Orc Tyrant

Chapter 63 - Fighting Aswan (5)

   22 epoch, March 5, 24, 12:03 am, 38 degrees

  Hundreds of hand-gun machine guns fired at the same time, which is a very shocking scene.

The soldiers in operation turned the crank at the same speed, and six parallel barrels continuously spouted hot bullets during the rotation. Although paper shell ammunition was still used, it was not produced because of the latest smokeless gunpowder. A thick smoke that can cover everything.

  The continuous firepower formed by the machine gun whipped the ugly green wall like a whip, the death iron rain enveloped their huge heads, and the wolverines broke away from the battle at the moment when the machine gun sounded, leaving those abominable beasts behind.

  Ok refused to give up. They chased all the way to the **** of the outer wall of the fortress, and it was only then that their sad head realized a very serious problem.

   did not bring any climbing tools!

   Although the prismatic outer wall of the fortress is not as straight as the ancient castle, but Yusuf Ford intended to increase their angle of inclination, and Ouke’s awkward body was really strenuous to climb by hand.

So the Oaks rushing under the fortress fell into a very embarrassing situation, without tools to rush up, the triangular fortress extending from the main body also began to lean towards them from the left and right sides. Now they are enemies on three sides and are completely slaughtered. status.

  It’s not Ok’s character to be beaten in this way, so they choose to retreat one after another.

  The missing bullet hit the ground, splashing sand and sand. After paying more lives than the attack, the Oaks finally withdrew from the firepower of the machine gun, but they were greeted by…

   “Speed ​​up!!”

  The cavalrymen had been waiting for a long time. When the Oks entered the firepower range of the machine guns, they had quietly gathered from the side. When the Oks escaped from the fortress in a panic, the horses had just reached the appropriate sprint distance.

   “Charge!! God bless my emperor!”

The heavy horseshoes stepped up the sky of smoke, the cavalrymen in breastplates were close together, the lances more than two meters long were flat, and the new gun heads gleamed under the blazing sun. In the middle of the roll, they still maintain a high degree of discipline even during the high-speed Mercedes-Benz process, and all the horses are in the same pace.

   The sound of guns in the fortress also sounded again, further ruining Ouke’s team.

   Faced with two “walls” squeezed at the same time, the Oaks did not retreat, but greeted them in two shots in the fire.

  WAAAGH! ! ! !

In the unyielding battle roar, the flesh and the lance were violently hit together. With the great impact of the pure-blooded horse, the cavalry sent the gun head into the body of Ouk almost without hindrance. Even Ok could not resist it.

The sounds of broken bones and broken wood are generated almost simultaneously. The first row of rivals, Oak, almost disappeared instantly, either stabbed or knocked off. Those who fell down often twisted and convulsed in an unnatural form. At this time, body shape and power are so weak that only at this time does mankind gain the capital for wrestling with Oak.

   But Ok is not so overwhelming creatures, they are still fighting, taking away those careless guys with simple weapons, and the body of the war horse can not resist a slam, painful hissing and howling from time to time.

   Charged for the first time, took a lot of Ok, but the cavalry did not stop, but interspersed all the way through the gap between the Ok team, quickly separated from their engagement.

   “Regroup formation! Regroup formation!”

  The officers once again pulled the team neatly, and then launched a new round of shock towards the already chaotic Oke, this time the Rangers in the fortress also joined them.

The cavalry came, the sharp saber passed at high speed, like a streamer, accurately cutting the trachea and arteries on the neck and neck, or making a deep score on the ugly brain, and sometimes there are unfortunates He was dragged down by the green arm and torn to pieces.

  Ok, who was not much, finally failed to withstand such an attack, one by one fell to the ground, becoming a lifeless, rotten corpse.

   “General, we won.”

  The chief of staff took two goblets from the soldiers on the side, which were filled with amber liquid.

   “A brilliant victory.”

  He was very happy, but Yusuf just took the drink and took a casual sip without speaking.

   “These Oaks are really barbaric and fierce. If they are in the wild, we need at least one, not two troops to defeat them.”

   “They are simply nightmares, don’t you need logistics?”

   “My wife always hopes to get some special crafts, and those Ouk’s teeth seem to be good.”

The staff whispered endlessly, and many of them began to boast of the bravery of Oak at this time. It seems that the strength of these barbaric creatures can highlight their merits. After all, it is always more worthwhile to defeat the strong than to defeat the weak. Brag.

  Youssef still didn’t speak, his thinking has been out of the battlefield.


   He still remembers Diago’s admonition to him when he left this place a few years ago. If Ouke launches an attack in the future, the leader must be only the Ooke boss named Gook, a white Ooke.

   But so far, he has not seen such a guy.

   Difficulty Diego guessed wrong? In order to guard against the monsters he worried about, he probably evacuated the entire arsenal of Cusconal. These 137 revolver machine guns are proof that this is a trendy thing and the entire army is rare. , He can get so many at a time, it can be seen that he really made up his mind.


   After a while, he finally spoke, so the staff immediately converged and smiled.

   “The Rangers went out to investigate, and confirmed that there was no threat from Ok.”


“and many more!”

   Suddenly, Yusuf’s eyelids jumped sharply, and then he grabbed the telescope on the map and pressed it on his face, his expression awkward.


   His complaint is more like a painful moan.

   “…what kind of monster did you have?”

  Ushkin walked to the shade, where he found his herald, who was standing in front of a dismembered remains.


