Otherworld Girlboss Pervert

1.42 – Marielle


Round five of Cum Race began, and Emma remained on the stage, eagerly ensuring Number 13's victory. It was only now, with her girlfriend part of the show, that Maple's body reacted in earnest; she felt hot, and grew increasingly antsy. Continuing to watch would only snowball her condition, so she got up to get a drink.

The bar was close enough to watch, and Emma should be able to spot her easily enough. She didn't want her to think she'd left or something. She chose the emptier side of the bar to sit, and noting the bartender was busy on the other end, waited patiently with bouncing legs.

Now would be a good time to have those potions she had commissioned. She could already feel her dampness spreading, and now that it'd started, it would only get worse until she 'took care of it.' One way or another.

She'd done good so far though, considering the venue. Actually, she probably didn't need to stress about it this time, for that reason. Plenty of other people were openly horny here. The previous times this had been an issue for her, she'd been in less appropriate situations. Here, this was a normal state to be in. She was fine.

But what should she do about it? Wait for Emma to win—she believed in her—and then find a private room? Take care of it herself, in a bathroom? Right there, in the middle of the warehouse, as some were doing?

Her mind snapped back to reality, and she realized she'd accidentally locked eyes with a woman from across the bar. Maple jumped and looked down at the wood of the bar top. Oops. How long had she been staring?

Too long, probably.

The woman's eyes were a peculiar shade of red, even from a distance. She looked like a Human, maybe even a vaguely familiar one—though any Human would at this point. No wonder she ended up absentmindedly staring.

Maybe she hadn't noticed. Maple chanced a glance back up, noticing her low cut top along the way this time, and met those red eyes yet again. The woman smiled at her, and Maple awkwardly returned it. Now she'd made it seem like the stare had been intentional. Maple watched the woman get up and approach.

Her movements were fluid, graceful. She carried herself with a poised mystique.

Maple hadn't gone to many bars before, but in the moments she had left, her mind told her this was how it was done. Choose an empty spot, eye-fuck the most attractive person there, and then—her horny mind was working against her. She tried to compose herself as the woman squeezed in next to her and leaned on the bar.

"Um, sorry. I didn't mean to stare..."

"No? Well, that's alright. May I buy you a drink...?"

"Maple. And, sure. Thanks."

The woman gave a curt nod, as if confirming something to herself, and waved the bartender over. Up close, she appeared to be a pale, beautiful, Human. Maple tried not to check her out, but a short skirt revealed plenty of thigh. A gentle perfume wafted off her, adding to her dressed-up look and making Maple feel suddenly under-dressed.

Maple was content to let her order for her, and ended up with something called a Bleeding Druid; a chilled sweet and red drink with blended berries, and garnished with mint. The taste of liquor was mostly hidden.

"Thanks. Um, are you Human? You might be the first one I've met since coming here, is all. Oh—and I mean, sorry, what's your name?"

Maple took a big drink, trying to drown out how flustered she felt. The woman laughed, and then grinned, showing off a pair of sharp fangs.

"I'm Marielle. And no, not quite Human. Are you disappointed?"

"What, no. Um, then you're a...um."

Maple trailed off, but Marielle remained silent. She smirked and waited for Maple to guess. The signs were all there—pale, red eyes, sharp teeth—but how weird would it be if she were wrong?

"A Vampire?"

"Whaaaat? How dare you."

A small part of Maple was flustered enough to take the statement at face value and start backtracking, but Marielle maintained a coy smile, and the rest of her knew she was being teased. The Incubus announcing the end of round five made Maple turn toward the stage.

Emma wiped her brow and posed for the audience. She looked to Maple's empty seat, and then quickly all around. Maple sat up and waved an arm up high until she saw her and waved back. Emma gave a confident thumbs up, and Maple glanced at Marielle.

"That's my girlfriend up there. Um, the blue one."

"Yes, she's quite something isn't she?"

She sure was. Maple nodded, and seeing Emma was staying up there, turned to Marielle. She wanted to ask what being a Vampire was like, and if she used to be a Human, but while thinking of a polite way to ask, Marielle leaned in closer.

"You don't seem to mind that she's up there, doing that sort of thing?"

Maple looked away and blushed, but couldn't bring herself to pull away. The woman was magnetic, and she wanted her even closer. It might be that a Vampire had some kind of natural charm, but if so, it only heightened what was already there. Like Maple's own [Adaptive Pheromones].

"Y-yeah, it's uh, open kind of, you know?"

"Of course. Then, you would be allowed to partake in such pleasures as well. Correct?"

"Um, correct..."

Maple met her eyes, like a lamb before a wolf. She licked her lips, and awkwardly awaited her fate—Marielle kissed her before her tongue had even fully retracted. The next couple of minutes were spent making out with the Vampire, being led away from the bar, pushed against a wall, and then making out some more.

