Orc Tyrant

Chapter 64 - Fighting Aswan (6)

  WAAAAAAAAAAGH! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Inexplicable emotions filled his chest. The sense of urgency before the war made Guck send out the strongest battle roar. The violent will made the restless Big Black Mountain crouch down involuntarily, even the light was distorted by the sound waves, generating waves Ripples.


   Twenty huge iron horns sounded at the same time, and countless battle drums followed by a rhythmic crazy beat, and the huge army formation slowly separated into three parts, as if a trident, slamming straight into the human fragile chest.

   The earth trembles with the actions of the Oks. The human cavalry like the cowardly buttocks retracted into the room again, and Guck never put them in his heart.

  According to the plan, the three groups pressed against the three support points of the defense line at the same time. Guk assigned each cluster with enough sculpted monsters and burning boys, and he needed to command the artillery himself.

   “Press it up! Boom those big guys! Let it shut up.”

   The artillery of humans soon opened their mouths, and every explosion would take a lot of Oak, and even the elite with heavy armor could hardly survive under the fire.

  The strong Ok boys dragged the cannon and ran to the predetermined position. In order to prevent them from being killed by human artillery, they were not concentrated.


Agam kicked the kid’s **** hard and urged him to quickly put the cannonball into his pocket. He operated a bombardment gun from the deal between Guk and Jinya. This big guy simply obsessed him, if not If the materials are not enough, he will knock on the door himself.

   “Go away! Stay away.”

  Pushing away the dumbfounded guy, Agham grabbed the drawstring, covering his ears and pulling hard.

   Bang~! !

The gun turbulently withdrew in a loud noise, and the thick green smoke covered Agam in it. He stretched his head to observe the results, saw a big firework exploding on the human house in the distance, and immediately grinned. He seemed to be able to hear the screams of mankind.

   Probably, similar to fart?

   “Why does Oak have artillery!?”

The staff watched dumbfounded as dozens of black smoke rose from all corners of the outer wall. A fortress gun was also enveloped in it. Red and gray fragments were splashed out, raindrops scattered on the ground, and then they were panicked. Stepped into the sand.

  Because such artillery bombardment was not expected, the machine guns on the outer wall were a little dense, and they paid a heavy price for this.

   “General, those Oak…”

   “I’m not blind, so look.”

  Youssef was still calm, but his slightly trembling hands betrayed his heart. No matter how Ouke got the artillery, now he had to face a difficult decision.

  Ok’s artillery positions are not very clever. They can be easily removed with fortress guns, but in this case, the big guys on the front are not as good to pass.

   He clenched his fists tightly, his heart tangled for only a few seconds.

   “Heavy Artillery Company! Kill those Ouk’s artillery!”

   Thunderous roar stopped for a while, and the broken blood axe battle flag had broken through the smoke.

Grak has never been a boss of the Ok, who is willing to fall behind. He and his bloodthirsty brothers rushed all the way under the sky of artillery and bullets, just like the deadly tomahawk in their hands, before you have not responded. , It is already attached to your neck.

   “Harmonize me! Harmonize me!”

The red giant Ouke took the lead, beside him was an equally huge giant Sculptor, with an artillery on its back. This was a “small” made from the scrap iron left by the casting cannon. “The artillery, although it is already the same size as the human field artillery.

   The violent bumps made the artillery’s accurate head very poor, but the boys still happily put the gunpowder pack and the shells into the muzzle, and then blasted downward, there was always a time.

   No, as soon as the gun went down, a few shrimps were smashed into mud.

   “Kill it! Kill this monster!”

  Compared to Ok, the hill-like giant Siguge beast puts more pressure on human beings. The officers roared, and no one wanted to be rushed into the face by this kind of thing.

The field artillery and machine gun fired at the same time, and the intensive fire hit the large and small pits on the strong hard skin of the behemoth. These big guys immediately screamed in pain, but their size was too big to hardly dodge. room.

Finally, before rushing to the outer wall, the beast ate enough metal particles of various sizes, and could no longer support it. After a wail, the huge body collapsed, pressing directly on the slope, and also put the kid and The artillery was thrown out.

   But it also attracted enough firepower.


  Human didn’t have time to breathe, and in the thunderous roar, a huge figure stepped on the body of the giant Sculptor, sprinted and then jumped a few steps, and landed firmly on the outer wall.

   “I! Grak! Come on!!!”

   The red Ok gave a harsh laugh, followed by a swift slash, and instantly turned more than a dozen unconscious soldiers into warm meat.

   “Block, block it!!”

   Officers and soldiers frantically shake the trigger, but only hit the thick steel plate burst bursts of Mars, occasionally a few shots were hit, but the bullet was firmly bitten by the strong hard skin and muscles, causing no substantial damage.

   “Give me, itchy!”

  Heavy armor did not affect any of Grak’s movements. He rushed forward and smashed the officer’s head. The axe continued to slash at the same time, knocking the nearby soldiers into a blood mist.

Grak always thought that the dye in the tribe was not red enough, but today he finally found a suitable “dye”. The feeling of warm blood splashing on his body made him intoxicated. The sharp screams were so sweet, he Even involuntarily slowed down the speed of the hacking to prevent killing too fast and no fun.

   “Boss! We are here!!!”

   More red villains jumped over the outer wall through the corpses of the giant Scourge, and used their brute force to turn a whole section of the outer wall into the purgatory of the **** sea of ​​corpses.

