Otherworld Girlboss Pervert

1.41 – Volunteer



Emma's pick, Number 13, did better in the next two rounds She was wrong about the muscular Orc being out in round three, but she was losing momentum and one of the last to finish in round three.

Round four was about to start, with 16 contestants remaining. Number 13 waved the Incubus announcer over and whispered something.

"It seems Contestant 13 would like a volunteer from the audience, folks! Do we have any takers?"

A roar filled Maple's ears as several arms shot up. They were all eager to help. Most of all, perhaps, was Emma. She turned to Maple with a pleading, feigned half-interest. As if she weren't sure Maple would approve, and didn't want to reveal her entire hand. Just in case.

"Haha, go ahead cutie. Make sure she wins."

Maple rolled her eyes a little as Emma jumped up eagerly. She waved both arms, trying to outdo her competition, and then even stood on her chair. She morphed her body to her nude version, accentuating her womanly features. Others copied her, standing on their seats and removing clothing.

The Half-Elf squinted over the audience. Her hand twitched a couple of times, as if she might pick the person she was looking at, but then her eyes moved on. When her gaze reached Emma, she jerked back in surprise. Her pointing finger came shortly after.

The audience followed it to Emma. She couldn't believe it, and pointed to herself to make sure. Number 13 whispered to the Incubus again, and then so did a couple of other contestants.

"Thank you, everyone. Would the lucky blue Slime please step up! And—what's this? It seems we'll need a couple more volunteers for Number 23 and 10."

Everyone was still looking in Emma's direction, but Maple slapped her butt anyway. Partly to get her moving, and partly to make sure she remembered who her girlfriend was. She was happy for her, though. Even if it was odd to see her own girlfriend so excited to go fuck someone else.

If anything, it finally gave Maple some investment in the contest. She wanted her girlfriend to win. It was more than just a bet they had no influence over, now. With one last kiss to make sure it was really okay, Emma headed up.

She ignored the audience at first, and approached the Half-Elf. She grinned and waved at her. Maple saw the Half-Elf say something in response before looking away shyly. Emma gave her head a comforting rub. The Incubus spoke up.

"Please remember to refrain from physical contact between rounds. Thank you."

Emma's hand jerked away, and she made an 'oops' face. She seemed to notice the audience, then, and looked around to find Maple. She waved, bouncing with excitement. The crowd around Maple cheered, thinking it was for them, but Maple knew the truth and gave a meek wave back.

Emma grinned and slowly looked over the rest of the audience. She waved to everyone with both hands, soaking up the attention. An experimental self-grope got an even bigger reaction from the audience.

A certain Orc couldn't let this go unchecked, and also stepped forward on the stage. She posed, showing off her abs. The audience cheered and shouted her name; apparently, she had fans.


Emma glared at her and then did her own pose, making her slime body suddenly muscular. Was it cheating a little? Yes. But Maple chortled, and had to help out.

"Emma! Emma!"

Maple blushed just from shouting, and felt people looking at her even with [Detect Gaze] turned off. But it worked. Some of the crowd took up the chant.

It became a competition within the competition, and the event organizers seemed fine with letting it play out. Dura made another pose, flexing her biceps. Emma copied her, and even if she made her muscles larger—she was losing.

The Slime looked around in a moment of panic, staring at her Human for a second. Maple bit her lip and shrugged. What could you do against an established fan base?

But then she relaxed. Dura looked over, confident she'd won. Emma shot her a quick smirk, and waited for the chanting to die down. She put both hands on her hips and leaned back slightly. The Orc copied the pose, bemused. Had the Slime given up?

No. Emma turned to Dura one last time, a clever smirk on her face. Copy this.

She grew her clit out, forming a cock. The audience gasped and grew silent. The silence lingered a second too long and worry flashed across Emma's face. Maple almost shouted her name again to try and save her, but someone else did first.

"Emma! Emma!"