  The commander said briefly.

   “We are from the same village, he was drilled by Ouke, but unfortunately failed to bring him back.”

  Yushikin bent down and pulled a white cloth from the side to cover the broken corpse.

   “We have to be alive, at least we have to convey his and your heroism to everyone.”

   “No, there is no heroism.”

  The commander bowed his head, his expression depressed and helpless.

   “He is dead, I am alive, nothing more.”


  The sharp cry interrupted the two’s mourning. Many people couldn’t help shaking when they heard these two words.

   “Aren’t these **** beasts finished?”

  Youshkin witnessed the cavalry killing them on the wilderness. Why did he issue such an alarm again? He hurried to the outer wall with other soldiers.

   At that moment, he could hardly believe his eyes, and everyone was stunned.

   Today is totally a **** day, can only be described as such.

   “Why the hell…”

   In the distance, a large and astounding army of O’Clock is slowly coming down. It looks like a world-breaking thunder in mythology. They are no longer the former scattered soldiers, but lined up, regular armor with distinctive armor!

A huge mountain-like monster, riding a cavalry who doesn’t know what to play with. Red disgusting little monsters are mixed in the marching queue. The most terrifying thing is the dark red monster that looks taller than the wall. It is simply the kind of dragon in the legend, without wings.

   A huge flag fluttered at the top of the queue. The **** red and white palms formed a strong contrast, giving a very deep impression. There are more flags floating on the tops of the various Oaks.

   The team stopped before the effective range of the fortress cannon, which caused Yushkin to panic. The previous victory did not seem to make much sense, maybe it was just the fire detection of the other party.

   may sound crazy, but he thinks so.

  Through the telescope, Yusuf finally saw what he wanted to see, the white ok…

   “He didn’t blow him up!”

   Of course he will not forget the shiny armor. His remorse makes him hold the telescope tightly in his hand, and it seems that he has to squash it before giving up.

   “No! We can’t block these monsters!”

On the outside wall, an officer made a hysterical voice, and everyone’s heart fell to the bottom of the valley.


   There was a gunshot, and a blood hole burst into the officer’s head, and he fell to the ground weakly.

   “Everyone returns to their respective positions!”

  The evil dogs of the emperor uttered their voices again. Their cold eyes made all the people who have been swept down into the cold winter, but Yusuf disagreed. He really needs some means of maintaining morale. These secret guards are very good helpers.

  As for whether he knew it in advance, he could only say that as a senior general, he had already realized this kind of consciousness, not to mention that there are so many wizards in this place now.

   Although they are more forgiving towards them, the empire never gave up surveillance.

   “We need some encouragement to suspend the coward’s body.”

The body swaying in the wind made all officers understand their responsibilities, and the same was true for Eushikin. He quickly counted the remaining 121, including the 1 and 3 companies that were beaten, and currently only around him many.

   The new order was quickly issued. He was going to take these people to the middle embankment between No. 4 and No. 5 triangular fort. This is not a bad position, and it is closer to the inner wall.

  Pegdor guided the spiritual entity towards the battlefield, through the **** purgatory stack of corpses, to guide the artillery to bombard the enemy with precision. This work was originally Kaman, but fell to his head after that tragedy.

He witnessed the destructive charges of Ouke, and the soldiers were torn and dismembered mercilessly. No one can feel the terrible and crazy of those beasts and the fragility of humans in front of them more intuitively than him. Helpless.

   Gliding all the way, Pegdo came to Ochna’s vast army formation. The shocking and terrifying scene almost scared him back into the flesh, especially the front green flame that was more dazzling than the sun.

  Most of the objects in the spiritual horizon are dark, and only powerful souls can shine, but Pegdo has never seen such a shining existence, full of pure fighting desire, cold, sharp and ruthless, wild and deadly.

  He tried to observe closely, but the accident happened suddenly.


Sudden burst of noise swept through ~www.mtlnovel.com~Pegdor noticed the fierce crest one second before the impact, he quickly rushed back into the body, but the brutal force like the shock wave still drowned his Perception.

   Yekaterina, who was closely connected with his spirit beside him, yelled, dropped her notebook and pen, curled up in pain, and twitched violently.

Ascending into the state of mind to restore the connection with Hanan, Pei Gedo finally forced the pain out of his mind. He saw Yekaterina kneeling beside him, quickly supporting her, and blood was flowing from her eyes and nostrils. Out.

“what is that?”

   Her voice is inaudible and very weak. The spiritual world of the deer wizard is more sensitive than other wizards, and the impact is more serious.

   “Unknown powerful forces can destroy our connection with Hanan.”

   “So… powerful?”

   finished, Yekaterina’s head tilted and fainted.

  Pegdor picked her up and ran out. He saw that the wizards in the corridor were all frightened, and they also felt the powerful and violent will.

   He went straight to the station, Yekaterina’s breathing has gradually stabilized, but he can not leave it in such a dangerous place.


  The train dedicated to the wizards stopped on the rails, and the soldiers around looked at him puzzled.

   “She was injured and needs emergency treatment.”

   carried her into the car, and the two female nurses quickly came up.

   “Take care of her.”

   Until the other party was gently placed on the white sheets, Pei Gedu was able to take a breath. After looking deeply at the other party, he turned and walked off the train.

  He was a soldier first, and then a wizard.

   The rumbling gunfire sounded, and he was about to fulfill his mission and duties until the dead!

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