Otherworld Girlboss Pervert

1.99 – Ain’t One

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Maple woke up naked and surrounded by other naked women. Two of them, along with a magical bottle containing her slime girlfriend who was happy to be any gender. Maple had Thera bring her with her last night after confirming that it was okay with Sylla.

It'd be better if Emma hadn't been incapacitated by her silly gluttony—or was it greed—but damn, Maple really liked waking up like this. It wasn't something she could do back at the inn.

Thera was to her left and had an arm and a leg over Maple. Sylla was to her right, her snake-half wrapping around her and Thera. And—it wasn't a harem but—Maple was in the middle and had an arm around both.

Maple smiled and helped herself to a morning's serving of boob. Just a good-morning squeeze for each of them. She delighted in it, and imagined her face was like one of Emma's looks of ecstasy.

She rested in that moment for a few minutes. Sylla put a hand over hers and had her squeeze harder. Thera cuddled up closer. None of them said anything.

The sun was already beginning to light up the fabric of the tent. As soon as one of them did say something, the moment would end. They would have to get up and start the day. They had gotten dirty from a mix of fluids. Nothing excessive, but a slightly unpleasant dirtiness.

Emma was not a portable shower. Maple wouldn't pester her for that when her poor cutie didn't even get to participate much. They were still near the old [Hermit]'s home, but heating water for three people might take a while and just be a bit much. Maple expected the day ahead to be unpleasant.

Thera inhaled deep, like she might stir or say something. Maple pouted in their mind.

Don't. Just let the moment the last forever. I don't wanna get up.

Thera chuckled and kissed her cheek. She patted Maple's chest, squeezed her one last time, and then spoke.

"I'm gonna get a fire going and start boiling water so we can all shower. When are ya gonna learn [Cleanse], Syll?"

"Find it in a spellbook for me and I will."

"I'll really have to look, one of these days. Hm, fun night though. Thanks for having me."

Sylla agreed with a shy nod and sat up to put her robe on. Thera had left her armor behind entirely this time; something she'd been hesitant to do, but the tent was crowded enough without it. And Maple had pointed out that an old [Hermit] had managed to get by here all this time without much trouble.

Thera began getting dressed and Maple sighed before reluctantly doing the same. They always left in the morning. Maple stretched and then announced the good news.

"I didn't get a class yet. I feel like I was really pushing it with everything I did yesterday. I should probably, uh, stop doing all that for a bit."

Something inside of Maple may have broken at some point. She'd known she was risking a repeat of events if she didn't cut it out, during the several times she'd masturbated outside, the encounter with Sylla, and all the sex last night. If she got a perverse class now, she'd have only herself to blame.

She just hadn't felt like worrying about it. Where had her concern gone? She might be turning into a little pervert. Sylla brushed at her hair.

"Do you know what class you do want yet?"

"No—I have no idea. There's too many options, and not enough. What class should I want?"

The system felt unfair. How was she supposed to want something that would be so difficult to change later? What did she want to do for the rest of her life?

Levels were assigned through a global difficulty scale; someone with two level 10 classes would have the same requirements to advance as someone with a single level 20 class. Multiple classes would often eventually combine into a single stronger class, but it would still be detrimental to have too many. She needed a focus.

Having lots of extra-fun sex with her friends was as good a goal as any, wasn't it? When it came to that versus becoming some kind of high level [Cheesemaker] like Mirkham, for example...maybe that was why she couldn't find the concern over getting another lewd class. She wasn't passionate enough about anything.

"You could get a combat class and join us. Or—a support class. Become our adorable [Sex Healer]."

Thera laughed and nudged Maple. She could. She was kind of considering a combat class. Especially with her new body, and because again, if it were between that and something mundane she didn't care about at all—why not become an adventurer or something?

"Hm, could I really?"

"Ah? I mean, you'd have to be able to handle yourself well enough. But if you got a few levels under your belt, maybe? Would you actually want to?"

"I don't know. I wouldn't really want to fight things, I guess. I don't know what I would want to do."

This trip had made adventuring seem fun, but Maple was under the assumption that it'd been far from typical. Very far. Sylla pulled open the tent flap and made her way out. Maple followed, carrying Emma.

"Some kind of [Mage] class would be a good fit for you, right? You have the prana stuff now."

"Yeah, I guess so. Magic is cool, I just don't know if I that's all I want to be. But speaking of that...eye!"

Maple thrust her hand forward and tried to make an eye appear on her palm. She turned it toward herself and saw only a normal hand.

"Hm, nope, still don't know how to do that."

She could almost feel the phantasmal eyes. Or, the concept of eyes, somewhere within her being. Something that was part of her but she hadn't learned to use yet. They felt like they were closed, and she tried to open one by imagining one opening on her palm.

All that did was create a mental image. Like imagining she were moving her arm, instead of actually moving it, she supposed. Maple sent a thought to Thera.

