Otherworld Management Manual

Chapter 362 - Believe in Zhang Feng, get eternal life


Zhang Feng breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that no one was chasing after him.

He didn’t expect that Xiao Honglong, who always seemed like a good deceiver, turned out to be such a thief.

Zhang Feng also thought about it before, Hill may have some doubts about herself, but doubts are doubts after all, as long as she can’t find evidence, she can’t prove that she took the treasure by herself.

Anyway, if the treasure is in her own space, can she still go and look at it?

But who would have known that Hill was so rude at the beginning, Zhang Feng had no defense against her at all, and he was accidentally exposed.

In order to avoid being retaliated by Hill, Zhang Feng naturally did not dare to wait any longer and ran away.

As for how to face Hill in the future, that’s a matter of the future, and you can hide as far as you can now.

Speaking of which, when he got the treasure from the Fire Wing Mountains and knew that it was Hill’s deposit, he didn’t dare to move a penny, and he still keeps it well in the space. If he knew it was the result now, he would Don’t be greedy…

“Zhang Feng!”

Tina’s voice brought Zhang Feng back to his senses, and he realized that he had come to Tina’s room.

“Tina, what’s wrong?”

Just now Tina said that she found something she was interested in. Zhang Feng didn’t want to come here, but she couldn’t hold back her curiosity.

“Zhang Feng, guess what I found?”

Tina looked happy with her hands behind her back.

Besides Tina, all those beautiful witches are here too.

Zhang Feng thought for a while, then tentatively asked:

“Could it be related to witches?”

“That’s right! I taught them to abandon their beliefs!”

Tina’s tone was a little excited.

“Huh? Abandoning one’s own beliefs? How to say?”

Zhang Feng was stunned, he didn’t understand what he meant for a while.

“You know, if a witch wants to gain power, she must have her own beliefs. Only after she sacrifices her life to the **** she believes in, can she exert her power and become the existence that everyone fears!”

Listening to Tina’s words, Zhang Feng was a little thoughtful.

Tina paused, then continued:

“But I am different from other witches, they only believe in one kind of god, and I can believe in many gods, of course, the price will be more, but I can not only believe in them, but also give up them! Just like witches will be abandoned by the gods if they are not religious, I can also abandon the gods! Then… I succeeded in making these witches abandon their beliefs!”

Zhang Feng finally knew what Tina meant by abandoning faith, but it seemed useless.

“Uh, with all due respect, it sounds like it’s useless. Anyway, I can help them recover. Even if they continue to believe, it doesn’t matter. If they give up their beliefs, it doesn’t mean that they use witchcraft. ?”

Zhang Feng looked at the witches.

The witches also looked at Zhang Feng, but their eyes made Zhang Feng a little uncomfortable.

Excited, excited, even with a tinge of — frenzy?

“The theory goes like this…”

Tina nodded and said, and then the conversation changed.

“But—they’re different! Not only will they not lose the right to use witchcraft, but they can even become stronger!”

“Huh? Become stronger?”

Zhang Feng was a little surprised.

“Yes, speaking of which, it is thanks to you that they can have the situation they are today.”

Tina was a little embarrassed.

“Because of me? Tell me, what’s going on!”

Zhang Feng said with great interest.

“Because they gave their lives to you!”

“The specifics are very complicated. In short, it is because of you that these witches can give up their beliefs!”

“We know that witches must have faith. If a witch loses her faith, not only will she lose her magic, but she will also lose her life! So basically, after a witch has chosen her belief, there is no way to change it, because if you want to change it , In theory, you have to give up the old belief first, and then switch to the new belief, but when you give up, let’s not talk about how hard it is to give up, even if you can give up, the witch will lose her faith and lose her life!”

“But because last time, these witches dedicated their lives to you, which means they have two beliefs, so when they abandon their old beliefs, they will not die because of lack of belief.”

Speaking of this, Zhang Feng seems to understand a little bit, and co-authoring himself is to let them get stuck on a bug.

“It turns out that, that is to say, now that Elsa and the others can choose their own beliefs, then they can choose a powerful **** to gain more powerful power. Is that what you mean?”

Zhang Feng looked at these witches and asked, if this is the case, it is indeed a good thing.

