Otherworld Girlboss Pervert

1.93 – Our Erogelic Magical Girl

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Maple filled herself with prana, as much as she could. She was wet, stimulated, nipples hard. Her body wanted to fuck.

"Agh. Alright, who's first? [Enhanced Pleasure]! [Enhanced Pleasure]! [Enhanced Pleasure]! You all get [Enhanced Pleasure]! And me too, [Enhanced Pleasure]! Time to harvest your sex energy!"

She gave it to all of them while laughing like she was the succubus queen for real.

It felt nice. Better than [Lesser Enhanced Pleasure], but not bad like [Enhanced Pleasure, You And Me] had been. It seemed to have a constant prana drain, but wasn't terribly bad. Her own body generated prana in a steady flow, and [Enhanced Pleasure] was helping that. She may even be net-positive, despite having it active on everyone else.

"I think I can do this on other people now, too. Wanna try something, Thera?"

"Hit me."

"Hehe. [Phallic Transformation]!"

She was feeling devious. The horny little sex mage was unstoppable. Thera's clit grew and morphed into a cock. The others watching laughed and looked slightly impressed. Thera looked at Maple like she might ravage her right there and then.

That might even be acceptable, at this point? Boundaries had fallen off entirely as the day went on, and Maple...would let her, if Thera wanted to do that.

Unfortunately, Remi got everyone's attention first. Her tone was suddenly serious.

"Guys, there's someone here. At the entrance."


The good vibes ended in an instant. Thera grabbed her sword from where it was resting against the wall, her other sword swinging wildly below her waist. Maple waved her hands frantically.

"How do I—how do I cancel the spells?"

"Just—sever the connection, you should be able to feel it. You, help her? I don't know who it is—succubi. Two of them. They're outside the clothing barrier. I made it block entry entirely, but there's not much power left."

"Shoot. Most of our stuff's up there. Let's go."

Their camp was still right outside, with Maple's bag and everything she'd brought. Her clothes were in the lobby somewhere, at least. Thera's armor and a few other things they'd left were just inside the barrier.

They ran up the spiral of stairs. Thera took them three at a time, ahead of everyone else. She outpaced them, and told Maple in their mind she'd scout ahead with Remi and send word back.

Maple lagged behind with Sylla but was still jogging up the stairs. Sylla was trying to teach her how to end a spell in between panting breaths, while Maple hardly felt tired at all. Her new body felt great.

The sexual energy in her empowered her, enhancing her stamina. She thought she could feel it being expended as she exerted herself, but the [Enhanced Pleasure] and plug in her meant her body was creating more, and there was also the slight drain from the spells. She couldn't sense it all that accurately yet.

"There should be a connection—between you and the spells. You just need to—stop sending energy through it."

Maple did sense the spells active on each of them, the slight tug of prana powering them. Thera sent a thought, indicating they'd reached the lobby and were heading up the stairs to the entrance. At a slower pace, so that Thera wouldn't be haggard when she got there.

Can't you get this dick off me?

I'm trying. It's hard.

I know it's hard. It's attached to me.

Maple laughed. The system assistance was powering the spells automatically, and she didn't understand how to make it stop because of that. If not for the system, she would only need to stop providing prana manually.

Thera reported that the barrier was still up according to Remi, and that the two succubi didn't seem to be trying to break in. They could be anyone, and they were all out here in the wilderness. If it came to a fight, there'd be no backup or help. Numbers were on their side, but a high enough level individual could make that meaningless.

They'd be caught with their pants off, was the biggest thing, if whoever it was decided to try breaking through the barrier.

When they reached the lobby, Maple started putting her clothes back on. Apparently, they always could have done that. The magic keeping them nude had been inside of themselves the whole time.

Emma waited with Maple in the lobby while the rest of Azure Bond continued on, carrying their own clothes. They needed to be able to assist Thera if it came to a fight, most of all, and would dress once they reached her.

We're talking to them. They're saying they were just curious. Remi is telling them to leave.

Thera sent all the info she could in real time, including her vision. The two succubi had been undressing, as per the sign. Two incubi, rather; succubus was the optionally-gender-neutral catchall.

Thera's mind-sight was blurry, and Maple couldn't tell for sure, but...

Is that, Maz?

A friend?

No, employee-acquaintance.

She sent the full context, of Maztaran just being the employee at SuQ Dairy she'd talked to most. Along with it, that she'd mentioned him to that SIB agent. Why was he here?

