Original Again

Chapter 146: Alice

The weather was getting colder and colder, and the original blue sea surface was gradually replaced by the snow-white ice surface, and the water surface where Alice could float on the water surface became narrower and narrower.

This is the situation now. Her body is too huge and there are too few water surfaces for her to swim. Alice has to swim forward quickly while hitting the ice with her body.

But even so, she is still farther and farther away from the team.

“Tweet! Dad! Alice! Alice!” She exchanged diligently, reminding everyone that Alice was left behind.

The ice layer nowadays is no longer the thin layer of ice that she could break with a light hit. Every time she hits it is a dull pain. The sharp cracks in the ice layer tear off the cub’s scales. After a big piece, a puddle of bright red appeared on the white ice.

It must be very painful, but Alice did not find these wounds, letting the wounds be torn apart again and again, she followed her father’s footsteps firmly.

She finally saw her father, and mother was there, they were walking at the back of the line. They… they must be waiting for Alice!

Don’t worry~ Alice walked a little bit slower today. You can catch up immediately!

Alice is the fastest swimmer~

At the moment when she found the figures of her parents, Lolita’s heart was settled, she chased more vigorously, so, in order to break the ice layer in front of her, the wounds on her body increased more and more.

And all this, Meng Jiuzhao didn’t know.

At the end of the team, he dare not look back at all!

His cheeks were cold, tears streaming from his eye sockets, and they were frozen into ice by the cold air.

“Bald, Alice…” Looking at him like this, Louis stopped worriedly. Seeing that he was about to turn back, Meng Jiuzhao sternly stopped him.

“Don’t look back! Don’t let Alice see your face!”

“But you cried, you want to take her away, don’t you?”

“What about crying? We…we can’t take her away. That’s too selfish, she will die!” Mentioning Alice’s name, Meng Jiuzhao’s eyes started to cry more.

Parting… It turned out to be such a painful thing.

When they parted with Blake, because they thought that they would go back after finishing the business, they would definitely meet again, so Meng Jiuzhao didn’t feel sad for too long, but this time the difference from Alice…

Meng Jiuzhao knew that once separated this time, he might not be able to meet Alice in this life.

The world is too big and changes too frequently. Even if the next year comes to visit Alice in this breeding place, it is an unknown problem whether he can meet Alice.

The world is full of changes. Maybe he and Louis will get lost in the process of meeting her. It is even possible that he and Louis will die in a disaster one day. Will come to see her, this silly girl will really wait here, in case she can’t wait—

There is nothing more cruel than shattering it fiercely after giving people expectations.

Alice, we are going back. We have to walk a long way. The journey is far away and there is no water surface for you to swim, so we can’t take you with me-Meng Jiuzhao originally planned to explain to her.

But I couldn’t speak anymore when I reached the lips.

He chose to abandon her.

Let Alice decide that his father is a bad person.

Because I like it, I am especially angry when I am hurt. Under this anger, Alice can definitely forget herself.

She must wish she would never see herself again, so that she could continue to live in the deep sea without worry.

He is a human being living on land, and Alice is a fish that lives in the deepest part of the sea. They shouldn’t meet each other, but the unique customs of the breeding place give them a chance to meet.

This is one of the best encounters in the world.

Meng Jiuzhao can still remember the day they met on the first day.

He also remembered the first time Alice greeted him in his language.

Yo~ Alice!

The voice of a mermaid… Is that the best voice in the world?

Day by day, the female Kantas in the deep sea has learned more and more terrestrial Kantas’s language, and even now she has been able to sing as much as Meng Jiuzhao taught her.

this is not good.

He was wrong.

Therefore, in the last time, Meng Jiuzhao asked Louis to take her to fish in the sea every day, as much as possible to let the little guy learn more survival skills during this time. During the study time of Louis and Alice, he made it for Alice. With a large backpack, Meng Jiuzhao took out two-thirds of the things he was going to take home and left it with Alice.

