Otherworld Management Manual

Chapter 33 - Prepare some more gold coins

As the largest lumber merchant in Hongye City, Warren’s daily life is comparable to that of the nobles.

In fact, strictly speaking, he does not only do business in Hongye City. He does business in many cities in the Luoshan Mountains, but he has spent more time in Hongye City in the past year.

The situation in Hongye City has not been very good recently. Originally, Warren planned to evacuate in the next two days, but after discovering a new food in Hongye City, “instant noodles”, he smelled a business opportunity and decided to stay here temporarily.

Early in the morning, Warren put on his clothes under the service of his servants, and Shi Shiran came to the hall.

Someone had already prepared the parchment scroll, which recorded the financial situation during this period.

After watching for a while, Warren frowned slightly.

His current business in Hongye City has already started to lose money, which is faster than he expected.

Judging from the current situation, for every extra day he stayed, he would lose 10 silver coins. Although 10 silver coins were nothing to him, this was the beginning, and the feeling of losing money in vain was unpleasant.

“Knight Marlowe said that the new city lord will hold an event. I don’t know when it will be. It would be nice if it could be as soon as possible…”

Warren was very interested in that instant noodles, but he wasn’t sure that he would be able to buy it. If he didn’t buy it after staying in Hongye City for ten days and a half months, the money he lost every day would be a bit painful for him.

“It’s difficult!”

Warren sighed, then said to the servant:

“Go and ask the kitchen to prepare some meat. I’m a little hungry.”

“Yes, esteemed master.”

Most people in this world do not have the habit of eating breakfast, and Warren naturally does not, but he is a big businessman with certain assets and has his own exclusive chef. When he is hungry, he can provide him with food at any time. .

Not long after, a small pot of boiled meat in salted water was served respectfully by the servant.

Salt is very precious to people, but it cannot be lacking. The average person may calculate very accurately when he eats salt. A grain of salt the size of a thumb cap can be eaten for two days, but Warren is different. He is very extravagant to cook with a few grains of salt. A small pot of pork.

A pot of pork, except for some salt, has no side dishes or seasonings, and the greasy and fatty meat of the white flowers greatly increases Warren’s appetite.

In the absence of outsiders, Warren didn’t need to keep his demeanor deliberately. He hugged the meat with both hands and started to eat.

The servant standing beside him twitched his throat and made a very small swallowing sound from time to time.

Meat is not cheap. Coupled with the recent situation in Hongye City, the price of meat has been rising. This servant has not tasted meat for a long time.

“Ah, comfortable! Hiccup~”

Warren, whose mouth was full of oil, burped. He felt that after eating this pot of meat, his head was much clearer.

After Warren finished eating, the servant first wiped his hands for Warren, and then took down the basin with only salt water left. Naturally, these salt water cannot be thrown away, but can be used for cooking at noon.

The well-fed Valen opened the parchment again, but before he could read it, a notification from the servant outside the door came.

“Master, the people from the City Lord’s Mansion ask to see you.”

Hearing the three words of the City Lord’s Mansion, Warren’s eyes lit up and he got up quickly.

“Quickly please.”

Under the leadership of the servant, a young man in sackcloth came in.

“Hello, Mr. Wa, Waren, I am instructed by the Lord of the City to invite you to participate in the Hongye City auction tomorrow afternoon. Please be sure to come. This is an invitation letter.”

The young man looked a little nervous, as if it was the first time to do such a thing. He took out a small wooden plaque with intricate carvings and handed it to Warren.

The wooden sign is the size of a palm, and on one side of it is engraved the words “Red Leaf City Auction”. Another is a sketch of a castle.

Hearing that there will be an auction tomorrow, Warren is a little surprised, especially this invitation letter is very interesting. Warren picked up this small wooden card and played it in his hand, quite fond of it.

Immediately, he thought, Knight Marlowe told him yesterday that the Lord of the City will hold an event, and now it should be this auction.

After seeing the instant noodles, he has no doubts whether the Lord of the City has the ability to hold an auction.

Warren rolled his eyes and asked:

“Hello, Your Excellency, may I ask what items are in the auction you mentioned?”

If it is instant noodles tomorrow, he is sure to win it. After all, among the merchants in Hongye City, he seems to be the only one who has had close contact with instant noodles and knows the magic of instant noodles. Even if he is not hungry now, but when he thinks of the taste of instant noodles, Still a little drooling.

“Sorry Your Excellency, I have no right to know.”

The young man shook his head.

“That’s such a pity…”

It’s a pity for Warren, but it doesn’t have much impact. After all, he is one of the biggest businessmen in Hongye City. Even if he is a businessman of the same level, he has to give him a thin face in front of Warren. When the time comes, they can make a bid by themselves. You can’t do it yourself.

“Your Excellency Warren, the news has been brought in, so I’ll leave first – ah yes, I almost forgot!”

The young man slapped his forehead. He was just a slave before. Although he had undergone a day of training, for him, who could only do some hard labor, he almost had a problem with such a difficult task as sending a message.


Under Warren’s surprised eyes, the young man reached into his arms and took out a small cloth bag.

“This is a small gift from the Lord of the City. I hope you can open it yourself. He also suggested that you prepare more gold coins, otherwise you may not be able to compete with others in the auction house. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com”

The young man put the cloth bag in Warren’s hand and left.

But Warren was aroused by curiosity. What is so mysterious that he has to open it himself and ask himself to prepare more gold coins? Afraid of not being able to compete with others?

Warren is the biggest lumber merchant in Hongye City!

What can’t he compete with?

If you can bid a gold coin for a bowl of instant noodles, you know that Warren is a good money lord!

Warren has never underestimated the city lord, but he felt that he was underestimated by the city lord.

With this strange feeling, Warren opened the cloth bag.

“Huh? What is this?”

Inside the bag was a handful of white crystals, about a small spoonful.

Warren picked up a few and put them in front of his eyes, and found that although the crystal was small, it was crystal clear, and it was very white without any variegation. It looked like some kind of mineral? gem? But this is too small.

Valen subconsciously licked the tip of his tongue. This is his way of identifying something. I believe that the Lord of the City doesn’t need to hurt him.

The faint salty taste filled his mouth, causing Warren’s eyes to widen suddenly.

“Salt? This is actually salt!”

This kind of salt is completely different from the salt he has ever eaten. Not to mention the appearance, the taste alone is incomparable. This snow-like white salt has no strange taste, only a simple salty taste, unlike Warren’s taste. The salt has both salty, astringent, and even bitter tastes.

Swallowing the salt in his mouth reluctantly, Warren knew that he had really prepared some more gold coins. If this “snow salt” was sold, he would be more than willing to buy it.

As long as you sell this kind of snow salt to other nobles, I believe that no nobles will refuse, and you will definitely make a profit!


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