Otherworld Management Manual

Chapter 20 - love clean

A large group of people in shackles, tattered, dirty and smelling bad were rushed to Zhang Feng by the slave traders.

Several soldiers stepped forward to prevent Zhang Feng from being hit by these slaves.

“Sir City Lord, our seven slave merchants have a total of 121 slaves here, please check.”

The smell of these people is like boiling a can of herring with Wang Zhi and stinky tofu, durian and original pig intestines, and there is no dead angle in the smell.

Their eyes dodged one by one, and they didn’t even dare to look up. The slaves just heard that they had been sold to a noble nobleman, and they didn’t know what kind of fate they were waiting for next.

The minds of these slaves are actually very simple. As long as they don’t starve to death, they can do whatever they want.

Zhang Feng covered his nose and despised these poisonous gas sources, but he pushed aside the soldiers, walked over to these slaves, and took a closer look.

These slaves are too dirty to judge the exact age, but most of them are quite young. After all, the older slaves can’t stand here in Hongye City.

There are both men and women, but there are many more women than men.

In this low-productivity world, one’s own physical strength is very important. Women’s status is relatively low due to physical fitness and other reasons, and the same is true for female slaves.

Even though male slaves are thinner, they have the advantage of physical strength. As long as they are not allowed to starve to death, they can do farm work, or even fight wars. But women are much worse.

The slaves in the hands of these slave traders were originally much more male than female, but along the way, by the time of Hongye City, those male slaves with better physical fitness were basically sold out.

All that’s left now are thin men and mostly women.

As for whether anyone has indescribable thoughts about these female slaves, the answer is yes, but very few. After all, you have the money to buy slaves. It is impossible to lack women around you. Buy a few more strong male slaves to farm. Not good!

And looking at these dirty and smelly female slaves, if anyone can think about them, Zhang Feng admires him as a man.

“It’s okay, there are no arms or legs missing.”

Zhang Feng’s inspection is very simple, as long as the body parts are complete, it doesn’t matter whether it is male or female.

In Zhang Feng’s plan, it is not difficult for Hongye City to get through the difficulties, but his goal is not just as simple as getting through the difficulties. After all, as a second-order dealer in the two worlds, he has to pursue a bit high, such as building a truly prosperous city. Hongye City.

For Zhang Feng, people are the first element of productivity, and construction can only be done with productivity!

“Knight Marlowe, let me bring them to the yard downstairs, separate men and women, and prepare a few more cauldrons and large wooden barrels by the way.”

Zhang Feng threw out a bunch of keys, and Marlo respectfully caught it, but his eyes were a little strange, and he didn’t understand what Zhang Feng was doing.


Although he purchased more than 100 slaves, Zhang Feng did not interrupt his footsteps.

Accompanied by Knight Marlowe and Caroline, they spent a whole morning strolling around Red Leaf City briefly, and I probably had a clue in my heart. But what surprised Zhang Feng was that there was an empty church not far from the castle.

“Why is there no one in the church?”

Zhang Feng was a little puzzled.

“Uh, because Hongye City is too poor, those missionaries gave up Hongye City a few years ago…”

Marlowe replied somewhat embarrassedly.

Well, this reason is very strong, but it can be seen that not all otherworld cities are as poor as Red Leaf City, at least those church personnel have better choices.

At noon, Zhang Feng returned to his residence, and more than a hundred slaves were divided into two groups and stayed in the yard, under the supervision of several people.

A few gigantic iron pots stood on the side, which really made these slaves a little terrified. After all, anyone who sees such a scene will think in some bad ways.

“Add firewood and boil water!”

Zhang Feng ordered the soldiers to act quickly.

Caroline was startled by Zhang Feng and spoke quickly.

“My lord, although I, we are relatively short of food now, we don’t need to do this…”

“What are you thinking, I just let them take a bath and disinfect.”

Zhang Feng was a little helpless, and felt that the girl had a big brain, but what he didn’t know was that in some famine years, there were not many things like being extremely hungry and eating people.

Seeing Zhang Feng’s actions of holding a pot and boiling water, it was inevitable for Caroline to misunderstand.

Caroline didn’t know what disinfection meant, but she understood after taking a bath, which made her feel relieved, but because she misunderstood Zhang Feng, she felt a little ashamed.

Zhang Feng glanced at her and suddenly thought of a question.

In this world, due to the relatively low level of medical care, it is difficult to cure some serious diseases, especially large-scale infectious diseases with a certain hidden nature. If you contract it, you will basically die.

Most people think that the root cause of these diseases cannot be found. Water causes the pores of the skin to expand, bacteria enter the body, and the immunity of the human body is lowered, thereby causing diseases.

Therefore, people keep away from water, especially bathing, and it is not necessarily once a year. After all, it doesn’t matter if it is dirty or smelly, but once you get sick, you are likely to die.

Zhang Feng found that he had been in close contact with Caroline all morning, and he did not smell those unpleasant questions on her body. Instead, there was a faint fragrance, so he asked in a low voice.

“How often do you take a bath?”

“Ah I…”

Caroline was stunned. He didn’t know how Zhang Feng asked such a personal question. Her cheeks were flushed, and she didn’t know how to answer. She started thinking involuntarily.

Could it be that I have a smell on me? But the bath I took yesterday shouldn’t stink. Are adults going to despise me? Do I want to wash it again today, UU reading www.uukanshu.com but too often will I get sick…

“Ahem, I’m just curious, you don’t need to answer.”

Seeing Caroline’s reaction, Zhang Feng realized something was wrong. After all, she was a girl, so this question was indeed a bit embarrassing, so she quickly explained it.

Caroline’s eyes wandered, not daring to look directly into Zhang Feng’s eyes.

Just when Zhang Feng thought she would not answer, a voice like mosquitoes rang in his ears.

“I, I just took a bath yesterday, I don’t smell bad…”

After speaking, Caroline quickly lowered her head and stared at her toes.

“Cough, it’s good to love cleanliness, it’s good…”

Zhang Feng was also a little embarrassed. He secretly glanced at the shy Caroline, smelled the faint fragrance on her body, and had an indescribable feeling in his heart.

Fortunately, this atmosphere did not last long.

“Sir, the water is almost boiled.”

Zhang Feng tried it, and it was about 30 degrees, the temperature of the bath was just right.

“Men go to the room on the left, women go to the room on the right, there is a bucket in it, fetch water by yourself, everyone must wash it for me, I will prepare some clean clothes, and if you find someone smells bad later, then wait Throw it out to feed the fish!”

Zhang Feng said in a stern tone.

Hearing Zhang Feng’s words, these slaves knew that they didn’t need to be turned into food, so they breathed a sigh of relief. As for taking a bath, it doesn’t matter whether it will cause a decrease in immunity, anyway, it’s okay to not die now.

The slaves hurried into the room, carrying buckets of water.

“By the way, give them this thing.”

Zhang Feng flipped his palm, and two pieces of red and two pieces of yellow, with a faint strange smell, appeared in front of Marlowe and Caroline.

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