Otherworld Management Manual

Chapter 32 - i like to drink milk

In addition to these recruitment information, some legal regulations have been added at the bottom.

“The ban on ‘only one meal a day’ in Hongye City has been lifted, and the city lord personally recommends three meals a day in the morning, noon and evening.”

“Hongyecheng starts to count the household registration system from now on, and it is accurate to the person. Newborn births and deaths must be reported. Otherwise, fines will be imposed, and serious cases will be expelled from Hongyecheng.”

“From tomorrow, Hongye City will not accept foreigners for the time being. Except for job applicants, all foreigners need to be registered.”

“Redleaf City has launched the ‘speaking of civilization, creating new winds’ rectification operation. In Hongye City, including the vicinity of Hongye City, it is not allowed to defecate anywhere. Those who are found will be fined from 1 silver coin and not capped. If there is no place to go to the toilet, you can Bring your own toilet at home, and a cleaner will come to collect it every morning and transport it to the farmland.”

“Hongye City will start building public toilets from tomorrow. On the day when the public toilets are built, people who do not have toilets at home must solve their problems in the public toilets, otherwise they will be found to be urinating everywhere, and they will be fined 10 silver coins. Those who do not correct themselves will be expelled from Hongye City. !

“Red Leaf City…”

There are not many new laws and regulations, but they are all easy to understand. However, the fine of defecation has been discussed a lot.

If it was before, the residents of Hongye City might have a hard time accepting it. This fine tradition has continued for many years, but it was suddenly banned, and the fines were a bit unreasonable, especially from a fine of 1 silver coin, which is a month’s salary for many people.

But after seeing the recruitment information released by Hongye City, they thought it was quite reasonable. After all, they should be a good citizen and work with the Lord of the City!

“Mr. Dobin, does the notice say where to apply for a job?”

Someone asked impatiently.

“It’s at City Hall, the time starts from now, for three days—”

However, before Dobin finished speaking, a group of people disappeared instantly and all rushed to the city hall.


Naturally, Dobin can’t be left behind. Confidence comes with confidence, but urgency is really urgency. If he is selected, the minimum is 30 silver coins!

The castle is the tallest building in Hongye City. Zhang Feng and Caroline stood in front of the window and witnessed the situation on the bulletin board.

“It seems that the effect is not bad.”

Zhang Feng was relatively satisfied. Many things were improvised by him, and he was still a little nervous. Now it seems that these commoners can understand themselves.

Like these taxes, Zhang Feng only knows about the four major taxes, but he is still a little unclear about the specific taxes in the four major taxes. When he returns to the modern society, he will check it carefully.

The current tax is only the first draft, and it will be revised later. The City Lord’s Mansion has the final right of interpretation.

However, Zhang Feng did not cheat these commoners. It is true to remove those miscellaneous taxes. According to the current situation, Zhang Feng may lose 90% of the tax.

But this is the current situation. It will be different tomorrow. After all, the salary of “civil servants” is high, but according to the personal income tax, the tax paid is also more than others.

And there are those merchants who also contribute a large part of the tax.

No matter what, Zhang Feng won’t suffer too much.

“Zhang Feng, according to your current plan, our City Lord’s Mansion has no more gold coins. Should we sell some supplies?”

Caroline asked while looking at the ledger in her hand.

“Of course, but don’t worry. At present, the famous merchants in Hongye City send them a small spoon of salt and give them one day. After two days, the auction will be opened. The number is limited, first come first served. I believe they will not miss it. this opportunity.”

Zhang Feng does not intend to sell it simply. Although he has a lot of materials, since he is in business, he must have a business attitude. He still has to earn the money he should earn. After all, the construction of Hongye City is the top priority. heavy.

“Well, I took note.”

Caroline took out the eternal pen and took notes in the notebook.

The Eternal Pen is a full-body metal pen that does not require ink. By rubbing the tip on the paper, the metal component is left on the surface of the paper, and the handwriting is similar to that of a pencil. The nib is a special alloy material, which has negligible wear with the paper and can be used for a long time.

These things are naturally given to her by Zhang Feng. After all, a quill pen is too inconvenient.

Every time Caroline used the snow-white notebook and the endless pen, she was amazed. After hearing Zhang Feng say that it was an item from their hometown, she was very curious about what Zhang Feng’s hometown looked like.

“Are you hungry, what do you want to eat in the morning?”

Zhang Feng retracted his gaze and asked Caroline sideways.

“Ah, I, I can eat anything…”

Caroline said with some embarrassment.

Since Zhang Feng came to the castle, the cook at home was about to lose his job. She felt that it was too rude to ask the city owner to prepare the food in person, but she couldn’t help it, it was so delicious, she couldn’t refuse.

“That’s fine.”

Zhang Feng took out two bags of toast, lettuce, ham, and eggs from his hiking bag, and simply made a few sandwiches.

Caroline watched the whole process, and even saw how simple Zhang Feng did, she was eager to try it.

Zhang Feng has nothing to do. If Caroline can cook, she will save a lot of trouble, but obviously, Caroline does not have the talent for cooking.

After frying an egg, it turned into a paste, so Zhang Feng quickly took over.

Caroline’s expression was a little embarrassed, which was too embarrassing.

After Zhang Feng made a few sandwiches, he took out two more bottles of pure milk.

“What’s this?”

Caroline was curious when she saw pure milk for the first time.



Caroline was a little surprised and hesitated.

“What’s wrong?”

“The milk will go bad after a few hours of being squeezed out…”

Caroline’s tone was a bit euphemistic. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com She has been near Zhang Feng for the past two days and has never seen him milking fresh milk. dropped milk.

“It’s okay, this is the milk from my hometown, and it won’t spoil for a long time.”

Zhang Feng personally opened a box for Caroline and inserted a straw.

“Have you tried it?”

Since Zhang Feng said it was fine, Caroline naturally trusted her. It was the first time she used a straw, and she felt very fresh.

“Huh? It’s delicious!”

After taking a sip, the rich milk fragrance instantly filled her entire mouth, which was completely different from the milk she had ever drank.


Blinking her eyes, Caroline drank the 250ml box of milk in her hand. Zhang Feng saw her unfinished look, took another box for her, and asked curiously:

“Do you like with Coke or with milk?”

“Um… Compared with Coke, I prefer with milk!”

Although it was the first time to drink it, Caroline already fell in love with the taste.

“Okay, I’ll get you some more later, and use it as drinking water.”


Caroline didn’t refuse, she even felt a little bit of joy.

“You are too thin, like a hemp, drink more, eat more, and gain weight!”

The smirk disappeared in an instant.

Caroline really wanted to refute that she was not thin, her figure was just right, and she didn’t need to gain weight any more!

But seeing Zhang Feng lowered her head to eat after speaking, without even looking at herself, Caroline’s teeth itch with anger.

I really want to beat him up!


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