Otherworld Management Manual

Chapter 31 - notice

This Mr. Dobin was not influenced by outsiders. He carefully read it over and over again, for fear that he had read it wrong. In the end, when everyone was a little impatient, he said in a somewhat excited tone:

“The tax law in Hongye City has been changed! Passing tax, stay tax, maternity tax, single tax, wife tax, and many other taxes have been cancelled! Now there are only four categories: turnover tax, income tax, property tax, and behavior tax!”

“Ah? So many taxes have been canceled? The city lord has shown kindness?”

“I think it’s fake. The previous city lord didn’t mean that some taxes were abolished, but he added more taxes…”

Many people don’t believe it, mainly because they have experienced this kind of thing. The facts tell them that as long as the city owner introduces something related to the tax rate, it is not a good thing!

“No no, this time is different!”

Seeing that everyone misunderstood, Dobin quickly explained.

“This time it is really cancelled. Although there are many small taxes under the four major taxes, on the whole, we pay a lot less. The simplest understanding is that the more you earn, the more you spend. The more you pay!

For commoners like us, at a minimum, they can only pay 1 copper coin every month! “

“What? Only 1, or copper coins?”

“That’s right, although it’s the lowest case, but based on our current situation, it’s the lowest case, so we only need to pay 1 copper coin every month in the future!”

Hearing Dobin’s words, the crowd immediately boiled over. For these commoners, one of the reasons for their hardships is taxes. There are too many taxes!

Because the lord’s income is mainly from taxes, the lords exploit the commoners in every possible way in order to live a better life for themselves, but the lord will not force you to death, which is why the current situation is created.

Almost all the lords lived very well, but the commoners were miserable.

“But I feel a little unreliable. If the Lord of the City only charges us such a small amount of taxes, wouldn’t he be at a loss? And the most important thing is whether Hongye City can continue to operate?”

There are also smart people who feel that something is not right. After all, there is only so much money, and the less we pay, the less the city lord earns. Is the city lord so stupid?

“You need to worry too much about it. It’s clearly written on it. The more you earn, the more you will pay. Those businessmen will naturally pay more than us. Of course, this is also relative to us, after removing those messy taxes. , and businessmen pay a lot less tax.”

Dobin explained.

This time everyone’s doubts were also dispelled. They just didn’t want to pay heavy taxes, but it didn’t mean that they hoped that the Red Leaf City would be over. After all, everyone knew the current situation of the Red Leaf City. If the Red Leaf City was gone, they would not go far.

“This is a good city lord!”

“It’s a pity that the Lord of the City came too late, it would have been better if he had come a few years earlier!”

“That’s it!”


“Hey, I haven’t finished reading yet!”

When Dobin saw that these people were sighing with emotion, he immediately spoke.

“Ah? Are there any other taxes?”

Some people are shocked. If there is really a tax on people, the ups and downs in their hearts are not easy to bear.

“That’s not true, but the City Lord’s Mansion is recruiting people!”

Dobin’s eyes lit up when he looked at the bulletin. He seemed to have found a position that suits him. After he saw the salary later, he was even more excited!

“Recruiting? Who are you recruiting? How much is the salary?”

When everyone heard about the recruitment, they couldn’t wait to inquire about the salary issue. After all, many people are now too poor to open the fire. If they can earn a share of money, they can save the emergency.

“For recruiting soldiers, it is required to be physically strong and have no bad habits. Male, between 15 and 35 years old, only 100 people are allowed. After passing the test, the salary is 20 silver coins per month. If you can read, an extra 10 silver coins will be added.”

“For recruiting city officials, it is required to understand certain city management and laws, and must be literate. Experience is the best. There are no age or gender requirements. Only 30 people are allowed. After passing the test, the salary starts from 30 silver coins per month.”

“When recruiting cleaners, they are required to be diligent and willing to endure hardships. There are no age or gender requirements. Only 15 people are allowed. After passing the test, the salary is 8 silver coins per month.”

“When recruiting fishermen, they are required to know water and fish. There are no age or gender requirements. Only 30 people are allowed. After passing the test, the salary is 8 silver coins per month.”

“Recruiting construction workers requires construction experience, no age or gender requirements, only 30 people. After passing the test, the salary is 15 silver coins per month.”

“Recruiting knights requires knight badges, no bad deeds, no age or gender requirements, unlimited number of people, after passing the test, the salary starts from 1 gold coin per month.”

“Note 1: If you are successfully selected for the above occupations, you will be included in the Hongye City civil service system and enjoy the Hongye City welfare policy.”

“Note 2: Welfare policies include but are not limited to distribution of ‘instant noodles, ham, eggs, canned food’, housing arrangements, etc.”

Listening to the recruitment announcement slowly read by Dobin, everyone was stunned.

A few seconds later, the crowd erupted into a strong commotion.

“This… this is fake! Soldiers are paid 20 silver coins per month? Before, the monthly salary of soldiers seemed to be 2 silver coins!”

“And 10 silver coins are added for literacy! Although I am illiterate, I have relatives who are literate! It seems that he can meet the requirements…”

“And this fisherman, what are you fishing for? Feed the cat? There is a salary of 8 silver coins a month!”

“What is a cleaner? The salary even has 8 silver coins!”

“Lord Knight actually has a salary starting from 1 gold coin per month. UU reading www.uukanshu.com is envious! 1 gold coin is enough for my family of five to eat black bread for a year!”

“It turns out that the new city owner is so rich, depending on the situation, our Hongye City seems to be able to tide over the difficulties!”

Everyone felt unbelievable, because the previous city lords also issued some announcements for recruiting people, but basically they used copper coins as the unit, which is like the current new city lords, and they are silver coins as soon as they shoot!

And Dobin, naturally, took a fancy to the position of city official. Although he only knew a little about city management, he knew how to read! There are too few literate people in Hongye City, and he has decades of life experience, so he is sure to compete for these thirty places.

After all, the starting salary is 30 silver coins! This kind of salary is something he never dared to imagine before! Before that, he only earned about 50 silver coins a year from farming and odd jobs, plus the work of several people in the family, he could have about 1 gold coin, and after deducting various taxes, the remaining money , you can barely guarantee that your whole family will not starve to death.

“Eh? Did the welfare policy mentioned by Mr. Dobin just now say that there are instant noodles?”

“Yes, there seems to be some kind of ham…”

“Wow, there really are instant noodles, that instant noodles that Valen can’t buy even a single gold coin?”

“What, Warren, the largest lumber merchant in Hongye City, offered 1 gold and still couldn’t buy it?”

“I know about this. What happened at the pier yesterday. I was there. Warren did give out a gold coin, and Lord Knight didn’t sell it. But to be honest, the instant noodles are really delicious!”

“Wow, I’m going to become a Hongye City civil servant!”


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