Otherworld Girlboss Pervert

1.98 – Snekussy II

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It'd been a nice night and dinner. Maple felt a lot better and was taking a break from her erogel training until they were settled back in Syber. Her body finally felt relatively normal. Her thoughts no longer revolved around sex.

Even so, this might be her last chance. When an opportunity to speak to Sylla alone appeared, she took it.

"Hey, Syll. Sleeping soon? I was wondering if you'd help me learn that [Light Orb] spell you've been using."

And if she wanted a bed buddy. Maple couldn't quite manage to be so direct now that she wasn't at maximum arousal. Everyone else's prana levels had settled down to a baseline, too, she'd noticed.

"Hm, sure. It is a good first spell to learn, but you'd need more than a single night. I'll show you the parts that make it up and how they work together."

The spell was based around the sigil to make light she'd shown Maple before. Only that didn't provide enough control or functionality for most purposes, so that sigil was connected to modifying sigils, with a kind of odd logic.

Maple let Sylla teach and tried to memorize the sigils used and how it all came together. The lesson would be more useful later. She didn't have a fine enough control over her mana, or her prana, to form the shapes cleanly yet.

Mana seemed to have become slightly more difficult to control, and being able to also sense prana muddied everything a little. Her prana control was even worse. She could suck it into herself like a magnet easily enough, but when she tried to use her processed prana, it tended to clump together.

"The best way for you to practice right now would be by casting your bound spells repeatedly and watching closely. The system does everything that you normally would through you, so it'll even develop muscle memory if you do that enough."

"Ah, figures. Thanks, Syll. Guess I've got a lot of pleasure to enhance and dicks to grow in the future."

She did have [Gaze Detection], at least. She wasn't sure what [Sexual Reinforcement] did yet; she hadn't felt much different when she'd tried it. She had to assume it was something dumb, like being able to fit larger objects inside of herself.

And the other two spells were rather questionable. When would she ever need to emit pheromones or make something into an aphrodisiac? Never.

Her fluids being that way naturally had been fun at times, but she wouldn't go out of her way to do that intentionally. Emma might like it, but she was indisposed with a tummy ache for now.

Sylla chuckled and looked away to the side. She wiped some hair out of her face, and Maple supposed this was as good an entry as any.

"Um, so, did you want to...tonight? Um, share a tent maybe or..."

Sylla bit her lip and swayed from side to side. She looked at Maple directly.

"Hmm, I don't know really. Kind of. I am interested, I mean, in general. I'm just a little sore from carrying everything today, and if we got all sweaty or something...we have more walking tomorrow, and then a lot of work to do once we're back. And have you thought about it practically? A tent is pretty small."

"Yeah, that's fair. I'm a little worn out from everything myself. I mean my body's fine thanks to the thingy, but mentally. It's just that I have a roommate, and you all travel a lot, right? So it seemed like this might be our only chance."

Sylla nodded and thought about it some more. She seemed conflicted. The silence ended up lingering, so Maple considered leaving it at that and saying goodnight. She got another idea.

"I could give you a massage if you wanted, maybe? We don't have to do anything else. I'm taking a break from all the erogel...uh, training. It just, might be fun? Totally okay if not though, I understand."

She was being honest. It felt nice to touch Sylla's snake-half, lewd intent not necessary. As did massages and giving massages.

"Oh? That might be nice, actually. Hmm."

Sylla looked down at the part of herself coiling around her staff. When she looked back up, she smiled.

"Okay, yeah. My tent's bigger, if you want to join me in a few minutes?"

"Sure. I'll let Emma know I'll be gone for a bit and then meet you there."

Maple smiled. That went better than anticipated. She even looked forward to the friendly massage more than her original intent.


Sylla winced, and Maple removed the hands she'd wrapped around her tail. She'd never massaged a lamia before, and had very little idea of what she was doing.

"Sorry. Too hard?"

"N-no, too soft. I don't like light touching. Squeeze as hard as you can, maybe."

"Oh, okay. Tell me if it's too much."

Maple gradually increased her pressure until she was squeezing as hard as she could and using all of the erogelic muscle enhancement she was capable of.

"Ahh—that's perfect."

Her scales were smooth and cool to the touch under Maple's hands. Maple tried to focus on massaging the muscles she could feel, the same way she would for human parts. She'd started at the end of Sylla's snake-half and slowly made her way up.

She had a long way to go. Her arms quickly grew sore, but she kept going because Sylla was an enthusiastic recipient. Adorable gasps of pleasure and words of encouragement made all the exertion worth it.

"Mh—right there, on the sides. Ahh, perfect."

