Otherworld Management Manual

Chapter 363 - increased strength, expanded

“Zhang Feng?”

Zhang Feng opened his eyes and saw that Tina was looking at him with concern.

“There should be no problem?”

Although Tina deduced it many times and said that Zhang Feng would have no problem, she was still a little worried.


Zhang Feng shook his head, and then asked Tina:

“Do you think anything has changed in me?”

“Change? It seems that there is indeed. I can’t say what the specific change is. Anyway, it just feels different…”

Tina came closer, looked at Zhang Feng carefully and said.

Zhang Feng guessed that this should be the effect of that strange energy. He turned his head and saw that Alicia was lying on the ground at this moment. said it again.

Tina only speculated that this would be good for Zhang Feng, but she didn’t know what it was.

After listening to Zhang Feng’s words, Tina was also surprised. She didn’t expect that Zhang Feng would benefit Zhang Feng so much after becoming Elsa’s belief.

Not to mention Elsa’s own sacrifice, it is simply outrageous to say that the strange power blessed by Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng is no longer the weak chicken he used to be. Although he doesn’t fight much, his strength is still very strong. He can increase his strength several times in all directions, which is impossible under normal circumstances.

Some witches’ witchcraft has this effect, but it will pay a great price, and Zhang Feng’s obviously will not have any side effects.

It doesn’t even consume anything.

As long as there is that kind of strange energy, Zhang Feng is always in a state of doubling his strength.

The most important thing is that this is just the energy provided by Elsa alone, there are so many witches yet to start!

In order to distinguish, Zhang Feng named this strange energy “the power of belief”.

If all the power of faith contributed by the thirty-six witches was concentrated on Zhang Feng, it would be unimaginable!

At this time, Elsa also opened her eyes.

She was confused for a moment, but when she saw Zhang Feng, the confusion was instantly replaced by frenzy.


“how do you feel?”

Zhang Feng came over and asked with concern.

“Better than ever! Never been stronger than today!”

Elsa spoke excitedly.

“Huh? Has your strength improved a lot?”

Zhang Feng was a little puzzled. Although he just gave Elsa some of the things he could give, in Zhang Feng’s opinion, his abilities are not very strong!

“Yes Master!”

But Elsa answered with absolute certainty.

Then Elsa covered it up in front of everyone, and Zhang Feng knew why Elsa said she was stronger than ever before.

A witch’s body is generally a witch’s weakness.

After all, they have to dedicate a certain part of their bodies to those so-called gods. Their bodies will become inhuman and ghosts. Coupled with the lack of exercise, their physical fitness is naturally extremely weak. If they are approached by others, an ordinary person is enough. Kill the witch.

And Zhang Feng gave Elsa a strong body!

Although this is only one-tenth of Zhang Feng’s physical fitness, it is already stronger than an ordinary knight!

For the witch, this is to make up for a shortcoming of her own.

This is also one of Elsa’s willingness to improve a lot.

The other one is the alchemy technique. Zhang Feng found that he still underestimated the alchemy technique. In other words, he did not fully develop the power of the alchemy technique.

Just like now, after Elsa obtains gold, she can arm herself with gold. This ability is only for pediatrics, and she will have many advanced abilities.

For example, she can turn a person into gold instantly!

Of course, this is not really turning into gold, otherwise this ability is too perverted, she can make people turn into gold for a short time, and then they will recover.

As for how long it can become, this time depends on how much she contributes.

With Elsa’s current strength, it can make a person golden for thirty seconds at most!

Zhang Feng specially brought a death row prisoner for testing. Elsa just pointed a finger from afar and turned the death row prisoner into gold, a bit like petrification in China.

Moreover, the gold that the death row prisoners turned into was not the kind of gold that Zhang Feng had strengthened. This kind of gold was just like real gold. It was soft in texture and could be cut with a single knife.

Zhang Feng could instantly think that this ability is definitely an extremely terrifying control ability.

Think about it, if Elsa fights with others, she will directly turn them into gold. In a full thirty seconds, with Elsa’s current physique, she can dismantle them with her bare hands!

And more importantly, this ability can also attack in groups!

Of course, if you control multiple people at the same time, the control time will be greatly reduced. But even if it is reduced to one second, on the battlefield, it is enough to decide the outcome!

This ability is really amazing!

And control is just a use of alchemy.

In addition, Elsa can also condense weapons with a certain time limit such as golden arrows and golden spears, which can be used for long-range attacks and melee combat!

