Orc Tyrant

Chapter 1155 - Final Yan (10)

The sticky air smells like an incense. The elementary school that was originally used to teach and educate people has been transformed into a scary altar. The former head of the 96th Infantry Regiment of the New California Republic is now the tenth of the Holy Blood Army. The commander of the Eighth Holy Brigade Hashimte sat quietly behind the bunker,

The missionary Alessis said in a low tone beside him:

“Be sure to stay here for 6 hours, sir, they said so.”

The tail of his sentence wandered in the dark, just like the echo of wandering here for thousands of years.

After the formation of the Holy Blood Army, every unit above the company level is equipped with missionaries. On the one hand, they are to strengthen the belief of the apostate soldiers and officers in the blood god. On the other hand, they are also the shakers and guards that may appear at any time in the surveillance unit The unsteady.

In a sense, they are similar to the ancient prison guards.


Hashim gave a brief response, then got up and walked carefully through the rubble pile,

The air here is very hot, humid and sticky, and the twisted vine-like plants penetrate the school’s crumbling outer wall. They are like blood god’s tentacles passing through those stone carvings and rolling them into the arms.

This situation makes the blood **** mark on his face itch.

“The company commanders.”

He whispered with a walkie-talkie that this was the equipment supported by the Civic Temple for the defenders of Dunwich, but eventually fell into the hands of their enemy.


Eight voices responded to him from the darkness, and Hashimt roughly confirmed their position: their deployment was very mature, and he fully trusted their ability.

The roar in the distance continued, Hashimte prayed that the enemy would not notice the area where they were stationed-although this was basically impossible, their brigade just happened to be on the way from Xicheng District to the vortex area of ​​the city center.

Alessis still wandering around with his censer, and after meeting Hashim, he said again:

“Before I arrived here in the name of the God of Blood, I have always believed that this place will be solid as long as it is rueful enough.”

“Of course, I also believe that you will bring us victory.”

Hashimt’s prestige was not threatened by the missionaries, and the soldiers remained loyal to him instead of this repeater.

But he needs to listen to the content of the other party’s repeated preaching, because they really have no reliance on them except belief, and those intruders from afar can never be defeated with the weapons in their hands.

Although this sounds a bit frustrating, Hashim is a veteran who has served for ten years. His experience makes him keen and cautious, and few enemies can crush him.

But after participating in the infamous Operation Thunderstorm and surviving, some of his beliefs collapsed, and he felt desperate and frightened about the future.

“Of course, sir.”

Alessis nodded and responded:

“I was born for victory, the victory of the blood god.”

“The same is true of me, Bol.”

After greeting the missionary, Hashimt picked up the walkie-talkie and asked softly:

“Did you find anything?”

The company commander in charge responded immediately,

“No, sir, if there is really anything here, it must be hiding very well.”

“Received, pay attention to every corner, finished.”

“Received, finished.”

Hasimute’s hand still rested on the gun handle of his armed belt while staring at the decaying statues and beams above him, just like his broken homeland and faith.

Although the New California Republic is a brand new country, on the other hand, it is also a country with a very strong religious atmosphere. Immigrants from the old continent brought all kinds of beliefs to this land. Religious policy, many religions are in a barbaric growth stance.

As the first religion in the human world, the Kaimon Church has always been the main religion of the New California Republic. A large number of missionaries arrived here in the early days of the founding of the People’s Republic of China and erected the church of the Father Kaimon in every village and town.

Hashimite grew up in a pious family since childhood, and his belief in Kaimon is beyond doubt. He also had some strong ideals in his army-to destroy all enemies for the motherland and the Father.

In his view, the New California Republic is the most promising human country and will be the beacon of the entire human world. They will lead the entire human country in the future.

However, the ensuing invasion of Ouke shattered their dreams.

The country that once seemed so powerful to him was vulnerable to the impact of a group of green beasts. The decaying bureaucracy and stupid command chain made him hateful. He blamed the repeated failures on the incompetence of the presidential palace and the Ministry of Defense. .

Even the parliamentary politics they were proud of has become a burden in Hashim’s eyes.

He longed for a strong power in his heart to lead them to regain victory instead of losing again and again. To make this land survive, cowardice must be eliminated.

But just so, as a soldier, he can only obey orders and fight to death.

The appearance of the Civic Temple changed everything.

When these people of unknown origin announced to the world that the Kaimeng Church was just a “stopgap measure”, Hasimute was outraged.

He initially believed that the presidential palace sacrificed faith in order to obtain the aid of atheists, but when the “group of people” put the truth in front of him, he finally realized that his belief for more than thirty years was only deception.

There is no Father, there is no heaven.

Hope is dead, only crazy.

After believing that he was worshipping a false **** for decades, Hashimte decisively put into the embrace of the “True God” and filled his already eroded soul with more fanatical faith.

He was like a swimmer who was about to drown, clutching the last straw tightly in the waves of the last days, and most other apostolic officers also had this mentality.

The Citizen’s Temple destroyed many people’s beliefs, and this belief was immediately occupied by blood worship. When the Citizen’s Temple realized that it had made a serious mistake, the corruption had spread plaguely in the army.

This was the scene of the Dunwichan Incident.

Perhaps the political factor behind the decision of the Citizen Temple is greater than other more visionary reasons, but there is no doubt that they have an inescapable responsibility for the more than two hundred thousand Dunwich garrison changes.

It was late at night, Hasimut’s boots rattled on the stone tiles on the floor, and then climbed up the steps to the sacred altar.

After more than ten steps, he stopped at the top of the steps, one of his knees was kneeling on the ground, and his military coat was fluttering.

“May the Lord bless me and beat the enemy, and I will serve the throne of Ru’s skull with endless blood and glory.”

Hashimte felt that the missionary was shaking, and he knelt down together,

Alessis is a messenger, a megaphone that conveys the will of the blood god, Hashim thinks that his faith is not weaker than the other, and his mission is very clear.

He will hold here.

“Strengthen patrol and surveillance tonight, I think this night will not be very peaceful.”

Hashimt, who has fought Ock many times, knows Ok’s habits. Those beasts are used to night attacks, but they are often exposed at the last minute. After all, they are difficult to quiet animals.

As long as the guards are not slack, at least they will not suffer a sudden attack.

The soldiers of the Eighth Company were asked to stand guard next to the gate of the fallen school. They built a bunker near the gate and placed mines ~www.mtlnovel.com~ to guard against any wind and grass at any time.

In the walkie-talkie, Alessis was still chattering, and Hashim could only temporarily shut down his walkie-talkie.

In the middle of the altar was a small throne piled up with nearly a hundred pale skulls, most of which came from the “stubborn elements” who had fought side by side with Hassimt who resisted the **** of blood,

The rebellious officers harvested them without a trace of kindness.

As he indulged in that **** memory, the guard’s balian beside the door shouted.

“Emergency situations!”

Hashimte hurriedly turned on the walkie-talkie. The voice inside sounded rather tense, with a very slight tremor.

“Report the situation!”

“Sir, report, find something!”

For a moment, Hasimute felt the secretion and flow of epinephrine, and the throbbing feeling-just like the warning he received, this was a dangerous place.


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