The tent did end up being a little small for the both of them. Sylla had to reposition herself around it as Maple progressed. When she got a quarter of the way up, she straddled her and put her body weight into it.

"Ah—you're great at this."

"What about like this?"

Maple used the base of her palms in a long stroking motion up Sylla's length. She used her body weight to press down, and had to use more of her strength as she moved them down to squeeze Sylla's sides.

"Ohhh—keep doing that."

Maple obliged her, happy to be praised. Sylla's breathing and sounds were becoming a little arousing, despite Maple's wholesome intent. She ignored it.

"Oh! Can you put [Enhanced Pleasure] on me?"

"Are you sure? I mean it is all pleasure, not just, you know, but still..."

"Mhh—yeah, do it. It feels amazing already, but..."

Maple cast it on her and Sylla's whispered sounds of pleasure intensified. Halfway up, she had another request.

"Could you...squeeze with your legs? How you are there now, but just squeeze?"

Sylla lifted the section of her that was under Maple up a little so she could squeeze with her thighs.

"Um, yeah. Like this?"

"Oooh—yeah, perfect. Harder, if you can."

Maple squeezed harder. Sylla was...pressing against her. She tried to pay it no mind. Pure thoughts. She focused on easing Sylla's soreness.

"Aaah, and do—here next, please."

Sylla's body ran between her legs until she got to the part she wanted massaged. There was a barrier of cloth between them, but—agh. Maple needed a [Decreased Libido] spell. She squeezed with her thighs again and also ran her hands up and down Sylla's length.

"Ohhh, wonderful. I feel so much better already. And, could you um, go back and forth with your legs a little?"

"Um, like this?"

Maple pivoted on her knees so that her squeezing thighs rocked back and forth against Sylla. She understood how that would probably feel good against the lamia's muscles, but...

She tried to keep Sylla from pressing against a certain area, but every time Maple moved up, Sylla followed with her body. That, combined with her sounds...Maple's face was heating up.

"Yes—ahh. Don't stop. And keep doing your hands—mh."

"Okay, but um, you're rubbing a little, uh..."

"Ah. Sorry."

Sylla lowered herself so she wasn't pressing against Maple's crotch. Maple continued her massage.

Shortly after that, she felt the end of Sylla's tail wrap gently under her shirt and around her stomach. Her cool scales felt good against her skin. Sylla had already been whispering, but she went even quieter now.

"If you wanted, you could take your clothes off. I mean, um..."

What a bold statement from the usually timid lamia. Maple had to resist the urge to immediately strip.

"A-are you sure? You want to?"

For answer, Sylla lifted Maple's shirt off with the end of her tail. She had quite a bit of dexterity. She tossed it aside, and the end of her tail then slipped under her waistband. She pulled both her pants and underwear down a few inches.

Maple quickly completed the action and stripped. She straddled Sylla again with only her socks on and massaged her with her thighs and hands. Sylla rubbed against her intentionally while Maple rocked against her.

The smooth but ridged texture of the scales rubbing against her...Sylla was becoming slick under her. And it wasn't from water this time. Sylla wrapped the end of her tail around Maple's chest and constricted gently.

"Ahhh—just like that. Keep going."

Maple slowly worked her way up Sylla's body. She heard the sounds of Sylla touching herself beneath her robe; the fabric moving, and an occasional squish. She was getting herself off while Maple massaged her.

Knowing that excited Maple so much. She wanted to hurry up there, to her prize. Sylla encouraged her to continue what she was doing, however, and Maple enjoyed that too.

She didn't cast [Enhanced Pleasure] on herself, but was instead enjoying the closeness. The sensations would feel better with it active, but that did distract from other things. For now, Maple wanted to focus on that feeling of being close to Sylla. To feel her bare body be entangled in her.

Sylla squeezed her tail tighter around Maple as she got closer to orgasm. Maple was edging closer to that herself as she edged up Sylla's body. She hated the timing, but she stopped her movements for a second.

"Um, I should mention ahead of time, we only found out earlier today that all of my orgasms are shared with Thera now. Hers too; we're linked. And she can see all the [Telepathic Orgasms], too. She doesn't really mind, but um, just letting you know ahead of time."

Sylla gasped with pleasure and rubbed her tail harder between Maple's legs.

"Okay, I understand. Mhh—but keep going."

Maple continued the massage, glad the information didn't interrupt things much. She humped Sylla's body and let out her own breaths and sounds of pleasure.

"I love how you feel against me—ahh—you can squeeze harder if you want."

Sylla's tail wrapped several times around her torso. She constricted tighter around Maple. It felt amazing. Sylla agreed.

