Otherworld Girlboss Pervert

1.59 – Am I Being Detained


"Don't worry so much. [Entry Denied]. That'll keep out the riff-raff. It's not much better than a weak lock, but anyone coming in would know they're committing a crime and would have to break something."

Sasha patted Maple's shoulder and nodded to her other guests. Namely, Azure Bond, Pops, and the few other would-be defenders of her inn. Thera plopped back into her chair with a shrug.

"We're not well-suited for any brawls, but if it comes to it, Sylla's got barriers she can put up and we can bash some heads."

"Thanks, hopefully that won't be needed. Breakfast, Maple?"

Maple was still shaken, but agreed to some food. If anyone dangerous did try to get in—their weapons weren't exactly non-lethal. Pop's axe, Thera's sword, Alas's arrows...Dort's hammer could probably be included in that. It wouldn't be pretty.

She wasn't sure what all Sylla could do, but considering what she'd seen so far, she likely had something non-lethal, and that wouldn't be embarrassing for her. Maple herself could...enhance the invaders' pleasure. Grow a blunt sword. If she could make them drink her bodily fluids—

Yeah, she had nothing. She couldn't hear anyone trying to break in, at least, so she sat with Azure Bond and quietly ate her breakfast.

Halfway into the meal, Emma came down from their room. She had stayed behind to privately practice speaking, claiming it was embarrassing with others around. She lovingly pet Maple's head as she passed and grabbed a seat next to her. Each member of Azure Bond got a grin and a wave from her. Dort slapped the table.

"Now there's a smile to start any day with."

"Hey, cutie. There's a mob outside. Henry Whatever even claimed I was the succubus queen. Or demon queen, but maybe that was meant as a slur?"

"Aye, ain't polite. Like calling a gnoll a dog."

Dort's eyes darted to Sylla, but he stuck with the example that didn't have any members present. Emma tilted her head and wrapped an arm around Maple.

"It's alright. Sasha used an illusion and I guess they didn't follow all the way to the inn."

Emma nodded with relief and gave Maple a kiss on the cheek. Concern out of the way, she smirked and started writing.

My succubus queen :)

She added a smiley face at the end, in case her actual smile wasn't enough. Maple laughed despite herself.

"You better not start calling me that."

Thera peeked at the note and laughed.

"Maybe you should own it. There are far worse titles than that, when it comes to famous adventurers. Like that Golden Shower [Archmage], whatever her name was. She made so many [Light Arrows] that it looked like it was raining, well, you know. What do you do, anyway? For a living. I can't imagine anything, from the classes I know about."

The anecdote was concerning, but the question more so. At least she asked it tactfully. Maple fumbled for an answer.

"Uh, I'm kind of in between jobs at the moment. Speaking of jobs, I was wondering if you guys would be able to help me with something?"

"Oh? Is this an actual job, or a favor? We can't work for free. Not that I think you'd ask for that, but you know how people get after cozying up a little. Yesterday was a complete wash, and we got up too late today to get any good pickings from the guild. I was about to go check anyway, but...what do you got?"

Maple would have played for a favor, despite barely knowing them, if Thera hadn't removed that option. She'd already expected to pay, though.

"Yeah, a real job. Um, it's secret, but I need to go to a place, and it might be a little dangerous."

"Sounds right up our alley. I assume you have more details than that, so, private consultation? The guild has warded meeting rooms. Or, we could just do it in a room here, if you're comfortable with that."

"A consultation, right?"

Alas chimed in dryly and took a sip of her juice. Memories of yesterday came flooding back and Maple's face heated up. She tried to speak past it.

"Here would be fine. I have, some details..."

Hopefully she wouldn't be put off by how little some turned out to be. A direction, and vague warning.

"Great, now good for you?"

"We'll refuse if you try to seduce her into a lower—"

Three loud bangs came from the front door of the inn and interrupted Alas. Maple flinched and the adventurers turned. Emma put a hand on Maple's.

"Syber City Watch. [Innkeeper], let us in."

Sasha looked out a peephole before opening the door. Three burly men immediately entered. Two of them had stopped just short of pushing Sasha out of the way. The [Guard] who'd lagged behind was—Bailey.