The climate is changing like this, I don’t know if it’s the same in the sea. If the fish school brought by the warm current had begun to return, Alice estimated that she would be hungry for a while, and nothing was more important to her than food.

I must prepare more food for her!

So, with the mood of redemption, Meng Jiuzhao prepared desperately every day.

Putting the food on the shore somewhere that only he and Alice knew, Meng Jiuzhao ran into the team without looking back.

He didn’t say goodbye to Alice, he sincerely wanted to abandon Alice.

In other words, he wanted Alice to think that she was abandoned.

“Let’s put Alice on the ribbon.” Louis finally didn’t hold it back, turning around, and seeing Alice’s miserable look, he was stunned.

“No. Our place is too warm, the sea environment is completely different from here, Alice might die in the past.”

“But, maybe you will survive?”

“There is also a half chance of death, isn’t it? Louis, I can’t even accept that half, so I would rather she live alone in her hometown where she can survive 100%.”

“…” His thin lips opened slightly, and Louis finally did not speak, but he did not move.

Quietly watching Alice trying to catch up behind him, his feet stopped in place.

This is the first time in their lives that Dimao and A Tu have disagreeed on something.

Louis is no longer the Louis of his previous life. His heart becomes very soft. Once accepted by him, he will be very soft. But Meng Jiuzhao is still the Meng Jiuzhao of his previous life. He habitually looks at the world with a rational eye, once it is feasible. If the result of the sexual analysis is not good, he will reluctantly refuse.

“No! No!” Meng Jiuzhao snarled at Louis and also snarled at himself. He knew the thoughts deep in his heart, but it was an extremely bad thought. In order to avoid making mistakes that were irreparable, he forced himself not to face it!

However, the voice from Alice was getting closer.

The sound of ice breaking, the sound of flippers hitting the ice, and the cry of excitement from Alice.

Accompanied by the various sounds she made, there was also a strong smell of blood.

Meng Jiuzhao couldn’t pretend anymore, he turned his head abruptly, and then saw Alice covered in blood at a glance.

Just one glance, his heart hurts fiercely, and then his eyes can no longer leave.

Meng Jiuzhao knew the reason why Louis stopped. He must have seen Alice like this, and then he couldn’t leave again.

“Dad~Mom~” Seeing that Mom and Dad stopped, the original panic was finally healed. The child became happy again and turned around with difficulty in the narrow water. She showed Mom and Dad to see herself. A small backpack on his back.

Just like the little dolls who are about to go to elementary school in the previous life, she is excited to show her new schoolbag to mom and dad.

I really like the little schoolbag that my parents bought for me—a cry of unknown origin, Alice tells her joy.

However, it is not the children’s schoolbag, but the last gift.

Represents abandoned gifts.

“Alice, we are leaving, you must stay here alone.” Wiping his face, Meng Jiuzhao held back his tears, and he said coldly to Alice.

“Go home? Alice will go home too~” Alice did not understand, but she understood the word home.

“No, let’s go home. You stay here alone.” Cruelly, Meng Jiuzhao pointed to the ice cave she was in: “You live in water, and we live in water, we can’t take you away!”

To facilitate her understanding, Meng Jiuzhao repeated this cruel remark three times.

So Alice really understood.

The moment she understood her father, Alice’s eyes burst into tears.

“Alice…hey, Alice…going home!”

“Alice catches fish for…George.”

“Alice is delicious.”

This poor little guy, she finally realized that she was going to be abandoned by her parents. In order not to be abandoned, she began to use examples of her various advantages.

The female Kantas population does not raise useless cubs. She also worked hard to stay there. In order to stay there, she needs to look delicious, so that she can disguise the bait and attract prey to it. The other female Kantas caught.

Although she is young, she already knows that she can stay in a certain group only if she is useful.

It was only after being with Meng Jiuzhao Louis that she lived as a normal cub. Someone caught her with fish, taught her various things, and even scratched her belly and shaved her scales.