  The soldiers could no longer hold on, and retreated one after another. Seeing that the Oaks were about to occupy their heels, the rested wolverines rushed out again.

   “It’s finally interesting!”

   Seeing the appearance of “head” in humans, Grak smiled excitedly, took off a finger stuck in the edge of the axe, and threw it into his mouth to chew.

   “Bah! It tastes bad.”

Frowning and spitting out the flesh in his mouth, Grak picked up the axe and opened the giant sword that was slashing towards him. The huge body slammed forward, and the empty left hand directed directly at this human with a strange mask on his face.” “Boss” blasted past.


   An invisible force flicked his fist away, the giant sword stabs straight toward his neck, and Grak lifted the right arm tied to the steel plate, blocking the blade in a burst of sparks.

   Two more swords stabbed him from both sides, and Grak turned around and swept them all to turn them into crooked scrap iron, and then axe slammed into a fellow’s head.

“Do not!”

   The frightened call came too late. When the axe fell, the invisible barrier disappeared like a pierced bubble, and the pale mask and the face behind it were smashed.

  In the sky of blood, a sneaky figure shrank behind the corpse of the giant Sigor, and then started talking nonsense again.

  Another human got angry and made an unpleasant cry, and Grak kicked him out of the way, and then turned around to hold the giant sword slashing to his head.

   The wolverine was about to retreat, and the two tomahawks knocked hard behind him, hitting a ripple around him.

   “Boss! I’m here!”

   “Don’t hinder you!”

  Grak didn’t want other kids to **** his fun. His eyes widened, his left hand suddenly grabbed the opponent’s blade, and in the frightened eyes behind the mask, he snapped it off and then raised his axe high.

   It’s a da~~!

A sudden gunshot interrupted his movements, a series of bullets hitting his armor burst a spark, and the sudden thrust made him stagger, giving the human a chance to bend over Three of Oak’s wallets escaped, and then they ran away.


  Grak uttered a furious roar, and a piece of sword in his hand was thrown at the strange machine, knocking over a hapless human soldier.

But more machines roared, and there were black iron bumps that would explode, suppressing the boys who had washed up the outer wall. Although Grak was very angry, he could not ignore all the attacks. Was pushed back down the wall.


   A shell hit the outer wall, torn apart a machine gun and its operator, and more super-squagg monsters flooded up.


   A kid on the giant Scurg waved towards Grak. Not only was there a cannon behind him, but also a group of boys with bows and arrows and a burning boy.

   The large army of blood axe regiments is coming!

   “Put the jump out!”

   Both sides of the giant monster were filled with large and small cages, all of which were full of violent jumps. As the cage fell to the ground, the little monsters inside rushed out impatiently.

  Slopes are a challenge for Ok, but not a problem for them.

  Several big jumps, those little red-skinned guys fell on the heads of human defenders. Their large, toothy mouths shouldn’t be expected to bite as long as they bite up, unless they bite and swallow.

The soldiers of Aswan encountered this kind of thing for the first time. They shot at these red monsters, but because of their huge number and undaunted character, the effect was very poor. Many soldiers were thrown down and bitten next. Pieces of meat, they are like bloodthirsty piranhas, chasing everything that is not a living thing of Ouke.


  The machine gun fired madly, and the soldiers who turned the handle were sweating. They must maintain a constant speed to make this complex machine run smoothly.

A big wave jumped towards them, and according to his opinion, this swollen monster resembling a balloon is actually quite cute without those teeth, but his life can’t make him joke, intensive bomb rain swept into them In the middle, several monsters jumping at the front were immediately overturned, and their long tongues fell weakly on the ground.

   But they are very fast, and they are still getting closer under the volley. The soldiers on the missiles are shaking with their hands nervous. Although the five guys nearby are shooting, they look like they are going to run at any time.

  The soldier who turned the handle was under a lot of pressure. Those things were getting closer and closer. He couldn’t help but want to make the bullet spit faster. UU reading www.uukanshu.com


   The ominous voice came from below, he glanced at it, just wanted to faint.


In just a few seconds, without the hindrance of the bullet rain, he jumped and rushed in front of them. The soldier who turned the handle panicly wanted to pick up his gun. He could even see the terrible mouth of these monsters. Scene.

   A face full of despair, soaked in blood.

   He raised the gun and wanted to block the big mouth until the moment when the shadow covered his entire head and the strong **** smell passed into the nasal cavity, he realized that he should actually turn around and run away.

   At the next moment, half of the body was squirting with blood, and he fell helplessly on the smoking machine gun.

   “Graco the idiot!”

  Beluff put down his telescope, retracted his head to avoid a burst of machine gun fire, spit saliva disdainfully, and then turned to roar at the gate of the fortress:

“Done yet!”

   “Get it! Boss!”

   Several boys came over from there, and a trace of green smoke was going out in the doorway behind them.


They didn’t run a few steps, and the strong air wave overturned them all to the ground. All the creatures standing on the outer wall felt that their feet shook violently, and the soldiers standing at the entrance of the fortress were directly attacked. Juli sent to the sky.

  Along with the huge cloud of smoke rising, bricks and mud blocks rained around, and the original thick iron door was twisted into an irregular shape and inserted on the wall dozens of meters away.

   “Let’s go!!”

  Lifted the huge revolver in his hand, and Beiruf jumped up suddenly, leading the neat little brothers to the huge gap.

   The outer wall of the Aswan Fortress is in danger.

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