Orc Tyrant

Chapter 1156 - Final Yan (11)

“Be more precise!”

Hashimte said while turning around and quickly running back to the main hall, where he was the temporary command post.

“What do you see?”

“A large number of enemy troops are approaching… a kilometer away, and slowly move towards here!”

The voice in the walkie-talkie was full of fear.

“We don’t have night vision devices, it’s hard to see the specific number of each other.”

At this time, Alessis leaned against Hashimt. The missionary had already pulled out his pistol, and his expression looked a little uneasy. Hashimt did not expect this guy to have much fighting power.

Although Alessis is a priest of the blood god, he often likes to bully weak and weak, and confronting strong enemies is not his true nature, which is why he has always been at the bottom of the church.

“One company approached me, two, three, four, five companies, went to the door to support eight companies, six companies and seven companies, and went to the back door of the school to guard.”

At the time of redeployment, Hashimt had not forgotten to shift the main heavy machine guns to the front. They were a weapon against the tide-like attack of the Oak, which was a very important key factor for quickly suppressing the enemy. Several field guns and mortars were placed at the commanding heights of the school.

“Eight companies, continue to report back.”

“I don’t see very clearly, sir, but they are in large numbers and large in size!”

“Calm down, don’t be nervous!”

Hashimte’s tone trembled with enthusiasm.

“The other party is not the unbelievers or heretics, brothers.”

Every word of him carries excitement.

“This time it’s Ok!”

If Hashimite had the strongest hatred of something, it must be Ok.

Those foul and foul creatures, they will only drool and there is no order at all, but it is they who have destroyed everything Hassimt once believed in, as well as his home and loved ones.

The only other reason why he was devoted to blood worship is that in the New California Republic, he sees no hope of defeating Oak.

Conventional forces alone cannot destroy these green beasts, and can only hope for “miracles”.

Now, Hashimt had witnessed the miracle, not far behind them, that huge vortex.

Nothing is more pleasing to him than seeing the destruction of Ok. Even if his soul will fall into endless darkness, many soldiers are devoted to blood worship in **** hatred.

“Don’t move without my orders.”

After simply giving instructions, Hashimte came to the second floor of the broken school building, and after the window frame without glass, only had a night vision device in the brigade to investigate.

In an instant, he knew what mistake the company commander of the Eighth Company had made.

The many beasts that are close are very powerful and all wear armor, but they are not as neat as the trained soldiers. They are loose, noisy and slowly advancing.

This time, Ok was approaching more like a predator, with laughter wandering between them, pushing and roaring while roaring, and the sound was harsh and rough.

Because of the complex environment of the battlefield, even with night vision, Hashimt could hardly see through the steam and various ruins to see their movements, but they are undoubtedly going straight towards their station.

“Sir-they are quite a lot.”

Alessis came to the same conclusion, and his voice was tense.

Hashimte ignored him, but used night vision to see the eight company snipers aiming at the head leader of the Oak.

“Eight companies, don’t fire first.”

At that moment, he thought that the soldiers of the Eighth Company would disobey his orders, because the tension on the battlefield often led to uncontrollable attacks.

But contrary to the prediction, the sniper really stopped.

At this time, all the long breaths in the walkie-talkie are accelerating,

The soldiers are ready in the bunker, bundles of grenades are on hand, and the heavy machine guns have adjusted their shooting parameters, waiting to fire at any time.

Outside, Ok was close, and it was clear that a fight broke out among their ranks, surrounded by wild animals cheering and laughing.

They do not intend to hide their tracks.

Under the military cap, Hasimute pursed his lips, and he did not fear these beasts, no matter how many they were.

Alessis chanted prayers on the walkie-talkie, and the soldiers joined him. These voices sounded very angry.

“Everyone wait…”

Hashimte said to the walkie-talkie, again.

Ok is getting closer,

Approaching the best range of the heavy machine gun, also

Walk within the range of the progressive gun, and finally into the throwing range of the grenade.

At every instant from now on, Oke may see the soldiers behind the bunker, as well as their blood-red uniforms and flashing melee weapons.

“Soldiers, calm down and listen to my orders.”

Hashim took a deep breath.


The next second, Qi Ming of the gunfire played the song of destruction.

Ok is completely clueless what is firing at them, blinks

Whether it is a mob or a warrior, it is all splattered blood and broken flesh.

The heavy machine gun roared, the broken walls were torn to pieces, and the broken glass shone like shrapnel.

Alessis’s voice burst into the walkie-talkie, and the volume became louder and louder.

“Blood sacrifice blood god! Skull offering skull base!!”

The slogan and the roar of the weapon were closely connected, and the voices of the soldiers also joined him. This voice became a resonance like a flash flood.

Hashimte smiled, his face tight and violent under the military cap, and he knew very well that he heard every boiling in the blood—

This is what he is after, what he longs for and what he loves, and the burning flame under his throne is in his heart.

The power of the blood **** is all around him, on his face, on his saber, in his heart.

He came here to cast his anger on the mob who dared to disrespect the blood god, and it made him feel good.

In the leather bag behind his back, the heavy shackles jingled, like it was begging for a chance to release, but the time had not yet come…


Even though Ouck has various shortcomings, they have no possibility of flinching easily. They have no interest in human anger and no sense.

Instead of being human, encountering such an ambush may lie on the ground to cover the shooting, but these beasts may not.

They roared angrily, wielding crude weapons in their hands, and directly charged the enemy.

“Artillery! Cover shooting! Fight in the middle!”

Hashimt has been observing the battlefield, he can see the biggest Oike, right in the center of the Oke charge.

The command structure of the green skin is very simple. The bigger the person, the more weight he has to say. If the leader can be removed, the rest will be easier to remove.

Alessis’s roar still surrounds him, and then his voice joins again, and feels that this roar stimulates his nerve like a wildfire,

The second wave of Ok rushed forward angrily, they roared, they were urgent, and they seemed to have no end.

The beasts are now close to the gate, and Hashimt can see them clearly: bursting fangs and green skin, rusty weapons, and steel and ceramic steel picked up from the battlefield

Patchwork armor.

One of them was dressed in a tattered army coat with the blood **** brand on it, and also had the unique symbol of the commander of the Holy Blood Army.

Hashimt roared. He was familiar with the thing. This one was on him.

Ruthless artillery fire quickly fell into the Oak queue,

But their loss did not stop them, and the Oakes continued to charge, picking up dying weapons of the same kind and being trampled on, and moved on.

This ruin became a mess made of blood, smoke and noise~www.mtlnovel.com~ But Oak still stepped forward, screaming and yelling, ruining the fallen ruins along the way Debris.

“There are too many of them!”

The eight company company’s cry broke the enthusiasm in the walkie-talkie, and Hashim felt his company was shaken.

But Ok didn’t care about it, they got away from the entanglement of the flames, and rushed up the door steps without care.

The leading Oaker took a few steps back in the crimson blood mist, avoiding being the first target to be set on fire.

The survivors of Ouk’s former servants, like a green tide of corruption, and like a huge beast, without order and without fear, howling and roaring like animals.

Hashimte immediately judged that Balian could not block them.

The eighth company commander was very scared. He screamed for the blood god’s rescue, over and over again…

Suddenly, the attack ended.


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