She has never been so clean.

The other cubs had their own mothers to help them shave their scales, but she was the only one who didn’t care about them, and didn’t care about the dirty ones until they met Meng Jiuzhao.

In the world of female Kantas, there will not be any adult female who will show favor to a strange cub for no reason. They are not like males who will **** other people’s eggs. Female Kantas only raise her own children. If you encounter cubs you don’t know in the sea, they will be killed, and one less cub will have more food.

Cold and dark, just like the bottom of the sea.

This is the world of females.

No unfamiliar adult will treat herself well. This is something Alice has known since she was a child, so it must be her mother who treats herself well.

Thus, Louis became her mother. Alice knew that the males lived on the shore, so Meng Jiuzhao, who was on the land, was regarded as her father without a teacher.

Having enjoyed the normal cub days for too long, and now realizing that she was going to be abandoned, Alice became anxious.

Are you too lazy?

She was anxious to show her strengths. But as soon as she showed it, she realized that all her strengths were so few. She tried desperately, and finally came up with another strength: “Laying eggs! Alice will… Alice will lay eggs!”

Meng Jiuzhao then smiled.

He smiled and smiled, but tears continuously poured out from his eyes.

Alice was extremely excited to say this advantage, because she was too excited, her movements couldn’t help but become a little bigger, and then she broke the wound again, and more blood flowed out.

“Stupid boy…” Meng Jiuzhao choked up, not wanting to let her self-mutilate any more. He gritted his teeth and turned away without looking back.

“Dad! Daddy!”

A worse cry came from behind him–

The long dragging sound lasted for a long time. After a while, the scream stopped and Meng Jiuzhao heard the singing.

“…The long, the long, is what I miss…”

“…Far, far, in front of your door…”

“… Whenever you pass in front of me… I really want to go on an adventure with you…”

It’s that song.

Meng Jiuzhao’s favorite song in the previous life, because Alice also liked it very much. In the days she got along with her, Meng Jiuzhao taught her the whole song. Alice was born with a wonderful voice, even if the person who taught her to sing is not complete, she He just used his own good voice to sing this out-of-tune song.

“… Whenever you pass in front of me… I really want to go on an adventure with you…”

“Dad!!!” She sang repeatedly several times, her voice gradually shattered, and finally became a roar.

The tears were frozen, and the song was sung several times, but his father’s figure was getting smaller and smaller. Not only did he leave by himself, he also took his mother away.

Alice was abandoned–

The giant cub with a crooked mouth finally couldn’t help it anymore.

She burst into tears.

Jumping up while crying, her huge body jumped out of the water, crawling hard with flippers, and she chased her parents with all her strength.

However, walking on the ice sheet is too difficult for a fish. The water on her body was frozen into ice shortly after the water came out. Her body and the ice surface were frozen together. In order to move on, she had to use With greater strength, he forcibly peeled himself off the ice.

The scales on the abdomen were peeled off together with the ice, and Alice became a fish crawling out of the blood.

She didn’t care about the pain at all, only her parents were in her eyes, and she stubbornly crawled forward.

She wants to catch up with her parents, and then go home with them, she wants to live on land with her family! For this reason, Alice is not afraid of anything!

At this moment, Alice had great courage and energy in her body.

She didn’t even notice, her body began to change.

In order to crawl faster, the pulpy flippers slowly turned into human arms. The scales on the body began to disappear from time to time, receding and reappearing. In the end, as if defeated, the scales receded. , Replaced by bluish white skin, long hair emerged from the big bald head, covering her body, the long fish tail first shrank a large circle, and finally slowly disappeared and changed Become two short legs belonging to human beings.

By the time Alice found out that she was climbing faster, she was already exactly the same as her father!

She got up more quickly.

So, when Meng Jiuzhao’s legs were suddenly hugged, he turned his head back with snot and tears. He was surprised to see the real Lolita on the ground looking forward to him.

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