The rest of the crowd followed in the loudest cheer yet. Her victory was clear. The Slime's muscles deflated in relief and her mouth made a laughing expression.

Dura's face held impressed defeat. But Emma grinned at her rival, flexed an arm without any fake muscles this time, and gave her a thumbs up.

The Orc's laugh was audible over the audience, and then both were cheered. Dura showed off her muscles, and Emma her glorious cock. A tie, then.

It was...wholesome? Cute? Maple chuckled at her girlfriend's antics. Dura chose her volunteer, and Emma returned to her partner.

The Half-Elf sunk back into her leather seat, regretting her choice in hindsight. Emma tried to reassure her, without any touching, and made her cock shrink to something reasonable. It looked like she was trying to get input on how big she wanted it, and only flustering her further.

It was kind of amusing, and Maple felt an odd anticipation growing within her. The only time she'd seen Emma having sex with someone else, was when she was involved too. Now she wanted to see her pleasure this stranger, and so did everyone else.

"What a spicy round this will be, folks. If our contestants are ready for round four, on your mark..."

They got into position. Number 13 pulled her pants down to her knees for the first time, and Maple could just make out the consequence of her shyness in the previous three rounds; both her pants and underwear were wet.


And they began. The solo contestants began touching themselves, and Dura was on top of her volunteer partner in an instant.

The Half-Elf, meanwhile, wasn't even looking at Emma. Her bashful reluctance made Emma reluctant herself. It was a slow start as she had to coerce her pants the rest of the way off, and then move her body into a good position.

Maple watched anxiously as Emma pushed herself inside and then stopped. She got the Half-Elf to look at her, stroked her face gently, and only then started to move.

Emma's body covered most of the Half-Elf, and Maple guessed that was intentional; both to pleasure her thoroughly, and to fight against her shyness. She saw Emma getting faster in her movement, and part of herself slipping underneath her shirt.

Maple couldn't see her face well, but she did see a hand go up to cover her mouth.

How was it? Was it that Half-Elf's first time with a Slime? Maple remembered her first time with Emma, and felt herself getting a little hot. Maybe she should have entered with her.

No, what was she thinking? She tried to shake the thought away, but the feeling only grew as the round went on. Everyone was watching them, and Maple couldn't stop imagining it was her up there. Was Emma in both holes now? She couldn't see.

If it were her...with all these people watching, while Emma pleasured her...

Before she knew it, their gem turned green. They were eighth to finish that round, with four more to follow. She breathed a sigh of relief, and blushed as she realized she'd been rubbing her thighs together. Others in the audience were openly masturbating, but Maple was still embarrassed by her own arousal, which only really started now that her girlfriend was up there.

Emma helped her partner cover herself before removing herself fully. Then she grinned and waved to Maple again. Maple waved back, smiling herself, with an odd sense of pride.

It felt like she should be jealous or something—but she wasn't. She was proud. That was her girlfriend, and her partner was going to win because she was so amazing. There wasn't a doubt in her mind.

And she was hers. You might get a show, or even a fuck if you were Number 13, but her heart belonged to Maple. Their relationship was deeper than it'd be for anyone else. She felt secure in that fact, and an overwhelming sense of peace about it.

She did wonder, should she feel jealous? They'd barely known each other two months, so why did she feel such a strong bond? The bond was there, though, irrefutably. She was her Slime, and Maple was her Human.

None of this was anything she could have expected. If you'd asked her in her old life if this would be okay—of course not would have been the answer.

Now that she was here—it felt surreal. But look at how she'd asked permission. Look at how much fun she was having, and how she kept looking to Maple. Look at me! You're watching, right? It's not fun unless you're here too.

She couldn't feel jealous even as she tried to. There was only joy and love. This was who her girlfriend was, and when she looked through the audience at her again, Maple made an ILU sign.

Emma returned it with a grin, not shy at all.

Sorry for being gone for a while. This was the chapter on patreon all this time. I'll totally for sure definitely fr on god this time be able to write a new chapter this week

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