Maple enthusiastically let it happen, and it was she who slid a hand up the Vampire's skirt first. She wasn't wearing underwear. A desperate need for release overcame her as Marielle's hands slid into her pants and shirt.

Their movements became more passionate, and Maple felt fingers inside of her and a hot wetness engulfing her own.

Marielle sucked on her neck, and then ear. Maple stifled a moan, though it wouldn't have mattered given how loud the venue was. Emma was still fucking the Half-Elf on stage with the other contestants, and other guests were in their own dim corners enjoying themselves. The Vampire whispered a hot breath into Maple's ear.

"Don't feel pressured, but may I bite you?"

Maple paused, knuckle deep, and bit her lip in thought.

"It won't like, turn me into a Vampire too, will it?"

"Haha, what? Of course not. I would also take some blood if that's alright with you, but it shan't even hurt—"

"Yeah, do it."

There was nothing Maple wanted more in that moment, clamping down on Marielle's fingers. Marielle kissed her, and then whispered one last thing.

"I want you to show me your Skill."

Before Maple could ask how she knew about that, Marielle's fangs sank into her neck. Her surprised whimper turned into a moan as Marielle's fingers moved once more and her other arm pulled her closer. The brief pain was quickly replaced by pleasure that radiated from the bite and coursed through her veins.

Everything about the bite felt intimate. Erotic. Marielle's mouth against her, the teeth penetrating her skin, even the mild sucking sensation and feeling of blood being drawn. It was a struggle to focus on pleasuring Marielle in return, but she tried. One hand gripped her butt, holding her close, while the other fingered her.

After a few more minutes of this, Maple got the release she so desperately needed.

"Ah—mmmh I'm cumming—[Telepathic Orgasms]."

Maple gasped and wrapped her arm around Marielle's waist. Marielle's eyes widened as pleasure engulfed her.

They were in a world of their own, their pleasures and minds combined into a single entity. There was no hiding here. To Maple's surprise, part of Marielle's pleasure was predatory in nature. She was a hunter. The feeling was suppressed, and even now she could feel Marielle trying to hide it. Ashamed, slightly.

Maple accepted it. Leaned into it. I am your prey tonight. Hunt me. Feed on me. Enjoy me. I want you to. Maple moved her fingers, this is the spot that feels good, and finally triggered Marielle's own orgasm. Their pleasure multiplied.

The flow of blood stopped as Marielle shook against Maple. The wall was the only thing keeping them both upright.

When it finally ended, Maple panting, Marielle withdrew from her neck and chuckled. Maple laughed with her, and waited to see that Marielle was okay. By now, her Skill was always more surprising to new people, than it was for herself. It revealed a lot about a person, exposing their most intimate desires and pleasures.

"That is quite a Skill."

Maple laughed again, and somehow wasn't fully satisfied yet. Who was preying upon whom, she wondered? Neither one, really, but that was beside the point. The feeling of being someone's prey had been new and exciting. She wanted to be the one to go on the attack now.

"I can grow a dick, you know?"

Marielle raised an eyebrow, waiting for her to continue. She looked amused while Maple turned red with immediate regret.

"I don't know why I just said that..."

"Perhaps you wished to show me this ability?"

Maple nodded meekly. They were still pressed against each other, fingers still inside one another. Marielle pulled out and circled around Maple's clit before whispering.

"Show me, then."

She did. Marielle wrapped her hand around Maple's cock as it grew to full size. Her hand had been soaked, to Maple's mild embarrassment.


Maple's heart beat faster, realizing they were about to fuck out in the open. The warehouse was dim, and others were doing it, but she still couldn't believe herself. This entire encounter felt out of character, but was that just her new normal?

Her ongoing promiscuity since coming to this world pointed to that being the case, and she wasn't about to stop.

Marielle turned and pulled her skirt up, inviting her in. Maple appreciated the view for a moment before stepping forward and slowly pushing herself inside. Marielle let out a small moan, and Maple worried she'd made herself too big; it was such a tight fit that she stopped after only an inch to make sure.

But then Marielle slammed her hips back with a gasp, plunging Maple in down to her base. Maple didn't hold back, then, thrusting as hard and fast as she desired.

She was just getting into it, reaching around the Vampire to pleasure and fondle the woman with her hands, when a blue blob in her peripheral made her turn. Marielle's head tilted, too.

Emma stood there, gaping and still erect. Maple was startled, and a tiny bit of guilt welled up, though she wasn't actually doing anything wrong. Marielle didn't give her a chance to stop, and slammed her hips back hard.

After a few more thrusts like that, Marielle tightened up and her body began to shake. She let out a moan, eyes never leaving Emma, and they finally slowed to a stop with Maple deep inside.

Maple wasn't sure what to say. Emma had her notebook out, and looked genuinely surprised, but also excited. And beneath that was her typical lewd smirk.

I never thought I'd catch you with the boss lady!

Finally wrote again. I had been looking forward to this chapter originally, but don't think I captured it like I wanted. Skill issue.

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