Otherworld Girlboss Pervert

1.92 – Blue Schemer

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"Speaking of such things, ripples and consequences, your soul bond is one of them. One taps a tiny bit too hard, you get a Skill, and in a fluke, you bind your soul to another. I imagine that might come back to bite me, too. So despite the costs, I could undo it, if you'd like."

"Oh, should I—no, I mean. It's fine. I like Thera. She seems fine with it too, for now. I would choose to keep it."

She'd been about to ask if she should undo it, for potential consequences. And then she hadn't, in consideration of the goddess. To exercise her...implored freedom. She imagined she was costing the goddess points with every decision she made or didn't make like this.

"You're thinking about it too much. Anyway, what else..."

"Um, you mentioned a bet? And a swap? Is there someone else here from my world?"

Lili tapped the table with her hand, and then drummed her fingers on it.

"Ah, yes. Poor girl, but she's likely faring better than you would have. I do expect she might appreciate assistance eventually, if that was something you'd be wont to do."

Would she be? Maple groaned internally. Lili wasn't asking her to, but if you mention a damsel in distress to someone...And Thera might want to help someone in that kind of situation. Maple would too, of course, if she could, but...

"As for the bet, just a silly thing. I said you would develop an affinity for my values, if placed under me. While mine would stay true to herself. I'm winning, as you might have guessed."

She smiled at Maple. Maple covered her face. The goddess of sex and freedom had corrupted her rather completely. She'd even fucked a plant. She was at ease.

"Jeez. Alright. Where is she? When would she, uh, need assistance? And how?"

"She's where you'd expect. Thera would know. And I'm not giving you some kind of task or mission. Would you have used one of your three questions on that?"

"Uh...How many would I have been at now? It's hard to say. I've asked pretty much everything I would have by now, so. Yeah, I pretty much understand why I'm here, and that you don't really want anything from me, and I should just keep doing what I'm doing, and I'll become erogelic and try to get a cool class, and keep on living in this world because, I don't know, it's kind of fun. I wouldn't waste a question on asking how to get back home. I like Emma, and by your nature I understand you wouldn't have manipulated her that much or anything, so I wouldn't have wasted a question on that. And I like Thera, so that's all good. So if I still had a hypothetical question, yeah, I guess I'd find out about this other chick who might be in trouble, because she's from home and it's where I would have ended up and all..."

Maple nodded. Her thoughts were all sorted and expressed. She didn't know why they were doing the hypothetical three questions thing, but this goddess was kind of silly. She may just be like that.

Maple was at ease, but she could say she liked her well enough, and that the situation was alright. She wouldn't need to get a willpower Skill to defy a god like Thera. She could just go back to making a life for herself here. Things were going rather well. She would return from this little trip feeling much more sure of herself.

"I...see. Was just curious. And yes, Emma's a good lad, isn't she? I only arranged your destination and gave her a little boon. I can't tell you too much, and fates are muddy when gods are involved, but the other girl may end up coming to you eventually. Her name's Alicia, if you happen to run into her."

She was a good lad. Maple smiled. The goddess seemed to understand Emma's nature well enough. She noted Alicia's name, and hoped that meant she could just sit tight and she'd appear on her own. Lili set her tea down and folded her hands in her lap.

"Well, I'd say this has been a productive chat. Anything else, before you go?"

Maple took a long drink from her infinite tea. She didn't want to waste what might be her only time talking with a goddess, but...she knew she couldn't ask too much. And a smirk was rising in her. She felt like she had to do it. Not literally, but like, she just had to.

"Um, two things I guess, if that's okay? Who is he?"

She pointed to the fractal fellow. Maple kind of felt like she'd gotten to know him a bit during her time here, for some odd reason.

"That's Gerard. He made the tea."

"Oh. Thanks Gerard. It was really good."

Gerard resonated at a frequency beyond Maple's perception, a friendly you're welcome. Maple set the teacup down and stood, taking in the scenery one last time. She'd have to try to recreate this in a lucid dream sometime, or try to show Thera in their thoughts.

