Otherworld Girlboss Pervert

1.74 – Tree Girl

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It happened with her pants down, in a squat. She held onto a tree with one hand, because accidentally falling and making a mess would be embarrassing. She was idly thinking she should have saved her dick Skill for this moment, and wondering if it would even pass her bladder through—she'd never tried—when a leaf brushed her exposed thigh.

She hadn't known there was a plant there, and pushed it aside with her free hand in mild annoyance. It bounced back with its own mild annoyance, and wrapped around her leg. No, it was more than a bounce—it began coiling around her leg.

Maple's heart skipped a beat as she worried it was a snake or some such, but it was clearly...a vine. The occasional leaf protruded from it, and it felt like a vine. She did not scream, yet.

She was still peeing, and she wanted to at least stop before calling for help, if help was needed.

She wasn't far from Thera and the rest of the camp. The [Blade Captain] had offered to go with her, but Maple had declined and said she'd just scream if anything happened. She hadn't thought anything would happen. And...nothing was.

She pried the leafy vine off of her, having to unwrap it from her leg. She watched it squirm gently in her free hand while she held it at a distance, but it did nothing beyond that. Everything was fine.

She finished up, and let out a breath. She moved to stand and pull her pants up, but hadn't noticed the other vine, creeping up her other leg over her pants. It snagged them and she stumbled back a few steps. The vine in her hand offered no support and she fell backward.

Her back collided with a tree before she could hit the ground. She let out a whispered oof. A tangle of vines had pulled her pants and underwear down to her ankles.

Now was the time to call for Thera, but Maple was dumbfounded for a second. Exposed in the woods, vines creeping up her legs. They were like tentacles, plant tentacles, and she clearly was hornier tonight than usual, or just not thinking clearly, because—

A morbid curiosity made her stay silent for now. Would it really do what she half-expected it to? That wouldn't make any sense. It was a plant, so why would it?

Several vines worked in tandem to pull her shirt up, exposing her chest. That was a coordinated action. Maple was shocked speechless. The vines around her legs stopped, and merely pulled her legs apart slightly. She let them, for now.

Two new vines went around her torso, and gently wrapped around her breasts. She'd no longer be able to quickly tear the vines off and escape. It was becoming a little scary, but it did feel gentle so far. And...she was just curious.

That was all. Morbid curiosity, and a slight bewilderment.

Her face and neck heated up as she thought about what she was letting happen. It was wrong...probably? She was practically naked, and if anyone saw that she'd let it happen as slowly as it had...

Still, it hadn't done anything yet. Her curiosity wasn't yet sated, so she watched silently. Near the ends of the two tentacle-vines wrapped around her torso and breasts were two bulbous flowers. Inside of which were many very fine stamens.

She watched the vines slowly move to position the flowers near her nipples. They were hard, she realized, and stiffened further as she anticipated where the flowers were going. She wasn't aroused—the breeze was chilly. She was just curious.

The flowers cupped her breasts, around her areolae. They even had some suction, and Maple wasn't sure how that was possible. The stamens inside the flowers moved independently and brushed her nipples, teasing them.

Why was a plant doing this? She was dumbfounded. Some plants were carnivores, so maybe it just wanted milk? Unfortunately for this one, she didn't have any for it.

The nipple stimulation felt good. A line was at risk of being crossed; the line that said not to get sexual satisfaction from plants. She hadn't yet crossed it—or maybe she already had from the start, if she were being honest with herself.

She should call for Thera and put a stop to this already. Yet the data was still inconclusive. Was there such a plant that sought out humans to have sex with? This one might just want food. She was curious, so she looked down toward her legs expectantly.

Another tentacle-vine had been waiting in the air between her legs. This one had a flower at the very tip, but it was round and folded over shut, almost like a rose or tulip but with round and smooth at the top.

The flower had been pointing at her head, and Maple swore she saw it give a little nod of acknowledgement when she looked down at it. It turned and slowly approached her own flower. Maple's eyes went wide as she watched.

Her nipples felt like they were getting more sensitive, and she was breathing hard. If she was wet—and she was—it was only because of Emma, just earlier. She glanced up, thought about calling for Thera, but...she waited.

The smooth flower gently stroked her up to her clit before returning back down. Maple shuddered because—it'd felt good. It pressed gently against her wetness for a second. The vine below it was smooth, lacking any stems or leaves. It slowly pushed itself in.

Maple gasped and her eyes went wide. It'd actually done it. She hadn't thought it would, really. Probably.

Okay, it was a weird plant. This was weird. She was being weird. Her head darted around, as if looking for anyone who might have caught her. Time to stop. She tried to move, but realized a vine had tied her arms to the tree trunk.

Fuck. She couldn't move her legs either, the vines had gone taut. The tentacle-vine inside of her was moving in and out. Slowly, but it felt good, and combined with her nipples—she shouldn't have sex with plants.

No one should see her like this. She hoped only one person would have to. She whispered, and then raised her voice just a little louder.

"Thera. Psst. Thera, help..."

Crunching footsteps drew near. She'd heard. Maple breathed out a sigh of relief, and suppressed a pleasured shudder.

"Maple? What's wrong—"

Thera started laughing. Quietly, at least. Maple looked away, face burning up. Thera approached until she was a few steps away.