As for the question of which of the so-called gods is stronger, although there are different opinions among the people, each has their own opinions, but with Tina here, as a witch who can believe in many gods, she will definitely have a voice. Wait until she chooses A relatively powerful divine power, if these witches come to believe, the strength will definitely increase a lot.

However, Tina denied Zhang Feng’s words.

“Yes and no.”

“Does that say that again?”

“Yes, because there is nothing wrong with what you said. In theory, this is indeed a good way. Say no, because in my inference, there is a better way!”

Tina said to Zhang Feng word by word:

“That is – let you become their belief!”

“What, let me be their belief? I’m not a god, how can I be a witch’s belief!”

Zhang Feng opened his mouth in surprise.

“So, this is just my speculation. If they choose to believe in you, I don’t know if it’s good or bad for them, but I know it must be a good thing for you!”

“As for the problem that you are not a **** and cannot be believed by others, it may be a problem for other witches, but for them, it is not a problem at all!”

“Because they have sworn to dedicate their lives to you, their lives belong to you, you are their master, and they choose to believe in you, there will be no problem at all, just a small ceremony. !”

Seeing that Tina became more and more excited, Zhang Feng always felt that Tina wanted to experiment on herself.

“Is it reliable? I heard that the power of witches is borrowed from the gods they believe in. If they choose to believe in me, and I can’t provide them with power, doesn’t it mean that their witches’ identity is just that? Is it fake?”

Zhang Feng said with a frown.

“Theoretically, this is the case, but the specific situation will be known only after it is done. And I said that if they choose to believe in you, it will definitely bring you a lot of benefits. I could have held a ceremony directly to let They believe in you, and they are very willing, but you are their master, and only you can make this choice.”

Tina explained patiently.

Although she really wanted to start the ceremony directly, after all, she also wanted to know what the outcome would be, but these witches belonged to Zhang Feng after all. Zhang Feng believed that she only entrusted these witches to her to lead her, so she would not do it without authorization. Let Zhang Feng call the shots.

Zhang Feng turned his head to look at these young witches, and when he saw the eyes of these witches, he was very excited, very adoring, and very fanatical.

Although they didn’t speak, Zhang Feng could understand what they meant.

Zhang Feng came to the witches and said to them:

“What about your own thoughts? If you do, you may lose your witch powers…”

“For the master, we are willing to give everything!”

The witches said in unison.

Zhang Feng was the man who brought them back from hell. They swore to dedicate their lives to Zhang Feng. Tina said that if they chose to believe in Zhang Feng, it would be of great benefit to Zhang Feng, so they naturally did not hesitate to do so. Agreed, they can even sacrifice their own lives, are they afraid of losing the power of witches?

Zhang Feng looked at these witches with a helpless smile.

Although Tina said that it was good for him, Zhang Feng was a little moved, but after all, the price may be that the witches lose their power. Now there are so many witches in the whole continent, and there will be witches in the future. I don’t know, but now they It is the only seedling of witches. It is very precious. If you really lose these witches, Zhang Feng will be very reluctant.

Among the witches, Elsa looked at Zhang Feng and hesitated, as if she knew what Zhang Feng was thinking, she suddenly stood up and said:

“Master, I am willing to be the first to accept the experiment. If it is feasible, you can let other sisters continue. If it is not feasible, you can stop the loss in time.”

Hearing Elsa’s words, the other witches also hurriedly said:

“Master, I am willing to be the first to accept the experiment…”

Tina nodded.

“This is a good method, why don’t you try Zhang Feng first?”

In the end, Zhang Feng couldn’t hold back his curiosity.

“Okay, since that’s the case, let Elsa try it first, but Tina, let me ask you one last time, will this kind of experiment put Elsa and the others in danger, it’s not that I don’t believe you, but They used to live in a purgatory-like environment and never had a good life, and now we have finally found them, if they lost their lives, I would be very distressed.”

Zhang Feng was telling the truth. After all, when he saw these witches, their appearance was so miserable, as long as a normal person saw it, he would feel sorry for them.

They finally met Zhang Feng and were pulled up from **** by Zhang Feng. If they died like this, it would really make Zhang Feng feel distressed.

When the witches heard Zhang Feng’s words, tears suddenly appeared in their eyes, but no one spoke. They were not good at words. They would only use actions to prove themselves.

“Zhang Feng, don’t worry, I guarantee with my life, this is absolutely not life-threatening to them!”

