Otherworld Girlboss Pervert

1.73 – Rock And Stone

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They just about reached it by evening. It was at the base of a large hill, behind a large boulder, as best Maple could tell. They'd climbed to the top of the hill, back down to the other side, and all around. The mental marker was within the hill, and that boulder seemed to be the only potential entryway.

Maple, Emma, and Azure Bond stood around it. Sylla coiled around her staff in thought.

"It may have been placed there intentionally. Some kind of dungeon seems pretty likely."

"Sure does. Dort, think you can smash it?"

The dwarf shook his head but grabbed his hammer. He tapped the head of it against the house-sized boulder and listened to the chime.

"I'll give it a test swing. Stand back and look away. There may be shrapnel."

He instructed Maple and Emma, specifically. Before trying to smash rocks with a hammer, he should really have eye protection himself, Maple thought, but he was the professional here. Sylla ushered her and Emma over and conjured a barrier in the air. Thera and Alas took cover, as well.

Dort gave it one more gentle test swing, and then pulled his arm back for the real thing.

"[Shatter Strike]."

A deafening bang rang out and Maple covered her ears. Debris flew out and one larger pebble hit Sylla's barrier at speed causing it to ripple before bouncing off. Several birds fled from the trees around them, cawing warnings to their brethren. Even the wind briefly picked up speed and seemed to flee the mighty strike.

Dort dusted his hammer off and examined the boulder. It was practically unscathed.

"Hm. Might take a few swings."

"More than a few, I think. Leave it for now. Sylla, got anything?"

"Not really. I'm not a [Geomancer]...I could try to make a lever, but it looks heavy. It might take most of my mana to strengthen it enough."

Thus they encountered their first obstacle: how to move a really big rock. Sylla uncoiled to exam the edges of the boulder again. They weren't even positive there was an entrance hiding behind it, it was tucked into the side of the hill so well.

Maple tried to think of a solution, but...how did you move a really big rock? Sasha should have given her some dynamite instead of half of the other things she'd dug up. Emma could maybe make it slippery. And Maple could...wait, that was odd.

"Uh, I can enhance its pleasure."

"I'm not sure a rock feels any pleasure, lass."

Dort gave her a concerned look, and Emma giggled and slapped an arm around her human. Look at her, with the real solutions. Maple flushed and shook her head.

"No, I mean, I can use my Skill on it. Why is that? It only works on living things...I think?"

At once, their mildly concerned looks and amusement became concern. Azure Bond all took several steps back from the boulder, hands on their weapons. Thera dragged Maple by her shoulder.

"Whoa, back up. Syl?"

"[Detect Life]. Ah—it is alive. Must be a golem?"

"Fall back, everyone. We are way too close. Maple, don't activate your Skill on it. We're all dead if that thing wakes up."

They retreated backwards until they were at risk of losing sight of it; a good 300 feet away. None of them seemed happy with that distance. Sylla stared at it, eyes glazed over, and mumbled spells. Thera spoke for Maple's benefit.

"If it wakes up—run. We won't be able to do anything to protect you."

Maple nodded and Emma held her protectively. It was just a big rock, but she imagined a living golem of that size and somewhat understood the danger. Dort's hammer hardly did anything, and a sword or arrows would do even less.

It just didn't feel entirely real yet. Golems were something from video games. She'd have to actually see it move. Alas put her bow away, perhaps realizing herself it wouldn't be able to do anything.

"What's it doing so close to the city? We might get a reward just for reporting it. Can you tell what its full size is?"

"I'm trying. So far, it looks like it's just that single boulder. It doesn't have much mana either—not as much as you'd expect from a golem even a tenth that size. Maybe it's young. It might be...harmless."

Sylla sounded far from certain, but she was still analyzing it. Maple hoped that determination stuck. The thought of having to go home and probably losing her chance at getting her treasure worried her the most at the moment. Her [Detect Gaze] was active, and if the rock was alive, it at least wasn't looking at her. Thera sounded equally as conflicted.