"Don't laugh..."

"What are you doing?"

"It...It attacked me, okay?"

Thera slapped at the vines trying to rope her into things.

"These things? They're so slow. How'd, all that happen?"

Thera pointed to the multitude of vines wrapped around her. Maple's embarrassment was at maximum burn. Thera knew. Also, the vine inside of her was moving faster, and it was becoming a struggle to hide her pleasure. Her entire body was becoming more sensitive. A gasp interrupted her reply.

"It—ambushed me."

"If you say so. Well, have fun?"

Thera turned to leave, and Maple nearly cried out before lowering her voice to a whisper. She didn't want to wake the others.

"Don't leave me like this!"

"Why not? I don't judge, and it looks like you're enjoying yourself. Oh, did you want me to watch?"

She was joking around, while Maple couldn't move and a plant was having its way with her. The tentacle-vines seemed to have given up on Thera after her insistent refusal. Maple gave her a pleading look while biting her lip.

"Or—you wanted me to help, huh?"

Maple nodded, and Thera approached. She removed one of her gloves and crouched down. Maple watched, confused, and then felt a thumb on her clit. Thera rubbed a gentle circle against it and smiled up at Maple.

Her mind went blank with pleasure as she just enjoyed all the sensations going through her. A plant was fucking her and playing with her nipples, Thera was touching her. She felt so exposed in front of her. Maple whispered desperately.

"Not like that!"

Thera lifted her thumb off, and Maple involuntarily followed it with her hips. The vines prevented her from getting very far. The rest of Thera's hand rested on Maple's bare pelvis. Even just that sensation felt good.

"Do you want me to stop?"

Maple hesitated. She knew what she should answer. She hesitated more, and then decided not to answer. She gave Thera a pleading look. Seconds passed, and Thera didn't budge. Her thumb hovered over her and Maple inched forward to no avail.


"No what? You took so long to answer that I forgot what I asked."

Thera scratched her head. The plant was still going at it, at its slow pace. The vines around her breasts had tightened a little, squeezing her gently. That all felt good, but she wasn't sure she'd be able to get off from it. Maple squinted her eyes shut before answering.

"Touch me more, please."


Thera grinned and gave Maple the pleasure she sought. She felt weird, and slightly guilty about it all, but she moved her hips to make Thera press harder. Thera grabbed the tentacle-vine with her other hand and gave it some assistance, thrusting it in and out of Maple faster.

She would cum soon, and then she could forget this ever happened. Thera stopped again, and stood up. Maple gave her a hurt look that transformed into excitement.

Thera removed a piece of armor at her waist, and tugged the front of her pants down as much as she could before sliding her hand in. She crouched back down and placed her hand on Maple again, shaking her head.

"Now look what you're making me do."

She couldn't see anything, but Thera was getting off with her. The thought filled Maple with excitement, and she whispered a moan of approval. After another minute of this, she was close—but suddenly noticed a second gaze on her.

She wasn't sure when it'd appeared, she hadn't been paying attention, and looked up with slight panic. A figure in a white robe peeked out from behind a tree, her snake-half coiled around it.

Her sleeve hung loose, and there was movement inside the lower half of her robe. Was she watching and getting off to this, too? Maple whispered out to her.

"Syll—ahh—[Telepathic Orgasms]"

Thera turned to look and moved her thumb on Maple's clit faster. Maple came hard, her body shaking. She activated the Skill on both of them, letting them join her in her orgasm. Each of them witnessed a glimpse of perspective from the other two. On a whim, and because she even could, she included the tentacle-vines with it.

The plant's perspective was—odd. It didn't really have thoughts Maple could describe, but it sure was feeling great. How it perceived the world was also odd and indescribable. Its body consisted of many more vines than she imagined and seemed to extend for hundreds of feet from a central point.

Thera enjoyed getting Maple off and, partly through sheer willpower, made herself cum too. The fact Sylla had caught them added to her pleasure.

Two orgasms near-simultaneously. Sylla hadn't stopped touching herself even after Maple called out to her. Through the [Telepathic Orgasms], Maple could feel her fingering herself. She went at it fast, desperate to cum with them—

She did, and Maple felt a 3rd gaze from the side. Emma. She waved frantically, and Maple added her to the Skill. She ran over and stroked her cock over Maple.

With three orgasms already being felt at once, Emma's body complied and she came after a couple of strokes. She covered Maple in hot cum. Thera's thumb moved even faster. They could all feel it building in her, but she announced it anyway.

"God—I'm cumming again."

Her body convulsed beneath the vine-tentacles holding her tight. She couldn't stop a slightly distressed moan from escaping. Sylla held tightly onto the tree and Thera braced herself against Maple. Emma collapsed into a quivering puddle.

A fourth gaze pinged Maple, and she reflexively included whoever it was. A mistake, maybe, but five shared consciousnesses at once—one of them a plant—made it difficult to think. The new presence had one dominant feeling everyone felt at once.

Look at these perverts. I want to embarrass them.

It was a pleasure-filled thought. Alas covered her face, genuinely abashed. For a minute they were all lost in a sea of shared pleasure.

They slowly came down and Alas eventually cleared her voice, snapping them back to reality.

"Did I miss the invitation or something?"

Hope this isn't too weird..

Thanks for reading

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