Otherworld Management Manual

Chapter 19 - slave market

Zhang Feng wanted to knock Caroline’s head.

Hongyecheng is so poor, even if he raises taxes, will he be able to collect money!

Besides, he didn’t do a one-shot deal and collected taxes, but he definitely wouldn’t do something like losing the people’s hearts.

“Okay, I already know almost the situation, I will find a way, but I’m a little curious, why are you sure I have a way?”

Through the conversation, Zhang Feng no longer had hope for these natives, so he had to do it himself.

“Because you bought Hongye City, if you didn’t prepare in advance, as a shrewd nobleman, you wouldn’t waste money.”

In Caroline’s azure blue eyes, there was a gleam of wisdom.

Zhang Feng twitched the corners of his mouth. When he bought it, he didn’t think so much, he was just rich.

“I haven’t gotten to know Hongye City well. I’m going to go shopping. Would you like to join us?”

Zhang Feng stood up and asked.

“Of course.”

Opening the door, Knight Marlowe stood upright outside the door.

Zhang Feng actually wanted to study Marlow’s shiny knight armor, it looked so cool. But after all, he didn’t know him well, so he didn’t feel embarrassed to speak. If he was ordered to take off his armor as the city lord, it would feel a little weird.

The two soldiers opened the way, Knight Marlow followed closely, Caroline trailed Zhang Feng half a step, and the group swaggered around Red Leaf City.

Today’s Hongye City is obviously very different from when Zhang Feng came here. The market area is empty and there are almost no people. The small vendors who used to set up stalls are gone, and only three or two kittens are left.

There is a lot less Ollie on the street. When someone opens the way, as long as you don’t run around, you don’t have to worry about stepping on landmines.

Zhang Feng knows that it is not that the quality of these people has improved, but that there are fewer people and less excrement.

The Hongye Hotel that impressed Zhang Feng deeply and was known as the largest Hongye Hotel in Hongye City was already empty.

Almost the entire business district is in this state.

“Huh? What is this for, there are still many people?”

Zhang Feng suddenly discovered that there were still many people staying at the northern edge of the business district.

But before he got here, Zhang Feng smelled an indescribable odor, which made him unable to open his eyes.

Did this Nima go to the toilet?

“Report to your lord, these are the gathering places for livestock and slave traders.”

The muffled sound of Knight Marlow came from his helmet.

“Slaves? Are there any slaves in our city?”

Zhang Feng was a little surprised.

Slaves are the lowest level of human beings in this world, and many people do not even regard slaves as human beings, because slaves have no rights, their bodies do not belong to themselves, and their masters can torture, humiliate or even kill them at will. Their children are also owned by their masters.

From Zhang Feng’s point of view, Hongye City is very poor. Everyone has little money. Is there a market for slave trade?

“Yes, there are a lot of slaves in our city. It’s very troublesome for these slave traders to transport slaves, and many slaves will die on the way, so they don’t want to leave, the slaves can’t stand the toss, but if before winter comes , If Hongye City can’t solve the trouble, it is estimated that they will leave these slaves and drive alone.”

The arrival of Zhang Feng and others immediately made the eyes of these slave traders bright. They were like cats smelling fishy, ​​and they trotted to Zhang Feng’s side with anticipation on their faces.

“Dear City Lord, please allow me to kiss your shoes to express my respect for you.”

Seeing these stinking slave traders lying at their feet, they still wanted to move their mouths. Zhang Feng was disgusted, so he quickly took two steps back. Marlow was also very colorful, and immediately stepped forward, the knight’s sword was unsheathed, and the blade was The cold light that appeared made the slave merchant’s mind calm a lot.

“How many slaves do you have yet to sell?”

Zhang Feng asked while covering his nose.

“Reporting to the City Lord, all of us together, there are probably more than 100 slaves in our hands.”

“so much!”

Zhang Feng was a little surprised. Right now, the entire Hongye City still doesn’t know if there are a thousand people, and they actually have more than one hundred slaves.

“When you counted the numbers, didn’t you count these slaves?”

Zhang Feng turned around and asked Caroline.

“These slaves are the personal belongings of the slave traders. They are responsible for the food of these slaves. Naturally, we will not count them.”

Caroline explained in a low voice.

“Then if these merchants finally give up their slaves and go away, how will you treat these slaves?”

Zhang Feng asked a rather tricky question.

“Ah I…”

Caroline was stunned, not knowing how to answer for a while. The Marlow Knight standing in front also heard Zhang Feng’s words, and his eyes were a little thoughtful.

Although she didn’t say it, but under the influence of the feudal system for many years, in her heart, slaves are probably not human.

If Zhang Feng didn’t ask, she would naturally ignore the slave’s survival.

But when Zhang Feng asked, she felt that it would be too cruel to let the slaves fend for themselves, but this is the fate of the slaves. If the master abandons them, it means their death…

For a while, Caroline fell into self-entanglement and doubt.

Zhang Feng snickered a little when he saw this, he did it on purpose.

He doesn’t want to change these rules of the other world, nor can he change them, because he is a vested interest.

But people’s thoughts can jump out first. If Zhang Feng wants to run Hongye City, there will definitely be many modern people’s methods. If they are still the old-fashioned way of thinking, for Zhang Feng, it may be twice the result with half the effort.

Zhang Feng ignored her and asked the slave trader directly.

“What’s the price of these slaves?”

Cities want to develop, UU reading www. uukanshu. The most inseparable thing from com is people, and Zhang Feng never thinks there are too many people.

“Ah! Dear City Lord, if you buy these slaves, I am willing to sell them to you at the price of fifty copper coins per person! Usually this slave can be sold for one silver coin!”

Fifty copper coins were half a silver coin. Zhang Feng glanced at Knight Marlowe, who immediately gave him a positive look, indicating that the price was okay.

“Okay, I want it all.”

“Ah? You want it all?”

The slave traders couldn’t believe it. They couldn’t be more clear about the current situation in Hongye City. They didn’t expect the city lord to have spare money to buy so many slaves. They even worried that the city lord would trap them. , Empty glove white wolf?

“Are you going to buy all these slaves?”

Caroline also came back to her senses at this time, her face was a little complicated. Rationally, he didn’t want Zhang Feng to buy slaves, but he thought that if Zhang Feng didn’t buy them, these slaves would probably die in a few days. , she was a little unbearable.

“As humans, I don’t want to see them die in front of me.”

Zhang Feng directly took out a gold coin and tossed it gently. The eyes of the slave traders moved up and down with the gold coin.

“One gold coin, all slaves belong to me, is there a problem?”

“No no! No problem!”

“Long live the city master!”

“Thank you for your generosity, Lord City Lord!”

All the slave traders are excited. Although 50 copper coins are lower than the market price, they can still make some money. This is more cost-effective than they expected.

“Bring the people out first, I’m sure there’s no problem, the gold coins are yours.”

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