By the way, things won't be awkward between you guys now, right? Alas had been joking, I think, but I'm not actually corrupting your team with all this sex, am I?

Huh? It should be fine. We can be adults about it. Oh, and look. If you did corrupt us, you got Alas too.

Thera mentally indicated the tent both Alas and Dort were exiting together. Maple had worried about how the three of them leaving the same tent might look, but—

So they are a thing now! That's cute.

Between heating water for all of them to shower, eating leftovers from Barry, repacking everything, and just generally dragging their feet—they'd got a late start on the day. They weren't in any kind of rush, to be fair, but it was around 10 a.m. when they finally left.

This was the fourth day they'd been gone. Longer than Thera's initial estimates, but the haul would more than make up for that. Once they managed to sell it all.

Maple's store of converted prana was the highest it'd been yet. Not very surprising considering she'd only been erogelic for a day, but she already felt like she was growing. As a, uh, sex angel, but...positive growth!

After a few hours of hiking through wilderness and finally finding a trail, they made it back onto the main road. A couple hours more and Syber's high walls came into view, visible from miles away. The sprawling city was quite a sight from afar.

Maple lifted Emma's bottle above her head. She'd stayed inside of it for most of the day, in a glum mood. Her stomach may be bottomless, but it pained her to actually utilize it as such.

"We're almost there, cutie."

Sylla slithered along the far edge of the road, trying to hide behind everyone else. She wasn't having much success. A gnoll driving a wagon gave them all the side-eye as he passed, and then urged his horses faster.

He wasn't the only one to give them a funny look. The group didn't stick out too much compared to any other traveler, they were just carrying a lot. It made one idly wonder exactly what it was they were carrying so much of. Curious, they would glance.

Then, their eye would catch the tip of something poking out of a bag. They'd realize all the leather and ropes and tassels being carried by the lamia had a specific intended purpose. At that point, the glance would either turn into a glare or they would look away.

"They sure do stare a lot. This is embarrassing. Here, look."

Maple gave everyone [Detect Gaze], pulling from her mana. The initial cost actually used quite a bit, and she felt the trickle of upkeep slowly draining her supply. Sylla wrapped her arms around her chest.

"Ahh, stop it. I don't want to know."

"Aw, fine. Sorry."

Maple removed the spell from Sylla. She was just bored, really. It was like a road trip. She felt a sharp gaze on her; Alas staring at her.

"What a perverse spell."

"What do you mean? This one is normal."

Alas's lips contorted into a smirk. Maple had fallen right into her trap.

"Mhm. And why did you have it? What class was it from?"

"Um. I don't know. It's not perverse though, it's—useful."

Maple's face heated up. She didn't understand how Alas was still able to push her buttons like she did. And then the half-elf doubled down.

"It was a Skill converted from your [Slut] class, wasn't it? I wonder why that was a Skill you got from it. Do you like being watched or something, Maple?"

"What—n-no. Jeez."

"Oh? I wonder why, then. Were you often doing things where you needed to not be seen?"

Maple turned an even darker shade of red. That was an even worse conclusion to make. Dort laughed loudly.

"Don't tease the lass too much. We got a good haul from this, and maybe her goddess can point us to another one sometime. Wink wink, nudge nudge, if she's listenin'. Who'da thought boulders got off from being crushed, eh?"

"She likes my teasing, don't you, pervert?"

"No I don't, jeez. You're the one being a pervert now."

She didn't mind it, though. Alas's dry, sometimes abusive, humor had rubbed off on her. She'd grown to like all of them more over the course of the trip.

It was early evening when they got to the gates of Syber. It reminded Maple of when she'd first arrived there, only this time she was already registered. One of the guards pulled them aside. A large gnoll cocked his head. He looked at them, their belongings, and took a guess.

"[Merchants]? Or, hrr, [Deviants]?"

"Adventurers, actually. Coming back from a dungeon run."

The gnoll sniffed, and gave the gear attached to Sylla an extra long look. He shook his head.

"Hrr, fine I guess. You all got your papers?"


Maple had to dig through her bag for her ID. It was near the bottom and when she pulled it out, two dildos fell out. Maple quickly shoved them back in and closed her bag up. Her face was burning up as she showed her ID to the guard.

He sniffed again and gave them all another long look.

"Was it a sex dungeon, or something?"

"Something like that, actually. We good?"

"Hrr. Go right ahead."

Maple cancelled the [Detect Gaze]. They still had a long way to the inn, and the number of gazes was painfully embarrassing.

For aesthetic reasons, I had wanted to finish this story before hitting chapter 100. A lil unfortunate, tbh. Almost unfortunate enough to randomly end the volume here and start over at 2.01? Almost.

Chapters might slow down again a bit now. This arc had been rather easygoing. Linear. Now I have a bunch of threads and events that need weaving and the order they can happen in is much more vague.

Thanks for reading

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