wait…THIS IS A FUCKING DILDO?!!?

“Here, use this to wake them, I did it last time”

“What….Why do you have this?!?!”

She looks back at me with a confused look

“Huh? What are you talking about? This is always in the car”

I look back at it as my hands freely move about

“It’s smooth, like, really really smooth. It feels like a type of epoxy or resin covers it. Smart, not only does it make the wood waterproof, it stops the wood from splintering, and makes it easy to clean. It also makes it really fucking hard, so that's a bonus. A nice beating stick”

I keep staring at it with….infatuation. The size, shape, everything about it just fascinates me….Why?

“If I’m not wrong, this is made out of walnut. You can tell by the grain pattern and the dark brown color…Handmade, a one of a kind. Must have cost quite a penny”

I mumble to myself as I keep staring at it

“Levi…How did you know that?”

I look back at Ruby with shock

“Huh? What are you talking about? It’s easy to tell?”

She keeps staring at me with a….confused face...Wait...How do I know? I mean sure, I looked it up before in the past. But I didn't think I remember any of it...Huh

“Sure…Weird…Just hurry up and wake them up already”

“And how do you expect me to do that? Poke em?”

I look at her weirdly, then I start to poke her with it

*Poke Poke*

“If your going to poke me with an object, I would rather it be your dick”

I immediately stop my actions against her, my face contorting into…disgusts? Confusion? Excitement?

“And you need to poke the right places”

She then takes my hand that's holding the wood dildo, poking her cheek, then poking her mouth. After a few pokes, she then shove the dildo in her mouth. Licking it gently, sucking, and moving it in and out of her. She looks at me right in the eyes. Not…even…blinking…WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THIS PERSON?!?!!?

I quickly pull the dildo out of her mouth, a loud sexy moan escapes her as she licks her lips

“MMmmm…If only that was your pecker and you forced it in me by holding my head….But baby steps”

…I….Have no FUCKING idea what to say back to that!!!!...

“Hahaahaha you should look at your face! Not now Levi, but hopefully soon. Okay now wake them up”

With…a weird look at her. I glance at the now wet dildo…not sure how to feel about all this

“...So how am I going to wake them up?”

I ask…but I have a really…really bad feeling about this

“Simple? Put it in their mouth?”

I can’t tell if she’s messing with me, or being serious. But her look tells me she's not joking. I…you know what? I just give the fuck up!

“How about you just do it? You owe me one…I think?”

“Haaaa…Fine. But only because you gave me a wonderful treat just now”

She then grabs the dildo, still wet with her saliva and gently puts it in Luna’s mouth. Once it's in there, I can see her mouth turn to a smile as she starts to…I think lick it? After a few moments, her eyes slowly open as she glances down

“Damn…It was just a dream”

She take it out and shakes Layla awake

“Cmon sis. We are here”

Layla slowly rubs her eyes as she wakes up

“I’m awake I’m awake”

…I…have no words at this point…Just….none...

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