"Are you certain enough of that to camp nearby for the night and examine it more tomorrow? I'd hate to give up a dungeon only we know about, if it's manageable."

Alas and Dort looked uneasy at the prospect, but they were as much adventurers as any. Thrilling risk in return for thrilling rewards. Sylla took a minute to answer, but then was sure.

"It's just a...barely-alive boulder, for now? It should take months for it to develop further, so we're probably safe for at least a night. But I'm not really an expert on magical lifeforms..."

Thera stroked her chin in thought before looking to everyone individually. Her blue eyes held the glint of a treasure-seeker.

"You all up for it? If anyone wants to back out, I won't risk our lives."

"It takes more than a big silly rock to spook a dwarf."

Dort took a big gulp from his waterskin and wiped his beard. They were all in assent. Maple breathed out in relief.

"Great. Let's backtrack and set up camp, far away from it."

Maple was sore, tired, and covered in grit from the day. It felt like they'd walked a mile by time they stopped again—far enough away to hear it stomping and flee if whatever it was did wake up. Then she had to figure out how to set Sasha's tent up with Emma. There were no instructions, and they struggled with it for half an hour before finally asking Alas for help as she was the only one not busy with something.

"You're doing it wrong."

"We know that. How's it supposed to go?"

She wasn't the most...helpful instructor, but she did talk them through it before darkness fully fell. They joined the others around the fire after. Dinner wasn't communal that night, so she and Emma ate bread and dried meat. They talked casually around the fire and decided on the night watch order. Thera would be first.

Maple and Emma stayed around the fire until Dort headed to his tent to rest before his watch duty was up. Maple gave Emma a look. It said: I'm tired and about to announce I'm going to bed too. You should come with me when I do.

Emma nodded and squished into her gently. They were in agreement. Maple stood and they did just that. Thera nodded to them.

"If you hear a mountain stomping toward us...wake up and run."

"Wake me up first, if that happens. I'm a heavy sleeper sometimes."

Sylla admitted that, half-jokingly. With those warnings, Maple and Emma retired to their tent.

"This is kind of fun, huh cutie? It's like when we first left for Syber."

Emma agreed with a sly smile and cuddled up to her. Maple gave her a kiss and let out a sigh of exhaustion. For a few minutes they just lay there. Insects and the gentle rustle of leaves in the wind filled the silence. She'd taken her shoes off and left them outside, but had been too tired to bother undressing yet. She whispered.

"Will you wash me?"

Exhaustion was only half the reason she'd been anxious to head to bed. She giggled in relief when Emma slipped her clothes off before she'd even finished asking.

Emma took her time massaging each nook and cranny of Maple's nude body. A layer of canvas was all that separated them from the outside world, and Maple did her best to keep her pleasure contained to mere gasps.

Emma was lucky she was mute because Maple returned the favor in kind after, using her mouth. Each flick of her tongue filled Emma with more aphrodisiac—any kind of penetration also did that, she remembered.

Maple's mind wandered, and a tiny part of her worried. She pushed that worry aside and focused on pleasuring her girlfriend. Occasionally an accidental squish would sound and she'd stop, briefly anxious about being heard.

Once they were both satisfied, they embraced and enjoyed each other's warmth. Maple remained naked, and just hoped she'd have time to dress if something did attack in the middle of the night. Eventually, her mind wandered again.

"If this thing ends up replacing my Skills with normal ones, would you still...would you be disappointed?"

Would you still love me, Maple couldn't quite manage to ask. Maple saw what looked like a frown in the dark and Emma shook her head. A finger jabbed her in the chest repeatedly, and Emma held up an ILU. She traced the U portion with her other hand, emphasizing it.

"You love me, not my Skills?"

Duh. Maple could practically hear her saying it. She turned onto her back and pulled Emma on top of her.