Maple tried pulling on the connection to Thera's spell, going against the flow. It worked. The spell dissipated into nothing, and Thera's body returned to normal. She did the [Enhanced Pleasure] spells next, but left hers on, figuring it might be good to be full of prana.

A bit late, but thanks. I think it may have helped intimidate them, anyway.

I can add it back if you want to...intimidate them some more.

Maple felt amusement from Thera, but she declined the offer. Thera couldn't quickly put her armor on, and being caught in the middle of putting it on might become a hindrance, so she stayed nude during the confrontation. The others soon showed up behind her and were getting dressed.

An erogelic-human ghost, and four adventurers were a good show of force. The incubi Maple thought was Maztaran seemed to defer to the other incubi with him. The other incubi addressed both Remi and Thera.

"We were just curious what this place was. It seemed very odd. Would you tell us what you're doing here?"

Remi had a very unwelcoming stance and tone. She looked like she'd be more than happy if it came to a fight.

"It's none of your business, and you're not welcome here. So kindly leave."

The incubus tsked and turned to Thera.

"Is that your camp outside? Who are you?"

Thera spoke firmly, but was less antagonizing than Remi.

"Adventurers, Azure Bond. It is our camp. We happened upon this place, and it belongs to her so you should probably listen. We're not looking for any trouble. Who are you two?"

"Call us...concerned citizens. Truly. What is it that you're doing here, exactly? I assume you're aware of the...power that had accumulated here? It's gone now. Why? What was it used for?"

He questioned Remi again. They must have noticed the mass of prana that had been around the place, the so-called horny field? It was all used up during Maple's transformation. Maybe that was the only reason they were there? But why Maz?

"Again, none of your business. If you don't leave, then I'll be forced to make you leave. And so will..."

Remi looked to Thera for confirmation. Thera nodded after a moment's hesitation.

"Yeah, we're with her. You're outnumbered, so how about you just...go?"

The incubus tapped the barrier once, and then looked at each of them. Sizing them up.

"Hmph, fine. Keep your secrets. For now. We'll be back. Come along, Maz."

Thera let out a sigh of relief, and sent the feeling to Maple. They'd be back with more people. They had to grab what they could and go.

"They're okay, cutie. The incubi are leaving. Um, I have a...permanent telepathy with Thera now by the way. From the—"

Emma grinned and nodded, cutting her off. She gestured, making an ahegao face and talking motion with her hands.

"Oh. Thera told you about it while I was—transforming?"

She'd almost said cumming. For 10 minutes. Had her body been moaning that whole time? She didn't want to ask. Thera had told Emma though, along with everyone else. Maple squeezed Emma closer to her.

"You're okay with it, right? I would have rather gotten that kind of thing with you, but it was completely by accident—a fluke. Sorry. You know how much I love you, right? Thiiiiiiiis much—"

Maple expanded her arms, and then sprung them around Emma and squeezed. She rubbed her face against her, trying to show how much she adored her. Her squishy blue lover.

Emma squirmed pleasantly in her arms and returned the hug with her own tight squeezing. Maple felt an ILU digging into her back, through her shirt. She pressed her own against Emma, and pulled back after a few seconds to see her nod and smiling face.

"I love you, cutie. And I really don't want you to be like, jealous, or something..."

Emma put a hand on her cheek. It was fine, she assured her. Then she wrote, and showed the message to Maple.

Of course I'm jealous! I want friggin telepathy! A whole separate mind?! >:(

Maple pursed her lips. She wasn't sure what to say. Emma's face was a cute pout. She wasn't entirely serious, or more like, it just wasn't a real problem. But of course she'd have wanted something like that.

"Aw, fair. Sorry cutie. I love you, though."

Maple hugged her again. She didn't have anything that could possibly make it up to her. Emma nodded. She knew, and she squished against Maple.

Thera and the others came back down the stairs. She was clothed and armored once again, along with everyone else. Maple already missed the nudism. It'd grown on her in the few hours they were there.

"We're going to have to grab what we can and leave pretty quick. You too, Maple, if you could fill your bag, and maybe carry another. We have one bag of holding among us, and it's not very big."

"Oh, yeah sure. My body does feel a lot stronger now."

"Great, time to test it out. Emma, you can...fit a lot inside of you, right?"

Thanks for reading

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