In line with her knight-like physique, Zhang Feng felt that this was no longer a witch, but a goddess of war!

Finally, there is the storage space. Zhang Feng gave Elsa about a cubic storage space. The space is not large, but it can hold a lot of things. Although this magical storage space may not directly improve combat effectiveness, its role is definitely not to be underestimated. It can hold food, weapons, and even explosives!

This is equivalent to Elsa’s ability to maintain a certain state of weight anytime, anywhere, which is simply a bug!

All of the above are the reasons why Elsa said she is strong now.


Tina was a little emotional, and she was even thinking about how to believe in Zhang Feng. After all, she was a little different from those witches.

It is much more important for witches to have a healthy and strong body than to improve their witchcraft.

“Zhang Feng, then I’ll let them start too!”

Tina looked at the remaining witches who were staring at her, and she couldn’t wait to speak to Zhang Feng.

Letting these witches believe in Zhang Feng is obviously a win-win result. Tina also wants to know how strong they will be when Zhang Feng has gained more power of faith after all these witches are reborn!


This time Zhang Feng didn’t hesitate any more. He was cautious, but he was not stupid. Naturally, he would not give up on something that would benefit both parties.

But before again, Zhang Feng asked the remaining thirty-five witches to exchange for a sacrifice. What sacrificed their lives was so unnecessary that Zhang Feng could not accept them.

But Zhang Feng was curious about what would happen if he accepted the sacrifice.

There are still thirty-five people, enough for Zhang Feng to slowly experiment with various sacrifices.

Soon, with Tina’s help, the remaining witches began to crawl in front of Zhang Feng.

But this time, Zhang Feng accepted the sacrifice of the witch.

After accepting the sacrifices, Zhang Feng did not really get the sacrifices, but those sacrifices were converted into the power of faith!

After the experiments of many witches, the more valuable something is, the more power to convert it.

Things like life can definitely transform a lot of power of belief, but this is undoubtedly killing chickens and getting eggs, and Zhang Feng will naturally not choose.

Zhang Feng had to choose something that was precious but not rare.

After the final test, Zhang Feng found that such a thing really exists, and that is gold!

Going around, back to gold.

To be honest, Zhang Feng still has a lot of demand for gold, but there is no way. In order to see how much faith he can increase, Zhang Feng still brought a lot of gold and asked the remaining witches to donate the gold to Zhang. maple.

When the last witch became Zhang Feng’s follower, Zhang Feng clenched his fist, feeling unreal.

To borrow Elsa’s words, he has never been stronger than he is today!

Now Zhang Feng doesn’t know how many times his strength has increased, he only knows that he is very strong now!

So, Zhang Feng couldn’t wait to come to Hill.

Yes, Zhang Feng intends to challenge Hill.

Not to mention Zhang Feng’s expansion, whoever gets the blessing of countless powers of faith will expand!

Zhang Feng challenged me?

Hill’s big eyes were full of wonder.

He thought that Zhang Feng was here to apologize to her, but he didn’t expect that Zhang Feng was here to challenge her!

Zhang Feng also disappeared for half a day, can his strength still undergo earth-shaking changes?

Hill felt that Zhang Feng was provoking her!

“As long as you have a lame reason, I plan to forgive you, but if you don’t apologize, it’s fine, and you still want to provoke?”

Hill only felt that Zhang Feng’s handsome face was so unbelievable!

“Zhang Feng, are you sure you want to challenge me?”

Hill almost said it through gritted teeth.

Looking at the little red dragon like a powder keg, Zhang Feng suddenly felt a little cowardly, but when he thought of how many times his strength had improved, he was not the one he was half a day ago, and he was instantly full of confidence!

Just a baby dragon!

“Of course! Hill, aren’t you afraid?”

Zhang Feng said very awkwardly.


Hill took a deep breath, and a bright smile appeared on his little face.

“Okay, then let me try your strength!”

“Come on, let’s fight outside!”

With the fighting strength of the two, if they fought in the city with their hands and feet, it is estimated that they would be able to lift up Hongye City. Outside Hongye City, there is a test field for learning and fighting, which is naturally a lot more convenient.

Soon, the news that Zhang Feng and Hill were going to compete spread throughout the castle – in fact, this was secretly revealed by Hill, the purpose is self-evident.

“Zhang Feng wants to challenge Hill? True or false!”