"Your body's so warm—I love it—mhhh, I'm gonna cum. Do the telepathy, and—ahhh, massage as hard as you can—"

Maple squeezed as hard as she could with her thighs around Sylla's body. Sylla squirmed and twitched under her. She was cumming. Maple activated [Telepathic Orgasms].

Ah, no wonder she liked it so much. Her body felt amazing. Maple rubbed deep into her muscles while Sylla came and enjoyed the pleasure herself. Her tail constricted tighter around Maple's body.

When it was over, Sylla went slack and lay panting. Maple leaned down on top of her and hugged her while she recovered. She hadn't cum herself yet, but figured they'd continue shortly.

Thera remained politely silent, if she'd noticed. She surely had, but...boundaries. Sylla spoke after a minute of rest.

"That felt great. Your turn."

Sylla moved Maple with her tail—she was so strong. She put Maple on her back, positioning her face down with her lower half near Sylla's face. Maple tingled with excitement and anticipation. That split tongue—she'd finally get to feel it.

Sylla coiled more of herself around Maple and put her hands on Maple's butt. Then she felt it—the two halves of her tongue licking on either side of her entrance. She lapped up the mess that had dribbled out of Maple, sending waves of pleasure up Maple's body.

One of the halves pushed inside of her while the other kept rubbing just outside. Maple pressed against her, urging her tongue deeper. Sylla wrapped around both her arms and legs and held her tighter. Maple could hardly move, and she loved it.

"—oh my god, your tongue is so good."

She cleaned Maple with her tongue and then moved down with it. She pressed both halves around either side of Maple's clit and squeezed inward while rubbing in a circle.

Maple squirmed in pleasure, causing Sylla to constrict even tighter. It felt so good, almost too good. She was going to cum fast even without [Enhanced Pleasure].

She pressed the tip of one of the halves against her clit directly and rubbed. The other half flicked against her from the side. Maple loved it.

"Ahh—god, yes. Keep doing that. Squeeze harder—"

Sylla did and picked up her pace. Maple felt two fingers slide into her. She tried to hump Sylla's mouth, but she could barely move. The end of her tail caressed Maple's face lightly and Maple got a sudden idea.

"A-around my neck, too? Lightly. If you want. Ahhh, I'm close."

Sylla wrapped the end of her tail around Maple's neck and gradually applied more pressure. Maple gasped in pleasure. She began to feel a little light-headed. Sylla could easily strangle her like that. It was slightly scary—and felt amazing.

"Ahhh, I'm cumming. [Telepathic Orgasms]."

Maple came hard with Sylla wrapped around her. Her legs shook uncontrollably. Sylla removed the pressure from Maple's neck. Her tongue and fingers gradually slowed down, matching the waves of pleasure going through Maple while she panted in ecstasy.

"That—was amazing."

"Hehe, glad you liked it."

Sylla released Maple and let her cuddle up to her human-half. She still had her robe on. The orgones Maple had harvested from Sylla's orgasm, along with her own production, had filled her pretty completely. After cumming, she was around half as horny as her max.

Meaning, Maple would be happy to go again. She was resting and waiting to see what Sylla wanted to do, really. While she was there though, she also wanted to feel her human-half against her. Even if only to cuddle.

She cautiously slid an arm up through the bottom of Sylla's robe and slowly lifted. Sylla responded by lifting it off entirely and then pulled Maple against her. She wrapped her snake-half around Maple, tying their bodies together.

Maple expected Sylla to be about satisfied with that, and to soon have to return to her own tent after cuddling for a bit.

Sylla had a different idea.

"Did you want to, um, invite Thera?"

"Oh? Yeah, if you want to?"

"Um...would she want to?"

Sylla was reluctant to admit to her own desires, it seemed. Maple hit up the Thera, sending a copious feeling of eyebrow nudging along with the context of Sylla having asked first.

Hey hottie, wanna join us?

I thought I felt you two having fun. But does Sylla actually want me to? Seems kind of unclear, to be honest.

"Do you want her to?"

Sylla covered her mouth and looked away while she answered.

"Y-yeah. It'd be fun. If she wants to."

There you go.

Maple sent more mental eyebrow nudging and mental smirks of encouragement. How could Thera say no to all that?

She didn't.

Alas walked into the center of the screen. She held no sheet to look at or read from, and instead stared directly into the camera.

No, it was like she was looking through the camera and staring directly at you. You could feel it. Her gaze transcended all obstacles. She cleared her voice, and it was like she was in your head. You already knew what she was going to say to you.


And then Emma scrambled to hold up her thanks for reading placard or whatever lmao. Hopefully this one isn't going too far, but it's in character for Alas innit?

I won't show what the 3 of em do in-depth here because that's probably enough seggs for now tbh, and if they all play again later new things can be explored at that point.

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