"What was the other thing?"

"Oh, um. Before I go, would you wanna—"

Maple chortled and smirked at Lili before continuing.

"Would you wanna fool around first—uh, hot stuff?"

Maple grinned, pleased with herself. A little joke—but she would have been thrilled if she'd said yes. Lili laughed and laughed. The world began to fade as Maple was returned to her body. Her new body, actually. It felt different. She heard Lili one last time.

"I'm proud of you. Keep it up, if you'd like."

[Removing Classes...]

[Class Removed: Interspecies Seductress]

[Skill Removed: Adaptive Pheromones]

[Skill Removed: Evolved For Pleasure]

[Skill Removed: Sex: Unbreakable Body]

[Skill Removed: Aphrodisiac Body Fluids]

[Skill Removed: Futa Transformation]

[Class Removed: Slut]

[Skill Removed: Lesser Enhanced Libido]

[Skill Removed: Telepathic Orgasms]

[Skill Removed: Detect Gaze]

[Skill Removed: Enhanced Pleasure, You And Me]

[Biologic Modification: Erogel Traits Added]

[Binding Spells...]

[Binding Spell: Pheromone Emission]

[Binding Spell: Sexual Reinforcement]

[Binding Spell: Infuse Aphrodisiac]

[Binding Spell: Phallic Transformation]

[Binding Spell: Enhanced Libido]

[Binding Spell: Telepathic Orgasm]

[Binding Spell: Gaze Detection]

[Binding Spell: Enhanced Pleasure]

[Erogelic Transformation Completed]

"AaaAaaAAaaAAAhh—Oh. I'm back."

Maple stopped moaning and looked up at everyone. They were standing where they had been, more or less, concerned looks on their faces. Alas commented dryly.

"Longest orgasm I've ever seen."

"Do you feel alright?"

Remi helped her stand, the golden cock slipping out of her. Maple glanced at it, and embarrassingly, found it and the saddle drenched in her fluid. Remi checked her condition, and Maple stretched. She was no longer at ease, but she felt great. Reborn, better than new.

And—oh, she could see it now. And sense it. A pink energy in the air, emanating off everyone except Remi. Emma wrapped herself around her in a squishy slippery hug. Maple laughed.

"Hey cutie. Hey everyone. I met God, just saying. Or, you know, one of them at least. She seemed alright."

"My mistress?"

Remi had a hungry look in her eyes, and she pulled on Maple's shoulder so that she faced her. Emma was gesturing something like I told you so. What did I say, right?

"Um, yeah. Lili, don't say her full name. And, you know how she is, freedom is weird, but—I'm saying this for myself. You should, move on or whatever it is already, if that would be better. It seems like it was hard on you to stay here alone for so long. She wouldn't say it like that, but she wouldn't have wanted you to suffer. She seemed nice."

"I know—she is nice. I'm going to. I just...I thought she would have been happy if I stayed here longer. Time got away from me, is all."

Maple hugged her, to Remi's surprise. It made sense why she'd seemed so obsessed with her mistress now, and she hadn't seemed okay at all when they got there. A thousand years of isolation. She wrapped her arms around Maple after a second.

"I'm glad you stayed as long as you did, for what it's worth. Thank you. This probably wouldn't have been as easy to do otherwise, right?"

"Yeah, not at all. You would have needed a succubus, or someone who could use prana, and they'd have to understand how it all worked—but, um. You're welcome. I'm glad I could help and have fun one last time. This spa was special to me."

Maple had opened her mind to Thera, giving her everything that'd happened and letting her prompt for more context and information at her own pace. It was so easy and fast to explain things in that way. Thera was already focusing on the other Earther, and how they might help her.

Maple's body was the same as it had been, except for feeling...new. And being able to see prana.

"So, when do I get my wings? Or eyes? Or uh, what else do I get?"

"The wings take a while. They'll grow in. The eyes, you can do now, but you'll have to get a feel for them. It's hard to describe, like describing how you move a limb to someone who doesn't have that limb."