Caroline was dumbfounded. These two people, to exaggerate, are not people from the same world at all. From the perspective of combat effectiveness, they are completely one sky and one underground, and there is no comparison at all. Zhang Feng challenges Hill, unless Hill Release the water, otherwise Zhang Feng won’t be able to catch one move!

Zhang Xiaotang was also dumbfounded. She didn’t dare to challenge Hill, at least until she recovered her true body. After all, it would be very embarrassing to lose. What did Zhang Feng eat today? Medicine, so fierce!

Abe and others couldn’t believe it. The more good at fighting, the more they knew Hill’s horror.

Among them, the most surprising was Tina. She didn’t expect Zhang Feng to try it, but to go to Hill to try it. This is a giant dragon. Even a young giant dragon is not something that humans can fight!

Even though Zhang Feng’s current strength is unfathomable, Tina is still very worried, after all, the opponent is a giant dragon!

Only the village chief of the moon shadow elf Nora showed a charming smile.

“Interesting, Zhang Feng dared to challenge that giant dragon, what kind of trump card is this, maybe we should go and see…”

At this time, Zhang Feng didn’t know that Hill had released the news, so he got on his exclusive golden car and came to the testing ground.

Hill didn’t come with him, and Zhang Feng didn’t care. After all, Hill might be a little angry now, and he could have said it without taking his own car.

Just after coming to the experimental site, Zhang Feng found that Hill was not here, and it was a little strange. Could it be that Hill is slower than him?

But it didn’t take long for him to wait, and Hill came quickly.

“let us start.”

With a cold face, Hill said straight to the point.


Zhang Feng didn’t care, and then he didn’t talk nonsense, and charged directly towards Hill.

They are all their own people, so there is no need to be a gentleman.

When Zhang Feng moved, Hill’s eyes revealed a hint of surprise.

“The speed is much faster. Is this the capital you challenge me? If it’s just that, it’s not enough!”

Hilden jumped up instantly and charged towards the opponent at a faster speed than Zhang Feng.

“I’m going, so fast!”

Zhang Feng was startled.

He felt that his speed was already fast, but he didn’t expect Hill to be faster.

Hill came first and punched Zhang Feng in the face.


Just heard a loud bang.

Zhang Feng came and went faster.

flew directly into the sky.

Although Zhang Feng didn’t feel much pain due to the blessing of the power of faith, his expression became serious.

And Hill was a little surprised. Zhang Feng punched her hard and was all right?

Really get stronger?

That being the case…then I can let go of my hands and feet!

“The battle has only begun now!”

Hill said silently, his pupils glowed like flames, and then as soon as he stepped on, the ground cracked instantly, and Hill took off like a cannonball, rushing towards Zhang Feng, who was unable to borrow in the air.

Although Zhang Feng couldn’t use his strength to change his direction, he could still take a defensive stance.

At this time, Zhang Feng also knew that he might be a little too careless, and his speed had improved so much, but he was not as fast as Hill, so it was basically impossible to win Hill. After all, the speed was slow, and he couldn’t touch Hill at all. you.

But if he can’t win, it doesn’t mean he will lose. Zhang Feng’s current defense is also extremely amazing. As long as he can resist a few more attacks, it won’t be too embarrassing.

Facing Hill’s attack, Zhang Feng chose to defend.

However, when the two sides came into contact and felt the energy contained in Hill’s small fist, Zhang Feng was dumbfounded.

How can it be so strong!


This punch directly caused Zhang Feng to lose consciousness in his arms.

Hill was unforgiving, and he kicked again, targeting Zhang Feng’s ass.


With a scream, Zhang Feng, like a cannonball, was kicked to the ground by Hill, smashing a Taizi shape.

“That’s not enough? It’s not over yet!”

Hill fell heavily and directly pulled Zhang Feng out of the ground~www.mtlnovel.com~ Then, it was a fat beating.

In the distance, a group of people looked at Zhang Feng who was being beaten. They were speechless. Caroline said with some distress:

“Let’s… do we want to stop it?”

“Forget it. I feel that Hill is very angry. It is estimated that if we go, it will bring disaster to Chiyu. Anyway, Hill is measured. Let’s wait and see…”

Tina spread her hands and said.

After everyone heard it, they could only give up.

At this time, Zhang Feng, who was being beaten, wanted to cry without tears, regretting it!

Why do you have to ask Hill to learn from each other, how good it is to find Zhang Xiaotang!

Feeling the pain in his body, Zhang Feng simply fainted.

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