Otherworldly Castle Era

Chapter 10

Chapter 10 Phase report

The appearance of these characters has solved many of Yang Song’s troubles in employing people. Some things don’t need to be done personally, it can be easier, and the development of the territory can be faster.

“First of all, we welcome the arrival of talents, start-ups contemptuously, everything is rudimentary, please Haihan for any negligence, and your arrival will change the status quo of the territory.”

Yang Songyan briefed a few people and talked to each other for a few words, and then started to do business.

He appointed Shen Kuo as the dean of the research institute, and Qin Jiushao, Chen Yan, and Yang Zhongfu as research fellows, each in charge of their own projects, and approved a batch of funds for research.

Because there is no “imperial court” or “central” in the current territory, there is no place for these people to use their talents, they can only work as researchers for research!

Then he personally brought Zhu Xi to the school, introduced a school teacher to him, and made Zhu Xi the leader of education, and the library was also under his control.

The school teachers were very excited about Zhu Xi’s arrival. Han Yu had no complaints about Zhu Xi who replaced him in the leadership position. After all, he was not at the same level as others.

Appointed Song Ci to be the person in charge of procuratorial supervision, responsible for administrative and judicial supervision.

Finally, let Chen Yan be responsible for the production and engineering of the territory, that is, managing workshops, handicrafts and construction engineering, and future industries.

It was already very late after all the arrangements were made, and I was going to discuss with Chen Yang tomorrow about the construction of various yamen.

The next day, after having breakfast, when he found Chen Yan, he was touring the workshop area, and he seemed to be familiar with the specific operation methods of the territory.

“Chen Yan, there are no special yamen built in Apocalypse City and Haijun Village. They are used as residential houses for the temporary office. You can organize a team of craftsmen dedicated to building various types of buildings.” Yang Song said solemnly.

“Yes, lord, the subordinates will go now.” Chen Yan replied respectfully, and he was ready to go after speaking.

“Hey, it’s not busy or not, it won’t be too late to do it after you are familiar with the current situation in the territory.” Yang Song hurriedly stopped Chen Mao.

After   , Yang Song introduced to Chen Yang the current operation of the territory and made some suggestions of his own.

“Chen Yang, in the future, all products can be produced with the production equipment, design production line, and assembly line production, which can not only expand the production scale, but also improve the production efficiency, and the most important thing is to improve the confidentiality.” Yang Song said.

“If you think about it, a worker only produces the same parts. Repeated production of the same parts can increase familiarity, so that the production can become more and more familiar, faster and faster, and this worker will not produce other parts. It will cause a leak.” Yang Song said more clearly.

“Of course, this involves a very right problem, so you have to solve it.” Yang Song finished speaking and looked at Chen Yan. He only knows the principle, but he doesn’t know how to do it!

“Master, the subordinates will find a way to solve it.” Chen Yang promised.

Then he visited the Apocalypse City and found that Zhu Xi and Song Ci were familiar with their territories and their duties spontaneously, so they didn’t bother them. These great talents are not just ordinary people.

A few days later, Yang Song estimated that they were all familiar with the territory and notified all officials to come to the meeting.

came to a side room of the mansion. This side room was a guest room in the lord’s mansion before. Now Yang Song has been remodeled and used for meetings. The living room simply cannot accommodate so many people.

The side room was rebuilt by Yang Song in the style of the previous meeting room. The upper part is a higher ground rostrum, and the bottom is a row of long tables and chairs. Because the side room has limited space, it can only accommodate less than a hundred people. In this way, it is much better than the living room.

After Yang Song came to the side house, he found that all the officials had come, including those from the Navy Village. Of course, Li Bao would definitely not be able to come this time.

came to the rostrum, or throne, a wide chair, behind the chair is a screen, and there is also a long table in front.

Yang Song turned around and sat down facing everyone.

“See the lord!” everyone shouted.

“Sit down without any gifts.” Yang Song raised his hand.

“Thank you Lord”.

“Today’s territory is on the right track, and this is inseparable from everyone’s hard work. I am very grateful to everyone here.” Yang Song stood up and bowed to everyone.

Everyone hurriedly stood up and bowed to Yang Song in a salute. They didn’t even dare and should.

This is not Yang Song’s hypocrisy, but a necessary form. Through this experience, everyone in the field feels that they are not unfamiliar at the beginning, and they feel that they are closer to each other.

“Well, everyone will report on the status of the territory below, let’s start with Yang Zhong!”

“Yes, Lord”. Yang Zhong stood up and replied, and was about to report back, but Yang Song interrupted.

“Sit down and say, you don’t have to stick to it in the future.”

“Yes, thank you Lord”. Yang Zhong bowed and sat down.

“The lord, my colleagues, won the trust of the lord, the next official was appointed as the mayor of Tianqi, from the beginning of the city to the current territory, the official is responsible for the internal management of the town of Tianqi, and he is conscientious and does not dare to slacken his original aspirations. The Lord’s Trust”. Saying that Yang Zhong gave a salute to Yang Song Yaoyao. Yang Song nodded to signal to continue.

“Now Tianqi Town has one Apocalypse City, one village, and two strongholds. The village is the Navy Village. The stronghold is two places for collecting timber and iron ore. As the land of apocalypse, the lord’s residence and official residence are located in Tianqi City. It can accommodate 10,000 people, and now there are more than 5,000 people in the entire territory plus the army and officials.” Yang Zhong paused and then continued.

