Otherworld Girlboss Pervert

2.06 – MFEIS

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Rachel brought her to a small clearing off one of the dirt trails. This area along the river was more of a nature preserve, while elsewhere the city had expanded practically over the top of it.

It was dark with the dim moons now obscured further by the tree canopy. Maple tried using her erogel eyes to see better, but that only served to give her a second, also dark, vision. She sat up, atop Rachel, and rested her chin on her shoulder.

"It's dark."

"Ah, your fancy eyes can't see in the dark? I've got [Night Eyes]. It helps a little."

In theory, and according to Remi, Maple's erogel eyes could be adapted. It was just, she had no idea how to do that yet. Maple nodded slightly, and brought her mouth closer to Rachel's ear to whisper.

"So...what are we doing here?"

She still wasn't entirely sure of Rachel's intent. She wasn't such a fool that she couldn't guess—it just wasn't the kind of thing she'd want to guess wrong about. Up until now, she'd not done anything like this with Rachel. Worse, she felt she'd annoyed Rachel with her high libido and antics, more than a few times.

Yet it wasn't entirely unprecedented, as Rachel had had fun with Emma while they were camping out on their way to Syber. That had been the only time, as far as she knew, and Maple couldn't quite go so far as to wonder why Rachel hadn't done anything with her yet—and thus imply it was some kind of inevitability that she'd eventually fuck every friend she made here—but...

If she were to wonder, Charlotte being her mom may have had something to do with that. She could agree it was a little weird, if that was the reason. Maybe all of that was far enough away—both in the past, and physically distant enough—to no longer be an issue?

Rachel shuffled her eight spider feet—shyly? Cutely. Maple brought her mouth an inch from her ear, breathing hotly over it, and waited for her answer.

"I...nothing in particular."


Well, fine. Maple would make the first move. She slipped her arms inside of Rachel's sweater from below and wrapped them around her waist again.

"Nothing in particular, like this?"

"If you wanted to? Er, sorry. What am I doing? Might have smoked too much...we should at least go back to the inn if we were going to—"

Maple slid a hand up along her stomach and cupped the bottom of her breast. She stopped there, still a bit unsure.

"I mean, we are already here. Right now, if you wanted to do anything. But you're, um, good, right? Like, I feel comfy, but I don't I'm not like...very out of it or anything myself? Or here, let me cancel this first."

Maple knew she'd happily do any of this sober, and without [Enhanced Pleasure] potentially interfering with her motivations. Would Rachel?

"No, I mean—I'm fine. It'd take a lot more than that blend for me to lose myself. Are you good, though? You were the one drinking earlier. Give it back, by the way."

"[Enhanced Pleasure]. Yeah I'm good, silly. I'm a—I used to be a [Slut]. And now, I'm some kind of erotic angel. It's kind of surreal, but I'm interested, drugs or not. You know?"

She was embracing this part of herself, maybe processing everything by overcompensating a little, but she didn't feel like she'd regret doing any of the things she'd done so far. Or any of the people.

Maybe the plant, but...

She also trusted that Rachel was both experienced, and responsible enough, to know what she wanted to do. It was her own blend they'd smoked, and she was the one most familiar with it. Rachel shuffled her spider feet some more, and nodded.

"Fair, I guess? That does seem pretty surreal."

Then there was only the sound of the river, the slight rustling of leaves in the wind; a small awkwardness which still needed to be overcome. Maple moved her hand up a little, placing Rachel's nipple between her fingers. Her other hand slid just below her belly button.

"Yeah. So...you want to?"


Rachel nodded. She sounded not uninterested, but perhaps unsure of what they were going to do exactly, with Maple on top of her and hugging her from behind while they were outside. Maple decided to show her and go from there.

She groped her fully, getting a handful and hugging her tightly against herself, before giving her lovely nipple some proper attention. Her other hand slid lower, focusing on no spot in particular, but gently sliding over the entire area.

She did it slowly, giving Rachel time to back out of things or object—she did not. What a nice position to pleasure someone from. Maple wanted more skin contact, so lifted her own shirt up to her neck. Then pulled the back of Rachel's sweater up and revealed her bare back. She tried to leave the front of her sweater down, in case she cared, and then pressed her body against Rachel's.

She dragged her stiff nipples against Rachel's back. The skin contact felt amazing, and Rachel kept letting out pleasant little gasps from Maple's touch. Maple rocked her hips back and forth against her, eking out what pleasure she could for herself.

Doing this outside felt a little naughty—in a good way, shamefully—but they had [Detect Gaze] active. No one was around. Her mana slowly burned away, and Maple guessed they had about an hour before she'd need to switch to using prana for the spells. More than enough time.

Maple brought her mouth to Rachel's earlobe and sucked on it. Rachel squirmed and gasped in pleasure. She covered her mouth with one hand, and the other she placed encouragingly over Maple's that was playing with her nipples. Rachel unfortunately couldn't touch Maple much, but Maple had found a good angle that let her—

"Hang on—I'm getting too wet."

Maple whispered into her ear and swung a leg over and onto the ground so she could stand up on it. The other leg, she quickly yanked out of her pants and underwear. It was a small struggle with her shoe still on, but they were loose cotton pants, almost like sweatpants.