It wasn't an angry mob, and seeing Bailey was some relief, but Maple's tension didn't seem to drop much. She wasn't entirely sure why. She noticed Bailey's ears were tucked low while the other two's were pointed up and alert.

"Are you the [Innkeeper]? We cleared out the mob that was outside your inn."

His tone had an implied you're welcome. Sasha opened her mouth to speak, but he went on.

"Is there a Maple Caraway here? She's wanted for questioning."

The gnoll said it loud enough for everyone in the inn to hear. Sasha hesitated, clearly conflicted. Maple met Bailey's eyes, and watched him look away.


Maple stood up and realized she was trembling. She'd never been in trouble with any law before. Now, two huge, scary gnolls—and Bailey—were here to take her away. They were going to lock her up. They were going to eat her. Her brain screamed danger, and not all of its warnings were rational.

Thera said something she couldn't hear over the pounding in her head, and Emma was squeezing her hand and gently tugging. It felt distant.

Her thoughts spiraled through all her anxiety about this moment. What the punishment would be, what prison in this world was like—a lot of things here were already less than comfortable without being locked up. And if she didn't have Emma with her...

"Th-that's me."

For some reason—she laughed. A trembling, nervous laugh. But she'd volunteered herself before Sasha or anyone else had been forced to give her up. Maybe she would have lied for her, she didn't know, and didn't really want to find out. It's what she would want any of her friends to do for her, but she also wouldn't want to put them in that position in the first place.

Her eyes were wet when the [Guards] reached her. She was trying hard not to cry—but she was terrified. They moved quick, yet hadn't tackled her or anything. They stopped when they reached the table, vaguely surrounding it. They seemed more wary of Azure Bond than her.

"Maple Caraway?"


Maple nodded. She'd froze after standing up. She tried to take a step, but her leg shook so hard when she lifted it that she had to set it back down. Emma had stood too, and Maple now felt the warmth hugging half her body.

Emma put herself protectively between her and the guard who spoke. Maple needed to tell her not to—to at least not let Emma get caught up in it with her—but she couldn't. The gnoll who hadn't spoken yet rubbed the back of his head.

"Hrr. You've terrified the poor girl, [Sergeant]. Look at her. You're not in trouble, miss. We just need to ask a few questions. SIB has some questions, too. It likely won't take more than a few hours."

"O-oh. S-sorry..."

"Hmph. Seems nervous, to me."

It was an insinuating tone, but what did they expect? She was nervous. Overly so, maybe. Shame and embarrassment joined her terror. She tried to move again, but didn't get any further than the previous time.

It must have been getting awkward, because Sylla waved a hand.

"What's this about, exactly?"

"Official City Watch business, and none of yours."

"We just need to ask your friend a few questions. She's not under arrest—or we'd have her already, honestly. Look, miss, there's no reason to be so nervous. Are you two close? If you want, you can even bring your, uh, slime friend."

Ah, the ol' good cop, bad cop, and silent friend cop routine. Bailey's body language must have been, guilt? Maybe he was just conflicted.

Emma frowned and carved into her notebook like it was a wax tablet. Maple watched and had to wipe her eyes.

Girlfriend. Soap slime. Emma.

"Hrr, sorry. I didn't want to assume anything. Emma, your soap slime girlfriend, can come with you if you want."

Emma nodded, satisfied by that, though Bailey got a glare. Maple knew she'd been overreacting now, but her body still needed time to relax. She took a deep breath, and another.


That was all she managed. Though she wanted to tell Emma she could stay—it was comforting having her with her. Maple managed to actually walk this time, and the three gnolls took an escort position; Bailey in front, with the other two on either side. The good cop addressed the adventurers one last time.

"We'll bring her back safe and sound. Literally. Normally we wouldn't do an escort back, but you've seen the protesters, yes?"

"Um—Good luck, Maple! Keep her safe, Em."

Sylla raised a hand to them. Maple nodded to her, and felt a little better. Then the rest of Azure Bond, Pops, and people she didn't know shouted their support for her and Emma, and it turned embarrassing. Especially when someone shouted an insult at the [Guards].

Sasha remained silent, but gave her a knowing look and nod of encouragement on the way out.

Hope the chapter title wasn't too much info, but she really should have asked. Emma sovereign citizen arc when??

Thanks for reading

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