“The territory has more than 3,000 acres of land. During this period, the government encouraged land reclamation, but the results were unsatisfactory. This is mainly the 3,000 acres of fine land that can’t be tolerated. There are still more than 1,000 newcomers. The reason for this. There are rice fields, vegetable fields, fruit gardens, mulberry gardens, castor bean fields, cotton fields, etc. in these more than 3,000 acres of fields.

The other thing is that the territory is in good order, there is no theft, only a little quarrel between the neighbors.

There are quarries and pottery yards outside Tianqi City, which also require a lot of population. The population working in the two bases is also in great demand.

In the end, there are more than 1,000 people in the Navy Village. Fishing boats and some small boats are being built, and the wood for building other larger ships is still being processed.”

Yang Zhong finished the report, stood up and saluted Yang Song on the stage, then saluted his colleagues again, and sat down, which meant he had finished speaking.

“Well, very good. After listening to the report by the county magistrate Yang, everyone has an understanding of the structure of the territory. The summary is that the development is good, but there is a shortage of people. This can not be solved overnight. Other people will report their own. Work situation.” Yang Song affirmed Yang Zhong’s work, and then concluded and signaled to continue.

“The official Qianliang is in charge of the finances and is responsible for fiscal taxation. It is directly under the authority of the principal, responsible for taxation and payment of salaries. Because the fields outside the city are owned by the territory, that is, the principal has not yet begun to collect taxes.”

“The same taxes must be collected, and no matter who owns the land will be treated equally”. Yang Song interrupted.

“In the future, no matter who will be treated equally, those who should be taxed will be taxed, those who should be put in jail, and those who should be sentenced will be sentenced.” Yang Song warned everyone.

“Yes, Lord!”. Everyone got up and led the way.

“Go on.” Yang Song motioned everyone to sit down and face Qian Liangdao.

After all his colleagues sat down, Qian Liang continued: “The territory is now under a rationing system, so there is no commerce, and there is no taxation. There are only various materials managed in a unified manner in the warehouses. These are all owned by the lord.”

Qian Liang finished the report, and he also stood up and saluted Yang Song on the stage, then saluted his colleagues again, and sat down, which meant he had finished speaking.

“Bao Jie, the next official, is in charge of the trial. He is in charge of the court’s judgment. He is also directly under the master, and is responsible for the civil and criminal trials. But now there is no case in Apocalypse City. Therefore, the master asked the next official to compile a code. The results of a period of time”. He said that he presented the book in front of him to Yang Song.

“Very good, wait for everyone to discuss it together, and now continue to report.” Yang Song didn’t read the booklet and put it aside.

“The official Yang Li, in charge of propaganda, is directly under the master for the purpose of propaganda, and is responsible for declaring, disseminating, and explaining the meaning of codes, decrees and other matters to the people of the territory. The official decree of the lord founded the Dibao.”

“Wei Dong, the next official, is engaged in civil affairs of Tianqi Town and belongs to Mayor Yang. He is responsible for the management of civil affairs, household registration, and demographic statistics. Now Tianqi Town has a total of 5,318 people, divided into Tianqi Town, 3301. Eighteen people, 1,000 people in Haijun Village.”



After everyone had finished reporting, Yang Song opened the booklet that Bao Jie had just submitted: “Now everyone has a detailed understanding of the territory, and they also know their colleagues. Now let’s discuss the content of the code. I can’t do it!”

“Article 1: Theft, everyone talks about how to measure the sentence.” UU reading www.uukanshu.com

“Subordinates believe that stealing should be sentenced to a stick to show punishment.” Bao Jie first said, “The number of Zhang Xing should be ten for the first offender, twenty for the second offender, and for the third offender to be sent to prison or beheaded to show the code of tolerance and majesty.”

“The subordinates believe that the punishment should be severe. If stealing, they should beheaded and pierced to show the public, which can warn the people not to steal.”

“Subordinates believe that there should be no such severe punishment, and should be based on enlightenment and persuasion, supplemented by punishment, to show their virtue.”


Regarding the law, various officials have their own different views, and they express their opinions and speak freely in the discussion! Every law has been thoroughly discussed, and it is so lively.

After slowly debating, arguing, and discussing, the provisions of the code became rich and rigorous. After additions and amendments, the first code of the territory was officially completed!

This code is a comprehensive code of civil law, criminal law and a small part of the system, named “Temporary Code of Apocalypse”.

The “Temporary Code of Apocalypse” stipulates the principle of trial: both punishment and enlightenment. Such as:

The crime of stealing, stealing the rod Xing Shi for the first time, and asking the prisoner to recite all the laws of the crime of theft, committing another 20 rods and imprisoning for one year, three offenders cut their left hands to show the majesty of the code.

“The “Temporary Code of Apocalypse” has been completed for the time being, Bao Jie, you will be tried according to this code in the future. If you encounter any unrelated content, record it and discuss and revise it at that time.” Yang Song said to Bao Jie.

In fact, the laws of a country are very complicated, including all aspects, taxation laws, commercial laws, administration, systems, trials, supervision, etc., and the most important constitution, all of which must be formulated.

But the current territory is too small, the population is too small, the industry and the system are not yet perfect, so there are not many involved, these can only be gradually improved in the future.

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