Otherworld Girlboss Pervert

2.07 – Emma Is So Cute

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The following morning, Maple woke up more alert and more rested than she was used to. Sure, her mouth was dry and her prana was burning away in what felt like a fight against a mild headache, but overall, she felt great. Better than when she was merely human.

More than that, she awoke naked in Rachel's futon, cuddled up against her. So much for no longer being able to do this kind of thing now that she was back. She giggled at the memory of having thought that'd be the case, which caused Rachel to stir.

Rachel was nude with her, the two of them having had a fun night, and she sounded groggy.

"Good morning."

"'Morning, Rach. How do you feel? You don't regret anything, right?"

"What? No, I don't regret it. Just don't expect this to be a recurring thing."

Maple nodded from between Rachel's boobs, relieved. And that was fair, but...

"Aw, why not?"

"I don't have your sex drive, for one thing—"

"Ooh, I also have [Enhanced Libido] if you wanted it."

Maple smirked, not that Rachel could see her mouth from where her head rested, but she also wiggled her eyebrows up and down, which she would at least feel. Rachel chuckled and stroked Maple's head.

"No thanks. That wasn't really the point. The other thing is that, my true interests are a little...intense for most people. So I just don't have a lot of desire for it, to be honest. Not that last night wasn't fun, don't get me wrong. I had fun."

"What, you mean like...your fetishes? Are you holding out on me? Hehe, what are they?"

Maple wanted to say she'd be down for whatever it could possibly be—but she also knew that some people were into some weiiiird stuff. At best, she could promise not to judge Rachel for it since she was the one who asked. Rachel hummed and then answered after a minute of cuddling.

"You asked, so you'd better not judge, but—chemicals, basically."

"Like drugs? Isn't that pretty much what we did last night?"

"Er, no. Different kinds. Pleasurable ones, but also—paralysis inducing ones...that's why it's difficult. The other person can feel everything, but can't signal if they want to stop. It takes a lot of trust, and several sessions to slowly expand the scope. And it is weird, so it's rare to find someone who'd be into that. But it's part of my nature..."

Rachel's voice lowered at the end. She sounded insecure, or slightly ashamed of it. Maple rubbed her cheek against her affectionately—she almost felt like a cat doing so, and that was a nice feeling.

"I don't think it sounds that weird. Like, are ropes and gags all that different? It sounds kinda cute, very uh—um. I'm not trying to be like, racist, but kind of spider-like, right? In a cute way. If that's okay to say? Sorry."

Maple didn't fully understand the intricacies, but she knew that focusing on a half-human's non-human characteristics was usually considered rude, at the very least. The context mattered, and she wasn't fetishizing Rachel. Nor was she calling her a spider instead of a person. Rachel shrugged.

"You're fine. That is what makes it part of my nature. The same way weaving is part of my mother's. Different race of arachnid, you see."

"Ah. Hm. Sorry again, but, how does that work? If you're both different races?"

Maybe their spider genes came from only one parent? Or were just random? Come to think of it—did she come from an egg, or a womb? Rachel cleared her throat.

"I never mentioned? I thought it was obvious because we look totally different, but—I'm adopted. Basically."

"Oh, well I don't know how those things work. Makes sense though."

Their spider-halves were entirely different. Charlotte's was black and much rounder, with a spherical spider butt, while Rachel's was full of reds and purples, and...angular, almost diamond-shaped.

Okay, and their human-halves weren't similar either in hindsight, especially with Charlotte's silver hair and Rachel's red. But still.

Rachel shrugged again, and Maple decided to change the subject. She maybe wanted to get a morning session in, to start the day off right, and talking about family went against that goal. Their window was already glowing with the soft light of dawn, and Rachel at least, was going to leave for work before it got too late. Maple intended to do stuff, too.

"Anyway, tell me more about your interests. Like, walk me through it; what you'd want to do in an ideal situation."

"Eh? I don't know..."


Maple didn't want to press too hard. She could always try again later. But Rachel eventually scooted herself down and brought her mouth near Maple's ear to whisper. Her voice started out uncertain.

"Alright. First I'd have you lay down and get comfortable."

A reasonable first step. Maple nodded, smiling with the warmth that came from learning about something so intimate to her friend. Rachel took a breath before hesitantly continuing.

"Then I'd administer the paralytic. You'd immediately feel sluggish, and then over about 10 minutes, lose voluntary control of your muscles entirely. After a few minutes, I'd have you undress yourself so that you could feel how clumsy you've become."

Maple tightened her arms around Rachel. She was still smiling—still open to the experience and where it might lead—but so far it was a little scary. She trusted Rachel, but did she trust her enough to let her paralyze her?

"I'd finish undressing you if you didn't manage to yourself, position you comfortably again, and then pull out my massage oil. It's infused with a drug that enhances sensation, and makes the nerves it touches behave as an erogenous zone. The feeling is...even more intense than your magic, honestly."

"You make those kinds of drugs, too? Mm, then what would you do?"

Maple imagined the scenario and began to feel excited. Rachel softly ran a hand down her side, whispering into her ear.

"Massage every part of your body until you were covered with it. As your skin absorbed it, you'd start to feel good. Then, too good. You might cum from a single—touch."