"I know, and I love you too. But still, you wouldn't miss them? I'm just worried, I guess. I hope I like whatever it is."

Emma shrugged and patted Maple's head consolingly. She rested her head against Maple's chest and Maple gently stroked her back.

She was right, it would probably be fine. But, Maple realized, she was worried she'd miss them herself. Had they finally grown on her, as much as she still griped about them? She did miss her old [Enhanced Pleasure]. Would she miss it, if she could no longer...

A form grew underneath Emma, slowly impaling her. She repositioned with a smirk, and Maple entered her. They'd each came a couple times already, but it might be the last time she got to do this.

Truthfully, she felt she might be even hornier than usual. Was it from hiking all day; a result of heavy exercise? The risque nature of having clandestine sex so close to the others? Maybe the excitement and anticipation of finding a priceless artifact?

She didn't know, but Emma was happy to indulge her, and be indulged.

Maple needed to visit a bush after. She assured Emma she'd get whoever was on watch duty to look out for her, and that she could rest there. She had a light wand, but the dim light from the two moons provided just enough to see, and the campfire was still lit. Thera nodded to her as she approached.

"You two having fun in there?"

Maple jumped and looked around guiltily, but everyone else was in their tents. Eventually she whispered, avoiding eye contact.

"Were we, um, loud?"

Thera laughed loudly and shook her head. Maple blushed, taking it as an affirmative.

"No, I was joking. Call it an educated guess. You're really not good at secrets, are you?"

Oops. Maple paled further, and she mumbled an apology. Thera laughed about it some more, and after a moment of silence, right before Thera was going to ask what she needed, Maple couldn't stop herself. She leaned in close and whispered into Thera's ear.

"You could join us, if you wanted..."

Maple took a sheepish step back. She wasn't used to being so direct, or at least not so after cumming several times already. She'd have to make sure Emma wanted to, but she could only imagine her delighted face if she managed to bring Thera back with her.

Thera licked her lips and considered it.

"You certainly know how to tempt a gal, don't you? Mh, is that what you came out here for?"

"Oh, no. I had to pee, is all..."

Thera nodded and seemed to think about it some more. Maple suddenly felt bad for having offered. Was Thera even close in that way? They'd done it once, sure, but that'd just been to save the city. It was easier when it was someone like Sasha, or Charlotte, or anyone else she was certain about.

"Sorry. Should I have not offered?"

"No, I'm flattered. I would gladly take you up on that offer—any other time. I shouldn't tonight. Gotta keep watch, and then be fresh for tomorrow. And I don't remove my armor even to sleep when we're in the field. Danger can come at any moment, you know? But, hmm, maybe if I just watched you two go at it?"

It was Maple's turn to be taken aback and—consider it. It'd be weird, right? Would it be fun? She wasn't an exhibitionist, or whatever that would be classed as. Maybe it'd be interesting.

More importantly, was Thera serious? She had a smirk, but was that from it being a joke—or just interest? Maple proceeded cautiously.


"Eh, I'm down for it. Maybe Slippery Blue can slip under my armor. Consider it, if you want. But here's a question. Are you feeling more aroused than usual tonight?"


That was direct. Maple thought about it before answering. She had been, and she had theories that made sense, but mentioning any of them would be a little embarrassing.

"Kind of, I guess. Why?"

"Hmm. It's hard to tell, but I think I am. I'll have to ask Sylla when we change over. You and I are built a little differently, probably. And, do you know how many pairs of animals I've witnessed getting it on tonight while on lookout? Four. Well, two were beetles, but—weird, isn't it?"

Maple's face scrunched up. That was a weird thing to notice. Or no, that it occurred was weird too.

"So you think something's making everything in the area, uh—"

"Horny, yeah. A little bit, at least. It's probably not an issue, but it's just...odd. Might mean more wildlife and monsters, if it's true."

The pendulum is swinging. That goes for my chapter length and schedule too. Consistency is hard.

Thanks for reading

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