She left her other leg in, and sat back down bare-ass against Rachel. Rachel quietly commented, but didn't sound disapproving.

"A bit risky?"

"A little. Just run if anyone comes, and—heh, if it isn't you or me."

Rachel chortled, and Maple resettled herself against her. Maple was practically naked with her shirt lifted, and her lower garments dangling off one leg. Her crotch rested against Rachel's smooth chitin, while her upper body pressed against her bare back.

Rachel wore only her sweater, but just barely. Maple lifted it, and Rachel was as exposed as she was.

They were being so lewd, doing this outside. Maple pulled herself tightly against Rachel and found the spot she enjoyed rubbing herself against. She realized now, it was a small rounded v-shaped lip of chitin where spider became human.

It was the perfect shape for rubbing her clit against while letting her legs dangle below. She did so in earnest, and slid two fingers inside of Rachel. Her warm wetness squeezed around her fingers and Maple whispered against her ear.

"God, this spot feels so good to grind against."

"Yeah? You're not the first person to tell me that, actually."

Maple moved her hips harder against Rachel. She wanted to kiss her, but from behind, would have to settle for sucking on her neck. Likewise, she wanted to feel Rachel's wet hole squeeze around a different body part—but for where they were at, this would have to do. She held out hope they might continue back at the inn.

Maple felt herself getting close and slowed down a little. She wanted to cum with Rachel. A [Telepathic Orgasm] would be best, but she hadn't explained it prior and got the feeling Rachel wouldn't enjoy there being an audience. She and Thera didn't even really know each other.

But Thera would feel Maple's orgasm either way. She'd claimed she wouldn't mind, no matter how many times Maple did it, but what would she think of her? Thera would feel her cum for the nth time that day, and the idea was—exciting.

She felt like such a pervert. That too, added to her arousal. It reminded her of being a little slut and having to beg for pleasure from Charlotte and Emma.

Rachel shuddered underneath her with a gasp, and Maple knew this was it. She held her tight and rapidly humped the ridge that felt so good against her clit—and joined her. Maple's legs curled up below Rachel, pulling her hips hard against her, and she whispered while cumming herself.

"You're so cute—cum for me."

Maple convulsed against Rachel, and Rachel let out a quiet moan. The river drowned it out. For a minute, she hugged Rachel while slowly coming down from the pleasure. She began to think Thera would refrain from commenting. Maybe she hadn't been paying much attention to their shared mind or the orgasm taking place.

Alas, she spoke up within it.

"Felt like a good one. Did I feel you getting off to me watching?"

"N-no. Of course not."

Maple denied it with mental verbiage, but with it, sent her honest unspoken feelings on the matter, which summed up as yes, but this truly isn't annoying for you, right?

"I already said I don't mind. It's a free show, if anything. Anyway, have fun. Just thought it was funny and wanted to chime in."

Rachel pulled her sweater back down and Maple stood up, still straddling her. She gave her one last hug before climbing off so she could get dressed. The prana she'd converted from her own orgasm had all been replaced by what she absorbed from Rachel's release, leaving her overall arousal mostly unchanged.

"Hehe, that was fun. Sorry for getting you a little, er, dirty. Do you wanna...continue this at the inn?"

Maple took her shoe off to get her clothes back on. She couldn't see Rachel's face very well in the dark, but saw her shrug.


Bedmate for the night secured, Maple nodded and smiled to herself. She pulled Rachel in for the kiss she'd been itching for—a kiss passionate enough for some of Rachel's prana to regenerate. Maple reached a hand under her sweater and was tempted to try for a round two right there, but she pulled back.

"Alright, to the inn! Let's go, let's go! Uh—lead the way."

Maple hadn't exactly watched which way Rachel had gone to get to this area, and her sense of direction failed her. If not for that, she would have enthusiastically dragged Rachel along. She was in a fantastic mood, endorphins and prana coursing through her. She felt even better when Rachel grabbed her butt to guide her.

"This way, you pervert."


Maple put an arm around her and leaned into her as they walked. She had to take small, shuffling steps between two of Rachel's legs. When they got back to the main path, they separated; simply because of how tedious it was to walk that closely to an arachnid. Unfortunate, but they could still talk on the way back.

"So, Rachel..."


Maple smiled deviously. She sometimes got into a silly mood after sex, she was coming to learn.

"How do you keep track of which leg moves after which? Is it difficult?"

"You're not going to get me with that trick. It just comes naturally."

Rachel scoffed, her walking unaffected. Maple puffed out her cheeks.

"Yeah, but...what is it, left-right-left-right? Or is it more like left-right-left-left-right-left? Or—oh. Two legs move at once? And...they alternate? The first and third, and the second and forth? What if you did the first and second together? Or, the first and third on the left, and 2nd and fourth on the right?"

"It's just...natural. You don't think about how you manage to balance on only two legs, do you? And it's not like I can trip. I don't understand what you're even asking."

"I guess so, but—wah!"

Maple tripped on a loose cobblestone and flailed her arms to stop from falling. Her plot to trip Rachel up backfired entirely, focused as she was on Rachel's eight legs instead of her own. What a blunder.

Rachel laughed at her for it, and they talked of other things the rest of the way back.

I hope it was okay.

Thanks for reading

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