Tina patted her chest.

“Okay, then let Elsa try it first.”

Elsa, whose name was named, was excited, without any fear.

Tina took out everything needed for the ceremony, and then everyone began to arrange.

Soon, a mysterious scene appeared.

Tina asked Zhang Feng to sit at the highest place, with Elsa kneeling below, and after Tina said something to Elsa, Elsa threw herself to the ground at Zhang Feng, and then whispered something.

There are no cool light effects and sound effects, and everything looks ordinary.

For a long time, just when Zhang Feng thought the ceremony was going to fail, suddenly, he felt his body start to heat up, and the whole person was like bathing in the sun.

Zhang Feng closed his eyes comfortably.


When I opened my eyes again, everything in front of me had changed, the witches had disappeared, all the preparations had disappeared, and even the house had disappeared.

Now Zhang Feng is standing in a gray place, there is nothing but gray, it is like nothingness.

Suddenly, Zhang Feng felt a faint voice, as if chanting his name.

Zhang Feng’s thoughts moved, and a faint white light ball appeared in front of Zhang Feng.

Through the light ball, Zhang Feng could clearly see Elsa crawling on the ground!

She was actually inside the ball of light!

“Lord Zhang Feng, I am willing to give everything I have to you, and I pray that you will have mercy on me and give me strength…”

“Lord Zhang Feng…”

Listening to Elsa’s prayer, Zhang Feng suddenly realized that some vague memories appeared in Zhang Feng’s mind.

This is not someone’s memory, but the rules in the dark telling him what to do.

Facing Elsa’s request, Zhang Feng had two choices.

One is to give her her own power, and then exchange it from Elsa for what she needs. From then on, Elsa is her devout believer.

The second is that if he chooses to refuse, Elsa will not borrow any power, and similarly, Zhang Feng will not gain any benefits.

Obviously, Zhang Feng was correct in choosing the first one.

As for what power it can give Elsa, Zhang Feng still doesn’t know. He has to experiment to find out, but this experiment surprised Zhang Feng.

He was able to give Elsa three powers!

The first is to enhance Elsa’s physical fitness, which is somewhat similar to copying, and can copy his own physical fitness into Elsa’s body. However, there is a time limit, and it cannot be copied 100% for the time being. At most, half of his physical fitness can be copied, and after copying it, Zhang Feng will also be very tired.

The second is that Zhang Feng bestowed the ability of his alchemy technique to Elsa, so that she had the ability of alchemy technique. In the same way, Elsa cannot fully reach Zhang Feng’s level. Just like her physical fitness, it is only half, and Zhang Feng’s consumption is the mysterious power in her body.

The first two did not surprise Zhang Feng too much, but what he really surprised was the third one.

Third, Zhang Feng can give Elsa the storage ability!

Can this thing still be given?

Zhang Feng tried it, and he could give Elsa a certain amount of storage space. The maximum is also half of his own storage space, and the minimum is no limit, which is similar to the first two.

What is consumed is also Zhang Feng’s storage space. For example, how much space is given to Elsa, Zhang Feng will consume the same space.

However, Zhang Feng’s storage space has been continuously upgraded, and now it is very large, and there is no problem in giving a small amount of space.

The above three are what Zhang Feng can give. He can give as much as he wants, as long as it does not exceed half of himself.

But at the same time as giving, Zhang Feng can also gain benefits.

The first is that Zhang Feng can get what Elsa sacrificed to him. For example, now Elsa sacrifices life, and Zhang Feng can instantly take Elsa’s life!

Of course ~www.mtlnovel.com~ This is completely unnecessary to try, not to mention that Elsa can’t die, but even if this life is brought, Zhang Feng doesn’t know what he can do for the time being. Therefore, Zhang Feng would not want this sacrifice.

Secondly, Zhang Feng will also get a strange energy – let’s call it energy.

As long as the two sides reach a deal, no matter what Elsa sacrifices, whether Elsa agrees or not, Zhang Feng can get this strange energy.

This energy came out of Elsa’s body, but it didn’t seem to have any negative effects on Elsa.

And with this strange energy blessing, Zhang Feng felt that he was instantly stronger, not in one aspect, but in all aspects!

Strength, speed, eyesight, alchemy and more!

Even the storage space has gotten bigger!

It’s… a bit of a cow!

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