Original Again

Chapter 145: TimetosayGoodbye

The battle between the two breeding grounds came to an end.

The eggs in Kaka’s breeding grounds have not been hatched for a few days. If they can’t be kept in a warm nest, these eggs will freeze to death. In the end Kaka came up with a solution: he asked to put his own eggs. Put it into the lair of Meng Jiuzhao’s house.

Now it’s too late to find another breeding ground, or borrow a place on this breeding ground to rebuild the nest. On the contrary, the nests in this breeding ground are readily available, warm and strong.

In Kaka’s view, Meng Jiuzhao is really the Kantas who lacks cubs in the world (fog). He grabbed so many cute and robust cubs, and later had the opportunity to get so many eggs, but he picked them up. No matter, insisting on returning with the cubs and many eggs, and entrusting the precious eggs to his lair, Kaka is very relieved (Meng Jiuzhao will definitely not ignoring the eggs for himself).

With the beginning of Kaka, the next thing is logical. Kaka’s eggs of Kantas were stored in the nests here. Among them, Gulunza’s nest was the largest and most luxurious, so it was placed five at a time. Eggs.

Meng Jiuzhao thought that Gulunza would definitely dominate (the eggs) in the nest, but he didn’t, so he gave up his nest, and he ran to catch a fish for George.

Uncle is really Kantas with unpredictable mental activity.

The cubs on Meng Jiuzhao’s side are still young, so in today’s nest, the cubs and the eggs are placed together. The gentle and small bodies of the Fat Tweeds are the best tool to keep the eggs warm, and the Tits also seem to provide a certain degree of security to the Fat Tweets.

I don’t know if it’s because they are with the stones every day when they are in the egg. The cubs like round things. For example, George has a mysterious favor for a certain stone in the nest.

That stone was one of the pumice stones that Louis had used as an egg. When inspecting the eggs, one of them was crushed by Louis, while the other survived and was handed over to Meng Jiuzhao by Alice, who put it in his lair.


Then George looked for it.


Every night when he went to bed, George would sleep on this stone. When Louis took him out to bask in the sun, George would also ask Louis to take this stone with him in the sun.

Meng Jiuzhao’s heart is always silent for three minutes every time he sees George who is with this pill.

This kid…and Blake must have gotten along very well. This habit of carrying his father’s poo with him everywhere is really harmonious!

Speaking of dad, Meng Jiuzhao is back home.

He has never been away from his fathers for so long since he was born, and he missed them. In addition to his father, he also missed his grandfather and everyone in the Vash tribe.

This primitive world is now in a period of drastic changes in geomorphology. It is uncertain when certain conditions have changed, and then the entire environment has changed.

What can’t happen in a world where the mainland says that you separate and separate?

Meng Jiuzhao had been faintly worried, if he didn’t go back quickly, he might not find everyone. Fortunately, the fluff of the cubs has basically grown up.

In the next period of time, the cubs of Meng Jiuzhao’s breeding ground stayed outside the nest for longer and longer. This is the adult Kantas consciously or unintentionally beginning to let the cubs adapt to the outside environment. The warm nest is only used to keep the eggs and the newborn cubs warm. One day the cubs will leave this warm nest and embark on a journey to the outside world with their father.

The climate is also quietly changing.

As the wind changed, the breeding ground cooled again. Snow fell more and more frequently, and the water that had been thawed was frozen again. Originally, Alice could easily come and find her parents, but now she can only call them anxiously on the shore.

“When the water is frozen, the dry season will come, and it’s time for us to leave.” As early as the first day of the wind direction, Gulenza came over to explain the above sentence. Hearing the news, Meng Jiuzhao hurriedly Notify the sub-adult Kantas who came with him.

Ah-no, they are no longer sub-adult Kantas. They have completely experienced a breeding season and have their own cubs. They are already fully grown-ups.

But everyone’s feelings are still very good. After hearing Meng Jiuzhao’s words, they are rushing to prepare for returning home.

This group of Kantas plans to go back with Meng Jiuzhao.

The weather is getting colder and colder, and there will be snow almost every day within a week after the eggs are placed in the nest. Kantas at Kaka is thankful that he has made the right choice more than once. After the ice and snow melt, it will be The temperature drops rapidly, and if the cubs are not put into the nest here in time, their eggs will definitely die.

Fortunately, they made the right choice, and now, a considerable part of them Kantas has already seen his cubs.

The egg and the cubs are kept together. Every night the cubs will sleep with the egg and sleep, and then, one day, the cubs find that the egg they are holding has a head that is exactly the same as themselves. Cub.

The stone that I hold to sleep every day has become the same fat as myself! ?

Many cubs were frightened.

The reaction of the adults was totally different from that of the cubs.

There is nothing more worthy of their surprise than the birth of a new life!

Finally, in an ordinary cold morning, after testing the thickness of the distant ice layer, Gulenza announced that they could set off.