Rachel gently flicked Maple's nipple with the pad of her finger for effect. Maple whispered a moan and tensed for a second. Rachel's hand slid down to her thighs.

"You'd still have involuntary muscle control, or else you wouldn't even be able to breathe, but it means that your body would fully react stimulus and you would feel all of it. You'd shake and convulse every time you came with more pleasure than you can imagine, and be unable to do anything about it. Well, maybe you've experienced that kind of pleasure before, but..."

Maple giggled and licked her lips. Her breathing had picked up, and she spread her legs invitingly.

"Then what?"

"And then, Maple, I'd do anything I wanted to—"

Rachel was whispering close enough for her lips to touch Maple's ear, but she pulled back and went silent at the sound of a key turning in the door. Maple kept her front against Rachel and reached around for a blanket to cover them—

The door swung open and Emma waddled in with her cowgirl hat on and a big grin. Her eyes became plates when she saw the two, and she quickly shut the door behind herself. Maple sat up and threw her arms in the air, adopting some of her girlfriend's body language.

"Emma! You're back, cutie. And—hehe, you caught us."

Maple gave Rachel a glance, just a tiny bit disappointed they were interrupted right at the good part. But! Her girlfriend was here now, and if she maneuvered the situation carefully...

Rachel bashfully covered herself with her arms before seeming to realize that Emma had seen everything before anyway. She nodded to her as she made her way to Maple.

"Uh, good morning Emma."

Emma waved, still making an erotically-surprised 'o' face. She threw in some eyebrow wiggles for good measure. When she got to Maple, she practically tackled her and then engulfed her nude body. Maple moaned and pet her.

"Mm. Did you have fun at Marielle's, cutie? Hehe, I bet this is a nice sight to come home to?"

Emma nodded and gave her a kiss, briefly thrusting her tongue into her mouth. Maple got a fast full-body massage and groping, and was then released, cleaner than she'd been moments ago.

Emma outstretched her arms before Rachel, offering her the same treatment. Rachel sat upright now, and flinched back, looking like she expected Emma to tackle her too. When Emma didn't do that, Rachel put her arms out.

"Welcome back. Come here, then—"

Emma squished against her, and Maple watched her hold nothing back as she engulfed Rachel's torso. She massaged her for longer than she had Maple, and Maple moved a hand between her legs while she watched.

She would join in shortly, but Rachel's face was filled with pleasure, and seeing the people she cared about enjoying themselves filled Maple with a kind of...well, lust for one. But also a secondhand comfy feeling. Her friends were getting along and having fun.

Emma saw her on her knees and touching herself, and pulled her over with a tendril. Maple laughed and threw herself against the two, squishing Emma between herself and Rachel.

"I guess the three of us will have some fun?"


Rachel moaned her consent. Emma devoted her mass entirely to their bodies, ending just below their necks. This left room for Maple to kiss Rachel while Emma slipped inside of both of them.

She and Rachel had left [Enhanced Pleasure] on while they slept—perhaps why Maple woke up feeling so rested—and it felt amazing. Emma's slick body massaging deeply into her, and Rachel's tongue and sounds of pleasure.

She felt a head form between her and Rachel's boobs, and looked down to see Emma's grinning face. She looked like she was in heaven.

"Ahh, that was fun."

It was the perfect start to a morning, and Maple felt so cozy cuddling with them both afterward. They'd gone at it enough times for Maple to convert the rest of the human prana she'd built up, and wouldn't be aching for sex for the rest of the day.

She didn't absorb any from the two since she was in Sasha's inn, but her own body could generate a lot. Especially with [Enhanced Pleasure] active, and the erotic situations she always found herself in.

Thanks to Emma, they were even both clean. Pristinely so. Without showers being commonplace, it felt almost necessary to date a soap slime and involve her in all your relations. Rachel nodded, and got up.

"It was. But alright, I've wasted enough time for one morning."

"Hehe, aw. You work too much."

"I did take yesterday off, and this was...uh, refreshing, actually. I'd do it again sometime."

From 'don't expect this to be a recurring thing', to taking some initiative to make it happen again. Maple realized she was smirking lewdly while watching Rachel get dressed. She did have specially designed undergarments she normally wore. Maple stroked Emma's head.

"We definitely should sometime! Hehe. I think Sasha has a room for us now, if you wanted it by the way cutie. It'd be five silvers a week, so two and a half for you if we split it. I can pay in sex. Sex energy tokens. I mean, I could even pay for all of it that way, but I don't really know how much energy I get in a typical day yet. So we should split it for now. Also, look."

Emma nodded along bobbing up and down on top of Maple. At the end of her explanation, she put her erogelic eye-palms to the side of her face and wiggled her fingers.

Yes, she absolutely was going to do that to everyone she knew, but Emma found it particularly funny. Her face filled with delight and she immediately tried copying the move, forming two realistic eyes on her palms. Hers were a little more disturbing than Maple's, which mostly looked like odd tattoos.

Maple laughed as they did it at each other, and stuck her tongue out. Emma copied that too, but made a much lewder face. Rachel chuckled from the side and shook her head.

"You two are silly. I'm about to head out, so..."

"Oh, sorry. I'll get dressed real quick, hang on."

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