Remi gestured to a floating cloud of pink. It seemed to like congregating into blobs, rather than dispersing evenly.

"Try absorbing this lingering prana. You'll want to do that as much as you can. It makes you stronger, better, faster, and powers your magic. If you consistently stretch your capacity, you'll be able to store more over time. You got some bound spells, right? You can use them with mana or prana, and will get a feel for how to control that."

"Oh yeah, I kept all my Skills! Who wants some [Enhanced Pleasure] cast on them? Uh, let's see."

She had several volunteers. First, she had to accumulate some orgones. It was basically like moving mana, she just had to focus and will it. There wasn't a lot in the air, not like there probably had been. What was there, was only what came from her friends. They were stuffed full of it, and leaking plenty.

Controlling prana that was inside of someone else wasn't easy at all. It had to already be in the air, she realized. Sasha had once explained that it was released all at once, or in a big burst, upon orgasm.

Maple focused on absorbing what she could, and as it filled her up, she realized it was making her own body...horny again.

"Uh, when you absorb it, is it supposed to...you know?"

Please don't make her say it. She waved a hand to herself, vaguely. Remi nodded, a slight smirk on her face.

"Oh, yes. The closer you are to your maximum capacity, the more aroused your body will feel. So, increase your capacity and it'll be less of an issue."

"And to increase my capacity, I need to stretch it past that point and...be super horny all the time?"

"Mhm. Basically."

Jeez. She should have expected something like that. Emma danced around her with a lewd smirk. This was great news for her. Thera slapped Maple's butt and laughed.

"What a training arc this will be. I'm jealous."

"Alright, who's first?"

Emma stopped her, holding up a finger and the butt plug with a green gem from earlier. Maple gave her a look.

"Jeez, right now? Right here?"

She nodded, and Alas glanced to the side.

"She made all of us put one in, while you were cumming for like 10 minutes."

"I was out that long? But uh. Really? All of you?"

She gave Alas a look, and it was like she could read even Alas's mind. She thought she heard a single pervert while Alas turned and pulled a cheek aside. Hers had a black gem.

"Uh, the color suits you. But really, even..."

She looked at Dort. He tugged at his beard.

"Big blue drives a hard bargain. And...you're really going to make me prove it, huh?"

Dort sighed, and revealed a smoky gray gem sticking out of his bum. Emma was ecstatic, watching her scheme come to fruition. Maple had already seen Thera's and Emma's earlier, so that left Sylla. She turned to her, but hadn't really been about to ask, given Sylla's shyness.

Sylla closed her eyes and shook left and right with her whole body, sending her long hair flying around her. The view was quite a bit more spectacular than when she'd done that clothed, and Maple couldn't look away. But then she spotted it, near the end of her tail, a white gem that blended in with her scales.

Maple chuckled and looked away. They really had all done it. But even...

"Oh I've had one in from the start. You never noticed?"

Maple hadn't examined the ghost's anus closely. That should have been a given, she thought. Remi showed off her spooky ghost plug now. The color wasn't quite discernible to Maple. Phantasmal, maybe.

"Jeez. Alright cutie. I guess since everyone else is doing it."

Emma, the blue schemer, grinned. She used her body as lube and plopped it inside of Maple. She'd never worn one before, and the sensation was...interesting, she supposed. She spread a cheek for the others to see, once it was in. Fair's fair.

"There, happy? We all have color-coordinated plugs now, for some reason."

Maple glared at her girlfriend and squished her cute face.

I wasn't sure about taking the plot here, the erogel transformation class reset thing, but I think it'll work out.

Does anyone else have no idea what [Evolved For Pleasure] even did? I didn't either, really. Initially it was supposed to be a Skill that made her or her partner's bodies more suitable for enjoyment/use, say if she had ended up lewding outright monsters. Or some kind of magma golem race of people. I didn't have a strong idea of what the story would be when she got it. Maybe it contributed in the gnoll knot thing?

Thanks for reading

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