Otherworld Girlboss Pervert

1.58 – Delusions


Maple did not get up early. No, she slept for as long as she could. Between being a...fugitive at large. Is that what she was? They would come for her eventually, she knew. When, though? As soon as she let her guard down? Maybe if she slept a little longer, the whole thing would blow over.

Rather it were that she could just go to them. Get it over with. She was guilty—felt guilty—but she would own up to it and defend her actions. She just wasn't sure who 'them' was. SuQ Dairy? A random guard post?

Something felt off about walking up to a random [Guard] and going 'Hi, I'd like to turn myself in, please. Oh and, I'm pleading not-guilty while you're at it.'

She just had to wait. Between that and the mysterious stranger who left a marker in her head pointing somewhere, to obtain something—well, she was curious.

How could she not go and find out? Obviously, she would just have Azure Bond go with her, and maybe see if Sasha knew anything first. The plan made itself, it was so easy. Too easy, but the woman had said it was a 'gift'.

It would be something ridiculous, she was sure. Her classes felt like a prank gone wrong, and the only question was if this next prank would be crueler or kinder to her. She was scared, but didn't have much to lose if she were being bleak. Might as well make her a [Tentacle Monster] or whatever. Emma would like it, at least.

"Let's get up cutie, my back's starting to hurt. But something weird happened last night."

Emma cocked her head, curious, but was quick to pull out her notebook with a sly grin.

Wet dream? Normal, don't worry.

"Hah—no! Silly. Where do you even learn these terms? No, but, when I was going to level, there was a different voice—or presence, I don't know. It was some woman, and—"

Did she sound like a sultry big titty goddess????

"Uh. Probably? How did you know?"

Emma bounced and gesticulated wildly, leaving Maple to guess her meaning.

"She talked to you before, too? Hm, is she just another part of the level system here?"

Emma nodded, and shrugged. She seemed to have a positive opinion of the mysterious woman.

She gave me my body. Remember? More language, too. Said to do whatever I felt like doing.

"More like whomever. I remember, cutie. You said you leveled up."


She shrugged again. Then, whoever-it-was gave Emma the Skill that let her shape her body more easily. Weird. Maple hadn't realized she was still there, but Rachel cleared her voice from the floor.

"There's only one voice that gives out levels and it's the same for everyone, so whatever you heard was something—someone else. Or a dream. Ugh, my head. I need to get up and go finish chewing some asses out."

"Uh, good luck?"

Rachel grunted a response and got up. Work related, Maple guessed. She would have asked, but Rachel's morning routine was minimal and she seemed in a hurry.

Maple finished telling the tale to Emma, and explained the marker pointing to something in her head. When she finished, Emma insisted she go with her.

"Of course we'll go together. I'll ask Thera about it. I guess it'll probably cost, but..."

Emma responded by shooting coins out of one hand and into the other. Rich girl would help if needed.

Maple washed her face and hands and feet by submerging them inside of Emma, then got up and brushed her hair.

When she was halfway down the stairs, she heard the commotion coming from outside the inn. A lot of shouting and chanting. More surprising than that, Sasha was...clothed.

Shirt, pants, and a cardigan, all worked to cover her skin and succubus features. She even had a hat that hid her horns, and her tail was tucked away. She barely wore more than underwear most days, so it was a weird change.

"Hey, Sasha. Uh, what's with the getup?"

"You don't hear them?"

She grimaced and led Maple outside. They walked to a square where, amid shouts from protesters and followers, one man in particular was preaching. Maple knew him.

"They come into your city, they taint your milk, they haunt my dreams, and now they used all of you in a mass sex ritual! Are you going to just let it happen? Out with SuQ Dairy! Out with the Succubi!"


It was Henry Whatever-his-name-was. He sounded drunk, but people were angry enough to overlook that and cheer at his prompting. Sasha tugged at her clothes.

"Yeah. It'll blow over soon enough, but you know how it is. One person does something stupid, and suddenly its their entire species' fault. Are you still friends with that [Guard—"

"You know who their leader is! The succubi queen! You all heard it in the vision: I'm Maple. Right? Well, I even met her! She disguised herself as a human and pretended to be passing by my home, to torment me! They lie! They're all liars and deceivers! Arrest them! Kick them out! We want justice!"

"Aw, Henry. I was nice to him. But, uh..."

Maple took a step backward, and was shoved forward by someone moving through the crowd. She stumbled forward and the crowd formed a hole around her. Henry spotted the commotion.

"That's...That's her! The queen of the demons! Maple! I remember the face as clear as I remember my own name! Look how she deceives you! Begone, devil!"

Maple righted herself and struggled to speak over the murmuring crowd.

"What, no. I'm not—"

More of the crowd stopped to look and murmur amongst themselves. They were staring at her, and Maple had to disable [Detect Gaze] or be overwhelmed. Sasha tugged her arm.

"Let's go."

Maple staggered, but then kept up a fast-walk with Sasha. Henry was still shouting, and she worried any second someone in the crowd would do something.

"Should we run?"

"No, act natural. Think of them like tigers. Running would—"


Something thumped Maple in the head and bounced to the ground. It was an onion. Someone had thrown an onion at her. She rubbed where it hit—it hurt more than she'd expect.

"Okay, nope. We run. [Mass Illusion]."

They booked it. The inn wasn't far, and Sasha's magic was working. A crowd of illusory people appeared behind them.

"Don't let her fool you! Someone dispel the illusion!"

The crowd chased, but had to stop to swipe at the illusions or risk running into someone real, while Maple and Sasha had a clear path.

Panting, lungs burning, they made it in. Sasha slammed the door shut behind them. Azure Bond, Pops, and a few others jumped up. Thera spoke first, hand on the hilt of her sword.

"What happened?"

"They went after little miss 'demon queen' here."

Sasha laughed and slapped Maple's shoulder. Maple didn't quite have the humor in her. She should have stayed in bed.

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