“You continue to use my lair.” Before leaving, Gulenza said very generously to the Kantas who borrowed their lair to incubate their eggs.

Although I couldn’t see the situation inside, Gulenza heard that 3 cubs had hatched inside. For the first time in these years, the nest built by himself has hatched cubs, and Gulenza’s mood is a bit complicated.

But he didn’t show this complexity to his face.

Glancing at his lair last, Gulenza was about to turn around and leave. At this moment, Kantas, who was sitting in the lair, stopped him.

“That… my cub just came out of its shell.”

“?” Turning his head slightly, Gu Lunza looked at him without knowing why.

“You can give him a name.” Kantas inside the lair twitched left and right, and finally said his decision.

Giving a nice name to his cubs is one of the most proud things every father does. He will make this decision and he has made a lot of determination.

But also sincerely.

Gu Lunza was stunned.

Obviously, he also understood the meaning of the cub’s name to their father, and it was because he understood that he was so surprised.

After Kantas said, he lowered his head and drew it for a long time, and then came out carefully holding a small thing for a long while. It was a cub that had obviously not been out of its shell for a long time. His eyes were not opened, and he couldn’t even chirp completely. At this moment, he was shivering because of being taken out suddenly.

Gu Lunsa quietly stared at the cub.

“Dot, this cub can call a little.”

“Huh?” My cub is obviously white! There is not a single point on him! ←The cub’s father is a little confused.

“Well, look at his little head, how cute it is!” Without changing his face, Gu Lenza insisted on his opinion.

“That’s right, then, he called Diandian.” His cub was praised as cute, and the silly dad happily accepted the statement.

The “little” who just got his name shuddered, and gave him one last look. Gulenza hurriedly asked Kantas to put him back.

After that Kantas, the other four Kantas also asked Gulenza to name their cubs.

There is only one name in my mind, but now there are five cubs who need a name! Gulunza was surprised by this unexpected problem. He carefully watched every cub that hatched in his nest, and gave them a corresponding name based on their physical characteristics: 電劉間←This is a chubby cub ;

Tuo Tuo ← This head is too fat!

Stinky ← this cub put a little stinky fart as soon as he was held out;

Stone←This cub hasn’t hatched yet, what his father held out was an egg!

Leaving five names, Gu Lunza left very chicly.

Although there was no change in the expression on his face, Gu Lunza was actually very happy in his heart.

The nest he built will eventually give birth to five cubs. In addition, he also named the five cubs.

“Little bit, goodbye.” Finally, Gulenza looked back at the direction of his lair.

His little bit was finally born. Although he didn’t live with him, little bit would live in a certain place in this world.

So far, he has no regrets in this year’s breeding season!

Gulenza walked to the team of companions ready to go.

Just like when they came, each Kantas carries a large bag on his back. Unlike the past, each of them also has a very large leather pocket in front of them this year. This pocket holds their most precious Cub.

Kantas is a race with very strong learning ability. When they migrated, they had nothing at all. Most people can only move forward with their cubs. It turns out that it’s not a good way: the cubs are too small and very small. It’s easy to be swallowed by the father. If the gap in the mouth is small, it will smother the cubs, and if the gap is large, the cubs will freeze to death. At that time, the survival rate of the cubs was really low; The humanoid carries the cubs back, and the humanoids can perform more delicate movements. The comfort of the cubs is greatly reduced, but this does not greatly improve their survival—it’s too cold; then the Kantas knew to use the beasts. Pilai keeps the cubs warm. For example, at the time of Blake and Bai, they already knew which prey had the warmest skin, which could provide the cubs with warmer protection; the process of growing up when Blake and Bai brought up the dude brothers. In the middle of the game, Kantas did not know where to learn to sew, so he had a backpack.

Now, they have learned Meng Jiuzhao’s big pocket.

This is definitely an invention that can greatly improve the safety of cubs! This time, Kantas, who had spent time with Meng Jiuzhao in a breeding ground, all learned how to make pockets, including Kaka and the others. It is conceivable that more and more Kantas will wear kangaroo costumes in the future breeding seasons. !

George is already sitting firmly in the pocket on Louis’s chest. Their pockets are relatively large. This is not because George is fat. On the contrary, even though he has been born for a while, George does not eat anything better than other cubs. Little, but he is not big, and there is only one reason why this pocket is so big—George insists on carrying that pill.




Human voices and dragon roar echoed on this snow-white ice field at the same time, and it was time to say goodbye.

In a long line, with their cubs and luggage, the Kantas moved forward slowly. Behind them, Kantas from Kaka who was given the lair expressed deep gratitude to them.

In the dragon howls of Kantas’ adult body, a clear and tender roar became particularly abrupt.

“Tweet! Dad! Tweet! Mom!” Alice’s voice chased after her heartbreakingly.

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